AWA NO MORE DRAMA, May 13, 2007, San Juan, PR, Coliseo de Puerto Rico
(The AWA Logo flashes across the screen and then we see the red fist image appear as was seen in the Springs and Breaks PPV banner. As that fades away, we cut into a video montage of Brian Stevens wrestling Snake for the AWA World Heavyweight Championship...)
(Stevens is able to get back to his feet first somehow and makes his way toward Snake who still looks out of it on one knee. However as Stevens gets close Snake explodes with a hard left right combo to the midsection which doubles Stevens over. Snake then springs up lifting Stevens in a fireman's carry position and again begins to rotation.)
HS: "Snake was playing Possum, INJECTION!!!!"
FJ: "This is it, Snake wins!"
HS: "No Wait Look Frank, Stevens Reversed it, He has the front Guillotine locked in!!!"
(As Snake is rotating Stevens Brian somehow manages to lock onto the head of the Champion and as they are falling he grapevines Snakes body with his legs and Snake is trapped in Stevens Guillotine Choke. Stevens tightens his grip on the hold as Snake begins to struggle.)
FJ: "Is he going to tap…Do we have a new Champion?"
HS: "The ref is checking Frank?"
(The ref leans in and checks on Snake, he quickly lifts Snakes right arm and drops it, then a second time.)
HS: "This could be it, Snake may be out!"
(The ref raises Snakes arm for a third time and it drops to the canvas and the ref springs up calling for the bell then goes back to Stevens telling him to release the hold which he quickly does rolling away in exhaustion.)
HS: "We have a new World Champion ladies and Gentlemen, Brian Stevens has won the AWA World Title right here on live TV!"
(We then cut to a segment seeing A.C. Smith in the ring with Damage, Inc.'s Henry and Brian...)
SMITH: "How about it, Brian? AC Smith versus Brian Stevens, one more time, only this time it's for the World Title! I'm not gonna beg for the match, but I would appreciate the opportunity to prove to myself and these people that I am good enough to beat you, Brian! So, what do you think?"
(We cut to some scenes of that portion where we see Smith get beat down by both NHL and Brian Stevens.)
STEVENS: "Goddamn it, AC! Don't fucking EVER come into MY ring unless you're invited! ... You want a shot at me? YOU GOT IT! But expect nothing short of a massacre, kid! Expect EVERYTHING you're feeling and experiencing right now because it's simply NOT going to change! You WILL bleed! You WILL be choked out! And I WILL retain this Title belt!"
(We cut to images of Brian Stevens standing and then various poses spliced together in rapid progression. We also cut to A.C. Smith standing and then various poses of him are spliced together much like Stevens' poses.)
VOICE: "As these two titans prepare for their confrontation, one has to think if it's really about the prize. One has to think if it's really about the glory. One might say that this might not end it. How ever it may go down, there's no doubt that after tonight there may be NO MORE DRAMA!"
(We fade to another image of that red fist before we cut into the Coliseo de Puerto Rico. Pyro shoots off from the ring to the stage and then back into the ring before the grand finale of both the stage and the ring shooting off into a wide arrange of fireworks. The house lights come on and we see thousands upon thousands of fans screaming and holding their signs into the air. We cut to ringside to hear the introduction of the night.)
HS: "Good evening and welcome to San Juan Puerto Rico where we're inside the historic Coliseo de Puerto Rico. I'm Herb Summers and along side me, as always, is my colleague Frank Jackson."
FJ: "Tonight is a night filled with so much Drama, it's hard to believe that this event is labeled No More Drama."
HS: "That's right, Frank. Tonight, Orlando Ortega and DooM settle their dramatic differences in a backstage brawl that has everything BUT no drama attached to it. We'll also see a number one contender crowned for the United States Championship, currently held by A.C. Smith. In that match are Chris Palmer, Quade deSade, Edward Nichols, Seamus Ochiern, and Draven Shadows."
FJ: "Speaking of everything BUT no drama, our NEW Cruiserweight Champion, Jason Storm, defends his title against the former champion Mark Cross and another person that has been battling for the Cruiserweight Championship, Evan Heir. And ever since a few weeks ago, the AWA has also been filled with anything BUT no drama because we have a new Commish! Nancy Ensslin, the leader of the RMIPW, has booked her first ever AWA Pay-Per-View match and created a new one in the process. The Revolutionary Room will house Javex Valerius, Andreas Lasiewicz, The Jester, Markus Henderson, and Trendkill. Any person that submits will be unceremoniously FIRED! WOOHOO!"
HS: "And we'll also witness a no holds barred match tonight featuring Logan Alexander facing the recently unsuspended John Williams. That match certainly has 'no more drama' written all over it."
FJ: "Was that a try at sarcasm?"
HS: "Yes."
FJ: "You failed."
HS: "And with getting back to the picture here-"
FJ: "-we have a cool No Limits Championship match featuring Dark Warrior defending against Jon Taylor in a Table match to get a definitive answer as to who should be the No Limits Champion out of the two of them. And let's not forget, Herb, that Snake and Low clash tonight in a Cage match with the awesome 'no escape' rule!!"
HS: "That should be a match to remember. And to close off the evening is the match that was featured in the opening video for tonight's show. Brian Stevens will defend his AWA World Heavyweight Championship against the United States Champion A.C. Smith in the main event of the evening!"
FJ: "This show's going to be so sweet!"
HS: "Ladies and Gentlemen, tonight is gonna be a huge night for the AWA, and we're getting ready to start it off with…"
(Javex Valerius' voice rings out over the PA.)
(In response, the crowd comes alive, screaming in a sing-songy tone.)
(The signature hand claps and snares of Santa Esmeralda's "Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood" bang out over the PA as the Puerto Rican crowd whips itself into a frenzy, shaking the building for the arrival of Mr. Entertainment.)
FJ: "What the hell is this?"
HS: "Javex Valerius, starting off the show! You gotta admit, Frank, this crowd is eating out of the palm of his hand, and he hasn't even shown his face yet!"
FJ: "Damn Mexicans! Always making a big deal outta nothing!"
HS: "Puerto Ricans, Herb. And that makes them citizens of the United Sta…ah, forget it."
(Javex storms out of the entrance curtain, his smile even bigger than normal, and he jumps around on the stage, genuinely excited to be welcomed in this way. The crowd screams, claps, cheers, and all around adores Javex as he begins to work his way down the ramp, slapping hands, hugging women, pointing out the "VIVA VALERIUS!" signs, and generally basking in the adoration of the crowd.)
HS: "Mr. Entertainment getting a warm welcome from this crowd, and what a way to get the fans hyped up for tonight's show!"
(Javex slides into the ring, rolls to his feet, and dashes for a corner, jumping onto the middle turnbuckle and looking out at the crowd, the crowd throwing up their hands in joy. Javex beats his chest with one open palm, then crosses himself, kisses his fingertips, and extends his arms, getting the full on flashbulb treatment the entire time. Javex jumps off the turnbuckle and runs across the ring, repeating the action for each corner before settling down and picking up a microphone that has been rolled into the ring. The music fades, but the noise from the crowd doesn't for a full on minute, and Javex soaks it up as the cheering turns into chants.)
HS: "Javex actually seems a little taken back, a little embarrassed by this display, but this is a fantastic start…"
(Javex puts up a hand to quiet the crowd as he puts the mic to his lips.)
JAVEX: *clearing his throat* "Ahhhhh-hem!" *tapping the mic with his palm, then adopting a picturesque stance* "OYE, OYE, OYE~! Mis hermanos y hermanas…mi amigos y amigas, mi ninos y ninas, mis caballeros, mi familia, mis rucas, mis chicas, mis eses, mis vatos, mi…
(Javex pauses and looks around at the crowd, a huge grin on his face.)
(Loud cheer from the crowd, which Javex allows for before continuing.)
JAVEX: "Y todos mi personas aqui, esta noche…MI RAZA~! LATINO, STAAAAAAAAAND UP!"
(Javex gives a little joyful jump as the crowd cheers, then responds with another round of their chant.)
(Javex waves his hand to quiet them after a short chant, putting the mic back up to his face.)
JAVEX: "Okay, okay, okay! I gotta switch back over to English, don't want the production guys to dub over me, ‘cause can't NO ONE voice Mr. Entertainment, sabes que?"
Crowd: "SI MON!"
JAVEX: *taken back* "Damn, you guys are on POINT tonight, I wasn't expecting that. Mi raza has been practicing, I think! Well, with that said, welcome to the American Wrestling Alliance's presentation of NO MORE DRAMA! And tonight, your boy, Javex Valerius has a match that…well, I'm not gonna talk about right now, raza. That's not what I'm out here for. You'll have to forgive me, because there's something I wanted to get off my chest tonight before I get into the ring for a little exhibition. You see, Mr. Entertainment's been through some ups and downs recently…"
(Javex tugs at his collar, indicating his neck.)
JAVEX: "But, I refuse to…rrrrre-FUH-YOOOSE to allow these things to hamper me in my match. So, with that said, I gotta say something about it. Face to face."
(Javex turns and points to the entrance curtain.)
JAVEX: "OYE~! A.C. SMITH! Come on down!"
(On cue, "Keep Rockin' In The Free World" by Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young blares over the speakers, the lights dim, and A.C. Smith barrels through the curtain to the delight of the crowd. Smith, with a mic already in his hand, barely gets out of the curtain before Javex shouts for the music to be cut off.)
JAVEX: "NOPE! Not right now! You'll get that later, A.C.! You and me got BIDNESS right now!"
(A.C. stays on the entrance ramp, smiling back at Javex as he lifts the mic to his lips. Javex cuts him off. Literally.)
JAVEX: "NOPE! CUT HIS MIC! This is NOT your time to talk, Smith! Get off the stage! Get in here! NOW~!"
(A.C., puzzled and a little upset, tosses the mic down and stalks down the ramp as Javex sits on the second rope, opening the ring to Smith. The Big Apple Asskicker opts against Javex's gesture, getting into the ring on the opposite side. Javex stands and faces Smith.)
JAVEX: "Yeah. Yeah, figures you'd do that. We got a problem here, fella. You and me? You and me shouldn't have a problem, Smith, but we do. You and I should be on the same page, work toward the same goals, but we don't, Smith, and that's a problem. That's a problem for…
(Javex jabs a finger into Smith's chest.)
(Javex looks up into Smith's face, Smith appearing unfazed by the confrontation. Javex continues.)
JAVEX: "Why is this a problem for you, Smith? Because…because I am usually an easy man to get along with, Smith. I don't ask much of people, A.C. I ask for honesty. I ask for morals. I ask for respect. And you? You, a guy who bases his outer appearance on his upstanding morals have shown NONE of these to me, have you? HAVE YOU? No, A.C., you've taken every opportunity to cut me down, every opportunity to make yourself seem like a bigger man at my expense, you've told the most blatant, obvious lies in order to make yourself seem like something you know, you KNOW you're not. And…"
(Javex grits his teeth and turns away from A.C., walking across the ring.)
JAVEX: "And for the love of GOD, Smith, I've had enough. I'm tired of arguing with you. I'm tired of trying to help you, of trying to teach you about the simplest things in life, things like respect, things like honesty, things that you as a former officer of the law should know. Your opponent tonight? Your opponent, Brian Stevens, knows all about them. Yeah, Stevens is a slimeball, a man who hangs in the company of equal slimeballs, but he's not dishonest about it. He'll admit it, Smith. He'll admit when he's been defeated. He'll admit when he hasn't scored a victory. He'll admit when he's been pushed, and he'll admit when he's done the pushing. He doesn't try to be anything he's not. And for that, I can respect Brian Stevens."
(Javex licks his lips before continuing.)
JAVEX: "But you? Smith, you wanna be things you're not. You're an ASSKICKER, man. You're not an entertainer, and you know it. You know it because you have to lie to yourself every week about The Precinct being the hottest thing around, when all I have to do is show a little segment backstage, and people buzz about it for weeks. You gotta claim victories you've never had, and then come at me like I'm doing the same, like I claimed victory over you. You claim you dragged Javex Valerius to a win, you claim this, you claim that, and you do it…for what? To make yourself feel better because Damage Inc. makes you look like a bitch week in and week out?"
(A.C. takes offense to this and puts his hands up, but Javex backs off.)
JAVEX: "HEY! WAIT! Am I wrong, Smith? Here's the kicker. It didn't have to be like this, did it? There's guys in the back who should want to help you, isn't there? ISN'T THERE? Hell, I should have wanted to come out and help you, considering what Damage Inc. did to me, shouldn't I have? But I don't, A.C. No one does. And that's just…wrong. What does it say about you when not a damn person in the locker room will go out of their way to help you, Smith? Despite the fact that you've bragged about people coming to you and claiming that you're their only hope!"
(Javex sighs and looks down.)
JAVEX: "Here's the kicker. You're obviously talented. You obviously know how to handle yourself. You wouldn't have gotten here otherwise, right? So…why continue to pretend you're something you're not, Smith? Stop the pettiness. Stop the BSing. Show some humility for once, A.C. Think about this – if I had been through as much as you have been, every week people would have run out to help me. Orlando Ortega, mi hermano would have ran out every week. Mark Cross, a man I consider my protégé, would have ran out every damn week. John Williams would have run out. Hell, even guys like…Jon Taylor. Even guys like Chris Palmer would have run out here because of the way I treat them. Like they're not meaningless, Smith. Unlike the way you treat EVERYONE, deserved or not. I'm just…I'm sick of it, man."
(Javex shakes his head.)
JAVEX: "Tonight…tonight, you have the opportunity to do great things, A.C. You can right many wrongs. You have the skill. You have the talent. But my only concern is…do you have the right outlook, Smith? Even Brian Stevens doesn't fight by himself. He's got Henry. Low. Onslaught. And you? You have…nobody. Yeah, you could say something contrived about not needing anyone else, but that's why I had your mic cut. You need to listen, for once in your damn career, to someone who's walked that path, who's travelled that road far longer than you ever did. Maybe things won't change tonight, A.C. Maybe you'll win, and consider that some sort of vindication for the way you treat others. But…maybe you won't. Maybe you'll fail, and maybe Damage Inc will destroy you, again. Well…"
(Javex frowns a bit.)
JAVEX: "I'll come out there, Smith. But not for you. Regardless of whether you take his belt or not, Brian Stevens and I have unfinished business that will be resolved sooner rather than later. But you and I? Nothing. I wash my hands of your business, Smith. I want nothing to do with it. Now you know. What you do with that knowledge is…is your choice."
(Santa Esmeralda begins to play over the PA as Javex drops the mic and rolls out of the ring. Without looking back at the ring, Javex walks away, leaving A.C. Smith to mull over his speech.)
A.C.: "Hold it."
(Javex stops in his tracks, slowly turning back
towards the ring. He and A.C. stare at each other, as
the crowd, sharply divided, makes their allegiances
felt with wild chants for the two men.)
HS: "This crowd is electric! 50-50, half are for
A.C., the other, Javex Valerius! And A.C. can't even
get a word in!"
FJ: "Thank God!"
A.C.: "Ladies and gentlemen, please."
(A.C. and Javex both motion for the crowd to quiet
down. They do so, but a slight buzz is still in the
A.C.: "Javex, Javex, Javex. You call me out. You
talk down upon me. You try to make yourself out to be
the good, all-knowing guy while verbally burying me.
Geez, dress up in a suit and tie, and by golly, you
could be elected a United States Senator!"
(Javex shakes his head and lifts his microphone to retort, only to find that now his mic has been cut.)
A.C.: "You came out and silenced me, I think I've
earned the right to say a few words without being
interrupted. Javex, just how much of an idiot are you?
I mean, have you followed my career at ALL? You talk
about all the guys from the AWA locker room that like
you and don't like me. What is this, 10th grade? I've
been in alliances before. None have panned out, and
for good reasons. With Hellfire, the Paramedics went
on their own little shindig. With Ronnie Frown, he got
hurt. With Andreas Lasiewicz, and yes, that IS how you
pronounce it, he simply wasn't good enough to cash in
on the momentum I had. I've got no interest in
alliances now. I've done just fine in the ring without
them, thank you very much.
You then talk about all these guys you've got at
your diposal. Orlando Ortega? Come on. Since when is
that noteworthy? I own a 2-1 edge in matches over that
resident jumping bean. Mark Cross? He lost to a fool
last week. Jon Taylor? Couldn't get past Jeff
Christianson of all people last week. Javex, do you
notice a theme? While you hang out with all these guys
who are lower on the totem pole than yours truly, here
I am in the main event at No More Drama."
FJ: "Where you're going to get OWNED by Brian
A.C.: "The fact of the matter is this, Javex. I
know, for a fact, that you like hearing the sounds of
your own voice. I know that you pride yourself on
being socially awkward, but in a way that doesn't piss
people off. But look where it's gotten you. You had
your shot, you lost it, and now, you're toiling in the
Revolution Room, the brainchild of Nancy Freaking
Ensslin. Me? I go about everything in a
completely-different way. And quite honestly, Javex?
The results say that it's worth it.
For whatever your words are worth, I appreciate how
you care so much about Stevens losing his title. But
Javex? When I raise that belt high above my head, as
the thousands of people here in San Juan tonight chant
my name after a clean victory over Brian Stevens, all
you've said is going to be of no consequence. I got
here by doing my own thing, and I'm sure as HELL not
gonna change now. And in a few short hours, in a land
where you pride yourself as a revered God, I'm going
to do what I do best..."
(A.C. holds the microphone high above his head, and
the crowd answers the call.)
A.C.: "Javex, you had your shot. You blew it. And
now you're trying to force your mantra on ME, someone
who actually has a realistic SHOT at bringing home the
gold? All I can truly say to you now is..."
(A.C. repeats with the microphone, and the crowd
once again obeys.)
(A.C. smirks at Javex, who looks around at the crowd, pleased that his self-insult is catching on so well. Shrugging, Javex tosses the dead mic over his shoulder and walks, chuckling, to the back as "Rockin' In The Free World" blares over the PA, to the delight of the crowd.)
HS: "And we're finally now going to start this show off with a bang, as Orlando Ortega and DooM will square off in a backstage brawl!"
FJ: "Talk about No More Drama! No more words, no more ducking and dodging each other, this is going to be an absolute war!"
HS: "Why so enthusiastic?"
FJ: "Because it's about time good ol' Trips got his brains beaten in!"
(We switch to a view of the locker room. The masked Orlando Ortega is standing impatiently between rows of lockers, baseball bat in his hand. Suddenly, though, DooM creeps up from behind and bulldogs him down to the ground, knocking the bat out of his hands! A referee rushes to the scene and signals for the match to officially start!
DooM continues the onslaught, with stomps up and down OOO's back. Ortega eventually grabs DooM's leg and fights to his feet, but DooM counters with an enziguiri that sends him back to the floor. DooM wastes no time, immediately going for the baseball bat, going down in a camel clutch position, and attempting to choke Ortega with the bat!)
HS: "DooM with the clear advantage early on! It seems as though he's trying to choke the life out of his opponent before the brawl can even get going!"
FJ: "Great use of the bat! Ya know, I was pretty good with a baseball bat in my time, Herb."
HS: "Oh really? Let me guess, he sought you out for advice?"
FJ: "If he wins, sure!"
HS: "Gotta love a fair-weather announcer."
FJ: "Damn right!"
(DooM still has the choke locked in firmly. However, Ortega lurches forward, grabbing DooM's ankles and springboarding out of the hold! DooM gets to his feet and tries to swing the bat at his rival, but Ortega is too fast, and no swings hit their target. One final swing is attempted, but as Ortega ducks, the bat hits the door of an open locker and breaks in two pieces! DooM throws his part of the bat down, and both men flail wildly at each other.
Eventually, DooM assumes command of the exchanges, grabs Ortega by the head, and slams his head into the door of the open locker numerous times! One would expect OOO to be knocked out by this, but after a few shots, he stands back up and reaches into his mask, pulling out a few thin layers of padding and jerking off his outside mask to reveal a thinner, different-colored one on his face! He throws the padding into DooM's face before hitting a Thesz press, which gets a quick two-count.)
HS: "What a veteran move by Orlando Ortega! DooM thought he was dishing out some serious punishment, but it all turned out to be nothing!"
FJ: "Psh. I'm more concerned over how he can't swing a bat!"
(DooM gets up, enraged, to see Ortega taunting him as he circles him. The two lock up, and DooM comes away with an Irish whip that sends OOO into a wall near a door. He continues pressing, slamming OOO's head into the doorknob before opening the door to reveal a parking garage. A nearby security guard attempts to separate the two men, but DooM explains that this is a sanctioned match. However, this gives Ortega time to recover and hit a head-scissors from behind before grabbing a nightstick away from the guard. DooM gets to all fours, but is met with a hard shot to the face by the nightstick! Ortega gets on top and pounds him a few times with it before DooM comes to his senses, grabs it, and throws it away.
Both men continue to punch at each other at will. DooM rolls Ortega over, gets up, and adds a few kicks to the ribcage for good measure. A knee drop to the stomach gets a two-count, but DooM, not discouraged, crouches and waits for Ortega to get to his feet. When he does, DooM charges and hits a big-time spear that drives OOO straight into a nearby concrete pole!)
HS: "My goodness! DooM may have just broken Ortega in half!"
FJ: "I love it, Herb! I love it!"
(Ortega falls limply, and DooM locks in a front facelock. The referee checks Ortega's arm, but he holds it up at the count of 2 before squirming out, jumping, flipping over DooM's back, and executing a sunset flip, which gets a two-count. DooM is slightly shocked as he rises to his feet, but Ortega taunts him again to snap him out of it. The two lock up, and DooM hits a body slam that once again sends the cruiserweight to the concrete floor. DooM turns around to notice a see-through elevator about 50 feet away from the two combatants. He drags Ortega over, opens the door, and throws OOO inside before it closes.
Ortega gets to his feet as the elevator rises to the second level of the parking garage. He returns the favor to DooM, hip-tossing him to the concrete as the door opens. DooM gets to his feet, but Ortega hits a dropkick to stun him before capitalizing with a small package that gets a two-count. DooM is revitalized, it appears, and levels OOO with a lariat when both men are standing. DooM looks off-camera once again, and spots a car with a "DooM" license plate!)
HS: "Oh no...don't tell me..."
FJ: "Haha! Bye bye, Orlando!"
(DooM gets in his car, with the keys already in the ignition, and starts it. Ortega stirs just long enough to see the 2,000-pound speeding bullet coming at him, and high-jumps it, ending up on the hood! DooM stops the car in shock just in time for an Ortega slide kick to go through the windshield and into the driver's head! OOO gets up off the hood, opens the driver's side door, and unloads with a series of haymakers to the side of DooM's head!)
HS: "Incredible!"
FJ: "Ortega was supposed to be crushed!"
HS: "But he wasn't!"
FJ: "Dammit!"
(DooM spills out of his seat as a security guard drives the car out of the shot. A standing moonsault gets a quick two-count, and Ortega stays on the offensive with stomps to the head. DooM rolls out of the way of one and gets to all fours before blocking a swift kick and taking him down with a single-leg, amateur takedown. DooM keeps pounding away, and we see that both men are now bleeding slightly; DooM from his temple, Ortega through his mask.
Both men are standing up and lock up. DooM attempts an Irish whip, but Ortega reverses and sends his opponent into the grill of a huge SUV. DooM staggers backward into a drop toe hold that sends him down to the floor. OOO tries another standing moonsault, but DooM rolls out of the way and sits up as his rival clutches his chest in pain. Once again, he looks off into the distance, and the camera pans over to reveal a view over a nearby street!)
HS: "Oh no. He can't be thinking what I think he is!"
FJ: "Damn right he can!"
(DooM eyes Ortega, who is just getting to his feet. A forearm smash drops him to a knee, and DooM grabs his neck with his right hand in a choke hold before dragging him over to the edge. An over-the-shoulder perspective sees a garbage truck directly below the two AWA superstars!)
(DooM picks Ortega up over his head, and angles him over the ledge.)
(Finally, DooM lets go, dropping Ortega directly into the truck from two stories up! The referee, unsure of what to do, looks down, and begins a ten-count!)_
(Ortega has yet to move. DooM kneels down to catch his breath, and puts a hand to his temple to stop the bleeding.)
(The referee signals the match is over, and raises DooM's hand in victory.)
HS: "My goodness. DooM has just slammed Orlando Ortega into a garbage truck for the win. That has to be a 15-foot drop he took!"
FJ: "Don't worry, I'm sure he's fine. There's plenty of trash in there to cushion the fall!"
(The garbage truck, right on cue, rolls off as we head back to the broadcast booth. But before we can, we cut to the fans in the audience which are still on fire after what they have witnessed going on in the AWA ring and they scream without ever stopping. What is going to happen next will just add fuel to the fire. The lights lower a little, the Ameritron lits up to a countdown. "Alway" is written just over the count and "The Bittersweet Symphony" by The Verve is played all around the arena in fast forward. The crowd cheers a lot to this happening. When the countdown reaches zero, the lights shut down completely. The music that was playing just ten seconds ago stops suddenly to play and is being replaced by the violin music of "No Leaf Clover" by Metallica.)
FJ: "Oh, please not him..."
HS: "Why do you get annoyed at him?"
(A white light from the ceiling of the arena points to a man in shadowy figure. As the soon as the guitar strings are heard the lights return to normal with the man pointing out to the sky with a huge pyrotechnic explosion of fireworks from around the Ameritron and the ramp. The man is rapidly recognized as Preston Alway to the fans cheers. Alway is wearing a full navy suit striped with pale blue lines. He wears a pale blue shirt with a blue-teal-beige-white-navy striped tie. He walks his way to the ring taunting some fans at ringside, pointing at the few beautiful ladies standing in the crowd. He walks the ring steps one by one and waits till the song goes back to violins once more, once it does the lights are still going down and the big white light that was pointing Alway at the beginning points him when he stands on the steps.)
FJ: "I get annoyed because he's an ass."
(As soon as the guitar starts again the lights return to normal and firework explodes above the ring to some more of the crowd cheers. Alway then climbs the top turnbuckle of the lower right corner and points his right hand to the sky. He gets down from it and asks for a microphone from the nearest AWA Staff employee which, of course, he gets. Alway, with still his red sunglasses on, starts to speak.)
FJ: "Well, here's that prick!"
HS: "Come on Frank, he just didn't remember your name."
(In the ring.)
PRESTON ALWAY: "Well, Hello All!"
(The fans cheers.)
ALWAY: "Welcome, to AWA Some More Drama! Your host tonight, the returning Preston Alway!"
(The fans cheers again.)
ALWAY: "Well, let me introduce myself since I was raised by an actual mother. My name is Preston Alway, I'm 28 years old, got back from a boring office job in Ottawa and I'm here to create yet, even more impact. I am no stranger to controversy and I do not mind changing a whole plan already in effect. In fact, I just don't know what I'm going to do here tonight, I just have this letter and this t-shirt. It says that I must referee a match, well I guess there's some mistake with my task description because I'm a wrestler! Well, a man got to do what a man has got to do. I guess I will referee the upcoming match. I'll try to get into some trouble though so at least, I will add entertaining value to that card filler."
(The crowd cheers as Alway puts on his referee shirt.)
ALWAY: "Well, what are waiting for ? The love and the restless season finale ? Let's get it on GODDAMNIT!"
HS: "We are ready for the #1 Contenders Match for the US title."
FJ: "Lets get this started. Edward Nichols is already in the ring ready to go."
(The lights shine towards the ramp. Suddenly a pyro hits the entrance and a man appears as
the smoke fades. It is Chris Palmer. He is standing at the top of the ramp with his face
down towards the ramp. After a few seconds he suddenly raises his head and his arms as
more pyros hit on each side of him. Chris is now walking down the ramp with intense energy.
As he passes the barricades he stretches both arms to one side. After a few seconds of
walking down that side he walks over to the other side stretching both arms the other way
collecting high fives. Chris now makes his way to the side of the ring and up the steps.
He gets in the middle of the ring on the outside apron and faces the entrance ramp and
leans back wrapping his arms around the ropes. He now bouces back and fourth a little bit
while staring out at the signs and fans in the crowd. After a few seconds of gazing Chris
unwraps his arms from the ropes and enters between the second and third ropes.
He now steps to the center and pivots on one foot with his arms raised to his side.
As his music begins to fade he takes off his black T-shirt and rests against his corner.)
(The darkness speaks.)
"I am the new way to go. I am the way of the future."
(The voice repeats its words as a silhouette rises on the screen;
an unseen flame lights An emotionless face, eyes closed, breathless.
Her voice then speaks without neither her eyes nor mouth opening.)
"There's a lot of innocent people being crucified."
(The screen above the burns with one name.)
(Quade staggers down the ramp towards the ring oblivious to the calls of the people on
either side of him. His face seems a grim freeze of pain; his body marked and scarred
from more than just his confinement within the Iron Maiden. Taking the steps slowly he
takes a moment as if to catch his breath and then to look back up the ramp to the empty
entrance where the Iron Maiden should be standing, Quade stalls for just a moment longer
before entering the ring.)
HS:" Seamus is now making his way to the ring"
("Jesus of Surburbia" by Green Day plays as the Ireland flag waves on the titantron.
Seamus Ochiern then enters through the curtain and walks out on stage.
As he takes his time walking down the ramp, he disregards the extended hands and boos of
fans. He walks towards the ring apron, and slides underneath the bottom rope. He then
waits on the other side of the ring for his opponent.)
FJ: "Now we have that pyscho nut named Draven Shadows."
(("The Foetus of a New Day Kicking" by COF hits the PA as a cloak hooded man comes out
from the back. In his hand is a Grim Reaper's sycthe. He begins his decent to the ring.
He stops at the start of the ring area and removes his hood to reveal himself as Draven
Shadows. Draven climbs into the ring and sets the sycthe in his corner. He then takes off
the cloak to reveal his ring attire of nothing more then his black shirt, black jeans, and
his big gothic boots underneath. He then takes his sycthe and cloak and hands it to a tech
guy as he begins to get ready for his match.)
HS: "Thats the bell and this match is ready to get started."
(All five men stand there watching one another until Edward takes a swing and Shadows and
lands the blow across his face. All hell breaks loose as Draven is fighting Edwards and
deSade while Seamus is taking on Palmer. Edwards and deSade gang up on Shadows in the corner
with kicks and punches. Shadows gets angry and starts fighting back with rights and lefts to
both of them. Edwards and deSade stumble back as Draven charges and hits a double clothesline
on both of them.)
HS: "All hell is breaking loose already in this match."
FJ: "Its like some form of opera. Without the singing."
(Seamus and Palmer now are exchanging blows until Seamus kicks Palmer in the gut and hits a
quick DDT. Seamus goes for the cover but Palmer kicks out after one.)
HS: "That could of been three if Seamus would of pounded him down some more.)
(Seamus leaves the down Palmer and goes over to were Draven is fighting deSade and Edwards.
Seamus turns Edwards around and nails him a right. He then grabs Edwards and sends him off
the ropes. Edwards comes back to get flipped in the air by a hip toss.)
HS: "Seamus and Draven are on fire tonight. One of these guys could be are next US champ."
FJ: "We'll see about that."
(Draven grabs deSade and tosses him out of the ring. Draven follows him as Palmer gets up
and charges Seamus from behind. Palmer hits a high knee to the back and sends Seamus into the recovering
Edwards.One the outside Draven whips deSade right into the steel steps. Draven goes over to
deSade and starts pounding on him with mounted punches. Draven gets back up and tosses deSade
back into the ring. Draven slides into the ring and Palmer is all over him with stomps to his back.
Palmer picks Draven up and whips him into the turnbuckle. Palmer runs in and hits Draven
with a clothesline that sends him out of the turnbuckle and onto the mats. Palmer looks at
the downed Shadows and climbs the turnbuckle.)
HS: "Palmer is looking for something here."
FJ: "He's going to get himself hurt. Guys get the istant replay ready."
(Palmer is about to jump when Seamus has recovered and runs over to Palmer. He shoves Palmer
off the turnbuckle. Palmer falls to the outside and lands on his feet but his knees buckle
and he falls down screaming in pain. EMTs rush down to the ring to help Palmer to the back.)
HS: "Chris Palmer has just been taken to the back because I believe he injuried his knees."
HS: "Yes, it is in fact his knees that gave out."
(The replay ends as Seamus has a smile across his face because he just made things easy.
Draven has recovered now and sneaks behind Seamus who doesn't even see the seven foot giant
behind him. Draven turns Seamus around and picks him up in a fireman's carry. He throws
Seamus up and quickly falls to his back with his knees up and hits the double knee gutbuster.
Seamus rolls around the ring holding his stomach in pain. deSade has Edwards in the corner.
deSade has Edwards weaken with his punches. Shadows gets to his feet and looks at deSade and
for and istant they agreed on something with their looks. deSade whips Edwards torwards Shadows
and Shadows spears Edwards. Edwards rolls in pain holding his stomach just like Seamus.
Shadows walks over to deSade to say somethig to him but deSade steps back in like a fighting
stance thinking Draven wanted to fight.)
HS: "I think Draven wanted to form some sort of bond again with deSade."
FJ: "Don't do it he was the one who broke the last one."
(Draven says something to deSade and gets out of his fighting stance and walks over to the
downed Edwards. Draven takes his advantage and grabs him in a half nelson. He tosses deSade
backwards and hits his Spirit Reaping on him. deSade is now laid out on the ground as Draven
looks at Edwards.)
HS: "No good can come from that look."
(Draven grabs Edwards by his hair and whips him into the turnbuckle. Draven then picks up Edwards
and hangs him upside down by his feet in a tree of woe. Draven then climbs up the same turnbuckle
that he has Edwards on. Edwards tries pulling himself up. As he does Draven comes down in
a Warrior's Way Double Stomp and stomps him down on his chest. Edwards whole body goes limp
after the collison. Draven is sitting on the ground laughing. He gets to his feet as Seamus
has now recovered and grabs Draven from the back and tosses him out of the ring. deSade has
gotten to his feet still dazed from the Spirit Reaping as Seamus sneaks behind him. He grabs
deSade by the shoulders and pulls him down onto his knees hitting the Easter Rising. Seamus
goes for the cover and gets the 3-count from Alway. Draven is on his feet at ringside yelling at the fact that
Seamus got the win.)
HS: "There is are #1 contender for the US title. He could very well be the next US champion."
FJ: "He wishes..."
(We cut to a commercial showing a DVD advertisement for "The LWA: The Creation and Destruction of the Lars Wrestling Alliance" featuring interviews with all major players including an exclusive interview with Lars Fredrickson himself, the creator of the LWA. We cut back to the announce team.)
HS: "And now it's time for "The Precinct!""
FJ: "Jesus Christ."
HS: "What, Frank?"
FJ: "We've already seen A.C.'s mug once tonight, we're gonna see him in the main event, and now we've gotta put up with "The Precinct?""
A.C.: "Have you noticed that A.C. Smith has equaled buy rates, Frank?"
(We open on a wide shot of "The Precinct" and its set. A.C., as usual, is sitting behind his black desk, nightstick in had and US title slung over his shoulder. We zoom in as A.C. opens his mouth to speak.)
A.C.: "And yes, earlier on, you saw me in a war of words and philosophies with Javex Valerius. It felt so nice, I'm gonna do it twice. Please welcome a new face to the AWA, Evan Heir. It is time for "The Precinct!""
(The theme from "The People's Court" plays as Heir walks out to boo's and catcalls. He thumbs his nose at the crowd before sitting in a leather chair next to A.C.'s desk. Our host doesn't waste much time, as he asks the first question.)
A.C.: "What are you in for?"
HEIR: "I'm here to bring so much NEEDED class to the AWA that little low-budget segments like this eventually become completely unnecessary."
A.C.: "It would certainly explain why you begged to be on it, wouldn't it?"
HEIR: "Where else am I going to be heard? Sometimes if you want to bring something out of the gutter, you just have to get your hands down in it. You know all about gutters, obviously."
A.C.: "Yes, as it's where I found you with a flask of Absolut after your most recent match."
HEIR: "Clearly you were talking to one of the fans behind me, so I'll let that one go. Mmhmm."
A.C.: "Moving along and getting to the point, you've said you wanted to referee the cruiserweight title bout tonight. Of course, new champ Jason Storm takes on Mark Cross, with you in the other corner. Evan, why would you shy away from gold to don the pinstripes?"
HEIR: "It's a simple answer. I kept a low profile since my match with Cross last week. I knew eventually these two would get hot-headed and run into the ref, I mean, let's be serious here: They aren't exactly the smoothest people in the ring. I wanted to officially have some sort of control in what went down in this match."
A.C.: "Oh, really? I thought it was a sporting gesture, as you've NEVER won a match here in the AWA."
HEIR: "Excuse me?! Have you even watched one of my matches, K.J.? I have the American Whatever Alliance in the palm of my hand right now. I don't need to make somebody submit or pin them to the mat for a couple of seconds to catch the attention of every single person watching me every week. They recognize that they NEED me here, damnit."
A.C.: "True. After all, SOMEONE has to be the M-Tank of the future."
HEIR: "Correction-- someone has to keep the fans watching this, because after 6 or 7 years, this place is dying. It's a rotting corpse and it's almost a shame that you guys fail to realize what's happening in front of your eyes."
A.C.: "Likewise. Let me ask you: Do the numbers 1, 2, and 3 ring a bell, no pun intended? Because you've heard them every single week you've been here!"
HEIR: "You seem to seriously think that hurts or deters me at all. You obviously don't know me. A win-loss record seems irrelevent when the AWA is going to keep pushing me further up the card anyway. Tools."
A.C.: "Anyway, moving on to your only real victory here, what's the story with you and Maria Clarke? How'd you pick her up? Hypnosis, drugging the drinks, what'd you do?"
HEIR: "Heh. Unlike you, Smith, I don't have to rely on trickery to pick up women. And listen to yourself, drugging drinks? The women is heads over heels in love. This isn't Hocus Pocus, this is reality. I met Maria while training in high school and we've been together ever since. Where's your girl?"
A.C.: "In a better place than you could EVER put a woman."
HEIR: "In a better place? What the hell, is she dead?"
A.C.: "Wow, you're very observant! Wait for the gag to sink in...wait for it...wait for it..."
HEIR: "People like you are what make me question how legit this company is."
A.C.: "And people like you make me question the standards of women around the world. Ladies and gentlemen, Evan Heir!"
(Heir's face turns crimson as A.C. gets up and leaves, and we then switch back to Herb and Frank.)
HS: "There, was that so bad?"
FJ: "YES! Good thing my main man Brian Stevens is going to choke him the hell out tonight!"
HS: "Geez, you make it sound like it's going to be so easy. Maybe it was YOU A.C. saw in the gutter with the Absolut."
FJ: "It wasn't! I can tell you that I FELL in and picked myself right back up...HEY! You cheated!"
HS: "It's now time for the AWA cruiserweight Title match featuring the Champion Jason Storm, the Challenger Evan Heir and Mar-"
FJ: "Mr. Boring Mark Cross. Some people think I have a problem with cruiserweight wrestling, but I just have a problem with Mark Cross."
HS: "Why's that?"
FJ: "He obviously has a problem with me. He constantly mentions myself and Jeff Christianson in his interviews about being his doubters. There's a reason for that."
HS: "What's that?"
FJ: "Look around his waist. The gold is no longer there."
(The sound of one coin falling into a slot machine is heard, followed by the sound of several more coins pouring out into the tray, dollar signs appearing on the TitanTron. The first line of the song "Here comes the money" plays loudly and green sparks fly from the pyro. By the time "Here We Go" is heard over the PA system and the repetitive "Money" chant in the song plays, Evan Heir runs out into the stage in his ring attire and a white robe with a sparkling green dollar sign on the back. Throwing punches into the air, and grinning at the negative reaction from the crowd, he sinks to his knees at the end of the ramp and kisses his hands, throwing them into the air, Maria standing behind him, pulling his robe off of his body. Evan runs to the ring and slides in under the rope, scanning the audience briefly, looking into the eyes of as many fans as possible before slowly rising to his feet and falling back against the ropes, sitting on the middle as Maria climbs the stairs. Maria teasinly bends over the middle rope and enters the ring, giving an unpleased, condescending look to the fans. Evan jumps onto the turnbuckles and screams into the audience, flashing his trademark "V" signal, crossing his wrists together in front of his chest. He jumps off of the top rope and paces around the ring, awaiting his opponent.)
HS: "This kid is the only guy who hasn't won the title."
FJ: "Yet he has a lot of potential. Both he and Storm do."
HS: "I feel Cross does as well."
FJ: "Your the only one. He should have stayed in football."
(Lift Me Up by Moby hits the PA as the arena lights dim as the entrance movie begins. D-R-A-G-O-N flashes up on the screen one letter at a time, followed by the launching of a burst of red fireworks. Mark appears on the top of the ramp holding a bottle of water. He salutes the crowd on both sides of the arena before making his way down the ramp, throwing punches and loosening up. He slides into the ring, taking in several sips of water to take in fluid before placing it into the corner of the ring.)
FJ: "Mr. Boring himself."
HS: "Frank what are you doing?"
FJ: "What me up when he's at the ring."
HS: "There is the former Cruiserweight Champion Mark Cross folks."
(Ladies and Gentlemen by Saliva hits the PA, he steps on stage, posing and walking down the aisle until the lyrics reach the 'welcome to the show' bit. He then pounds his hands down with each 'boom' and a set of fireworks go off. He goes into the ring and poses on the turnbuckles with his arms outstretched, his forefinger, middle finger and thumb making handguns.)
HS: "And there's the champion, Jason Storm."
FJ: "He could be a star in the future. He's already claimed a belt in his short time here. That's something not many men can claim."
(Jason Storm hands the belt to the referee who shows both Evan Heir and Mark Cross what this match is about. The three men meet in the ring and the bell rings. Storm and Heir seem to stare each other down. Cross dropkicks heir, and gets right in Storm's face. Storm throws a punch, but Cross ducks under it and charges the ropes. He comes off the ropes with a clothesline. Storm is quickly back to his feet, met by a hip toss. Cross continues to hold the arm, and he leg drops it. Heir hits the ropes and nails Cross in the face with a knee. He goes for a quick cover, but Cross kicks out. Storm sits up, but Heir tosses him on the ground. He goes for a cover, gets a two count, and the referee begins a five count as Heir is grinding his forearm in Storm's face.)
HS: "Mark Cross dominated the match early on, but Evan Heir seemed a little upset with being left out off the main confrontation."
FJ: "But he's showing promise. Great forearm to the face. He knew he wouldn't beat the Champion Storm so early, so he would do what he could to inflict pain."
(Heir is back to his feet. Cross is also up, as we see Storm roll over towards the corner. They lock up, Cross applies a headlock. Heir pulls out Cross's legs, and swings around to the front. He applies a front facelock as both men stand up. He drops it down to a DDT. Storm is now up, and Heir small packages him. All three men back to their feet. Cross and Storm join arms and double clothesline Evan Heir. Cross turns around and catches Storm's foot, only for Storm to execute a step up Enziguri on Cross, knocking him down. Storm goes for the cover, but only gets a one count. Storm is back to his feet. Heir is heading towards him. Storm picks him up and lands an Invert Atomic Drop. He bounces off the ropes and lands a Shoulder block sending him down.)
HS: "The Champion is now in control."
FJ: "But for how long? There's three of them."
HS: "Duh, that's why it's a Triple Threat Match."
FJ: "Really, I never new that."
HS: "You are joking right?"
FJ: "Should I be?"
(Mark Cross reaches his feet. He's met by a series of jabs. Storm throws a kick, Cross spins him around, and Storm nails a discus Clothesline. Cross rolls out of the ring. By this time, Storm is back up, but so is Heir. Storm turns around for two kicks in the torso area, followed by a jumping spin kick to the face. We see Storm hit the ground. Heir immediately goes for an Anklelock. We see Storm trying to fight it off. Heir has him in good position as Heir's back is towards the ropes. Mark Cross, however, decides to trip Evan Heir and bring his little submission game to an end. Cross pulls Heir out of the ring. They begin to trade punches. Cross gets the best of Heir, as Heir seems to have spaggetti legs. He falls down on Cross's Shoulders. Cross nails a DVD on Heir outside the ring. He immediately rolls into the ring to meet the current AWA Cruiserweight Champion.)
HS: "The former Champion against the current Champion."
FJ: "This could get ugly for Mark Cross."
(Cross immediately throws a Kesagiri Chop which stuns Storm long enough for him to follow up with a short-arm clothesline. As Storm gets up, we see a Palm thrust thrown, followed by a quick by punch combo, which knocks Storm up against the ropes. Storm comes off the ropes with a Running Lariat that floors Cross. Cross slowly gets back to his feet, but he's met with a Knife Edge chop. Followed by another. And another, which backs Cross up against the ropes. Storm tosses Cross to the ropes. Mark Cross comes off the ropes and nails behind the lines. He immediately goes for the cover. One... Two... Evan Heir drops an elbow on him.)
HS: "Mark Cross used a finishing move, trying to end it."
FJ: "But Evan Heir, the only non holder of this title, showed his Hunger there."
(Heir now picks Cross rolls off Storm, and Heir jumps on for a pin. One... Two... Storm kicks out. Heir now reaches his feet, where Mark Cross is waiting. Cross throws a clothesline, but Heir ducks under it. As he does, Storm hits the ropes, spring boards off and nails a reverse DDT where Cross's spine lands across his knee. Heir doesn't waste time going for a cover. One... Two... Storm barely saves his title with a Double Axe Handle to the back of Heir. Heir slowly gets up. As he does, he turns around right into the Sudden Revolution! He rolls over a little. Storm goes for the cover. One... Two...)
(However after the referee's hand hit for a third time, we see that Evan Heir's foot is on the ropes, near the hands of his manager. Every male in the arena seems to be looking at her as Jason Storm asks the referee for a decision. However the referee continues to look at her. Finally Storm claps his hands in front of the referee long enough for him to hold up a two. Mark Cross now Headbutts Jason Storm in the back of his head. He pulls Jason Storm to the Center of the ring, and does a spinning piledriver known as the...)
(Cross slowly crawls over for a cover. He finally reaches Storm. The fans count to three, but Evan Heir saying he's hurt is distracting the official, along with his manager who's in the ring concerned. Cross is a little injured as he reaches his knees wonder what's going on. He sees the referee looking at Maria while Evan continues to say he's hurt. Cross walks over there and taps the referee on the shoulder. The referee turns around, he points towards Jason Storm being down. Cross goes for the cover again. One... Two... Evan Heir breaks it up with a dropkick to the head of Cross.)
HS: "Heir wasn't going to let the former Champion win it right there."
(All three men are now on the ground. Storm seems out of it as Heir and Cross slowly stir to their feet. Heir begins to throw punches, but Cross blocks and throws a series of punches and kicks at Heir, which knocks Heir off Balance. He rolls Heir up in a small package, but Heir kicks out at two. As they get up, Cross is much quicker to his feet, and he nails a Shinning wizard. Cross goes for the cover, but still only gets a two count. As Heir gets up, Cross nails his third and newest finishing move where he faces a bent-over opponent and double-underhooks the arms. He then lifts them up, flips them and drops them on their neck and shoulders as Mark falls to his knees.)
FJ: "That looked a lot like the Tiger Driver '91."
HS: "He prefers to call it Ketteiteki Desaki."
FJ: "The Kitty cat did what?"
HS: "No, Ketteiteki Desaki.'
FJ: "Kittyityicky does Hockey?"
(Cross slowly crawls over for a pin on Heir. One.. Two... Jason Storm shoves him off! Both men reach their feet, Cross throws a punch, but Storm slides under, and backslides Cross. One... Two... Cross kicks out. Both men reach their feet and Cross is met by a hurricanrana. Cross is back to his feet and he's met by a standing dropkick. Cross falls over the fallen body of Evan Heir. Cross immediately gets back up, walks around Heir's body. He's met by a standing headscissors, which throws him near the ropes. However, Cross is slow to get up and we see Storm walk over, and pick him up, only to apply the TNA... Which is what the crowd begins to chant.)
FJ: "I thought they were talking about something else."
HS: "What's that?"
FJ: "There's a truck stop called TNA... and a couple of Porns, if you know what I mean."
HS: "No, I don't know what you mean there Frank, I'm a happily married man."
(Storm begins to torque the crossface chickenwing that he has applied. We hear Cross begin to scream in Pain as the Champion continues to reel back. The referee finally notices that Cross's leg is on the rope. Jason Storm relucantly breaks the hold. As he gets up and turns around, we see Evan Heir Nails a Spinebuster. He's too hurt to make it to the top rope, so he covers Storm. One... Two... Storm kicks out. Heir now begins to crawl over to Cross. He covers him... One... Two... Cross kicks out at the last second. Heir now climbs to the top rope, Storm slowly reaches his feet. As does Cross they begin to wrestle with Heir perched, Storm surprises Cross with a sudden Revolution, he's slow to make a cover while Heir seems helpless on the top rope to watch due to fatigue and injury.)
HS: "It seems Storm will retain."
FJ: "Heir is still on the top rope, he might be able to beat the three count.
(Storm covers Cross but as he does, Evan Heir jumps off the top rope with every ounce of energy he has and connects with a High flying Senton Bomb commonly known as the Million Dollar Shot. As the pin breaks up, we see Storms body roll off, onto his stomach. Heir's body flew up, but he comes back down on top of Mark Cross and we also see that Jason Storm has an arm covering Cross's left leg. The referee begins to count. One... Two... Three...)
HS: "Evan Heir did pin Mark Cross, but Jason Storm also was covering Mark Cross."
HS: "Which does make Evan Heir and quite possibly Jason Storm the new AWA Cruiserweight Champion."
HS: "We'll have more information on this right after this commercial break."
(We cut to a video promoting the new Spider-Man 3 video game based on the new blockbuster movie Spider-Man 3. We go back to ringside.)
HS: "I've just confirmed that Travis Gray is actually going to allow the previous ruling to stand. We have Co-Cruiserweight Champions, which is a first in the history of the AWA!"
FJ: "Well, we've had one person be the Tag Team Champion, so I guess having two people as one champion isn't too crazy. I wonder how this is going to sit with Heir and Storm?"
HS: "Who knows."
(The scene shifts back to the ring where we see a cage set up there with a clear plexiglass ceiling on it.)
FJ: "Ladies and gentlemen… it is now time for the first ever Revolutionary Room match in AWA history!"
HS: "Five men will be stepping into this ring construction to do battle in this submissions only match."
FJ: "It's quite a way to issue a dose of humility to your opponents. Only the strong will survive in this one tonight… but that's not all! The first person to submit will have their AWA contract terminated!"
HS: "It's a steep price to pay for one of these five men, but I guess it will come down to who didn't prepare enough for this match."
(Almost cutting Herb off, "Rompe" by Daddy Yankee starts to play and the crowd immediately breaks into cheers.)
HS: "And the first man to step into the Revolutionary Room will be Javex Valerius and just listen to this crowd!"
(A menagerie of coloured lights swirl around the arena. Javex storms out of the back, pausing to pose for pictures at the top of the ramp, and several flashbulbs can be seen going off in response in the crowd, before making his way down to the ring. He slaps every hand humanly possibly, occasionally stopping for more picture requests. At the ring, he pauses, smiles, then runs up the steps and steps into the ring construction. Javex hits each turnbuckle for more posing, more photo ops, and more cheesy goodness.)
HS: "Javex definitely is one of the favourites coming into this match having won the battle royal last week and outlast all of his opponents for this match there."
FJ: "Come on Herb! That match is nothing like this one here tonight. Javex only had to stay in the ring last week. This time, he's going to have to make at least one person submit."
("Kinda I Want To" by Nine Inch Nails plays and the crowd reaction flips, from cheers to boos. Trendkill pushes through the ring curtain just as the music explodes. He walks slowly to the ring and climbs into the room before heading over to one of the corners and leaning back into it.)
FJ: "No frills and no gimmicks for Trendkill. Just like his career in the AWA, his entrance doesn't give you much to talk about."
HS: "Well Trendkill seems to be about as anti-establishment as they come. Constantly going on about the higher powers during his tenure in the AWA."
FJ: "Well I think that the higher powers have finally had enough of him. Wanna bet he's the first one to tap?"
HS: "Frank!"
("Ladies and Gentlemen" by Saliva replaces "Kinda I Want To and the crowd response practically goes dead. Marcus Henderson comes through the curtains with the lovely Maria Lopez on his arm. They stop on the stage taking a look at the crowd before making their way to the ring and Marcus climbs the steps into the room leaving Maria on the floor. He walks over to one of the unoccupied corners and leans back.)
FJ: "WOW! Did you hear the ABSENCE of response from this crowd?"
HS: "It was quite hard to miss Frank."
FJ: "I could have dropped a pin and everyone in this arena would have jumped at the sound it made on impact."
HS: "I wouldn't go that far…"
("Blood Polution" by Steel Dragon plays and the crowd starts to boo once again as Andreas Lasiewicz starts to make his way down to ringside.)
FJ: "Can you believe that he's still employed here?"
HS: "Andreas is a skilled competitor Herb. He's capable of competing with any one here in this match tonight."
FJ: "This isn't 2005 Herb."
(Lasiewicz reaches the ring and ascends the steps. He climbs into the ring and glances around at the other men there. He walks to one side of the room and waits there between the corners occupied by Henderson and Trendkill.)
FJ: "Now we can get to the guy who will dominate this match from start to finish Herb."
HS: "The Jester is facing some stiff competition here tonight though."
FJ: "Not an issue Herb. He outnumbers them, so he must have the advantage."
(Finally, "Welcome Home" by Metallica plays to a mixed reaction of the crowd. The lights suddenly go out and a multi-coloured silhouette of a laughing court jester's head is displayed on the Ameritron.)
(A loud, high-pitched chord is heard for a few moments before "Welcome Home" by Metallica begins to play out at about 2:35 into the song. The animation of the court jester's head fixates itself in a large, twisted, ear-to-ear smile on the Ameritron as lights of all different colours begin to slowly roll over the crowd all over the arena. Without further ado, The Jester steps out of the back with a purpose, the bells on his jester hat jingling at a steady pace. The Jester heads straight for the center of the stage and starting hopping on the spot, punching downwards, a look of solid determination on his face. The fans recognize the personality to be Edward right away and begin to cheer loudly.)
Build my fear of what's out there,
cannot breathe the open aaaair.
Whisper things into my brain,
assuring me that I'm insaaaaane.
(Smoke begins to rise along the sides of the entrance ramp, creating two smokey walls that to encase the ramp all the way down to the ring area. Edward looks all around the crowd, not showing any reaction to them. Once his encompassing glance reaches the ring, he doesn't take his eyes off of it. Edward heads down the ramp with a quick pace, not wasting any time.)
They think our heads are in their hands,
but violent use brings violent plaaaans.
Keep him tied, it makes him well,
he's getting better, can't you tellllll?
(As Edward heads down the ramp, he punches at the air in front of him to warm up, causing the bells on his jester hat to jingle with each punch. The crowd cheers him on, but he doesn't pay attention to them anyways. The lights floating around the crowd suddenly excite and begin to dart around wildly and uncontrollably. The chords and tone of "Welcome Home" suddenly pick up and the vocals become harsher.)
No more can they keep us in,
Listen, damn it! We will winnnnnn!
(With one final gallop, Edward reaches the ring and quickly goes up the ring steps before stepping in through the ropes. Edward stop in the corner nearest the door and turns to face the center of the ring, continuing to shadow box.)
They see it right, they see it well,
but they think this saves us from our Hellllllllllllllllllllll!
(With that final word, the song abruptly ends and the lights suddenly go back on, Edward looking ready to go in his corner. Edward takes off his jester hat, leans back out of the room, and tosses it away into the crowd barely shifting his focus from the other men in the ring.)
HS: "And it looks like we are ready to go here."
FJ: "This is going to be an interesting match to watch… There's no ref inside that room either Herb. They'll only set foot in there to escort out a loser."
(Edward looks around the ring. His gaze fixes on each of his competitors in turn, finally coming to rest on Javex. He starts walking towards him. Javex looks right back at Edward and starts to approach him as well. Lasiewicz, Trendkill, and Henderson just watch from the opposite side of the ring. Javex and Edward meet halfway between the corners and they start exchanging words with one another. The crowd is just buzzing at this point.)
HS: It looks like the two most vocal participants in this match still have just a few more things to say to one another.
FJ: Punch him! Punch him!
(Javex and Edward continue speaking for a few moments then Edward extends his hand towards Javex. But before Javex can do more than just mull over the offer, Lasiewicz rushes across the ring towards both of them. Javex and Edward both catch sight of him and duck the double clothesline attempt from him. Lasiewicz hits the ropes and comes back towards them as the bell rings. Edward and Javex hit a double kick to the midsection and then double suplex Lasiewicz. They follow with a double kip up as well, and the crowd lets out a loud roar of approval.)
HS: Javex and Edward are working together like a well-oiled machine here to start things off.
FJ: They've done a good job of taking care of the first of the three stooges in the ring with them… but here come the other two!
(Just as Frank said, Henderson and Trendkill come at Javex and Edward respectively. Henderson tries for a running knee lift, which Javex ducks under. Edward uses and identical maneuver to avoid a leg lariat attempt from Trendkill. Henderson and Trendkill both land on the mat and take a moment to collect themselves before turning back towards their opponents. Trendkill is leveled by a palm strike from Edward and Javex knocks Henderson to the mat with a dropkick. Edward picks up Trendkill and shoves him back into the near corner. Javex gets back to his feet and pushes Henderson into the corner nearest himself. Edward starts delivering roundhouse kicks in succession on Trendkill in the corner as Javex hits a combination of knife-edge chops and forearm smashes on Henderson in the other corner. Lasiewicz just remains kneeling by the ropes on the far side of the ring.)
HS: Javex and Edward are in total control of this match up to this point.
FJ: Can't say this is much of surprise though.
(Javex and Edward halt their relentless assaults and each grab their opponents and whip them into the middle of the ring where they collide together. Trendkill and Henderson stumble back from one another both clearly dazed. Javex and Edward come out of their respective corners towards their opponents in the middle of the ring. Henderson dropped to the mat after taking a super kick on the chin from Javex and Trendkill followed suit from a leaping round kick to the face from Edward. Both men trade a glance before taking hold of their downed opponents and applying a triangle choke to each of them.)
HS: Our first submission attempt of the match after Edward hit the K.O. Kick on Trendkill and Javex delivered the Gloria Por Dolor to Henderson, and now both of them have applied a triangle choke on their opponents.
FJ: What is it with Javex stealing other guy's moves? First he takes the TDI and now he's copying Pass Out which itself is just a rip off of Chaos Theory.
HS: Can we just focus on the match? Is that really too much to ask Frank?
(A couple of refs are outside the ring looking in towards Henderson and Trendkill, watching for signs of a submission from either of them. The crowd is cheering loudly as they feel the first elimination may be coming shortly. Henderson and Trendkill are both struggling to escape their respective opponent's triangle choke, while Lasiewicz continue to watch from off to one side, clearly not in a hurry to help either one of them. Several more tense seconds pass before, in almost perfect unison, Trendkill and Henderson start to tap! Both of the refs motion to the bell, which rings signaling the first submissions of the match. The door to the Revolutionary room opens and one ref enters the ring. Javex and Edward release their holds when the referee lets them know that both Trendkill and Henderson have been eliminated.)
HS: It looks like Trendkill and Henderson have both been eliminated together.
FJ: So that means they both get fired, right?
HS: It looks that way, since they were both eliminated at the same time.
FJ: Well… I may never say it again, but I am glad that Javex was here to make one of those guys submit and have them fired.
(The second referee joins the first in the ring and they guide Henderson and Trendkill towards the door of the room. Javex and Edward stare each other down again. Lasiewicz considers his next action for a few moments, then comes at Javex and Edward and catches both of them with a dropkick knocking them to the side a few steps. Javex and Edward catch their balance quickly and turn back towards Lasiewicz. Lasie is already on his feet and he quickly runs to the far ropes and comes back at Edward and Javex. Edward comes forward to meet Lasie and goes for a spinning heel kick which Lasie somersaults under. He reaches his feet and springs into the air catching Javex with a flying forearm catching him off guard. As Lasie rises to his feet, Edward grabs him from behind and starts applying a standing full nelson on him. Lasie thrashes around, keeping Edward from cinching it in, and then counters by swinging his foot back and catching Edward with a low blow. Edward stumbles back a few steps. Lasie follows him and delivers a quick DDT. He turns to see Javex getting back up on his feet. He runs at Javex, grabs him by the head and hits a swinging neck breaker dropping Javex back to the mat.)
HS: A surprising burst of offense from Andreas has put him in control at this juncture of the match.
FJ: I'm impressed… I didn't think he had it in him to put up any kind of fight anymore.
(Lasie is back up quickly and walks around to the feet of Javex. He reaches down and grabs hold of one of his legs. He glances around at the crowd who begin to boo in response. Lasie spins around Javex's leg and reaches down for the other one, looking for the Four Card Trick. He stands back up, about to drop backwards and cinch the hold in, but Edward catches him with a leg lariat. Lasie lets got of Javex as he drops to the mat. Edward quickly mounts Lasie and starts delivering a series of elbow smashes to his face.)
FJ: Eddie is going to town on Lasie here!
HS: He saved Javex from the Four Card Trick and is getting some payback for that low blow he took earlier.
(Lasie covers up as best he can and Edward finally lets up and rises back to his feet. He looks over at Javex who is now getting back to his feet. He says something to Javex then turns back to Lasie and starts pulling him up. Edward starts delivering a series of roundhouse kicks to Lasiewicz, starting on his legs and working his way up along his body. Lasie stumbled back into the ropes until Edward finally stopped kicking him. Edward looked to Javex who was back up. He said something to him and then motioned towards the far ropes. Javex looked back at Edward, shrugged and ran to the far ropes. Edward pushed Lasie back against the ropes and, as Javex hit the far ropes, he whipped Lasie towards the center of the ring. Javex ran towards Lasie and leapt into the air hitting a big clothesline on Lasie and dropping him to the mat.)
HS: "Javex connects with the Javex en Fuego."
FJ: "Version four, Herb."
HS: "Yes… version four…"
(Javex pops back up to his feet and plays to the crowd. Edward just stares at Javex as Lasie starts rising to his feet. Javex walks over to Edward grinning widely and says something to him. Edward just points back at Lasie. Javex turns around and his grin fades slightly as he sees Lasie almost back on his feet. He looks back at Edward sheepishly and then holds up one finger as if to tell him to hold on a moment. Javex goes over to Lasie. He kicks him in the midsection and grabs hold of him, beginning to set him up for his back-to-back double under hook pile driver. But as he flips over him to try and get Lasie up, Lasie shoves him off and into Edward. They both stumble back from the impact. Javex turns around and Lasie goes for the Peacemaker, but Javex just ducks out of the way. Lasie brings himself to a stop, just in time for Edward to pick him up and land a spinebuster on Lasie, also driving his shoulder into Lasie chest. Lasie clutches his chest as Edward gets up. Edward calls Javex over and then each one of them grab one of Lasie's feet and then they wishbone him, earning a collective groan from the crowd. Lasie rolls over onto his stomach kicking the mat in pain. Edward and Javex exchange words again, then they each grab hold of one of Lasie's legs and then they both drop to the mat after hooking his legs and apply a double STF!)
HS: "This might be it for Andreas! He's caught in a double STF and he's got nowhere to go!"
FJ: "Pack his bags! It's time for Lasie to be deported!"
(Javex yells at Lasie to "Tap, Damn It!" and Lasie can only hold on for a few moments in the double team hold before he is forced to submit. The ref signals and the bell rings indicating another elimination. Edward and Javex release the double STF and stand to face one another again. The door to the room opens and one of the ref's enters the ring to help Lasiewicz towards the exit.)
FJ: "The three stooges are gone Herb! Now the real match up is going to begin right here and now!"
HS: "These two have been dominant thus far in this match. They've worked together to eliminate all their other opposition and now they are ready to settle this between themselves."
Edward and Javex wait for the referees to get Lasiewicz out of the ring and close the door to the room again, before they meet in the middle of the ring and lock up in a collar and elbow tie up. They fight for position for several moments but Edward starts backing Javex up towards one side of the ring. Javex gets pushed back into the ropes and Edward breaks the tie up. He backs away from Javex towards the middle of the ring again, never taking his eyes off him. He stops there and waits for Javex to come back into the middle of the ring. Javex's watches Edward for several moments, then makes his way over to him and they lock up again. This time, Edward grabs hold of Javex's arm once he has the advantage, steps behind Javex and turns the tie up into a hammerlock. Javex swings his free arm back catching Edward with a back elbow, but Edward manages to avoid the following attempt, and applies more pressure to the hammerlock. Javex steps to the side and twists around behind Edward, reversing their positions, but before he can apply a hammerlock of his own, Edward sidesteps and brings Javex down with a drop toe hold. He grabs Javex's leg and goes for an ankle lock, but Javex rolls over and kicks Edward away. Javex gets back up and the crowd cheers in approval of their display thus far. Edward comes towards Javex and Javex hip tosses him to the mat. Edward gets back up quickly and Javex rocks him with a European uppercut, follows with a knife-edge chop and a knee to the midsection. Javex grabs hold of Edward goes for a suplex, but as he got Edward up, he slipped free and dropped down behind Javex. Edward grabbed Javex around the waist and connected with a release German suplex. Javex hit the mat and flipped over onto his stomach. Edward moved in towards Javex to follow up, but Javex pulled Edward's legs out from under him. He stood back keeping hold of Edward's legs and then slingshot him into the corner. Edward hit the turnbuckles and stumbled back out into the middle of the ring. Javex grabbed a waist lock on Edward and hit a German suplex. He held onto him and climbed back up to his feet, pulling Edward up along with him. He released the waist lock and changed to a full nelson. Edward fought against the hold but was unable to escape before Javex followed with a dragon suplex. Javex climbed back up to his feet again keeping hold of the full nelson and then delivered a release dragon suplex into the middle of the ring.
HS: "Javex looks to be firmly in control of this match at this juncture."
FJ: "Give Edward some time. He's just getting warmed up."
(Javex hurries over to Edward after hitting that last suplex and grabs his leg. He drops down after hooking Edward's leg looking to complete the STF, but Edward fights back, connecting with a couple of back elbows knocking Javex away. Javex rolls away shaking off the effects of the elbows. Both men start to rise to their feet. Javex comes at Edward with a dropkick but Edward sidesteps that attempt. When Javex gets back up Edward quickly takes him down in a side headlock taking a few moments to collect himself as he does so. Javex starts to fight his way back up to his feet and once he does, Edward turns around releasing the headlock and applying a Maui Tai clinch. Javex struggles to get free allowing Edward to catch him with a knee lift in that position. Javex brings his arms up to guard himself at Edward unloads with a series of knee lifts. Edward shifts his strategy again, releasing the clinch, applies and arm wringer and follows with a Fujiwara arm bar.)
FJ: What did I tell you Herb? Edward now has the momentum here.
(Edward wrenches on Javex's arm and Javex starts making his way towards the ropes. Edward keeps his focus on the arm bar and applying pressure. Javex makes it to the ropes without much resistance from Edward and grabs hold. Edward releases the hold and backs off a couple of steps. Javex rubs his shoulder for a few moments as Edward watches him intently. Javex moves towards Edward and they lock up again. Edward takes the advantage again with an arm wringer and wrenches on Javex's shoulder again. Javex winces in obvious pain from the hold, but grabs hold of Edward's arm and rolls through the hold before reversing it into an arm wringer of his own, but before he could apply much pressure to it Edward leveled him with a stiff palm strike. Edward grabbed hold of Javex's arm and applied a Kimura arm hold, continuing to focus on his shoulder. Javex again began clawing his way towards the ropes as the crowd started to rally behind him. Edward pulled back on the arm hold bringing Javex to a halt for a few moments. Javex refused to be deterred though and continued towards the ropes before grabbing hold of them once more and again Edward released to hold and backed away. Javex moved to a kneeling position favouring his arm slightly. Javex shifted to one knee as he started getting up again and Edward ran in and caught him with a shining wizard. Javex dropped facedown onto the mat as Edward stood back up. Edward glanced around for a few moments then reached down and pulled Javex to his feet. He pushed him back into the corner and started to unload on him with a series of various punches, rocking Javex back into the corner with each one.)
HS: Edward is just picking Javex apart here right now. He slowed the pace down after Javex had grabbed the early advantage and is wearing him down with holds and some impressive strikes.
(Edward pulls Javex out of the corner and pushes him back against the ropes, before whipping him to the far side. He measures Javex as he hits the far ropes. Edward comes forward and leaps into the air going for his K.O. Kick, but Javex ducks down underneath it. Edward lands and turns around just in time to see Javex's foot making contact with his face. Both men then fall to the mat.)
HS: "Gloria Por Dolor!"
FJ: "Damn! That came out of nowhere!"
(Javex and Edward both lie on the mat for quite some time recovering from the last round of offense. Edward is the first one to sit up and look around. He shakes his head for several moments and then starts to climb to his feet. At this point, Javex rolls over onto his hands and knees and makes his way over to the ropes. Edward reaches his feet and stumbles over to the near ropes. He turns and looks back across the ring and sees Javex getting up on the opposite side of the ring. Edward pushes off from the ropes and comes towards Javex. Javex turns and spots Edward coming in. Edward leaps up for a spinning heel kick and Javex drops down to the mat pulling down the top rope as his does so. Edward goes over the top rope and hits the wall of the Revolutionary room, but he manages to absorb most of the impact. He drops back down between the ropes and the wall. Javex is back on his feet quickly and hits a dropkick knocking Edward back against the wall of the room dazing Edward. Javex again gets up and starts rocking Edward with forearm shots. Edward has nowhere to go and just covers up as best he can. Javex finally grabs one of Edward's arms, hops onto the second rope and then impressively hip tosses him over the ropes and back into the ring. Edward sits up and climbs to his feet quickly though. Javex moves in and snap mares Edward back to the mat and then hits a kick to his back as well, before backing up several steps, then running towards Edward and hitting a running neck snap on him.)
HS: "One mistake is all it takes. Javex got his opening and is starting to take over control of this match again."
(Javex is up quickly and runs to the ropes as Edward sits back up again. Javex comes back at Edward and hits a dropkick to his face, knocking Edward flat. Javex stands up, looking pumped as the crowd starts to cheer him on. He watches Edward who is slow to get up to his feet. Javex moves back into the corner behind Edward and waits. Edward stands up and turns around and Javex springs forward looking for another Gloria Por Dolor. Edward ducks out of the way and grabs hold of Javex from behind and drops to the mat in a rear naked choke.)
FJ: "What a reversal! Javex caught him earlier but this time Edward was ready."
(Javex falls to the mat as Edward cinches in the hold. Javex fights against the hold. He looks over to the ropes, which aren't that far away and he struggles to pull himself and Edward towards them. Edward continues to wrench on the choke as Javex struggles to reach the ropes and remain conscious. He slowly inches towards the ropes. After what almost seems to be an eternity Javex almost gets into arm's reach of the ropes, but Edward rolls back with the rear naked choke. Javex struggles but looks like he's starting to fade. He reaches up with one hand almost like he's going to tap out but he stops. Javex plants one foot against the mat and pushes as hard as he can, forcing himself and Edward to roll towards the ropes again. Javex reaches out and grabs hold of them. The crowd cheers loudly in response to Javex's effort and Edward reluctantly releases the hold.)
HS: "I don't know how, but Javex managed to fight his way out of that hold and is still alive in the Revolutionary room."
FJ: "I'd have though that Edward would be tearing his hair out right now, but he looks eerily calm."
(Edward stares down at Javex who has yet to make a move to get back up after reaching the ropes. He reaches down, grabbing Javex, and starts to pull him up to his feet. He spins Javex around to face him and then takes him over with a snap suplex. Edward hold on and climbs back to his feet. He goes to lift Javex for another suplex, but Javex hooks his leg around one of Edward's to block the attempt. Edward tries again and Javex blocks a second time. With a sudden burst of energy Javex jumps up as Edward makes a third attempt and catches him in a guillotine choke. Edward falls forward to the mat and Javex locks the hold in.)
HS: "Javex has again turned things around and now has Edward caught in a very effective submission hold!"
(Javex uses the time to collect himself on the mat as Edward fights against him and starts dragging himself and Javex towards the ropes. Edward slows slightly as he makes his way along but he has an easier time than Javex did. After close to a minute, Edward reaches out and places one foot on the ropes. Javex sees this but holds onto the choke for several more moments before releasing it. Edward drops to the mat and rolls off to the side to catch his breath. Javex lies on the mat not too far away doing the same.)
HS: "Both of these men are giving their all here in this match up. We've seen a impressive displays from both men and neither one of them seem very willing to surrender this match to their opponent."
FJ: "How stubborn can they get? Someone is going to have to give this one up."
(Both men are slow to get back to their feet. They walk towards one another gamely and start trading blows in the middle of the ring. Punches, forearms and uppercuts are exchanged between both men. Edward goes for a palm strike but Javex catches hold of his arm and arm drags him down to the mat. Edward gets up and tries for a roundhouse kick, but Javex ducks it and around behind Edward. Javex grabs a waist lock and hits a quick release German suplex, throwing Edward into the corner. Edward slumps to the mat and Javex takes a few moments before he starts to get back up himself.)
HS: "Both men are digging deep here."
FJ: "Come on Edward!"
(Javex gets back to his feet and backs away from the corner Edward is in. Edward slowly starts to climb back up to his feet again. Javex takes off towards Edward and crashes into him with a flying tackle in the corner. Edward starts to stumble out and Javex jumps up and reapplies the guillotine choke. Edward drops down to his knees, but manages to keep from falling flat onto the mat. The crowd startes cheering again as they sense that the end was near.)
HS: "Another guillotine choke! Does Edward have enough to survive this one?"
(Edward reaches back with both hands and grabs hold of the ropes. Javex continues to hold onto the choke just like he has before, but Edward starts to stand up, lifting Javex with help from the ropes. Edward stands up and pulls himself backwards and falls into the corner. He hits the turnbuckle and ends up head butting Javex in the same motion. Javex lets go of the choke and drops backwards onto the mat, grabbing his head with one hand. Edward takes a few moments to gather himself as Javex climbs to his feet. Edward suddenly bursts out of the corner and hits a devastating lariat turning Javex inside out and sending him crashing to the mat. Edward looks over at Javex and quickly moves over to his feet. He takes hold of both of Javex's legs. He steps over one of them and crosses it back over his own leg. He takes Javex's other leg and crosses it over the first in the shape of a four and then turns Javex over onto his stomach and sits down locking in the sharpshooter.)
FJ: "Now Edward has Javex caught in a move with a lower profile after knocking him loopy with that lariat!"
(Javex startes trying to drag himself towards the ropes, but Edward pulls him out towards the middle of the ring almost immediately. Javex slaps the mat once as he sees the ropes get further away from him. He turns towards Edward slightly and struggles to reach towards one of Edward's feet as Edward sits back a bit more in the hold. Javex continues to reach back, turning slightly as he did so and increasing the pain in his back, but he manages to grab hold of Edward's foot and starts to pull it back towards him. As he did that Edward struggles to keep his balance and he eventually fell forward to the mat. Javex rolls over trying to slip free from Edward's grasp but Edward hangs on stubbornly. Javex kicks at Edward a few times before finally getting his legs free. Edward rolls onto his stomach, and Javex reaches over to him, grabbing hold of Edward's foot. Javex pulls himself over and hooks Edward's leg then leans forward and grabs hold of Edward applying the TDI. Javex yelled at Edward telling him to tap as he pulls back on the STF.)
HS: "Javex escaped the sharpshooter and has now managed to apply an STF on Edward. And he's being very vocal about it too."
(Javex yells "Tap Damn It!" at Edward repeatedly and continues to pull back on the STF. Edward struggles to try and move towards the ropes, but wasn't able to make any headway towards them. He brought his arm forward and as Javex started to yell at him again his drove is elbow back into his face dazing Javex. He landed another, breaking the STF. Javex rolls off Edward holding his face from the pair of back elbows from Edward. Edward rolls onto his hands and knees and starts to push himself up. He rises to his feet and the crowd continues to cheer loudly after seeing the chain of submissions escapes and counters from each man. Edward watches Javex for several moments as Javex starts to make his way to his feet again. Edward moves around behind Javex, stalking him. The crowd gets louder in response as Javex stood up. Edward moves in behind Javex and pulled him backwards, quickly locking in a dragon sleeper.)
FJ: "From an STF to a dragon sleeper. There's another escape and reversal."
(Javex struggles against the sleeper attempt for several moments before he drops down to the mat. Edward drops forward and Javex uses the opportunity to kick him in the head. Edward holds on stubbornly so Javex kicks him again, then a third time and finally a fourth before Edward let go. Edward takes a step back but then moves forward and delivers a stiff kick to Javex's back. While Javex recoils from that one, Edward reached down and grabs him in a waist lock. He pulls him up and quickly tries for a release German suplex. Javex manages to flip over backwards and land on his feet and stumble back into the ropes. Edward starts to rise back up to his feet. Javex came forward off the ropes and catches hold of Edward from behind immediately turning it into a dragon sleeper of his own.)
HS: "Call of the Deity! Javex escaped a dragon sleeper and now has one applied. Can Edward escape this one as well?"
(Edward starts to drop down like Javex had done just a little while ago, but Javex drops to one knee putting his other knee against Edward's back, keeping him from dropping to the mat. Edward didn't seem concerned though, as he braces against Javex and pushes off with both feet, swinging his legs up and catching Javex in a head scissors, almost like an upside down triangle choke.)
FJ: "Now this isn't something I think I've ever seen before! They've each managed to apply a choke on the other!"
HS: "It looks like both men want to end this one here."
(Caught off guard by the sudden move, Javex drops forward from the sudden weight shift, but he holds onto the dragon sleeper. Edward ends up underneath Javex but he tightens his head scissors. Neither one seems focused on fighting off the other's submission attempt, only maintaining their own. On the outside of the ring the referees watch both men closely but are hard pressed to get a clear vantage point to see both men in case one of them submits. One of the referees opens the door and starts to climb into the ring.)
FJ: "Where's he going? There aren't supposed to be any referees in the Revolutionary room."
HS: "Well this isn't any easy situation to call from afar."
(The referee climbs through the ropes and moves over to where Javex and Edward lie caught in one another's hold, neither one fighting or even moving at this point. The referee moves close to both of them and checks for a verbal response from either one of them. He doesn't get one after waiting for several moments. He reaches down each man and takes the free arm of Javex that isn't wrapped around Edward's neck and one of Edward's free arms since he isn't using them for the head scissors. He lifts both of their arms up and then releases them. Both arms drop to the mat.)
FJ: "Oh no… Don't tell me that they are both out! That would be a rip off."
(The referee lifts their arms again and releases them. They both fall to the mat a second time.)
HS: "It looks like they've both been put out. The first Revolutionary room may end in a draw here tonight."
(The referee raises both men's arms and releases them they both drop down towards the mat again, but Javex's arm stops short of the mat while Edward's hits a third time! The ref turns and signals for the bell.)
FJ: "What? Who won? I can see from here!"
(The referee grabs hold of Javex's arm and lifts it up indicating he is the winner. He then starts to untangle both men from their respective holds.)
HS: "The referee has indicated that Javex Valerius is our winner!"
FJ: "But… Edward didn't actually submit, did he?"
HS: "No… but he couldn't continue after passing out in that dragon sleeper by Javex."
FJ: "Does that really count though?"
HS: "I guess we'll have to wait and see, but if the referee hadn't made that decision for them, they could have just stayed there until they caused some serious damage to each other with those punishing chokes."
(The other referee comes into the ring and helps the first one separate Javex and Edward and they starts to help both men out of the ring. A shot of two men appears on the Ameritron, the crowd goes wild as Jeff Christianson and Quade deSade stare each other down in front of the San Juan fans. Quade, minus his cold crocodile smile doesn't flinch in the presence of the Dark Warrior. Jeff Christianson on the other hand grins menacingly into The Fiery Crosses face. Unsure and filled with anticipation the crowd rides the wave of cheers as both men milk the moment.)
HS: "We might just have ourselves a situation here Frank."
FJ: "Yeah, the current No Limits champion Jeff Christianson face to face with perhaps the greatest No Limits champion since the title was formed Herb."
HS: "No argument there but deSade was denied the title a few weeks ago when Elias made his entrance, even knocking the new champ on his ass. But the tension between these two men has been years on the making. I can't even remember what started these two off in the beginning but in recent months things have built up very fast."
FJ: "It appeared first that in the wake of The Unholy Heroes fall and a string of failed tag teams Quade seemed to be on the same side as The Dark Warrior taking out both Hellraisin Holy and attacking Brian Stevenson on his return. Now Quade is accusing Christianson of mind games probably costing him his fourth reign as the AWA's No Limits champion."
(Quade runs a head of his bald and scarred head then steps in close almost coming nose to nose with this long time adversary.)
QUADE: "So how do like being the No Limits Champion Jeff?"
( A sudden shove, schoolyard style knocks Christianson out of shot. The fans in Colise de Puerto Rico erupt as Christianson dives back into shot Bull Rushing Quade out of frame. The camera pulls back to show the two men brawling at the foot of the steps leading up to the entrance of the ramp leading to ringside. Christianson gets to his feet first and sucks in a breath of air..)
DW: "I like it fine enough. Even more so because I know that this is eating you up inside."
(Christianson pulls Quade to a sitting position and cracks a Knife Edged Chop across Quades chest. He does another and another. Christianson rips Quades coat of his shoulder before tearing the shirt free exposing the torso. The chest is already red from Christianson's attack; another Chop brings tears to the eyes of The Unholy Hero; Christianson hauls deSade to his feet and with both hands gripping him by his tattered shirt Christianson gets in deSades face…)
DW: "You always said that every loss was yours alone Quade now you have the fact that it was me that was one who won the No Limits title to add to that, the Dark Warrior took your precious belt from you Quade."
(Quade smiles almost humorously to Jeff Christianson as he hangs limp from his opponents grip.)
QUADE: "Do you think I am that stupid Jeff?"
(The obvious answer is never spoken as Quade grabs around Christianson's head and drops to his kness yanking Christianson down into a a Chin Buster. The Dark Warrior reels back from the imnpact; Quade stands and takes a look around and grabs a light stand before advancing on Jeff; Quade takes the bar in both hands and slams it down on Christiasnon who throws up his arms in defense…)
QUADE: "I know that it was all planned!"
(Quade slams it down on Christianson's upraised arms again and again…)
QUADE: "You pulled those fake birth certificates with your name on the dotted line!"
(Christianson manages to block then grab the bar. The two men wrestle for possession and position…)
QUADE: "You are the one who tried to get inside my head by having your lawyers snatch The Maiden from right under that fool Misery's nose. And, I know it was your money on those records that allowed Draven to buy out from his contract with the American Wrestling Alliance. The final nail in the coffin of The Unholy Heroes. A lot of effort for just one championship, but it is the one title in the A.W.A. that I care about Jeff!"
(Christianson mimics the cold crocodile smile of Quade deSade which only angers The fiery Cross but in that moment Christianson turns the encounter by slamming the bar up into deSades chin knocking him to the floor; Christianson gathers Quade up from the floor then neatly German Suplexes him to the bare floor. Quade writhes from the pain of the impact. Meanwhile Christianson takes a hold of his championship belt and starts whipping deSade with it; Quade tries to get away from the blows from the leather strap, the metal attachments begin to scratch and gouge the Fiery Crosses skin and blood begins to appear in little trickles on his torso and arms.)
HS: "Where is security? We need security if your listening."
FJ: "Don't listen to him. Let them brawl. We need something like this."
HS: "Frank, both of these men have already had a match."
FJ: "And? These two fighting just shows there may be new guys on the roster, but Jeff Christianson and Quade de'Sade will NEVER EVER like each other. I like that."
(Christianson follows deSade as he half crawls trying to escape. Christianson begins to pulls things down on top of deSade. Light stands, cable reels, boxes and packing cases. Scaffolding, he empties tool boxes over Quade and throws kit bags and shoves security barriers stacked in ranks to the side of the hallway most of them either missing or barely hitting him. But those that finds their mark slam Quade to the ground almost trapping him, but Quade always manages to get free before Jeff Christianson can pin him down.)
(Christianson sets up a few wooden pallets up against a doorway like they were tables in his table match earlier, then brings Quade to his feet; Quade tries a Low Blow but Christianson has it scout and bats it away before dropping an Elbow on to the shoulder of that same arm; Quade reaches out for am Eye Gouge and again Christianson punishes him for failure a Closed Back Hand across Quade's face drawing even more blood; Christianson goes for the Irish Whip to send deSade in to the table but deSade plants his feet denying Christianson, Christianson leans his weight into a second effort but only drags Quade a couple of feet; Christianson realizes Quade has him with both hands and is struck by a Heart Punch from Quade; The Fiery Cross keeps a hold of Christianson's arm by the wrist and twists the arm over the his head and spins it around from this Wringer into an Arm Breaker; Quade yanks down on it with all his weight before jarring it upwards exposing Christianson to a Heart Kick that floors him. Quade staggers away nursing the bruising and cuts he took from having all that equipment on him. He falls against the wall and struggles to lean there as speaks..)
QUADE: "You are right that I cannot stand the fact that you are wearing that belt instead of me and it is a delicious twist of the dagger in my gut to know I did not beat you in a match I myself set the bar of. But I do not think that is the whole of it Jeff I know that there is more and that this is just one more stabbing slash to my soul. But why Jeff?"
(Christianson spits out some blood on the floor as he looks up at deSade)
DW: "Confused Quade?"
(The Dark Warrior struggles to his feet and Shoulder block deSade into the very wall he was leaning on. Quade crumples to the floor and Christianson kneels down coming close to half whisper to his attacker…)
DW: "How the Hell do you think I could confuse a man who leads the twisted lifestyle you lead?"
FJ: "This is true."
DW :" Who sees the world through those twisted eyes?"
FJ: "That's not me. I see 20/20."
DW "You are a freak deSade, nobody in this company's history has missed the point of being here like you have. There is not a man that has been on this roster that hasn't laughed at you and decided you're pitiful Quade. Dangerous yes, but pitiful Quade. Now to add to it all you're delusional and paranoid as well. You've accused me of a lot and none of it is true deSade and I am getting fed of you busting in wherever I am and all the stuff I do it is time you backed off and got yourself some serious help."
FJ: "Quade has never went after the World Title. That is usually every wrestlers goal."
(Christianson pulls himself up then drags Quade with him. As the two men come face to face Quade is smiling a cold crocodile smile. Jeff Christianson now throws a punch, but de'Sade blocks it. and retaliates with another. de'Sade throws a punch, but Christianson blocks, and kicks him in the knee. Jeff Christianson seems to think fighting is useless with de'Sade, and he begins walking away. Quade gets back to his feet, and he heads in that direction. Quade lands a double axe handle on Christianson, which sends him down to both knee. Both of his hands hit the ground. He sit on his back, and pull his head up. He punches him in the forehead. He does this repeatedly until a big stream of blood begins to run from it. He then gives Christianson a punch to the nose, which sends him down.)
QUADE: "What's wrong with you Jeff? You thought we were finished? You are holding MY WORLD TITLE!"
HS: "I told you this would get out of hand... SECURITY!"
(Quade now picks Christianson up backwards, bridging Jeff's body. Somehow, Jeff fights this off, and moves his body in an upright position. Jeff and Quade struggle for position when Quade goes for a waste lock, however Jeff Christianson low blows quade. He turns around and DDT's him on the concrete floor. Jeff Christianson sits there for a moment before he begins to crawl away again. Quade grabs onto a steel chair that is laying beside him and begins to slowly crawl towards Christianson. Christianson now looks back and sees de'Sade with a chair. He opens up a door that says off, walks in and grabs a chair. Meanwhile, de'Sade is now on his feet and getting closer to the door. The door is pulled and the camera is out of the way. As we hear Quade rest up against the door, It bolts open knocking de'Sade down. Out comes Jeff Christianson with a steel chair. He swings at Quade who rolls out of the way. Finally Quade backs up against a forklift and rolls through and Christianson misses. Quade grabs his chair, stands up, and turns around and swings, Jeff Christianson turns around and swings, and both men nail each other in the side of the head. We see security and Paramedics rush the scene as both men create yet another cut gushing blood.)
A Man off Screen: "You guys need to stop this... and find out the story."
HS: "Who was that?"
FJ: "I don't know but apparently someone knows the full story on these two."
HS: "When will we find out?"
FJ: "I don't know."
(The instrumental only remake of Bowie's Heroes kicks off and the crowd erupts, however this does not last as just moments before John can step through the curtain he is blindsided by Logan and knocked down which causes John to roll though the curtain and wind up on his back. The crowd is still buzzing however the music is quickly cut. Moments later Logan steps through the curtain and pulls Williams to his feet nailing him with a couple of right hands which back John down the ramp toward the ring.)
HS: "It looks like these two are going to get things done right here and now!"
FJ: "I am looking forward to this one Summers, it does not get much more entertaining than two guys that hold such disdain for each other going at it tooth and nail, no rules, no ref…"
HS: "One of these two men could end up in the hospital tonight Frank, I don't think it's right to enjoy this so much."
FJ: "Now let me correct you Summers, there is no might about it, someone will end up in the hospital tonight, and the way these men have done things in the past, it will more than likely be both of them."
(As the two men reach the ringside area Logan quickly whips John hard into the ring steps sending a resounding and sickening thud throughout the building which draws an "OOOOOOH" response from the crowd. John cripples when hitting the steps and ends up sitting back against the side of the steel. Logan quickly charges John looking for a knee to the head but John is able to duck aside at the last second and Logan hits knee first into the ring steps, the force at which he was moving causes him to go hurdling over the steps and land in a heap with a thud on the floor.)
HS: "My God, did you hear Logan's knee hit that steel Frank?"
FJ: "He tried to Knock Williams out early with that shot, but it did not work out for him, that kind of trauma to the knee can cripple a man."
HS: "It will be interesting to see if Logan suffers any ill effects from that knee on steel meeting."
(Logan instantly grabs his knee in obvious pain, and this small blunder allows Williams time to regain his feet. John shakes out the cobwebs and makes his way over to Logan and pulls the still visibly injured Logan back to a vertical basis. John Walks Logan over to the ringside guard rail and quickly slams him back first into it which brings Logan back to the floor. John then drops to a knee and fires five or six vicious rights into the face region of Logan, before leaving his opponent for just a moment. John turns and begins pulling up the matting surrounding the ring and exposing the concrete.)
HS: "What the hell does Williams have planned here?"
FJ: "I could not tell you for certain Summers, but whenever there is exposed concrete involved, it is never good!"
(Once John has exposed the section of the floor he turns back to Logan and lands another hard right hand. He then turns Logan so he is face down, and grabs his right foot and knee and quickly and violently slams the already injured knee of Logan into the exposed concrete floor.)
HS: "Williams might have just busted Logan's knee with that move, and it looks like he is happy about it.
(The comment from Herb Summers is not far off, as John actually has a slight smile on his face. He leans in and once again grabs the knee and ankle of Logan and repeats the slamming of Logan's knee into the concrete. Logan lets out a pained grunt and John gets right in his face, and with the closeness of the microphones we hear Johns verbal tirade.)
WILLIAMS: "Happy now kid? Are you happy you fucked with me? You son of a bitch."
(Williams fires a few punches at Logan before regaining his feet and once again grabbing the foot of Alexander. John then drops an elbow to the inside of the bad knee of Logan and once again stands up. This time he makes his way over to the timekeepers bench where he grabs a microphone and makes his way back to Logan who is still grabbing his knee on the ground. Once John reaches Logan he quickly applies an Indian Deathlock and holds the mic to his face.)
WILLIAMS: "What do ya say Logan, ready to give it up yet?"
HS: "Well this match is not an I quit match, but I am not sure John realizes that."
FJ: "Oh he knows Summers, what he is doing is getting into the head of Logan Alexander. I thought this John Williams died long ago, I like him much better than the pansy version we usually see."
HS: "Well it is definitely a different John Williams, but I am not so sure it is for the greater good."
FJ: "Well if you don't like the attitude, at least you can look on the bright side, it does not look like he is drunk!"
(Through the pain Logan is able to answer John as the mic sits inches from his face.)
LOGAN: "Enjoy it while it lasts, your time is almost up!"
(Williams tosses the microphone aside and releases the hold, and shortly after climbs to his feet pulling the laboring Logan with him. John quickly pulls Logan over toward the time keepers table and levels him with a solid right which knocks Logan onto his back on top of the small time keepers table. John quickly jumps onto the railing adjacent to the table and jumps looking to splash Logan through the table, but in a last ditch desperation move Logan grabs the ring bell and tosses it upward striking John on his way down. Williams still lands on Logan but the force of the bell has him knocked nearly cold. Both men end up through the table and both look to be out of it as the crowd sits in a buzz like state.)
HS: "That could be a momentum changer, both men are down and out, who ended up getting the worst of it?"
FJ: "It looks to me like Williams is busted open after that bell shot, but it is hard to tell from this angle."
(Almost as if on cue John rolls over onto his back and we can quickly see the stream of blood running from a large wound on his hair line.)
HS: "He is, ladies and gentlemen John Williams is busted wide open, with that cut he may not last long, its going to bleed right into his eyes."
FJ: "He knew what he was getting into, the one thing I am wondering, how are we gonna know when this one is over?"
HS: "I guess it is over when these guys say it is over, or one of them is incapacitated."
(The crowd sits nearly silent waiting for either man to get back to his feet. It takes a moment but both men begin to stir, and eventually reach their feet at nearly the same time. Williams catches a glimpse of Logan and comes forward looking for a right hand, however Logan ducks and John's momentum carries him past Logan toward the guard rail. Logan then charges and clotheslines John with such force it carries both men over the rail and into the crowd. Logan is up quickly and pulls John with him dragging him through the crowd landing lefts and rights as they work toward the back of the floor area.)
HS: "They are out with the people, this could be bad for all involved, I hope no one gets hurt."
FJ: "On the contrary, I hope everyone gets hurt."
HS: "Maybe you should get down there then, I would hate to see you miss out on the action."
(Logan and John finally reach the back wall, Where Logan slams John head first into the concrete, which leaves a large blood smear on the white concrete wall. John falls to the floor but Logan is relentless pulling him right back up and whipping him toward a nearby door, and with the force of the whip and John's weight he goes right through the door into the backstage area. Logan quickly heads through the door after John however it takes a moment for the camera crew to catch up with the action. Finally once the crew has made it through the door we see Logan dragging a nearly lifeless Williams down the hallway. Logan tosses John through another door and as we enter this room we see a few members of the AWA roster sitting around packing bags getting ready to leave the arena. Logan nails John with a hard right that send Williams reeling across the locker room and he ends up against a series of lockers on the far side.)
HS: "This is getting out of hand, if there were a referee, he would have lost control long ago anyways."
FJ: "Look at the blood pouring from the face of Williams, he is a mess Summers."
HS: "That he is, and he had better find a way to slow the onslaught of Logan here real quick, or he may not last much longer."
(Logan moves across the floor and grabs hold of John dragging him into another room off of the left hand wall. The two are now in the shower area, the glass barrier still fogged from an obvious recent use. Logan lands a few more hard rights which back Williams up against the shower barrier. Logan takes a few steps back and charges, however John is able to sidestep him and toss Logan face first through the glass shower barrier that shatters as Logan goes hurdling through it.)
HS: "Pardon my language here folks, but Jesus Christ…did you see the glass Shatter as Logan's head hit?"
FJ: "Yeah, at the force he was moving, that is like going face first through the windshield of a car, that might be the end of this match."
HS: "This is not a match, this is an all out brawl, a fight to the end, hell I have been to bars in the deep south that the action never got this nasty."
(We move over to the shattered door where we see the shards of shatterd glass laying on the floor, blood everywhere, most of it coming from the forehead and left shoulder of Logan, who is on his back not moving. John staggers over to him obviously still feeling the effects of the beating, not to mention the loss of blood thus far. John steps into the shower and we can hear the glass crunching beneath his feet as he makes his way to Logan. Williams finally reaches Alexander and pulls him back up and drags him from the shower area and eventually out of the locker room. Both men stagger down the long hallway, blood masking the face of both. At this point both men are exhausted, however both still have fight left in them and they begin to trade shots as they make their way down the hallway, neither wanting to give an inch.)
HS: "This is insane, these two men have taken each other to hell, and they are still going at it for all they are worth, it just goes to show you how much hatred there is between these two men."
FJ: "That and I think pride has a lot to do with it, neither man wants to be the loser, thus we get a war."
HS: "That is the best description for this, it is a war."
(The two men continue to trade until they reach the edge of the entrance way. Finally they brawl their way through the curtain and back out atop the ramp on the arena floor. Logan finally manages to get the upper hand as he ducks a Williams shot and nails John with a drop kick that takes Williams to the ground. Logan stumbles toward John and pulls him back to his feet then moments later drops him again after bouncing his skull off of one of the steel uprights that supports the Big screen. Williams is a mess, the blood that runs from his face has now consumed most of his upper body and there is a large stain on his blue jeans as well. Logan takes a moment with John down to wipe some of the blood from his eyes before he makes his way back to Williams helping him back to his feet. Logan swings with a right, however this time it is Williams who ducks and Logan drives his right fist full force into the steel support beam.)
HS: "God, that is a broken hand if I have ever seen one."
FJ: "I did not know they were broadcasting the film three hundred here tonight!"
HS: "That is what it looks like, it is like a big bloody tornado up there, these men must be certifiably nuts."
(Logan shakes his hand and that allows Williams enough time to land a boot to Logan's gut which doubles him over. John then walks the doubled over Alexander over to the edge of the stage and puts Logans head between his legs and makes a rolling motion with his hands.)
HS: "NO…DON'T DO THIS…It looks like Williams is going to try and hit his Lights out Pile Driver on the steel stage."
(Once Logan is in position John turns him in a way that the momentum of the move will take both men off the stage to the floor 20 feet below.)
FJ: "I don't think on the stage is his plan here Summers!"
HS: "He is going to kill him, JOHN DON'T DO IT!"
(Williams begins his flip, but Logan is able to get loose mid move and he sends John hurdling over the edge of the stage area. Moments later we see a huge burst of sparks and half of the arena lights go out. As the camera reaches the edge of the stage we look down to see a lifeless Williams laying amongst a pile of broken electrical equipment as the crowd breaks into the familiar HOLY SHIT chant.)
FJ: "He is not moving Summers, this does not look good."
HS: "Williams had no way to protect himself during that fall, and he landed hard on that electrical table taking out half of the arena lights in the process."
FJ: "I guess Logan would be the winner of this little confrontation, if you can call him that, he does not look like much of a winner right now!"
(We cut back to a shot of Logan who is on his back on top of the stage, breathing heavy, blood still all over his face and chest.)
HS: " I have been told the problem with the lights is temporary, and right now we need to clean this mess up, and they need to get both of these men medical attention and fast."
FJ: "Williams still isn't moving on the floor Summers, this could be bad!"
(We again cut to a scene of the lifeless Williams who is now surrounded by a series of event staff and paramedics who are working to get a neck brace on him. The EMT's get Williams immobilized and load him onto a nearby stretcher and begins to wheel him away through the nearest door to the back room.)
HS: "Folks it is always a frightening sight when something like that happens, you never want to see a serious injury happen to anyone. I am being told that John Williams is about to be taken to a local hospital, if we get anything more tonight we will keep you up to date."
(We cut to the back where we see the door to the room of "Damage, Incorporated". The door opens up and we're inside the dressing room where we only see Nathaniel Henry Lee, Onslaught, and the AWA World Heavyweight Champion Brian Stevens. Brian's sitting down on the leather couch talking on his cell phone, Henry's sitting on a stool with a pair of glasses on as he reads through the Wall Street Journal, and Onslaught's playing some XBox 360.)
ONSLAUGHT: "COME ON! DAMMIT! Spidey can't web sling worth shit!"
NHL: "Benjamin, dear boy, if you insist in screaming like a little child about the fact that you simply cannot play a video game correctly, I kindly ask you to just put the controller down and walk away."
ONSLAUGHT: "But this is ridiculous! Kraven's kicking my ass! I would kick that bastard's ass in real life."
NHL: "If you can do something which Spider-Man can't do, then I would truly be amazed."
(Onslaught continues to play the game and then screams again.)
(We see Onslaught beat Kraven's first form on screen.)
ONSLAUGHT: "I BOOF'd that bitch!"
NHL: "I'm going to boof you if you don't shut that bloody hole in your face, Ben."
ONSLAUGHT: "Oh, come on! Bri, am I bothering you?"
(We see Stevens put his phone down for a second.)
BRIAN STEVENS: "Yes, you actually are. Just play the game in peace, O. I'm talking on the phone. Can't you see that?"
ONSLAUGHT: (sarcastic) "Well soooorry! Geez. Can't I ever catch a break?"
(We see Henry roll his eyes as Stevens continues his phone conversation.)
ONSLAUGHT: "DAMN! Stupid lizards! This game sucks!"
(Henry calmly folds up his paper and places it down next to him. He walks over to Onslaught and proceeds to slap him upside the head and rip the controller out of his hand.)
NHL: "SHUT THE BLOODY HELL UP! GOD! How many times do I have to say it? Shut the fuck up before I take this damn controller and shove it down your throat so I can finally enjoy some peace and quiet while you choke to death!"
(Onslaught continues to play the game and we fade out on the image of Onslaught as we see a small tear roll down his left cheek.)
FJ: "Was Onslaught crying?"
HS: "Looks like it."
FJ: "Men don't cry. What a baby!"
HS: "No More Drama has been everything advertised and more, Frank. The action in the ring has been second to none and we still have a lot more show for the AWA Faithful."
FJ: "Damn skippy."
HS: "However, up next on tonight's card the Table's match for the AWA No Limits Championship. The Challenger, Jon Taylor, is looking to get some form of revenge on Champion, Jeff Christianson."
FJ: "Yep. Jon Taylor lost his Tag Team titles not too long ago to the Faction squad of Jeff Christianson and Jai Williams. Since then, Jon Taylor has been looking to get his hands on Christianson's No Limits title to even things out a bit."
(We take in a shot of the ring, which is now surrounded by 2 tables on each side of the ring. Yessir, our AWA Production team works pretty freakin' fast.)
HS: "It looks as if all the tables are set up around ringside and it's time to get this party started!"
FJ: "Wait…did you just f'ing quote PINK!?"
HS: "…"
FJ: "Jesus Christ, I need a new partner."
(Hate me now by Nas blares through the PA System and the crowd goes crazy as Taylor comes out of the back onto the ramp pumped up. He stands at the top of the ramp, raises his arms up quickly and fireworks go off on both sides of him. Suddenly, from seemingly no where, Jeff Christianson bolts out from the "O" tunnel and drills the unsuspecting Jon Taylor on the back of the head with a stiff forearm shot. Taylor crumbles and roll down the entrance ramp.)
HS: "What the Hell!?!"
FJ: "HAHA! Beautiful!"
(Jeff rips off his ring jacket and unlatches the No Limits title from his waist as he stalks Jon Taylor. Jeff kicks Taylor down the ramp for good measure before tossing his ring jacket aside and throwing the No Limits title into the ring. Referee Jonathon Linden grabs the No Limits title belt and tosses it in the ring corner, so it's out of the way.)
HS: "Jeff Christianson has decided to start this match out under HIS terms, and that doesn't booed well for Taylor."
FJ: "Absolutely not. D-dub is considered one of the very best this sport has ever seen. While he's a technical wrestling masterpiece, he also knows how to be an absolute bastard. He's showing that now."
(DW brings Taylor up by his ears before weaving in between the tables and tossing Taylor into the ring. Christianson, however, doesn't follow and instead grabs a chair at ringside and tosses it into the ring before heading into the ring after it. Jonathon Linden doesn't waste any time kicking the chair into the ring corner, but in doing so, Jon Taylor has taken the opportunity to low-blow Christianson behind the ref's back.)
HS: "YES!"
FJ: "YES!? He just cheated, damn it! DQ his ass!"
HS: "First off, the ref didn't see it and secondly, turn about is fair play."
(Both men are down, but Taylor is the first up to his feet. The referee finally calls for the bell as this happens.)
HS: "There's the bell."
FJ: "Like it was even needed at this point."
(Taylor boots Christianson, who is trying to rise to his feet. Jeff backs into the ropes and Taylor sends him. Taylor rushes in with a clothesline, but Jeff has the wherewithal to duck underneath and grab a rear waist lock. Taylor is quick to unload an elbow to the side of DW's head to break the lock. Taylor runs the ropes and Jeff quickly leaps into the air and Taylor ducks down and goes underneath. Taylor keeps running the ropes and this time, Taylor leaps over the flat DW. Taylor keeps on running and Christianson again tries leaping but Taylor catches Christianson in the air and slams him down ala Rick Steiner. DW gets right up, slowly, and Taylor bullrushes DW over with a Shoulder Tackle. Taylor hit's the ropes again and this time he crashes down across the chest of DW with a leg drop.)
HS: "Typically, Jon Taylor would look for a pinfall here, but since this is a Table Match, pinfalls are not needed or used."
FJ: "Duh."
(Taylor is quick to bring Christianson up by his short brown hair and head butts him, backing him to the ropes again. Taylor chops the chest of DW before sending him to the ropes. Taylor is quick to snap off a deep arm drag ala Ricky Steamboat. Christianson is quick to pop back up but is only met by another deep arm drag. Again, Christianson is right back up and again, Christianson is met with disappointment as Taylor takes to the air and dropkicks DW on the point of the jaw. Christianson stays down long enough for Taylor to drop an elbow.)
HS: "Good fire by Taylor early, Frank."
FJ: "Smart strategy, though. He's letting the Champ expend all his energy as well as kicking his ass. And, plus, who knows if he'll actually get a win this way or not. I say keep on keepin' on and get one of them tables in here."
(Taylor again brings Christianson up by his hair and this time, Taylor Irish Whips DW into the corner. DW staggers out of the corner, having hit the turnbuckle hard, and is quickly sent over with a backbody drop by Taylor! The fans are going wild! Taylor is pandering to them and pumping his fists! Jon Taylor is feeling it!)
FJ: "Come on! Don't posture for these idiots!"
(Taylor brings DW back up by his and backs him up to the corner. Taylor whips Christianson across the ring before charging at Jeff and going for a Stinger Splash! Jeff moves out of the way of the splash and Taylor hits his chest against the turnbuckle and hard. Christianson wastes little time and hit's a sick Diving Reverse DDT. Both men are down.)
HS: "And just like that, Jeff Christianson took the wind right out of this crowd's sail."
(Jeff gets to a knee and eyes up the hurting Taylor. Finally, after feeling as though he's adequately healed, Jeff gets to his feet and quickly starts stomping the back of the head of Jon Taylor. Taylor looks to be moving really slowly and Christianson takes notice. Jeff slides outside of the ring and starts looking to interject some lumber into the match.)
FJ: "Look at Taylor, Summers. He looks completely out of this thing."
HS: "He may have a concussion. His movement is really slow and he looks hurt."
(Jeff slides two tables into the ring before rolling back in. Jeff immediately clubs Taylor on the back of the head before heading back to the tables. Christianson sets up one of the tables near the ropes and another propped up in the corner standing upwards.)
HS: "Yeesh. Things do not look good for Taylor."
FJ: "Nah. He's not moving well at all and TWO tables are set up. He's pretty much f'ed."
(Jeff walks his way over to Taylor and is quickly met by a weak shot to the gut. Christianson laughs it off as Taylor tries another. Jeff simply clubs the neck of Taylor once more before bringing him up to his feet. Jeff locks on a front cravat and starts kneeing Taylor in the face. Finally, Christianson walks Taylor over to the properly set up table and drives his face into it. Jeff starts to grind the face and nose of Taylor into the table, telling him that's where he's gonna go.)
FJ: "Atta boy, D-dub."
HS: "He's just embarrassing him. Very classy, Jeff. I mean, come on!"
(Taylor knows he's in trouble and desperately, he starts rapid firing elbows into the gut of DW. Jeff finally staggers away and Taylor explodes at Jeff with everything in him. Jeff is quick to snap off a Rolling Boston Crab and instead of maintaining his lock on the Crab, Jeff shoots over and drops an elbow on the back of Taylor's head. And another. And another. DW is quick to get up and moves to an open corner, slides up to the second rope and flies off with an elbow ala Bret Hart.)
FJ: "He's keeping on that head and neck. Christianson is a very smart man."
(Jeff Christianson smiles mischievously. He knows Taylor is just about done. Jeff drags one of the tables center ring and finally props Taylor on top. Jeff looks over to the corner.)
FJ: "No…no…no. Don't do it."
(DW ignores Frank. He is quick to step outside onto the apron and walk up the ropes to the top. DW flies off, looking for a Superfly Splash…but Taylor moves! DW crashes through the table and the San Juan crowd explodes with excitement! Jonathan Linden can only watch as both men are down and out.)
HS: "Not smart strategy by Jeff Christianson!"
FJ: "NO! Not at all! Now that idiot, Taylor, can get back into this thing!"
HS: "But with Jeff targeting that head and neck of Taylor literally all match, will Taylor even be able to effectively follow up?"
FJ: "Ugh…I hope not."
(The referee pushes the Table debris out of the ring while both men start to stir. Both men arrive to their feet at the same time. Taylor chops the chest of DW. DW forearms Taylor in the face! Taylor responds with a series of chops! DW responds back with some fierce forearms! Finally, Taylor looks staggered and Christianson takes to the ropes. Taylor looks for a back elbow, but DW ducks under and grabs the waist. Taylor runs to the ropes and slingshots DW off of him. Jeff rolls back and back up to his feet and charges, only to get turned inside out by a Clothesline by Jon Taylor!)
HS: "Devastating clothesline by Taylor!"
(Taylor calls for the end of the match as he drags up the limp body of DW. He looks for his version of the Ace Crusher, The Showstopper, but Jeff pushes him off and into the ropes! Taylor rebounds back and Jeff quickly grabs the body of Taylor and snaps him over with a textbook side Belly-to-Belly…but Jonathon Linden gets in the way and gets clipped in the face by one of Taylor's flailing feet!)
FJ: "That bastard ref is down! HA!"
(DW immediately takes notice of the fallen ref and smiles. Jeff slowly and methodically crawls to the steel chair in the ring corner that he threw into the ring pre-match.)
HS: "NO! N-n-n-n-n-o!"
FJ: "Oh, yeah, baby!"
(Christianson gets up to his feet and raises the chair…but Taylor is up! Taylor is up! Taylor leaps up and dropkicks the chair right into the face of DW! DW backs himself right into the propped up table in the corner and Jon Taylor quickly rushes in a connects with a Stinger Splash, putting Christianson through the table!!)
HS: "HE DID IT! New Champion! New Champion!"
FJ: "No f'ing way!"
HS: "Jon Taylor just beat one of the very best this sport has ever seen! Jon Taylor just defeated a Hall of Famer! Jon Taylor just beat Jeff Christianson for the No Limits title!"
(Taylor is SHOCKED! He immediately falls to his knees center ring and raises his arms triumphantly! The San Juan crowd is going loco!)
FJ: "Ugh…listen to these people. Disgusting."
(Taylor sees No Limits title still in the ring corner and crawls to it! Taylor lifts the belt up and proudly hoists it above his head like a trophy. Tears of happiness are welling up in the eyes of Taylor.)
HS: "What a moment. What a proud moment for Jon Taylor. This is his first singles title in the AWA and is one hell of an accomplishment."
FJ: "Wait…LOOK!"
(From seemingly out of no where, Jeff Christianson clocks Jon Taylor in the back of the head with the steel chair! Taylor just crumbles to the mat, dropping the NL title in the process. Jeff smiles as he grabs an arm of Taylor and pulls him into the table debris.)
HS: "That…asshole. This can't be happening."
(Christianson throws the chair out of the ring before heading over to AWA referee Jonathon Linden. Finally, Linden comes to and sees Taylor out in the debris of the table. Linden calls for the bell and as he rises to his feet, he also raises the hand of Jeff Christianson!!!)
FJ: "AHAHA!!! This is soooo perfect!"
HS: "This is so wrong on about 300 different levels."
(Christianson grabs his NL title belt as "Kingdom Come" by Jay Z hits. The fans in San Juan are livid! They start throwing full cups of tasty soft drink at the ring and at Christianson. Jeff is quick to roll out of the ring and makes a beeline up the ramp.)
HS: "What a travesty. What a joke."
FJ: "What pure awesomeness."
HS: "Jon Taylor will have his day in the sun, Frank. I'm sure of that. He has a receipt for Christianson…hell, he was robbed of a career defining moment! You have to feel like this won't stand!"
FJ: "Stand-schmand. Doesn't matter. Christianson was declared the winner. Live with it."
(Our screen goes black, and a logo in white lettering appears: "Mr. Entertainment in...Gloria Por Basquetbol!")
FJ: "Oh, God. Not again. This is just as bad as when he had that talk show!"
HS: "Give the guy a break, Frank! He likes making people laugh!"
FJ: "It's making me cringe."
(We open on the hardwood of a basketball court, a fresh sheen of wax shining brightly. Our camera work is once again amatuer at best, a shaky hand camcorder shooting the action. After taking a quick pan around the arena, we find Javex Valerius standing in front of us, a cheesy grin on his face. Javex, clad in baby blue Under Armor basketball shorts, wristbands, headband, and jersey has a bright orange basketball under his arm.)
JAVEX: "Greetings, AWA! Javex Valerius here in the Mario "Quijote" Morales Coliseum, home of the Santurce Crabbers!"
(Javex throws his head back, eminating a high-pitched squeal.)
(The camera shakes and drops back a few steps before Javex returns to a normal - for him - stance.)
JAVEX: "AWA, I'm gonna admit something to you all. Something most of you probably don't know, and wouldn't know unless I said something. It's tough to admit, but you know...I'm a man's man. A manly man's man. And I'm honest, so here goes. I... *Javex bites his lip before continuing*..I am not good at football. There, I said it. Now, while I'm better than the vast majority of football players, I just don't feel satisfied with my own level of talent in that arena. So, I've decided NOT to show off my football skills again here. Instead, I've decided to show you, my loyal fans, some BASKETBALL! WHOO!"
(From behind the camera, "Whoo!". Javex nods appreciatively.)
JAVEX: "But, because I'm a fair man, I'm going to give myself some competition, if you can call it that. So, here to play a quick game of one on one with me are..."
(Javex motions with his head for his other participant to show up, and onto the screen comes...)
JAVEX: "The Crestside Monster, Jai Williams and his footsoldier Malakai! *Javex extends his fist* What up, dog?!"
(Jai slaps Javex's hand away and points an accusing finger into his chest.)
JAI: "What the FUCK is this, Javex?"
JAVEX: *confused* "Buh...basketba--?"
JAI: *interrupting* "SHUT UP! It's not basketball! It's racism!"
JAVEX: "How is this..."
JAI: *interrupting again* "HEY, SHUT UP! I'll tell you how, "ESE"! *Jai with the finger quotes for added effect* You're shooting a basketball segment! And who do you get to be in it?"
(Jai exchanges glances with Malakai.)
JAVEX: "I..."
(Malakai takes a step toward Javex, who shuts up immediately.)
JAI: "The black guys! Of fucking COURSE it'd be the black guys, Javex! Because who else would play basketball? Only the black guys could, OF COURSE! Well, FUCK YOU, Javex, because..."
JAVEX: *quietly* "You guys were playing here when we got here."
JAI: *stopped in mid-sentence* "Ummm...what?"
JAVEX: "I, uh - wasn't planning on filming this with you guys. I was just know, throw some shots up. Dunk a little. Spin the ball. But, since you guys were here, I decided to ask if you wanted to..."
JAI: *confused, then suddenly insulted* "Why the FUCK wouldn't you ask me to be in this, Javex? JAI WILLIAMS AND BASKETBALL JUST GO TOGETHER!"
JAVEX: "But didn't you just...?"
(Malakai grabs the basketball from Javex and forcefully checks it against Javex's stomach. Jai grabs the rebound and races toward the basket.)
(Javex quickly reacts and dives for the ball, not noticing that Jai is well out of reach. Javex crashes helplessly to the floor as Jai lifts into the air and hits a picture perfect layup. Picking himself up off the floor, Javex dashes to half court and reaches for the ball. Jai hands it over, Javex checks it and prepares to dribble up court, but has the ball immediately stripped from him. Jai hits half court, then storms toward the basket again, with Javex in hot pursuit. Javex throws his hands up for a block, but gets bodychecked by Jai as he jumps for another swish. Javex, on the floor, looks desperately at the camera.)
(So we do.)
(But it doesn't look good. What we get is a series of clips involving Javex double-dribbling, missing layups and fadeaways, and getting the shit beat out of him by Jai, while Malakai looks on and nods when Jai asks if that was a foul, as Javex's nose floods all over his jersey. We see a clip of Javex trying to body check Jai, only to have Jai immediately call foul. Javex goes up for a DUNK! Which...he somehow air balls. And at the end...)
JAI: "My win. 15-NOTHING."
JAVEX: *breathing hard* " fouled m--"
(Jai throws the ball at Javex, bouncing it off his stomach. Javex collapses onto the ground as Jai motions for Malakai to follow him off the court. After Jai and Malakai walk off screen, Javex comes up from the ground, the ball in his hand. With his back to the basket, Javex manages to grin for the camera.)
JAVEX: "Now THAT'S..."
(Javex tosses the ball over his shoulder toward the basket, without looking back.)
(The ball sails over the backboard and slams Malakai in the back of the head, knocking him out. Jai, walking behind him, looks over at Javex menacingly.)
JAVEX: "Well, AWA, that was..."
(Mark Cross streaks onto the screen, tackling Javex to the ground with unnecessary roughness. Cross pops up.)
JAVEX: *off screen* "Aw...what the HELL, CROSS? Where did you come from?"
(Mark Cross just laughs and walks off screen, as Jai and Malakai walk back over to Javex, Malakai rubbing his head. Jai looks down at Javex and shakes his head.)
JAI: "What a dork."
(The scene fades to a black screen, now displaying a simple "Mr. Entertainment" logo.)
HS: "Folks, coming up next we have a match that has been a couple of years in the making."
FJ: "We actually have a match like that tonight?"
HS: "Well, if you can think back to all of the times that Low and Snake had a lot of differences over the course of their careers, then yes, it has been a couple of years in the making."
FJ: "Oh, the cage match is next. Yeah, Low and Snake will definitely get it on tonight and I don't think it'll be a pretty thing to see. And if that's the case, I want some damn popcorn NOW!"
HS: "Yeah, this should be a -"
HS: "Frank, hold out and-"
HS: "I think he-"
HS: "Oh my..."
("My Idea of FUn" by The Stooges begins to play in the arena and we see the figure of the Legendary Low emerge from the back wearing a Damage, Inc. t-shirt featuring the "Death Bird Ver. 1" on the front. Low begins to make his way towards the ring, and on his way, he jaws a bit with the fans and taunts them as he get closer and closer to the ring. Some fans even throw some garbage at Low in which he misses. He even bats away a soda, drenching a fan in the process. Low laughs at that as he turns towards the ring.)
FJ: "YES! POPCORN! *crunching noises*"
HS: "Low is in top shape tonight, it seems. Since Low has joined Damage, Inc. as their new 'Chief Operational Officer', Low has been pretty much the Low of old - the Legendary Low. The guy that would stop at nothing to show that he is the best the world has ever seen. Tonight he faces a person that wants nothing more than to embarrass him. That man is Snake."
FJ: "*crunching noises*"
HS: "For those who aren't familiar with the history of Snake and Low, it does go as far back as Hell Bowl 2005 where Low eliminated Snake from the Chamber, costing Snake his opportunity to win the big one back in 2005. Low did win that match and later on Low won a World Title defense as well and it almost made Snake quit the AWA."
FJ: (muffled) "He did? That's pretty cool I guess."
(Low climbs up the ring steps and ducks under the top rope upon entering the ring. Low flips his orange hair back into place as he awaits Snake. He doesn't have to wait long as a soft pulsing begins through the arena and instantly the crowd begins to boo. Across the Ameritron with each pulse comes a image or words that seemed to be written in blood.)
FJ: (muffled) "Boy, this popcorn is good! Oh, yeah, and Snake's screwed."
(Pulse one comes with the words "Toxic Melody reunited" across the Ameritron.)
HS: "I wouldn't count Snake out so early. Snake has the ability to beat Low. He's beaten the leader of Damage, Inc. for the World Heavyweight Championship a couple of months ago. He's certainly able to beat Low."
(The second and third pulse come in rapid succession with the names Snake diagonal from left to right top to bottom and the second with the word Faith diagonal from right to left from bottom to top.)
FJ: (muffled) "Didn't Stevens beat Snake the following week or something?"
(The fourth and final pulse comes with the image of Faith with her legs wrapped around Snakes waist and the two kissing over Monica's beaten and broken body.)
HS: "Well, I guess according to Snake it wouldn't matter as he's now in the elite names of those who were at one point in time the AWA World Heavyweight Champion. But if you compare titles for titles, Low has Snake blown completely out of the water, making it seem almost like a lopsided match."
FJ: "*crunching noises*"
("Survival of the Sickest" by Saliva hits Pa system and following the words "One, two, three four" a massive Pyro goes off on the stage and when the flames die Snake and Faith are standing on the rampway basking in the hatred spewing from the AWA fans. Snake wraps his arms around Faith who jumps and wraps her legs around his waist as another pyro explodes behind them. The two then make there way down to the ring where Snake jumps inside and Faith watches on smiling. Snake turns around and points up the ramp and tells Faith to go into the back. Faith complies and blows her man a kiss.)
FJ: (sounds of swallowing and licking) "Herb, just look at the two of them inside that ring. You have Low leaning in his corner with his awesome Damage, Inc. shirt on and you have Snake in the other corner who is almost salivating to get the chance to grapple with the Hall of Famer."
HS: "Ok, so the referee has just called for the lowering of the cage."
FJ: "Why didn't they lower it before the match started?"
HS: "Probably for dramatic effect."
FJ: "Ah."
(As the cage is lowering, Low is seen taking off his Damage, Inc. "Death Bird Ver. 1" shirt and tossing it out on the ringside mats. Snake is crouching in the same place he was and he bows his head while putting his hands behind his head. Low cracks his neck and stretches his arms as he stares a whole through Snake who is still crouched in his corner. The cage finishes lowering and the ringside crew are tightening it to the ring.)
FJ: "Boy that popcorn was good. I need something to drink now."
HS: "The referee is calling both men to the center of the ring, but Snake isn't moving."
FJ: "I guess Snake already knows the rules to this match with ONLY pinfall or submission. If you escape the cage, that means nothing."
HS: "As I said earlier - this is going to be a very unpretty match."
FJ: "Bones will break, spirits will be crushed, and one man will stand victorious."
(The referee calls for the bell and Snake is still in the corner, crouched. Low is standing there in the middle of the ring and then he crosses his arms over his chest, half covering his "hole" tattoo. Low starts to tap his boot on the ring before uncrossing his arms and walking towards Snake. As soon as Low gets within a foot from Snake, Snake lunges towards Low and screaming like a maniac. Low, caught off guard, is hit by a tackle from Snake and knocked onto his back.)
FJ: "Did you hear that scream from Snake? It sounded like it was feral with some hissing."
HS: "Hissing? I didn't hear a hiss from Snake. It sounded like a scream."
FJ: "Hmm..."
(Snake, on top of Low, starts to unleash a fury of left and right hands with some elbows in there as well. Low is struggling to get his arms in a good position to block most of the blows, but Snake is adamantly swinging away. Snake gets off Low and rips him up to his feet. Snake whips Low into the ropes, but Low reverses and sends Snake into the ropes. Upon connection, Snake's face bashes off the cage wall and Snake falls onto his back, rolls up, and lands face down on the mat. Snake gets to his feet, but Low hits Snake with a soccer-like kick to the midsection, flipping Snake over onto his back.)
HS: "Look at the brutality of this match in the early goings."
FJ: "It'll get better, just you wait and see, Mr. Love Bug."
HS: "Love Bug?"
FJ: "Herbie."
HS: "Oh no..."
(As Snake's getting up to his feet, Low leaps into the air and lands a knee onto the back of Snake's skull, driving it into the mat. Low grabs Snake from behind and puts on a choke hold. Snake gets up to one knee and elbows Low in the side a few times before hitting him in the face with the back of his left fist a few times. Low is stunned for a split second and in that time, Snake grabs Low by the head and snapmares him to the mat. Snake grabs a hold of Low's head and applies a choke hold on Low. Low elbows Snake in the side a couple of times before whipping his head backwards catching Snake in the right cheek. Snake releases the hold and appears to be showing symptoms of being knocked out. Snake catches himself with his right arm and shakes his head a bit before stumbling to his feet with the aide of the nearby ropes.)
HS: "If Low hit Snake with more force or in the correct spot, Snake might be knocked unconscious right now."
FJ: "Nah, that wouldn't happen."
(Low grabs Snake by the shoulders and whips him into the ropes opposite of where he's standing. Snake bounces off the ropes - and the cage - and heads right into Low where Low nails him with a lariat to the throat. With Snake now on the mat, Low applies a triangle choke to Snake, looking to end it early.)
HS: "Or just a standard triangle choke."
FJ: "Or he's just paying tribute to his pseudo-new employer."
HS: "You're ridiculous."
FJ: "Not as much as your mom. OH BURN!"
(As Snake is trying to NOT tap out, he's twising and turning and writhing in pain trying to find a way out of this move. Snake twists and contorts his body and is able to reach a boot up to Low's head.)
HS: "Look at the flexibility of Snake."
FJ: "Your mom's more flexible. OH DOUBLE BURN!"
(Snake gets more mobility out of his position and tries for another boot again to Low's head. Low releases the triangle choke and grabs his forehead. He removes his hand and sees a little bit of blood on the palm of his left hand. Low checks his forehead and finds a small cut hear his orange hair line. Low gets to his and raises his left foot into the air and slams it down towards Snake going heel first. Snake rolls out of the way just in the nick of time as we hear the very loud thump of the heel of Low's boot hitting the canvas.)
FJ: "If that connected with Snake, I think Snake would have been dead."
HS: "Not as dead as your sex life. OH BURN!"
FJ: "Uh, dude, I had some earlier today. Your burn failed."
HS: "What? With who?"
FJ: "With YOUR MOM! OH TRIPLE BURN! I got you good!"
(Low picks Snake up to his feet and ties up in a collar and elbow, but Snake moves quickly behind Low and hits a releasing German suplex that forces Low to fly head first into the cage wall. Snake drags Low up to his feet and whips him into the side of the cage head first. Low's head bounces off the steel mesh and he lands on the mat. Snake picks Low up again and whips him into the cage wall, but Low reverses it and Snake lands head first into the cage wall. Low grabs Snake and tosses him into the next cage wall and Snake bounces back. Low tosses Snake into the next cage wall and on Snake's bounce back from his head-first encounter, Low trips Snake causing him to fall backwards onto the canvas. Low stomps on Snake's head a couple of times before picking him up to his feet and whiping him into the ropes so hard that Snake hits the cage wall and falls inbetween the ropes and cage wall.)
HS: "Low's getting fired up here."
FJ: "I think the sight of the blood on his forehead caused him to get into a crazy mode here causing destruction to unfold right before our very eyes."
HS: "I think you're right."
FJ: "What you're not right about is the fact that the blood came from your mother's 'rag' after our 'close encounter' today. OH! QUADRUPLE BURN! Man, you open yourself up to these."
HS: "Wait until Low hears that one."
FJ: "Oh shoot..."
(Low picks up Snake from in between the ropes and cage wall and starts to grate his head over the steel. Snake's grabbing onto the cage wall trying to push himself off the wall, but Low keeps grating Snake's forehead on the cage wall. Low releases Snake and pulls him over the top rope and into the ring. Low whips Snake hard into the corner turnbuckle and so hard that Snake bounces out and lands flat on his face. Low walks over to the opposite turnbuckle, next to the cage door, and starts to unlace the top turnbuckle pad. Low rips it off and discards it to the side. Low turns around and receives a huge boot to the face by Snake. Snake picks up Low and whips him into that exposed turnbuckle, however Low reverses it and Snake's back make perfect contact to the unforgiving corner.)
FJ: "That's gonna hurt tomorrow morning."
HS: "Not as much as your face when I'm done with it."
FJ: "Herb, I told you I don't swing that way. I'm flattered that you think of me in that regard, but I enjoy my heterosexual existence."
HS: "You're so dead."
FJ: "Lover's scorn?"
(Low walks over to the referees and demand to them that they open up the cage door. They debate with him but then he kicks the door a few times before they comply. Low grabs a hold of Snake and drags him towards the door. Once near it, Low hops out of the ring...)
HS: "No escape. You're an idiot. You even said it yourself that it was no escape."
FJ: "Shoot..."
(...and pulls Snake towards the opening. Low then rubs his elbow across Snake's forhead in a sawing fashion before slamming the door of the cage right across Snake's skull. Each shot of the cage door pinning Snake's head between the door and the cage wall makes the crowd wince and groan just by watching it.)
HS: "I don't know how much more of this kind of abuse Snake can take, but I know it can't be much more."
FJ: "Yeah, that looks like it hurts, Herb."
(Low swings the gate shut on Snake's head.)
(Low pulls back on the cage door and swings it shut again on Snake's head.)
LOW: "I expected more from you. You should be ashamed of yourself!"
(Low hops up on the apron and climbs into the cage. He pulls the door shut once more on Snake's head and then drags Snake's limp body into the ring. Low covers Snake for the first pin attempt of the night...)
HS: "Low covers! ONE...TWO...THR- WHAT?!"
FJ: "I don't believe it!"
(Snake had actually kicked out of the pin attempt. Low, showing signs of frustration, gets up and drops and elbow across Snake's throat and then pins again...)
HS: "Another cover. ONE...TWO...T- And again Snake kicks out."
(Low gets up to his feet and brings Snake up with him. Low whips Snake into the ropes and on the way back, Low tries for a clothesline, but Snake ducks it, pivots, and nails a reverse neckbreaker on Low. Both men are out on the canvas. The referee checks them both to see if they're OK and if they can continue.)
FJ: "Who would have thought that Snake would have made a comeback after that latest string of brutal attacks done to him?
HS: "I don't know, but whatever that was, it'll be hard for Low to extinguish that flame that's burning inside Snake."
(Snake starts to stir before Low does and gets to one knee. Snake grabs his head and cracks his neck once to the left and once to the right. Snake shakes his head and continues to rise. Meanwhile, Low is also getting to his feet and is pretty much on them when Snake gets to his. With his back facing Snake, he doesn't see the forearm to the back of the head. The blow knocks low into the ropes, bashing his head off the cage wall. Snake grabs Low from behind and lifts him into the air. Snake drives Low face first into the mat, jamming his shoulder into Low's back and almost crushing his chest.)
FJ: "What's that a reverse Final Rites?"
HS: "Looks to be."
FJ: "Interesting move."
(Snake rolls Low onto his back and covers him...)
FJ: "Snake going for his first pin attempt of the match. ONE...TWO.- Wow! Low kicked out!"
HS: "Well I'll be..."
(Snake looks down at Low in disgust before pulling Low to his feet, however Low doesn't get to his feet and hits a Low blow on Snake. Low then boots Snake in the gut and takes him down with a Low Stunner. Low then runs towards the turnbuckles, runs UP the turnbuckles, flips backwards, corkscrews and hits a FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH!)
HS: "That's unbelieveable! Low just ran up the turnbuckles, lept off in a moonsault, corkscrewed, and then hit a frog splash! Incredible!"
(Low covers Snake for the pin...)
HS: "The cover by Low. ONE...TWO...THREE!"
FJ: "Whew! Low did it!"
HS: "What an end to an awesome match."
FJ: "It was a boneshattering match. I wouldn't be surprised if each of these men spend a night in the hospital for observation."
(We cut to a video advertising that KING OF THE KAGE 2007 is being held on July 1 at the Scottrade Center in St. Louis, MO.)
MAIN EVENT SUMMARY: Yeah, a summary. I'm as happy as you are... So, in the main event we have Brian Stevens defending his AWA World Heavyweight Championship against A.C. Smith. This is a top notch match and both men pull out the stops to try to out-do the other. In the end, Brian Stevens wins a close match, nearly losing his World Title on several occassions as A.C. Smith looked to be at the top of his game, but not good enough it seemed.
Copyright AWA 2007