AWA Hell on Earth, January 28, 2007, Philadelphia, PA, Wachovia Center

(The AWA Logo fades across the screen and disappears as quickly as it arrived. We see an old wooden rocking chair slowly rocking back and forth under a white spotlight. The screen is very scratchy and grainy as if an old film was being shown. Then, words appear italicized below the chair on the screen.)
For years it's been the pivotal event. Men sacrificing everything to get a taste of something nasty.
(We see an image of Low from Hell On Earth 2005 flash on the screen for an instant. Then we see the image of an imp flash on the screen for a split second. The imp was eating the flesh from the bones of a man still alive.)
Some even sacrificed their very souls to get the chance of a lifetime. Men would line up to fall like dominoes, but there would be only one man who would stand tall in the end, grinning like ghost from the past.
(An image of Brian Williams from Hell On Earth 2004 with the AWA World Heavyweight Championship appear on the screen for a split second and then we see the rocking chair, still rocking. A picture of another imp appears on the screen with a smile on its face and blood is spewing from it's sharp, jagged teeth. That cuts away back to the rocking chair.)
And every once in a while, people would be willing to kill themselves, offering their souls to Satan himself to get the opportunity to reign supreme on the mountain on high.
(We cut from the rocking chair and for an instant we see the Hangman from Hell On Earth 2003. We see the grainy film depiction of the rocking chair and then we switch to another image of a man hanging from a noose, his lower torso completely removed, and we see two imps eating the hanging entrails. The split second goes by and we see that rocking chair.)
And recently there are men that would even destroy themselves so they could brag to the world that they are better than everyone else.
(We go from the rocking chair to see an image of Brian Stevens from Hell On Earth 2006. We cut from that and then we see the image of an imp ripping it's own flesh off its bones with blood spraying on the other imps around it and all of them are seen licking their lips and trying to drink that fresh, new blood. That image quickly leaves and we see the rocking chair stop. The light on the chair gets so bright that after a few seconds there is nothing but bright, white lights. The grainy image burns and melts away and we see a guillotine sitting at the top of a hill. There is a silhouetted image of a man with his head stuck through and we see the blade drop and the head fall into the basket.)
VOICE: "Who will sacrifice all they have to avoid being left in Hell?"
(We cut to the guillotine again and then focus on the wooden block that holds the guillotine's blade. We see a hot brand come into view and burns the wooden block. The brand leaves the view and we see the Hell On Earth 2007 logo with the Bluetooth Technologies logo burned into the block. We zoom in on the blackness of the brand and then fade into the Wachovia Center. The pyro bursts from the stage and the ring. When it's over, the lights in the arena come on and the camera pans the audience. We then cut to ringside to our commentators for the evening.)
HS: "Welcome to the seventh Hell On Earth where we will present the seventh annual Hell Bowl! I'm Herb Summers and I'll be calling the show tonight with Frank Jackson."
FJ: "And we have some crazy stuff going on tonight. We have FIVE tag team matches and we have no clue who's in them!"
HS: "We only know of TWO matches tonight. Faith and Monica will square off with Snake as the special guest referee and the AWA World Heavyweight Championship will be decided in tonight's main event when Nathan Hawthorne-Lee, in his FIRST ever pay-per-view World Title defense, against the AWA No Limit Champion, Logan Alexander, in his first ever pay-per-view World Title opportunity in a No Limits rules match."
FJ: "What I can't wait for is the Hell Bowl Lottery's Battle Royal that will feature the 10 advanced participants in the Hell Bowl Lottery inside a HELL IN A CELL!"
HS: "And then the final two will engage in a singles match inside the Hell in a Cell cage to determine who will get a guaranteed Vortex Main Event World Title shot."
FJ: "Exciting times, Herbie, exciting times."
(The camera cuts in to find Mark Cross pacing slowly around his locker room, taking a few moments to gather his thoughts. It wasn't long before the start of his tag team match. He was taking quick sips of the bottle of water he usually took out to the ring with him.)
AMANDA: "Hey Mark!"
(Mark span around to the source of the voice. Amanda is wearing a black T-shirt with a large red dragon on the front of it, a very out of character short black skirt and a pair of white socks pulled up to knee height. Her long blonde hair had been curled and was bouncing lightly across her shoulders.)
MARK: "Uhh...what did you do with my wife? I've never seen you wear a skirt before, let alone that, it's a belt!"
(Amanda strikes a few poses as if she were some kind of model, it was a new kind of confidence that Mark had rarely seen from her before, not that he was going to complain.)
AMANDA: "Yeah well, I have to look the part if I'm gonna come out to the ring with you tonight don't I?"
(Mark let out a sigh, Octane had warned him about this.)
MARK: "Umm about that, do you really think it's a good idea?"
AMANDA: "Of course! I've never been able to help you with your sport before, and now you've finally found something where I can!"
('The Dragon' takes a seat on the nearby couch.)
MARK: "Amanda, I really don't think it's going to help right now, it'll only make things harder..."
AMANDA: "Oh..."
(Looking up, Mark could see that Amanda was turning and starting to head for the door. He sprung into action, jogged up and moved in front to block her path.)
MARK: "Waaait. Look, Amanda, I know you want to help me, I can understand that, there's just some dodgy people that walk around here that will probably take things too far. I need you, I can't have someone decide to use you against me just to help them win a match."
AMANDA: "But I can hold my own! Honest!"
MARK: (Smiling) "I live with you, I KNOW you can't hold your own!"
(Mark found himself on the recieving end of a number of wild punches that were hitting but making no impression whatsoever. Before too long, Amanda had punched herself out and given up.)
AMANDA: "Alright, I won't come out to the ring with you then..."
MARK: "Tell you what, after Hell on Earth we can start doing some training. When I can actually feel some of those punches you throw at me I'll let you come out to the ring, deal?"
AMANDA: "Deal!"
(The camera cuts out as Amanda and Mark shake hands on their agreed deal. Whether Mark's end of the bargain would get upheld was yet to be seen.)
FJ: "Hmm, I wouldn't mind living with Amanda."
HS: "Frank, you live with your mother."
FJ: "I told you that in confidence!"
(The camera opens. There is a close up of a giant black boot and two massive hands that are tying the laces. The camera zooms out and it is revealed that it is the almighty figure of Jurgen. He ignores the camera and carries on with his tying. Suddenly the door opens with a slam and the camera swings round. Jurgen is fuming with anger, until he realises that it is Hawk. He is panting in the doorway, and struggling to get his words out.)
HAWK: "They're here..."
(Both Hawk and Jurgen stumble out of the room, with a look of nervousness on their faces.)
Then for slightly later on in the program:
(Hawk is seen, sitting on the dusty floor of his locker room, eyes closed, legs crossed. There's a loud knock on the door. Hawk's eyes flash open. He quickly pulls a shining dagger from his belt, stands up, and walks quietly towards the door. He twists the door-knob slowly and quickly swings open the door, he grabs whoever's at the door and hauls them into the room. You can now see that it is a pizza delivery boy, still clutching his pizza to his chest. Hawk stares at the teenager for a second, a confused look on his face. He sighs, grabs the kid by the shirt and pulls him up to his feet, so they are face to face. The pizza delivery boy looks extremely scared, and lets out a slight wimper. The anger on Hawk's face subsides, and he lets go of the boy, dusting down the poor kid's shoulders. He smiles at the kid, who nervously smiles back. Hawk looks away for a second, before bringing forward the knife at lightning speed, and striking the boy with the hilt of it. The boy falls to the ground, completely unconscious. Hawk sighs again, and steps over the motionless body. He walks towards the open door, walks through, and slams it in anger. We cut back to ringside.)
HS: "That's a great way to greet the pizza boy."
FJ: "You don't do that? I threaten all my pizza boys with knives and they always give me free stuff."
HS: "Gee, I wonder why?"
FJ: "I dunno. Maybe it's because I'm famouse."
(We look up at the Ameritron and we see AWA President and Owner Travis Gray standing in the middle of five, what seem to be, pictures with black cloth covering them.)
GRAY: "Ladies and gentleman, tonight we will have our first ever Hell Bowl Lottery to see where our wrestlers will place in our five designated tag team matches. Earlier today I drew the names and now I'm going to reveal the first match of the night."
(Gray grabs the fabric from the first "picture" on his right - our left - and we see the first match there.)
GRAY: "We will have Johnny Nightmare and Mark Cross versus Kid Lightning and Chris Palmer!"
(The camera shows that we see all four of their promotional pictures in alignment for the match as if it would be on screen.)
GRAY: "Now let's get to it!"
HS: "I guess it's time for Johnny Nightmare and Mark Cross to take on Chris Palmer and Kid Lightning now!"
FJ: "This looks to be the worst match possible out of all the combinations."
HS: "Why's that?"
FJ: "A bunch of rookies are in the ring. But I hope for the better. Now let's get down to business!"
("Burn it All" by Dark Halo hits the PA and we see Johnny Nightmare appear at the top of the steps. He strolls down the stage and looks at the crowd. He enters the ring and begins to taunt the crowd.)
HS: "This guy looks full of himself tonight."
FJ: "He was silent all week. Let's see if that results to success in the match."
HS: "Everyone else was proclaiming to be the victor, but Johnny Night did choose to just train all week."
(The arena lights dim as "Lift Me Up" by Moby hits the PA. D-R-A-G-O-N flashes up on the screen one letter at a time, followed by the launching of a burst of red fireworks. Mark appears on the top of the ramp holding a bottle of water. He salutes the crowd on both sides of the arena before making his way down the ramp, throwing punches and loosening up. He slides into the ring, taking in several sips of water to take in fluid before placing it into the corner of the ring.)
HS: "Mark Cross has shown the AWA a lot of promise."
FJ: "That has yet to be determined. He hasn't faced the top caliber competition in this company."
HS: "He'll be there soon."
FJ: "I doubt it."
("The Press Corpse" by Anti-Flag and Kid Lightning comes onto the entrance ramp, fireworks going off, then goes down the ramp cirlces the ring a few times and gets into the ring... Then goes to all four corners and raises hands, motioning to the crowd... Then takes off a black T-shirt with the NWO logo on it and throws it into the crowd.)
HS: "Here's a guy who made a brief appearance this week."
FJ: "At least he put the effort out."
("Dead" by My Chemical Romance begins to play around the same time as a spotlight shines on the curtains revealing the shadow of a medium sized man. As the words begin, the man jumps out of the curtain with an intense energy that gets the crowd overly excited. He's hopping around excitedly with the beat of the music. He occasionally plays the air guitar.
"And if your heart stops beating
I'll be here wondering
Did you get what you deserve?
The ending of your life."
The man continues walking down the ramp with this heightened energy, and the more energetic he is the louder the crowd roars. As he passes by people he hops by both sides with his hands out while people crowd together reaching over the railing trying to catch a hand)
HS: "Here's the last and one of the more vocal members of the group."
FJ: "He's also a guy who can upset a lot of other people."
HS: "It depends on if he's telling the truth, which usually he is."
(We see Kid Lightning and Johnny Nightmare Exit the ring, as the bell rings. Mark Cross and Chris Palmer meet in the center of the ring. Both men lock up. We see Chris Palmer take the quick advantage by going behind him, and then pulls his legs out from under him. Palmer quickly floats over into what looks to be a front facelock. He doesn't stay their long, as he rolls him over and goes for the pin. One... Two... Kickout. We see Cross try to get up quickly, but Palmer grabs his neck. We see Palmer apply a rear chinlock.)
HS: "Chris Palmer seems like he really wants to win this one."
FJ: "Who wouldn't?! You get a shot at the AWA World Heavyweight Title!"
HS: "That's true. Really true. Every wrestler's dream is to win the World Heavyweight Title, and two of these four guys will move on soon."
FJ: "But who will it be?"
(Palmer now let's go of the hold, and pulls Cross up. We see him nail a European Uppercut which sends cross back into the ropes. Palmer walks over and nails three strikes to the head before sending Cross to the opposite side of the ring. Palmer runs across the ring to meet Cross with a huge clothesline. Palmer goes for the cover. One... Two... Kickout. Palmer now applies a side waistlock. We see Cross quickly nail a couple of elbows to break the hold. Palmer fires back with a knee to the gut of Cross. Palmer quickly nails a Belly-to-Belly Suplex. We see Cross roll over and tag his partner, Johnny Nightmare.)
HS: "Here comes Johnny Nightmare's first chance."
FJ: "Some people also call him the silent assassian."
HS: "He was pretty silent all week."
FJ: "That's not what I'm talking about Herb. Something else is Silent, but deadly."
(Johnny Nightmare rushes Palmer, but Palmer ducks under what looked to be a clothesline. Nightmare turns around and Palmer nails a huge dropkick. Nightmare is quickly back up,but he's taken down with am armdrag tagover. We now see Palmer apply a cross armbar. We hear Nightmare screaming in pain as he rolls up Palmer. One... Two... Kickout by Palmer, but he doesn't exactly relinquish the hold. Instead, he now sits up. He throws three punches and begins wrenching the arm once more. Finally Palmer reaches up, and tags Kid Lightning into the match.)
HS: "Anything funny to say about him?"
FJ: "He might be fast. Hence the name Lightning."
HS: "Where do you get your information?"
FJ: "From my sources. You have your headset, I have my sources."
(Kid Lightning, grabs Nightmare and wrenches his arm. He now Irish whips Nightmare, but Cross makes the blind tag. Lightning just drops down and allows Nightmare to fly over the top rope. He begins to celebrate as Mark Cross sneaks up on him. As Lightning turns around, we see Cross nail a five punch combo which knocks Lightning into the ropes. As a groggy Lightning comes off the ropes, Cross lifts him up, and drops him onto the mat with a Military Press. As Lightning tries to crawl to his corner, Cross nails elbows on him, until he's just an arm's length away. He looks at Palmer, and points to him, as if to say I want another shot at you. Kid Lightning tags out. Palmer re-enters.)
HS: "Mark Cross seems to be ready for round two."
FJ: "He lost round one by a land slide."
(As they meet in the center of the ring, they begin trading punches. This time, Cross takes the advantage. Cross backs Palmer up against the ropes, and nails a huge European Uppercut. As Palmer tries to regain his senses, Cross grabs his head and tucks it under his arm. He lifts him up for a Suplex. Palmer is slow to move, as Cross is on his feet. Palmer sits up, and Cross kicks him in the spine. We see Palmer lay back down. Cross begins to nail some falling fist drops in succession ala the Million Dollar Man. After the third one, he goes for a cover. One... Two... Kickout. He pulls Palmer back up, to knee him in the gut. He now lifts Palmer up, and drops him with a powerbomb. Cross goes for the cover. One... Two... Another kickout by Palmer.)
HS: "It looks like Round two could be going to Mark Cross."
FJ: "Palmer could still pull a comeback."
(Cross picks Palmer up, by his head, he nails a forearm to the back. As Palmer drops to his knees, we see Cross now lift him up in a Full Nelson position. Palmer tries his best to get out. As he begins to fade, we see one last flash up light where he runs up the corner, and pushes both men to the ground. The referee begins counting. One... Two... Both men kickout and Cross has let go of the hold.)
FJ: "Who was pinning who?"
HS: "I think Cross was pinned by Palmer had he not allowed Palmer to get out of the hold, and kickout, he might be gone."
FJ: "Experience can teach you that but the rookie made a good call there...
HS: "I'll say. Both men have did a great job of proving why they should be AWA Title contenders, even if they haven't been with the company that long."
FJ: "I wouldn't go that far now..."
(Cross is a lot quicker than Palmer to get up. Cross awaits Palmer, and dropkicks him as soon as Palmer reaches his feet. Cross goes for the cover. One... Two... A kickout. Cross immediately helps Palmer up, and he nails a huge kidney punch. He follows up with jumping in the air and crashing both of his knees in Palmer's back. One... Two... Another kickout. As Cross picks him up again, we see Palmer nail a shot to the stomach. Followed by another and another. Then he nails a European uppercut. That rocks Cross who bounces off the ropes with another punch that sends Palmer back down to one knee.)
HS: "These two are going back and forth."
FJ: "Now is the time where you don't want to make a mistake.
(Both men grab each other. Palmer goes for an Irish whip towards the ropes on his corner's side, but Cross reverses it and sends Palmer over there. We see Kid Lightning now make a blind tag. We see Kid Lightning now on the top rope as Palmer is dropkicked. Palmer rolls out of the ring. Suddenly Cross hits the ropes, and Kid Lightning rolls forward as to not miss whatever he was doing up there. Cross bounces off the opposite side just as Lightning turns around and his hit the the Behind the Lines tackle by Mark Cross.Cross covers him. Palmer tries to get in the ring, but Johnny Nightmare grabs his leg. One... Two... Palmer kicks Nightmare in the head with his free foot and dives into the ring, but the referee's hand has already dropped for a third time.)
HS: "What a match! Had Kid Lightning not tagged out, and Johnny Nightmare not have held onto Chris Palmer's legs, we might have had a different outcome, or this match may still be going on."
FJ: "Nightmare didn't land an offensive move the whole match, but he did a great job and played his role. He took a beating and then made a huge save right there. Had Palmer been able to break the pin, he might have been able to damage Cross enough to get the tag back in and win the match."
HS: "Frank, I hear Javex is backstage."
FJ: "YAY!"
(Backstage, we find the Gloria Por Hablar cantina set, propped up next to a wall. Javex Valerius, in full ring gear, is sitting at his own bar, a bottle of water in his hand. He glances up at the camera and drops his gaze before double taking and frowning.)
JAVEX: "It's time, eh?"
(The camera shot nods up and down. Javex takes a swig from his water bottle and wipes his mouth.)
JAVEX: "Thought so. Hey, AWA - I told the workers not to set up the cantina out there tonight, because...well, there's not gonna be a TRUE Gloria Por Hablar segment tonight, I'm sorry to say. Maybe some of you had heard the rumors that, despite my reservations, I was going to allow a certain somebody to appear on the hottest show in the AWA. Maybe you'd heard that I was pissed off, too. Allow me to confirm everything you've heard."
(Javex takes another swig, wipes his mouth, and then launches his water bottle off camera, bursting off the bar stool he's on and charging the camera, grabbing the lens and focusing it firmly on his face.)
JAVEX: "Yeah, I made a mistake, AWA, something I'm going to tell you about right now. I TRUSTED that Orlando Olazabul Ortega. I TRUSTED the man who took what should have been one of the biggest matches in the HISTORY of the AWA - Javex Valerius vs. Orlando Ortega - and took a CRAP all over it, effectively shunning every single fan who shelled out their hard earned money solely to see that match. I KNOW wrestlers that work here in the AWA that were waiting on pins and needles to see that match, and Orlando failed everyone. THAT MAN, who believes that the fans should worship him, who believes that he is the greatest Cruiserweight the AWA has ever seen, who believes that HE brings credibility to anyone he battles...I trusted this man, AWA."
JAVEX: "I trusted him, AWA, when he called me, and said he was going to make another grand return. You know, like the one that lasted approximately 15 minutes LAST time, which I was also involved in AT HIS REQUEST. So I argued with him, AWA, because I was extremely afraid that this was going to happen - that he would fail you all again. I told him no. But he kept asking...and asking...and asking. So I finally relented, and agreed. And proceeded to slam the phone on the ground and demolish a table because I could not BELIEVE that I was going to allow this to happen. That I was going to allow a segment that I have SINGLEHANDEDLY turned into the hottest thing going in the AWA - I was going to allow somebody as unreliable as Orlando Ortega to appear."
JAVEX: "So here we are, AWA. I'm here, with the cantina ready to go. The fans are here, waiting. And where's OOO?"
(Javex releases the camera and rushes back to the bar, kicking over one of the stools before picking it up and smashing it over the bar in a fury. Javex tosses the broken stool into the liquor shelves, thankfully not breaking any bottles, but making a DAMN loud noise. Javex turns back on the camera.)
JAVEX: "HE'S NOT HERE! So anything else, doesn't matter. But let me tell you ALL something. OOO? Better not show up here any time soon, not while I'm pissed off. And I'm Latino, so I hold grudges like a MOTHERFUCKER! OOO, don't THINK about appearing on Gloria Por Hablar. Don't THINK about making a grand return. But most of all...MOST OF ALL, don't think about coming back to the AWA without PAYING for it. And trust me, my friend - the fans of the AWA know exactly what's going on now. Don't expect a warm welcome from them. But expect ME to ensure that you understand exactly what you've done."
(Javex smooths his hair back and takes a deep breath, attempting to bring himself back down to his usual, controlled self. Javex closes his eyes and shakes his head a little bit before reopening them and giving us one of those trademark grins, one of those that should appear on a t-shirt soon - one that may be available at the AWA shop before you know it.)
JAVEX: "But let me NOT disappoint you, fans of the AWA. I've heard the requests, I've heard your voice - and even if it's something I don't always want for myself, I want YOU behind me in everything I do. SO! Camera guy, follow me."
(Javex turns and flees down the hall, the camera following in close pursuit. Javex skids to stop in front of a door with the sign "Jeff Christianson", and Javex kicks the door open - which was pretty much unnecessary, because it was partly open. He storms in.)
JAVEX: "Hey you here? Got something for ya."
(Javex and the camera scan the room, with Christianson nowhere to be fuond. Javex, however, brightens considerably when he spots a form on the table in the middle of the room. Javex strolls over and snatches a pen off the table, checking over the form to ensure that it's what he was looking for before applying his signature. Once done, Javex tosses the pen to the side and holds the form up.)
JAVEX: "AWA, I have HEARD YOU! I always say that I'm not a big fan of the titles, the championships, and I CERTAINLY don't like people being able to say that a championship defines me. But for you, MY FANS, I've taken Jeff Christianson's challange. He told me there was a contract for a Cruiserweight Championship rematch, and it's been signed. Jeff, I'm comin' for ya. And since the fans of the AWA want it...well, I'm COMING FOR MY BELT, ESE!"
(Javex tosses the contract over his shoulder and stalks off camera as the roaring cheer from the fans can be heard even backstage.)
FJ: "I guess Javex is a little upset for not having his talk show tonight."
HS: "I wonder if we'll ever see Orlando Ortega?"
FJ: "Who cares about Mr. Jumpy Jumpy Jumpy, JJJ."
HS: "And now I believe we're headed backstage, where A.C. Smith is standing by!"
FJ: "If men like Jeff Christianson and Gabriel have their way, he won't be standing by the end of the night!"
(The Ameritron cuts to the back and shows A.C. Smith, US title in tow, standing next to a door reading, "Travis Gray, AWA President." He knocks on the door.)
VOICE: "One minute!"
A.C.: "Alright."
(He turns around and notices the camera in his midst as the crowd roars.)
A.C.: "So here I am. I'm here to try to find out who my tag team partner is for this evening, and I gotta tell you, I'm psyched. I love this random format, and it could be a test of epic proportions. Certainly not the first in my lifetime, and like the ones I've faced in the past, I will sure as hell conquer it."
(The office door opens, but instead of the AWA president walking out, out comes Jeff Christianson!)
A.C.: "You again."
JC: (cackling) "Likewise. You here to find out who you're gonna anchor down in this tournament?"
A.C.: "I assume you already have. Let me ask you: How's he gonna meet his end? Are you gonna break his leg because his arms could snap you like a twig? Or are you going to break his arm because his legs'll be too fast?"
JC: "Heh...funny guy. Funny, funny guy. It's a shame I'm gonna have to beat that humor out of you. However that idiot won't budge so have fun tyring to talk him into telling you what the deal is."
A.C.: "Bring it on."
(The two stunned wrestlers turn their heads to see Travis Gray standing at his door.)
GRAY: "I will not have this happen at the first pay-per-view extravaganza of 2007. You two are two of the AWA's biggest superstars, and I'll provide whatever incentive needed to keep you two from ripping each other apart until you get to the ring tonight."
A.C. AND JC: "Really now?"
(They glance at each other as the audience lets out a collective giggle.)
A.C. AND JC: "No."
GRAY: "So what's it gonna be, gentlemen?"
A.C.: "You know...I've been thinking. What more honorable position is there in the AWA...than the referee? The one in charge of making sure everything's as clean as it should be. Mr. Gray, I'll back down, temporarily, of course, if you instill me as the special referee for whatever match Mr. Christianson here is booked in next week at Shock."
GRAY: "Sounds reasonable. And with Javex Valerius signing that contract for the AWA Cruiserweight Championship match for Shock, it seems that you're the referee for that. Thoughts, Jeff?"
JC: "Well, to be fair, Mr. Morality, I believe you have a match as well. It's already booked, A.C. Smith vs. Jai Williams for the US title. Fair's fair, right?"
A.C.: "As I said earlier, bring it on."
GRAY: "So it's settled. You two will each be the special referee for the other's match next week. Jeff, please go back to your dressing room. A.C., if you're trying to find out who your partner is, well, I'm not telling. Besides, I have to announce the next match for the tournament, now if you'll both excuse me."
(Both wrestlers smirk at each other, glaring all the way as they both leave each other's sights. The door closes, and we cut to the inside where Gray takes his position.)
HS: "Quick thinking by Travis Gray in averting another A.C./Dark Warrior confrontation before a huge event like the Hell Bowl Lottery!"
FJ: "Wuss. I can't wait to see A.C. get beaten all the way back to the Big Apple."
GRAY: "Ok, so now it's time to reveal the second of five matches for this evening. And, without further delay, here it is."
(Gray grabs the fabric of the second one from the left and pulls it off to reveal...)
GRAY: "Well, what do you know, Javex Valerius and Jeff Christianson versus Hawk and Jurgen. What are the odds?"
HS: "Four more men who have a chance of moving on to Vortex where they will face the AWA Champion for his belt!"
(As "Rompe" by Daddy Yankee begins, a menagerie of colored lights swirl around the arena, reminiscent of either a rowdy club or a circus - take your pick. Javex storms out of the back, pausing to pose for pictures at the top before making his way down to the ring, ensuring that he slaps every hand humanly possibly, occasionally stopping for picture requests. At the ring, he pauses, smiles, then runs and slides in, setting off pyrotechnics from the ring posts. Getting to his feet, Javex hits each turnbuckle for more posing, more photo ops, and more cheesy goodness.)
HS: "Javex has got his entrance upgraded these days!"
FJ: "I think he's got the right idea here Herb. He's not taking this to seriously. Look at him playing to the fans, and they're lovin it!"
HS: "Javex lost his Cruiserweight title earlier this month."
FJ: "You get a taste for gold and glory Herb and you're addicted."
(The lights go out suddenly in the arena, and as they do, a huge white DW appears across the video screen. "About All That" by Fat Joe, Lil' Wayne, and Birdman blares over the PA and the crowd begins to boo has the AWA Hall of Fame member Jeff Christianson makes his way out.)
HS: "Awkward…"
FJ: "Look at Javex's face I think somebody just poped his party balloon!"
(We see a blue strobe light race throughout the arena, as well as clips throughout the career of Jeff Christianson. Suddenly, we see a huge pyro explosion on stage as the lights come back on. Standing under the DW is Jeff Christianson! Jeff Christianson has a stern look on his face as he starts to walk to the ring in his red and white jumpsuit. Jeff Christianson walks by the fans ignoring them. We see a few fans try and swing at him, so once he reaches the bottom of the map, he swings at whoever's there, backing the crowd off. We hear the chorus of boos as Jeff Christianson begins heading towards the ring with a smirk on his face.)
FJ: "He's the current Cruiserweight title holder and Christianson taking his time there and enjoying every second of it!"
HS: "There's been a change in Jeff Christianson this past couple of weeks. Talk in then locker room is that more than a few of the AWA stars have been getting the cold shoulder from Jeff and there has been more than few complaints about his attitude during training.
(He climbs up onto the camera side part of the ring and turns around and throws his hood off. We see him pose for a couple of pictures with the A.W.A. Cruiserweight Championship belt before stepping through the ropes. Christianson walks over to the other side, and jumps up on the turnbuckle, holding the belt up. He hops down and walks to the other side, throwing his arms up again.)
FJ: "But you have to think here Herb. The former and the current Cruiserweight belt holder, two A.W.A. champions teamed up together that has got to give these two a fair chance to get into the final Hell in a Cell match."
(Music, dimmed lights)Monks file in (like undertaker druids), forming a 2 lines on either side of the ramp facing inwards. A tall monk walks in, followed by three monks. They stop at the top of the ramp. A loud, deep voice says "THIS IS WHY YOU CAME," Two monks from the three walk up to the tall monk and takes off his robe. It is Jurgen. He is wearing a straightjacket (Clubfoot starts). A red glow bathes the arena. Five sets of flares fire from the Ameritron, and with each one he convulses, trying to get the straightjacket off him. On the fifth he rips it off and runs, down the ramp, sparks exploding around him from the ramp. While this is happening, the middle monk takes his robe off. It is Hawk. He sprints down the ramp behind Jurgen. Jurgen reaches the ring and clambers over the top rope, whereas Hawk reaches the right hand post and using his momentum, flings himself over it, in a full body, full length flip. Jurgen slowly performs a Triple H style X, while the arena lights flash on and off, giving the illusion that the move is done jerkily, while this is happening, Hawk has landed in a kneeling position, looking down. Five bursts of pyro from the posts as Jurgen performs the X. After the fifth pyro, Jurgen is in a full X , an angry expression on his face, and Hawk looks up, wearing his trademark half-smile.)
FJ: "Scratch what I just said Herb."
HS: "Downstairs from Purgatory, the A.W.A's only legitimate tag team. Jurgen and Hawk are placed pretty high to get through the lottery if they were tagged together."
FJ: "Fansites placed the odds on Downstairs from Purgatory being allowed to compete as a team only a little higher than you loosing your virginity Herb."
(The first pair step into the ring and face off.)
(Javex and Hawk square off and Hawl opens up on Javex combining sets of Punches to Javexes face and gut trying to force him into the ropes; Javex counter striking back at Hawks face with his own heavy striking Punches to the face and striking out with Knife Edge Chops to Hawks chest; Javex steps in closer to ram a Forearm Smash then an Elbow Smash which rocks Hawk; Javex grabs Hawks head in both hands and delivers a Headbut dropping hawk to one leg; Hawk shakes it off quickly and rises catch Javex around the waist to Hip Toss him to the matt; still trying to shake off the blow to his nose Hawk moves around Javex who is getting himself to a knee only to get Stomped back down to the mat again; Hawk hits the ropes for a Lionsault catching Javex on the rise; Hawk recovers quickly and rolls to hook Javexes leg and a count.)
(Hawk only gets a 1-count as Javex throws Hawk off.)
(Javex is still shaken but Hawk shows no sign of frustration as he walks the tag in to Jurgen.)
FJ: "You can't do that to Javex!"
HS: "Let them be."
FJ: "Baby."
(Jurgen brings Javex to a vertical base and into a Bear Hug; the sound of cracking spine underlines the scream from Jurgens pressure right before the big man slams his head into Javexes face then drops him; Javex is thrown across the ring into a corner and Jurgen the Crazed charges in after to Splash him; Javex charges back out Clotheslining Jurgen; the attack halt the giant but doesn't drop so Javex turn s on a heel to charge again with a Running Leaping Forearm that shakes Jurgen but still he does little; Javex hits the ropes and again makes another pass with a Running Leaping Elbow; Jurgen tries to turn with Javex who keeps dodging out of Jurgens reach and line of sight to strike at him from any blind spot that he can create; Javex strikes again this time with an Elbow Smash only to have Jurgen catch him and throw him across the ring again; Jurgen doesn't pursue but tags Hawk back in who charges Javex.)
HS: "And Hawk is back in this match."
FJ: "Look out Javex!"
(Javex reaches up looking stunned trying to get his feet with the top ropes assistance but drops again pulling the top rope with him causing Hawk to overstep and go over the rope to the outside. Hawk strikes the mats hard, rolls and crashes into the barrier; in-ring Javex stumbles to make the tag with Jeff Christianson.)
HS: "It's strange to see these two men work together as they really don't like one another."
FJ: "And they have a date next week with a chaperone being A.C. Smith."
(Christianson attacks on instinct and leaps with a Missile Dropkick from his corner of the ring straight in to a barely vertical Hawk. The two scramble to free themselves of the mess and the collapsed security barrier. Dark warrior is on his feet first and rolls in to break the referees 10-count for a ring out; Christianson locks in a Chin Lock on Hawk and drags him from the mob of AWA fans on to the match where he kicks a mat free revealing the concrete beneath and executes an Inverted DDT on his opponent; inside the ring Jurgen has left his corner to charge around the outside in defense of his partner Javex spots the danger and sprints along the apron at the charging Jurgen leaping into a Suicide Dive striking Jurgen from his feet, meanwhile Christianson rolls Hawk back into the ring and starts setting him up on the mat before climbing the corner intent on committing ‘High Death.')
HS: "What a move."
FJ: "Amazing."
(Hawk shows incredible resilience and awareness and rolls to the ropes and under just as Javex is recovering from his High risk move only to be caught in a Neckbreaker by Hawk; Jeff Christianson has made down and out of the ring in pursuit of Hawk and as his opponent comes out of s move on Vaerius he walks into a stylized Superkick from Christianson who promptly rills him back into the ring again; Christianson pins Hawk but only gets the 2-count as Hawk shoves him free; Christianson pummels Hawk with a rain of punches which hawk fights his way through with Punches to Christianson's gut eventually working his way to his feet where he and Dark Warrior slow from the effort swapping punches until both men are barely able to keep a working balance on their feet; Christianson dodges a blow and locks in a Dragon Sleeper but the effect from Hawks punches has taken it toll and Hawk pulls out to twist and strike a kick to Christianson's stomache finishing his effort of with aneckbreaker stunning the Dark Warrior and giving him time to move over to his corner to tag in Jurgen.)
HS: "Downstairs from Purgatory have been working extremely well together. They make appropriate tags in an dout of the ring."
FJ: "Yeah, but what does Jurgen have planned here?"
(Jurgen waits then Spears Christianson as he rises to his feet; Jurgen gets up slowly and deliberately casting a vicious glare over at Javex who has returned to his corner. Pulling Jeff up by his hair Jurgen lands a Headbut dropping Jeff back to the canvas, Jurgen maintains his line of site with Javex; Jurgen Reaches down and pulls Christianson up to a vertical base then some as the gnit hauls the Dark Warrior from his feet by a single hand only; from his corner Hawk has climbed to the top rope and leaps Striking Christianson with a missile Dropkick, Jurgen uses the momentum to drive Christianson down through a Chokeslam; Jurgen presses down on Christianson for the pin.)
HS: "What will it be??"
(The ref taps out the count 1.. Jeff begins to struggle but the weight on his chest and his condition do nothing to help 2.. Jurgen raises his free hand in victor as Christianson strikes out at Jurgen throat with the edge of his fingers, the giant looks stunned as at that moment Javex flies in with a Five Star Shooting Press just for The Love Of The Game impacting on Jurgen and Christianson; all three appear to be senseless and the referee calls that the count never reached three and the match continues.)
FJ: "Poor Javex."
(Jurgen somehow pulls himself clear of the mess shoving Javex aside with his foot before tagging in Hawk for the second time tonight; Hawk tries to capitalize and rolls Dark warrior for pin; Christianson kicks out hard at the 2-count denying Hawk the win.)
HS: "And Jeff stays alive."
(Christianson shoulder blocks Hawk into the ropes before Irish Whipping him across the ring; Christianson catches him on the rebound to lock in a Side Headlock; turning Hawk away from the ref DW jabs a thumb to Hawks eye before releasing him with his hands in the air to protest the ref's warning, Jeff tag ion Javex who introduces himself wit a Kick to Hawks Gut before executing a Reverse Neckbreaker and rolling Hawk for a pin and a 2-count.)
HS: "Jeff wasn't able to keep Hawk down, but both teams are still certainly alive in our Lottery."
FJ: "Oh please. You make it sound like everyone has a chance."
HS: "It's my job. What's your job?"
FJ: "To put everyone and everything down for the benefit of a few, cheap laughs."
HS: "I think I need a new partner."
(Javex gets Hawk up to his feet and plants a few Closed Fist Punches on Hawk before one misses and Hawk catches Valerius in a Double Armed DDT. Hawk rolls free and moves away and tags in Jurgen again.)
FJ: "Javex is quite the cheater."
(Javex is up smartly and sees the approaching giant and backs off until he hits the ropes ducking a huge forearm from Jurgen Javex gets to his corner and tags in Jeff Christianson. Dark Warrior looks at Javex then Jurgen and the look is not kind towards Javex as DW steps in slowly; Christianson takes a Kick to the Gut then and Irish Whip to the ropes; on the rebound Jeff ducks Jurgens open arms and the promise of a bear hug; hits the opposite ropes Christianson comes back at Jurgen hitting him with a catching Jurgen in his midsection and lifting him clear of his feet in to a Fisherman's Carry; Jeff continues with the move and slams Jurgen home in a Brainbuster Suplex that almost seems it will collapse the ring; Christianson hooks in the leg of Jurgen the Crazed and the ref checks the result of Dark Warriors ‘Drop Dead' to make sure its legal before counting 1.. 2.. 3.. giving the win to Jeff Christianson and Javex Valerius.)
HS: "Well what do you know. The unlikely pairing of Valerius and Christianson proved to be a good team after all."
FJ: "Yeah, I know. I never doubted them."
HS: "Sure."
(Even as Jeff has his hand raise along with Javex Valerius Jurgen sits dazed in the ring, as Jeff and Javex dish out a brutal beating to him. The ref tries to stop them, but is distracted by Hawk trying to enter the ring, allowing the beating to continue, to the crowds approval. Suddenly, two men run down the ramp. They both look exactly the same, except one is about six inches taller than the other. Hawk, who is standing on the apron, sees the two men. His eyes widen. He runs towards them, and a scuffle starts. The confused referee runs out of the ring, to break up the flurry of fists that is occurring. In the mean time, Javex and Jeff have noticed what's going on, have left Jurgen and are staring at what's happening outside the ring. Jurgen takes advantage of this, and strikes both Jeff and Javex with vicious lower blows. He catches the two men as they fall, and locks them in a double sleeper. The two men start to squirm, but then stop, as the move really sets in. Outside the ring, the referee has managed to break up the fight, as the strangers return back up the ramp, and Hawk, back up on to the apron, still sharing insults the whole time.)
HS: "What the hell is this? And where's our security?"
FJ: "I dunno."
(Seeing the situation in the ring Hawk sprints back in to break it up between Jurgen and the winning team of Javex and Christianson. Hawk and Jurgen leave the ring and embrace the two unknown guys and head to the back.)
HS: "Well, that was a great second match-up for the Hell Bowl Lottery! Even with the chaotic finish, Jeff Christianson and Javex Valerius have advanced to the battle royal later tonight, while Jurgen and Hawk have been eliminated from the tournament. And I'm being told that one of the participants in this tournament, Terry James, is in the back with AWA reporter Mark Keller."
FJ: "Wow, he's lucky he wasn't in the last match. This would have been a pretty bad time to do the interview if he lost."
(The cameras switch to the back, where Terry is standing beside Mark Keller. Terry is already in his ring attire. Keller raises the mike in his hand to his mouth to speak.)
MK: "I'm standing beside Terry James, one of the favourites in my weekly Top Ten and in this tournament. Now, Terry, why are you in your ring attire?"
TERRY: "Well, that's pretty simple. My match can happen at any time. It could be next even. So, I have to be ready to go."
MK: "Good point. So, who do you see being a top contender for winning this tournament tonight, other than yourself of course?"
(Terry thinks about it for a moment before answering.)
TERRY: "Well, there are a few favourites going into this tournament I think. I've got to say that Gabriel is looking to be strong. He's big, can take a lot of punishment and generally a nasty guy. Snake is a big threat too, but he must still be thinking about Monica and Faith right now. Jeff Christianson might be a contender, just because of his experience. The guy knows the ropes better than anyone and he can use that for his lack of actual ability these days."
MK: "Those are some pretty harsh words."
TERRY: "The guy is a washed-up asshole. All he cares about is himself and he barely ever wins matches, let alone feuds these days. But, he does know how to cheat his way to victory. That's why he's a threat tonight."
MK: "Anyone else?"
TERRY: "Well, Quade deSade could be another one of those wily veterans that uses his experience to his advantage. Then there's A.C. Smith, who is on a pretty big burst of momentum. I'll just have to stop his momentum when I get to him. Shouldn't be too hard."
(Terry smirks, clearly being a little sarcastic.)
MK: "Alright, thank you for your words Terry. This is Mark Keller, wishing the best of luck to everyone tonight. Look for Mark Keller's Top 10 tomorrow night to see where everyone in the AWA stands after this monumental night!"
(Our view changes to the of Jeff Christianson whois fresh off his lottery tag team match, his fatigue still very obvious. He isjust about to enter his dressing room when he is ambushed from behind. Jefftakes a series of right hands before he is tossed into the hard cement wallhead first. He slumps to the ground with a grimace on his face, and standingover him is Sin, who has the same intense look on his face.)
HS: "What'st his about?"
FJ: "I don't know Summers, but apparently Sin has not gone soft as of late like many have been saying, maybe he just wants to prove that to all the doubters."
HS: "Well he has just made an enemy of a very dangerous AWA Wrestler, he might want to watch his back. But the show must go on. Now ladies and gentlemen we come to a match that has been filled with tension and family ties. Monica ‘HellKat' Mathews, the wife of
Superstar Snake, takes on Faith ‘Syren' Ingranno, Snakes adopted sister."
FJ: "Syren has been stocking Snake and his family for almost two months.
She has even gone as far as to trick Snake into sleeping with her and
selling Monica to the highest bidder on shock two weeks back."
HS: "Snakes answer to that attack by Syren spurred President Gray to
order that no contact agreement. Well that agreement is about to end because
here comes our special guest referee and one half of our match."
(The cords of "Animal I have become hit the PA system and the lights dim
around the arena and the area hears "Someone help me tame this animal I have
become…"And Snake burst through the curtain dressed in his black leather
pants and a ref shirt Monica strutting along behind. He stands on the stage
a moment with Monica wrapped around his back staring at the crowd. When he
finally moves he Makes his way to the ring and jumps onto the apron landing
with a single foot and sliding between the second and top rope. Once in the
ring Monica drops to her knees in front of snake but facing away and raises
her hands to touch his stomach and chest. Snake spreads his arms and a
massive pyro goes off behind them.)
HS: "Here comes the woman who started all of this. She is finally going
to get what's coming to her!"
(The crowd is holding its breath for a moment as Snake and Monica pace
the ring before "Soon I know you'll see your just like me. Don't scream
anymore my love cuz all I want is you…" rang through the arena as "Snow
white queen" by Evanescence hits the PA. The song plays for five or ten
seconds before Faith walks through the curtain. Black pants and a black and
red Toxic Melody shirt with her long plantuim blonde hair pulled into a
tight pony tail. Bruce walked behind her to the ring.)
HS: "Now remember folks Monica cannot touch Faith until the bell rings or
she and Snake are fired."
(Faith slides into the ring leaving Bruce on the outside. She makes her
way to where Snake is standing and jumps up wrapping her legs around his
waist and giving him a big kiss. Monica is livid with both fists clenched as
this takes place. Snake shoves his sister off and turns to the ropes where
he rings the bell. Monica launches herself like a bullet and tackles Faith
to the ground. Monica mounts her and begins to throw lefts and rights but
Snake, who is now the ref, flips backwards over the ropes and before Bruce
even knows what happens levels him with a vicious boot to the face.)
HS: "Oh no, President Gray should have planned for this. Snake wants a
piece of Bruce."
FJ: "And the no contact agreement expired when the bell rang.
(Faith is fighting to keep Monica from pummeling her into oblivion but
Monica just throws rights and lefts and using Faiths hair to slam her head
into the mat. When she had enough Monica pulls her to her feet and using her
hair spins around and launches Faith face first into the mat. Monica glances
briefly outside the ring to see Snake has Bruce up over his head and is
launching him like a lawn dart head first into the steel ring post. The
crowd is on its feet screaming there approval of Snake and Monica's
HS: "Listen to this crowd frank!"
FJ: "Forget that! Get her Faith!"
(With Bruce out and covered in his own blood on the floor Snake slides
back into the ring as Monica is pulling Faith to her feet once again. Monica
sends a forearm smash into her face and sends her into the ropes with a
Irish whip. Faith rebounds off the ropes and jumps hitting a nice dropkick
square into Monica's face as she races forward to continue the attack.
Monica hits the ground and Faiths quickly mounts the turnbuckle. As Monica
is climbing to her feet Faith blows a kiss to Snake and jumps. She lands on
Monica's shoulders and hits a large hurricanrana.)
HS: "I didn't realize Faith had such in ring skill."
FJ: "Beautiful and deadly. What a great combination."
(Monica hits the mat and rolls clear out of the ring. Snake goes to the
ropes to check on the fallen woman as Faith runs for the ropes. She jumps
and uses the ropes as a springboard to and lands hard on Monica. Faith jumps
to her feet and begins to put the boots to Monica. Once she had kicked her
enough Faith yanks her to her feet and rolls her into the ring. Faith slides
into the ring and kicks Monica up. Kicks her in the stomach to double her
over, with her doubled over Faith leads her to the corner. She lifts Monica
to the second rope and grabs her head.)
HS: "What is Faith planning here?"
FJ: "I think I know. I have heard that she calls this the home wrecker."
HS: "Faith calls her finisher the home wrecker….your kidding right?"
( The Home Wrecker was a inverted DDT from the second rope which plants
her opponent face down in the mat, but Monica who had trained with her for
so many years saw this coming and shoved her away from her. Faith stumbled
backwards and raced forward. Monica jumped to the side and Faith hit the
ropes. When Faith turned she walked right into Monica's expert foot.)
HS: "A woman scorned!"
(Faith hit the mat with a thud and Monica dropped into a cover, but when
Snake dropped down Faith got her foot on the bottom rope. Monica slams her
hands into the mat in frustration and yanks Faith to her feet. Faith acting
in desperation reaches into the pocket of her leather pants and tosses out
her hand toward Monica. A thin white powder flews from her hand but it
misses Monica and hits Snake in the face.)
HS: "Faith is cheating!"
FJ: "Its only cheating if you get caught and Faith hit the ref with it so
she can't get caught!"
(Snake stumbles around clawing at his eyes and Monica immediately goes to
the aid of her husband. When Snake felt Monica touching his arm he spun
around and yanked her to his shoulders thinking it was Faith.)
HS: "NO! He doesn't know who she is!"
( Snake gives Monica the kind of Injection that could kill a woman of her
size and Faith smirks and jumps on top of her. Someone screams cover and
Snake drops down…ONE….TWO….THREE!)
HS: "Faith steals one! Damnit!"
(Faith jumps up and regrets to a corner as Snake continues to clear his
eyes. Once they were clear he looked down and saw Monica and put it all
together. Monica began to come to and reached for her husband. He pulled up
her and held her close to him.)
HS: "Awe, what a touching scene…"
FJ: "Yes, but what is Faith doing?"
(Faith is grinning wickedly at Snake who is holding his wife, but staring
at his sister. Faith nods slowly and Snake suddenly smirks his sick sadistic
smirk and positions Monica for the Final Rites. He lifts her into the air
and drives her down as hard as he can. She hits the mat and goes limp.)
HS: "OH MY GOD! What is he doing!"
FJ: "I think we are going to find out…"
HS: "He isn't done yet…."
(Snake begins to screams things down at Monica who is trying to crawl
away. Snake reaches down and pulls her to her feet. The camera could catch
her pain filled weak face and read her lips as she asked…" Why Snake…why?"
Snake shoved her backwards into the ropes and when she returned drove his
boot into her face as hard as he could. She hit the mat and began to roll
holding her nose screaming.)
HS: "Someone get security…he is going to kill her…why would he do this?"
(Faith scampers off to the corner and is handed a mic by a stage hand.
She scurries back and hands the mic to Snake. Snake kicked Monica in the
ribs to force her to her back then knelt down and grasps her hair.)
SNAKE: "You brought this on yourself Monica. You just had to try and
force your high and mighty morals on me! Well guess what little girl, you
are screwed! Do you remember this?"
(The massive Tron flickered to life showing Snake and Monica in the
living room. Snake is kneeling next to the fire with a pile of mail in his
right hand.)
SNAKE: "Honey, you got some kind of mail from some state thing. It's
trash, shall I just burn it?"
Monica: "Huh, oh, yeah sure why not?"
(On the Tron Snake smirked and tossed the stack of papers into the fire
and watched them burn then the Tron flickered and died.)
SNAKE: "Those papers were legal forms. Friday was the custody hearing for
whether or not you wanted to sign away your rights to Jasmine."
SNAKE: "That's right Monica. You gave up all rights to Jasmine and now I
have full custody no matter what happens with us."
(Faith leans down on the other side of Monica and leans her face next to
Snake so she can use the mic.)
FAITH: "Oh, and the streaks in our hair dear sister? They are a remember
of how many times we have been together in your bed."
HS: "Oh, this is just sick! That is his sister!"
FJ: "Adopted sister! They share no blood! We have the old Snake back!!!"
FAITH: "Finish it my love. I want her out of our life for good."
(Monica begins to plead with her husband but he just laughed and yanks
her to her feet by the hair. he throws her over his shoulder. Faith slides
out of the ring and begins to pull up the protective covering around the
HS: "What are they about to do? Snake, please don't do this!"
(Faith standing on the ground yells that it is ready and Snake gives his
wife one final Injection and she lands with a blood cooling thud on the
concrete. The camera comes to her and finds that she isn't moving now. Faith
comes into the ring and jumps up and wraps her legs around Snakes waist.
After she is in place the two share a deep passionate kiss.)
(We cut to a clip of the newest AWA DVD to come out on the market, AWA Wrestlefest VIII. It has all of the matches, their buildups, and some bonus interviews.)
FJ: "I'm buying that. Are you buying that?"
HS: "I'm buying that. But poor Monica."
FJ: "Oh well, you win some, you lose some."
("Waking Up" starts to play through the arena and the crowd immediately begins to boo.)
HS: "Looks like our No Limits Champion-"
FJ: "And soon to be World Heavyweight Champion Herb. Don't forget that."
HS: "We'll just have to wait and see about that one."
(Logan emerges from the backstage area and smiles out at the crowd as the boos begin to drown out his entrance music for a few moments. Carrying a folded up chair beside him, Logan starts down towards the ring.)
HS: "Anyway… Logan Alexander is on his way out and the crowd is really letting him have it. Just listen to that response."
FJ: "This is the same kind of response that Low used to get when he was here… It almost brings a tear to my eye with all those happy memories of him beating people senseless for my enjoyment…"
HS: "That's really touching Frank… in a sick and twisted sort of way."
FJ: "Yeah… Good times…"
(Logan walks around the ring and grabs a mic from the ring announcer before sliding into the ring with his chair. He looks around as the crowd continues to boo him. He just stands there and waits as boos rain down. Logan raises his hands encouraging the crowd to boo more, which they do.)
HS: "This could go on for a while…"
FJ: "And just think that they will do this again when the Legendary Low comes out later on. These people just have no respect for talent."
(Logan waits as the crowds boos start to die down. Once they've dropping in volume low enough Logan starts to speak.)
LOGAN: "Is that it? Is that all you've got? That was a rather unenthusiastic round of booing. Is it the same way when you cheer? Should I just call out the local hero and find out?"
(The crowd started to cheer and began to chant ‘NHL!' over and over.)
LOGAN: "Hey Nathan! Your people are calling you! But if I were you, I'd consider staying in the back where it's safe until the end of the night, when you can come down to the ring and I beat your sorry butt in front of these people that admire you so."
(The crowd boos at that statement.)
LOGAN: "So here we are at Hell on Earth… and for some reason we are in this God forsaken waste of space called Philadelphia…"
(This draws an even louder response from the crowd.)
LOGAN: "Boo. Boo. Boo. The longer you people carry on, just means that I'll be out here that much longer, while I wait for the whole lot of you to just shut up so I can finish!"
FJ: "He's got a point there."
HS: "I don't think the fans really care that much. Everyone here is solidly behind the World champion since we're in his home state."
(Logan paces around the ring, looking slightly annoyed by the crowd's response.)
LOGAN: "Well… I have to say, you people are already making this a memorable night for me. But it will get that much better when I see and hear your jaws drop and hit the floor as I beat Nathan right here tonight and claim the World Heavyweight title! And no amount of booing is going to keep that from happening!"
"You see tonight is the night that I am going to realize my destiny and capture the AWA World Heavyweight championship. I will then claim my rightful place alongside so many other stars in the AWA. But of course that's just going to be the beginning. I plan to continue building my legacy and you should all be honoured that you're going to be here tonight as I continue to build upon the foundations of my fifteen months of hard work by whipping the local boy for the biggest prize in this industry!"
(Logan moves over to the ropes and climbs up onto the bottom one. He leans over the top one as he keeps mouthing off to the crowd.)
LOGAN: "It's all because I am one of the greatest talents in this business, and I just love the fact that I'll be able to rub it in all your faces afterwards! It'll just prove that I never needed you bandwagon jumpers in the first place!"
(Again this draws another loud response from the crowd.)
LOGAN: "Keep going! I've got all night."
HS: "He just keeps egging them on."
FJ: "He learned from one of the best Herb. At least they aren't throwing things at him."
HS: "The night is still young."
(Logan lowers the mic and walks around the ring, yelling out towards the crowd and smiling the whole time.)
LOGAN: "I hope you people will all enjoy the rest of the show tonight. You get to watch a bunch of no talent amateurs and has-been's fight for the right to face me for my title. Yes you heard that right, MY TITLE! At the end of the night that belt is leaving with me!"
"I plan on reintroducing Nathan to No Limits wrestling the hard way!"
(Logan raises the chair that he's held the whole time he's been out there and slams it against the top turnbuckle in the nearest corner a few times.)
LOGAN: "I've even got the best seat in the house for him right here."
(Logan unfolds the chair and puts it down in the middle of the ring. He pulls out a piece of paper from his pocket and places it on the chair. The paper says: ‘Reserved for Nathan Hawthorne-Lee'.)
LOGAN: "In fact, I've made sure he's gotten this seat a few times recently. Tonight would be a good time for him to get reacquainted with it."
"Later on in the main event of the evening all of you people are going to get to watch the show that you all paid for. No… not the defeat of Logan Alexander. It's going to be the triumphant banishing of Nathan from the World title scene. It's time for a bigger and brighter star to shine and lead this company."
"Tonight… I WILL be victorious! I WILL be the World champion! I WILL begin the next era in the AWA! And there is NOTHING that ANYONE can do to stop it!"
(Logan throws the mic down and climbs the turnbuckles in the nearest corner as "Waking Up" starts to play again. He motions across his waist as he keeps yelling out towards the crowd. He goes to the opposite corner of the ring and repeats this process.)
HS: "The challenger is certainly confident."
FJ: "I can feel it Herb… Tonight is the night! Logan's going to pull this one off I just know it!"
(Logan retrieves his chair and starts heading towards the back.)
HS: "I guess only time will tell."
(We cut to the back and we see AWA President Travis Gray standing in his office with those five pictures still behind him. With the cloth off the first two, he motions his hand to the third one, the middle picture.)
GRAY: "So, after two successful matches of the night, it's time to show the world just what our third match will be. Four men have advanced to our Battle Royal and now it's time to see which of these next four men will advance."
(Gray pulls the sheet off the middle picture to show a graphic showing...)
GRAY: "It would seem that our next match is Brian Stevens and Jai Williams versus Andreas Lasiewicz and Sid. Good luck gentlemen."
HS: "And now it seems that Brian and Jai have to work together? What a lottery we have!"
FJ: "Two of my favorite no-good sons of bitches
actually TEAMING UP? Goddammit, I ruined another pair
of pants!"
(The lone gritty guitar of Thursday's "Jet Black
New Year" hit's us like a brick to the head as the
lights in the arena dim. White lights dance to wildly
to the beat. As synthesizers join the guitar, a flood
of red flashing lights join into the fray. Suddenly,
the drums kick in and we go into the second intro. The
trademark wind machine and smoke machines are blowing
wildly as finally, BRIAN STEVENS makes his entrance
through the Shock "O" tunnel. The fans go crazy booing
and heckling the upstart, which simply makes Stevens
smile proudly on the stage as the chaotic smoke and
wind breeze past him. After a few seconds on the stage
glaring into the audience, Brian Stevens proceeds down
the steel ramp way to the ring. The arrogant Stevens
walks the entire outside of the ring, occasionally
bantering with fans, until he slides into the ring.
Stevens rises to a knee as the lights around the ring
darken and an occasional light flickers to the beat of
the music. Stevens just kneels center ring, almost in
some sort of prayer. However, as the seconds pass, he
finally smirks and rises to his feet and backs himself
into his corner. He nonchalantly waits in his corner
for his partner.
He hasn't long to wait, as the melodious choir of
"American Me" by Yukmouth feat The Outlawz and C Bo
kicks into the P.A. speakers as the entire arena goes
black. Then blue lights and fog kick up on the
entrance ramp. Then three letters, all in different
colors, appear in spotlight form on the entrance ramp:
a large "C" in Green, a large "S" in Red, and a White
"M" respectively dance around on the ramp area as the
fog slowly forms around the entrance. Then, as the
song kicks in, pyro shoots off from both sides of the
entrance stage, as Jai Williams makes his way through
the entrance, through the smoke and fog. He then
acknowledges the crowd as he walks down to the ring,
wearing his favorite mink coat, and his 'Crestside
Pendant shines in the lights. He then climbs the steps
and into the ring. He then climbs up on the
turnbuckle, and crosses his arms, forming a C with one
hand, and a M with his other. He jumps down off the
turnbuckle, and takes off his coat, chain and shirt.
The two lock eyes, but neither says a word.)
HS: "The tension's so thick, you can cut it with a
knife, Frank!"
FJ: "I'm still working on my Billy Bob Ribs, Herb!"
HS: "You cannot still be on that endorsement deal
for your inbred cousin."
FJ: "Last night for it, I promise."
HS: "Our viewers can only hope."
(The arena darkens slowly. An air siren begins to
sound, with red spotlights shooting in all directions.
The screen suddenly turns to static before a slightly
robotic feminine voice speaks.)
'All Bets Are Currently Off...'
(The show picks up again after an image of an eagle
quickly flashes upon the screen. A thunderous drum and
bass line plays from the P.A system as red lights
flash around the darkened arena to the rhythm of the
HS: "And here comes Andreas Lasiewicz!
(As a wailing guitar joins the drum and bass, pure
white smoke blows out of the 'O' shaped tunnel.)
('Blood Pollution' by Steel Dragon blasts out
around the arena as a figure stands facing the tunnel,
a huge Polish Eagle tattoo on his back.)
"Gimme blood
Gimme blood
Gimme blood
Gimme blood pollution"
(Andreas Lasiewicz spins around out of the smoke,
his face painted in the colors of the Polish flag. He
spits into the air and grins evilly.)
"Bad mornings, good nights
Gotta run gotta hide from the light
Bar lights, blind my eyes
Crash the car and got in a fight"
(He wastes no more time and sprints to the ring as
his opponents await.)
HS: "Andreas Lasiewicz's entrance sure gets the
crowd fired up!"
FJ: "If I was a record executive, it'd make me want
to fire the person that created the music."
(The screen powers up and the lights in the arena
go down slightly. We see images of a dark room,
lighted only by the flame of a solitary candle. A loud
voice booms, emanating from the darkness.)
VOICE: "Long have you waited for him... A monster
from the past, taking shape once more... Returning
from the darkness... The waiting has ended, but your
fear? It is just beginning."
(Children's voices echo, all chanting the same
CHILD'S VOICE: "As I lay me down to sleep {lay me
down echoes in backround}, I pray my soul is mine to
keep{my soul to keep}. And never step outside this bed
(never) and let in all the evil(all the evil) NOW BACK
(The screen powers down and the lights return, with
a multitude of pyro soon going off.)
"One of a kind!
Hey Hey Hey, One of a Kind
Hey Hey Hey, One of a Kind"
(The fans blow the roof off the arena as the
electricity begins to run rampant as a large flame
blocks the view of the entrance way.)
"Well I've got that feeling deep inside
Well what it is I don't know
My vengeance starts to change
My mind gets filled with rage
I raise my fists up to the sky
Whatdaya see?"
(Sid steps through with his eyes being the
definition of intensity as he looks towards his
opponent in the ring.)
"The fear I see when I look in your eyes
Makes you believe I'm one of a kind
The fear I leave in the back of your mind
Makes you believe I'm
One of a kind!"
(Each step Sid takes down to the ring flames rise
on each side of him.)
"And Now I feel like I'm alive
Don't know just how I got so low
These voices in my mind
Tell me it's killing time
It is a thrill I can't describe
Whatdaya see?"
(Sid stops as he reaches the ring steps, still
never taking his eyes off of his opponent and pulls
out a pair of black gloves from his back pocket.)
"The fear I see when I look in your eyes
Makes you believe I'm one of a kind
The fear I leave in the back of your mind
Makes you believe I'm
One of a kind!"
(As he puts them on, pyros go off in the
background, sending the fans in a craze. He climbs
into the ring and walks to each corner, climbs onto
the turnbuckle, and raises his arms in the air
flipping the bird.)
(The bell rings, and Lasiewicz heads in to start
the match for his team. Stevens and Jai bicker for a
few minutes, but the referee sends Stevens out of the
ring to get the action started. The Polish Spirit and
Williams lock up, and Lasiewicz comes away with a
wristlock. Williams flips around, and takes his legs
out from underneath him before stomping his fallen
opponent. Lasiewicz gets to his feet, and the two
grapple again before the Crestside Monster comes away
with a quick DDT and more stomps for good measure.
Williams picks Lasiewicz up and whips him into
Stevens' corner, and reaches out for a tag, but
Stevens turns away, instead choosing to leave the
apron and mingle with a vertebrae-snappingly gorgeous
blonde at ringside!)
HS: "I can't believe this! All feelings about Jai
Williams aside, that's just unabashed arrogance by
Brian Stevens."
FJ: "What'd you expect, a personality transplant?
We knew this match wasn't gonna be great in terms of
(Williams flips off his partner and sworn enemy,
giving Lasiewicz enough time to execute a Thesz press
and throw some wild punches to back it up. Williams
bounces up, but is met with a flying tackle from a
charging Gambit. Lasiewicz attempts a quick cover, but
only gets a long one-count. The two grapple once
again, and Williams comes away with a monkey flip,
rolling on top to add some right hands. He bashes
Lasiewicz's head on a nearby turnbuckle before
depositing him out of the ring, near where Brian
Stevens is trying to pick up the woman. The situation
changes in a heartbeat, though, as Williams executes a
suicide dive that knocks Lasiewicz back into Stevens,
whose head hits the guardrail! Chants of "Holy Shit!"
accompany the referee beginning his count.)
HS: "My goodness! Jai Williams just took out three
of the four men in this match, including himself, with
that show of reckless abandon!"
FJ: "I'm stunned! That may be the first time Brian
Stevens has failed to pick up a woman!"
(As the count reaches four, all three men start to
come around, and Sid comes over to join the party.
Williams, Lasiewicz, and Stevens throw errant punches
at one another, none connecting very well, before Sid
throws both the Crestside Monster and the Polish
Spirit back into the ring to avoid a double countout.
They come to their senses quickly, and Lasiewicz
follows up a kick to the gut with a facebuster before
walking over and tagging out. Sid continues the
offensive with a few swift kicks to the ribcage, but
Williams counters the final attempt with an ankle
lock! Sid reaches the ropes, but as he attempts to
rise, it's clear he's in real pain.)
HS: "A great show of ring savvy by Jai Williams! He
may have just rendered Sid a non-factor for the time
FJ: "Yeah. Unfortunately, Brian Stevens doesn't
exactly appear eager to tag in and give Jai a rest!"
(Williams runs over to the ropes, but is slapped in
the back by Brian Stevens, who jumps in over the top
rope and starts slamming Sid's head with haymakers.
Jai can't believe it, but he eventually goes to the
apron after some prodding by the referee.)
HS: "Wrong again, Frank."
(The two in the ring lock up, with Sid coming away
with a shove into the corner. He attempts a few
knife-edge chops, but Stevens slips up, jumps, and
counters with a tornado DDT! He locks in a leglock to
the injured appendage, but Sid eventually does get to
the ropes. Not to be deterred, Stevens stomps a few
times before resting Sid's leg on the bottom rope. He
scales the turnbuckles, and hits a senton splash to
the injured ankle! Sid writhes in pain and Stevens
slides back in off the apron. He makes the cover, but
only gets a two-count.)
FJ: "Geez, if I were Sid, I'd have quit right
there. No way in hell you beat Jai Williams and Brian
Stevens on one ankle!"
HS: "Lucky for the rest of us, we all don't think
like you."
(Stevens kicks Sid's head numerous times before he
finally gets to a standing position again. They lock
up, and Stevens hits a snap mare before rolling over
and snapping Sid's neck down to the canvas. He hits a
few Kawada kicks before attempting another pinfall,
but again, only gets a two-count. He goes back to the
leglock, and Sid screams in agony for a few moments.
However, when the referee asks if he can continue, he
"powers up!")
HS: "Jesus Christ! Sid is powering up to try and
get out of this leglock, even after the assault by Jai
Williams and Brian Stevens!"
FJ: "...even I have to admit, that's some pretty
sick shit."
(Instead of powering out, Sid reverses the hold,
and turns in a clockwise motion, getting ever closer
to the outstretched hand of Andreas Lasiewicz. After
what seems like an eternity, their hands meet! The
hold breaks, and Lasiewicz scales the turnbuckles
before hitting a flying elbow to the sternum of Brian
Stevens! He gets on top of him, but the count is
broken at two, as Stevens gets a shoulder up just in
time. Lasiewicz tries to pick Stevens up, but is met
with a low blow that gets the Gambit to his knees.
Stevens takes advantage, running to the ropes and
hitting a sliding boot to the head before locking in a
front facelock. He fails to realize that he's in the
wrong corner, though, and Sid grabs his neck in a
choke hold!)
HS: "Oh boy. Talk about a mistake you don't expect
someone to make. Frank...are you crying?"
FJ: "Well, when all you believe for years turns out
to be false, what CAN you do? He fails to pick up a
girl, then he does that? Sniff..."
(Sid attempts a choke slam, but Jai Williams sneaks
up from behind and grabs the arm, breaking the hold
before slamming Sid into the nearby ringpost! He falls
to the arena floor as Stevens tries to direct Williams
to the top rope. He obliges, but instead of launching
into the exposed back of Andreas Lasiewicz, Williams
just stays perched! This allows Lasiewicz time to
reverse the front facelock into an atomic drop, but as
he turns around, he gets caught by a double axehandle
from the former No Limits champ!
(Williams is forced out of the ring as Stevens
attempts a pinfall. The referee counts, one, two, no,
only two. Both men get to their feet and grapple once
again, Stevens coming away with a side headlock.
Lasiewicz counters with an Irish whip and a hip toss,
followed by a reverse chinlock. Stevens escapes with a
jawbreaker, but it knocks Lasiewicz back into his
corner, and Sid tags in. Stevens' eyes open wide, and
tries to back into his own corner, but, as payback for
earlier, Jai won't tag in!)
HS: "You can't say he doesn't deserve this!"
HS: "Better now?"
FJ: "A little."
(Sid follows over, shaking off the ankle while
hitting an avalanche that stuns Stevens out of the
corner and down to the mat. Some more swift kicks
follow, and then Sid signals to the crowd for the
Highway to Hell!)
FJ: "NO! NO NO NO! This can't be happening!"
HS: "It is! Sid has the upper hand, and he's going
to try to finish Brian Stevens off right now with the
Highway to Hell!"
(Sid lifts Stevens up, but doesn't notice Jai
Williams scaling the ropes. Just as he comes down with
the slam, Williams takes off, and pops Sid's trunk
with a flying DDT! Both Sid and Stevens hit the mat at
the same time, and with tremendous impact that results
in another round of "Holy shit!" chants. Jai slams
Stevens' hand, and locks in an ankle lock to the leg
he injured earlier! Lasiewicz tries to run in, but
Williams shakes off the punches, and Sid eventually
taps out! The bell rings, and "American Me" blares
over the speakers once more as Jai Williams' hand is
HS: "Incredible! Brian Stevens was all but done
for, but Jai Williams jumps in, pops the trunk, and
with that, both Williams and Stevens advance to the
battle royal later this evening!"
FJ: "Thank God for Jai Williams, making all right
with the AWA world!"
HS: "We now have six men officially in the Battle Royal, and four more spots to be determined."
FJ: "Yes, and it is shaping up to be one HELL of a Battle Royal."
HS: "Wow, did you think of that all on your own? Your wit never ceases to amaze me."
FJ: "Glad I can be of service."
HS: "It is not a service that I enj- Folks, I have just been told that something has happened in the backstage area, we are trying to get a camera crew to the scene."
(As we cut to the backstage area we see Misery on the floor in a seated position holding his right shoulder, with a pained expression on his face as a couple of AWA staff members attend to Misery we hear them talking about what happened and before long we find out what we have expected, that Sin was indeed responsible for this attack as well.)
HS: "God Damn him, what is the point to all of this, he is not even supposed to be here tonight."
FJ: "Well, that is the second high profile AWA Wrestler he has assaulted tonight, he is not making any friends, but I am sure he is okay with that."
HS: "Not only are the victims of this lunatics attacks all high profile men here in the AWA, they are also all former AWA World Heavyweight Champions."
FJ: "Well, aim high I guess, if you are gonna do something, don't do it have assed."
(We cut to another AWA commercial promoting AWA_Online and it's new column, Keller's Top 10. We then quickly cut to a hallway in the locker roomarea just in time to see Brian Stevens take a chair shot to the back. The thud echoes through the hallway and the momentum of the shot carries the assailant out of our view, as Stevens goes to the ground, not out but in obvious pain. Suddenly into the picture walks Sin, steel chair still in hand, as he looks down at Stevens with an angered look. He drops the chair next to the still downed Stevens who struggles to roll over just in time to see Sin disappear down another hallway.)
HS: "And that's the third guy he's attacked! What's wrong with him?"
FJ: "I guess he wants to make an impact. I know, let's send Mark Keller back there to interview him. If we're lucky, we'll kill two birds with one stone and get the reasons behind Sin's attacks AND get rid of Mark all at the same time."
HS: "Why don't you go back there?"
FJ: "My ass is glued to the seat."
HS: "Shame."
(The cameras are in the back, following Larry Porter through the halls of the Wachovia Center. He has a slowness in his steps, as if he is reluctant to continue walking. He almost seems scared. We hear him mutter something that solidifies that suggestion.)
LP: "Man, why do I always have to interview this guy…"
(Larry turns a corner and jumps a full three feet back, hitting into the wall behind him violently. Larry rubs his head in pain as we see the cause of his fear, Gabriel, walk out from behind the corner.)
LP: "Why is he always around a corner…"
(Gabriel is dressed in his usual flowing white robes and is carrying his giant white Holy Bible by his side. Porter just gives him the mike without even asking a question.)
GABRIEL: "It looks like you've learned at least something after the last few times we've met…I guess that's still more than the majority of the AWA though. They still don't see me as a big threat to them. They still don't understand the power I possess. They even laugh at me for carrying out God's Will. But, soon, very soon, they will realize that I am not just someone to point and laugh at. They will realize I am no joke."
(Porter chimes in with a suck-up line.)
LP: "I never thought you were a joke."
(Gabriel looks down at Larry for a few moments and Larry smiles the widest he's ever smiled. Gabriel just turns his attention back to the cameras.)
GABRIEL: "Tonight, I will run through the gauntlet of AWA super stars. I will go all the way to the end and then I will take that World Title shot. Then, I will go on to Vortex and take what is rightfully mine, the AWA World Heavyweight Championship!"
(Gabriel shoves the mike back into the un-expecting Larry Porter's chest. Larry gets knocked back against the wall he hit before from the force and Gabriel simply walks past the cameras and out of view. Larry coughs a few times and regains his breathe, lifting the mike slowly up to his mouth.)
LP: "That was Gabriel, folks. I hope Mark Keller interviews him from now on."
(We cut back to Gray's office where he's standing next to the final two posters, partially blocking the views of the other three.)
GRAY: "With only three matches down, we have only two more left to go. Four more spots need to be filled in the Battle Royal. We'll now find out what our Lottery machine picked for the next match."
(Gray grabs a hold of the black sheet and pulls it down. The pictures we see are...)
GRAY: "Well, our next match features Quade DeSade and Terry James versus Jayson Price and Snake. Good luck, gentlemen."
HS: "Here we are at another of the Hell Bowl Lottery tag team matches.
That heartless, remorseless traitor Snake teams up with Misery to take on
Terry James and Quade Desade."
FJ: "This one proves to be a very interesting match. Snake and Quade know
one another very well as do Quade and Misery."
HS: "Don't forget about that slithering, cheating coward and Misery, they
have history as well, and so do Misery and Terry. This match could get very
personal very quickly."
(The darkness speaks.)
"I am the new way to go. I am the way of the future."
(The voice repeats its words as a silhouette rises on the screen;
an unseen flame lights An emotionless face, eyes closed, breathless.
Her voice then speaks without neither her eyes nor mouth opening.)
"There's a lot of innocent people being crucified."
(The screen above the burns with one name.)
(Quade staggers down the ramp towards the ring oblivious to the calls of
the people on either side of him. His face seems a grim freeze of pain; his
body marked and scarred from more than just his confinement within the Iron
Maiden. Taking the steps slowly he takes a moment as if to catch his breath
and then to look back up the ramp to the empty entrance where the Iron
Maiden should be standing, Quade stalls for just a moment longer before
entering the ring.)
HS: "And here comes his Tag Team Partner."
(The opening guitar of "Thunderstruck" by AC/DC starts to play and the
fans start to chant "Na Na-Na Na Na-Na Na Na!" over and over with the
all-to-familiar guitar chords. The lights in the arena flash on and off for
a few seconds before staying off. On the first "Thunder" the lights starts
flashing on and off again. On the second "Thunder" Terry comes out onto the
stage with a hockey stick in his hands, the crowd now cheering loudly,
stopping just before the ramp. He looks to both sides, waving the hockey
stick and showing it off to the crowd, before walking down the ramp with a
cocky grin on his face. Terry stops at the end of the ramp and gets onto his
knees. He then raises the hockey stick in his right hand up to the ceiling
and keeps it there for three seconds as pyro jets shoot out, back and
forward, along the top of the ramp in rapid-fire fashion. Terry then gets up
and runs to the ring, sliding in under the ropes. He stops in the middle of
the ring and quickly kips up as a pyro jet shoots from each turnbuckle.)
(The opening rift of "What's This Life For?" by Creed plays then fades
into "You Eclipsed by Me" By Atreyu. The lights dim and red mist drops from
the ceiling as Misery makes his enterance carrying his briefcase. He doesn't
play to the crowd or buy into the cheering and booing that is going on and
just makes his way down to the ring. Once he makes it to ringside he stops.)
HS: "Wise move there. He wants to wait for his partner to arrive."
FJ: "If Snake was your partner wouldn't you? approve of his actions
tonight or not he is a great competitor."
(The cords of Animal I have become hit the PA system and the lights dim
around the arena and the Tron flashes "Toxic Melody reunited again" seconds
before Snake and his adopted sister Faith walk through the curtain. The two
are showered with a chore of boos as they make there way down to ringside.
When they get to the apron Faith jumps and wraps her legs around snake's
waist and the two engage in a deep kiss. After that was broken Faith hops
down. Snake and misery look at one another once before sliding into the ring
and the four men begin to attack one another.)
HS: "And here we go!"
FJ: "Kill them all Snake and Misery!"
(Snake and Terry were squared off in one corner and Quade and Misery in
the other. Snake had used his power and brute force to back James into the
corner and was nailing him with hard elbows and forearms, misery had backed
Quade into the corner but Quade spun him around and was wailing on him with
hard right hands. Misery begins to waver as Quade hits him with the fifth
right hand and staggers out of the corner and Quade drops him with a hard
knife edged chop. Quade mounts Misery and begins to lay into him with hard
rights and lefts as the Ref is pulling Snake and Terry apart and orders them
to there respective corners.)
HS: "Now that we have order the match can start."
FJ: "It hasn't started yet, has someone stapled your eyes shut again?"
HS: "When did anyone staple my eyes shut?"
FJ: "Mexico City when you were on vacation, that stripper you took home,
don't you remember?"
HS: "I have done no such thing!"
(In the ring Quade is pulling misery to his feet and throws a hard right
hand but misery ducks under it and when Quade turns he walks right into
Misery's waiting arms and a Belly to Belly suplex. Quade hits the mat hard
but bounces right back up and charges at Jayson. Misery catches him coming
in with a vicious closeline but Quade again pops right back up but this time
Misery drops him with a T-Bone and Quade stays down. Misery takes a moment
to catch his breath and pulls Desade to his feet. Price picks Quade up with
one arm trying for a one armed backbreaker but Quade racks the eyes and
Jayson drops him. The ref warns Quade who holds up his hands and nods.
Jayson is still wandering holding his eye when Quade drops down and drives
his shoulder into the back of Misery's knee. Jayson hits the mat and holds
his knee but Quade doesn't give him a moment's piece. He pulls Misery up and
lifts in a Manhattan drop position but when he drops him he drops Misery's
knee into the mat. Price holds his knee and starts to roll toward his corner
but Quade grabs the leg he has been working on and lays it on the second
rope. He jumps and drops his knee hard onto the joint just above Misery's
HS: "Quade seems to want to take out misery's knee here."
FJ: "Great detective work Sherlock."
(Quade taunts Snake and drops another knee into the joint just above
Misery's knee then drags him across the ring to his corner where he tags in
Terry James. James climbs the turnbuckle while Quade holds Misery's leg and
drops a huge leg drop onto misery's exposed knee. Quade exits the ring as
Price wails holding onto his knee, which may be injured at this point, and
James pulls him to his feet. Jayson cannot put much weight on the leg that
has been worked over but trucking on like a soldier he grabs Terry and whips
him across the ring. Misery goes for another Belly to Belly but Terry has it
scouted and climbs up Prices body with an ezuiguri. Jayson hits the mat and
Terry goes for the corner….ONE….TWO…BROKE UP. Snake was in the ring and
kicked Terry as hard as he could in the ribs.)
HS: "OH! What a vicious kick."
FJ: "Maybe he should try out for the Eagles as a kicker."
( Snake exits the ring and Terry climbs to his feet gingerly testing his
ribs and glaring at Snake. Terry turns and faces Snakes corner and motions
for the Thunder Strike. Misery gets to his feet hobbling on his bad leg and
Terry leaps. His leg arched for the Thunder Strike but Jayson grabbed his
ankle and kicked his other foot out from under him. the only problem becomes
he used the bad leg to do the kicking. Terry hits the mat but so does
Misery. James gets to his feet rather quickly. Terry measures Misery and
when he gets to his feet drops him again with a dropkick. On the apron Snake
is pacing like a caged animal and pounding on the turnbuckle. Terry pulls
Misery to his feet and throws a right hand but somehow Misery ducks it and
hits a swinging neck breaker. Snake is pounding on the turnbuckle as misery
begins to crawl toward the corner but just when he is close to making the
tag Quade is in the ring and yanking him away.)
FJ: "No!!"
HS: "Get him out of there ref!"
(Quade drops his shin into the side of Misery's knee while James is down.
The crowd explodes into boo's as Snake enters the ring and closeline's both
Quade and himself over the top rope. On the outside Snake and Quade are
exchanging right hands while Terry climbs to his feet. Misery is using the
ropes to pull himself up but Terry kicks the injured knee dropping him to
his knees his face a mask of pain. Terry lumps back and sets up once again
for the Thunder Strike.)
HS: "He is going to try again. This could win it!"
FJ: "That's not all, Snake has got Quade!"
(Snake has Quade on his shoulders halfway up the ramp way. Faith screams
to finish him and Snake hits a massive Injection but as Quade is in midair
Terry leaps forward and connects with the Thunder Strike.)
FJ: "He hit it! Pin him, Pin him!"
(Terry hooks the Leg and Snake can do nothing but watch and try to run for
the ring as the ref's hand comes down….ONE….TWO….THREE! Terry raises his
hands into the air in celebration and Snake slams his own off the apron in
HS: "Terry James and Quade Desade advance!"
FJ: "That's not fair! Snake never even got into the match!"
HS: "Oh well, that's what he gets for doing what he did to poor Monica.
Terry James and Quade Desade advance!"
(As Terry leaves and Snake has his head down, furious over the loss, we see Quade DeSade with a chair in hand slowly stalking Jayson Price. Price gets to his feet and is met by a chair to the back of the head. Snake sees this and just walks away with a grin on his face.)
HS: "What the hell? Someone get out here and stop this!"
(Quade hammers Price so many times with the chair that blood is coming out from various spots where the chair's dented form is cutting into his body. Quade the picks up Price and screams in his face before putting the chair's edge up against Misery's throat and then guillotining him on the chair. Misery falls to his back and spits up some blood and then stops moving.)
FJ: "Hey, we need some help out here. I think Price is unconscious. He could choke on his own blood! GET OUT HERE!"
(DeSade tosses the chair to the side before walking up the ramp. During all of this, Snake was standing there with that same, toothy grin on his face. He waits before leaving ringside to go to the back. We then cut to Gray's office.)
GRAY: "Not quite the end I was hoping for there. I guess Quade will need to come and see me IMMEDIATELY to explain himelf. In the meantime, I have one final match left to reveal. Let's see what it is. If you've been keeping score, you might have a general idea as to what matches it could or could not be."
(Gray pulls off the black sheet from the last frame...)
GRAY: "So, it's A.C. Smith and Gabriel versus DooM and Midnight. Good luck gentlemen and I don't want to see anything like I just saw."
(We cut to ringside.)
FJ: "Excuse me for one moment."
HS: " that a Pope hat you just dragged
HS: "Great way to stay unbiased."
(The lights dim, and "Keep on Rockin' in the Free
World," by Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young, plays.
A.C. Smith struts out in his ring attire and stops
just in front of the fireworks that go off behind him.
He resumes walking, ignoring the cheering crowd and
completely focusing on the ring ahead of him.
The lights go out in the arena, leaving it in
complete and utter darkness. After a few moments of
silence and darkness, a bright shining light ruptures
from the Ameritron, causing many to squint and turn
away upon its arrival. It fades away as a bell is
heard twice and the hard chords of "For Whom The Bell
Tolls" begin. The bell continues to ring through every
sequence of chords as smoke pours out from above the
stage and entrance ramp. We see two figures in white
now. One is a giant shining white cross on the
Ameritron and the other is a slowly moving figure. The
figure moves through the smoke at a steady pace, yet
he only appears to be a man made of light as the smoke
is dampening our vision of the entire area around him.
As the chords change to a heavier tone, Gabriel steps
through the smoke like a beacon of light to the arena,
his white robes shining in the lack of light, just
like the cross behind him. He holds a giant white
bible at his side that glows as well as he stands
before the ring for a few moments, looking to his
right and slowly turning his head to his left. The
chords become even heavier as Gabriel now heads up the
ring steps and steps through the ropes into the ring.
He reaches the center and a single white strobe light
shines down from the heavens onto him as he slowly
raises the bible high above his head with both hands.
The lights in the arena come back on when the bible
reaches the pinnacle of its ascent and Gabriel lowers
it afterwards. He walks over to his corner and places
his white robes and bible on the outside, then turns
his attention to the ring.)
HS: "My goodness, look at the fire in the eyes of
both of these men. There's clearly no love lost
between them, and they're going to need to work
together to get past the first round."
FJ: "Gabriel can do it. Mark my words: He will
carry A.C. Smith into the battle royal, then eliminate
(The lights stay out, and "The Man Who Sold the
World" begins to play throughout the arena. Mist and
smoke fill the entranceway. A chilling dull light
constantly shifts colors slowly never giving away
enough to really consider it light. Slowly, both
Midnight and DooM saunter from the back, completely
disregarding the existence of anyone in the arena.
With steely glares on their faces, they enter the
Gabriel and Midnight are in to start as the bell
rings. They lock up, and Midnight comes away with a
hammerlock. It's easily broken by Gabriel, though, who
powers out before turning around and hitting a few
crushing forearms to the skull of his opponent.
Midnight goes sprinting into the ropes before being
caught by a sidewalk slam. This is followed by a quick
falling elbow, which gets an early two-count.)
HS: "I must say, it appears my partner has jumped
on the correct bandwagon for once, as Gabriel seems to
have established the upper hand early in this bout."
FJ: "I'm a sooooooul man! Da-dah da-dah da-da
(Midnight fights to hit feet with a few elbow
smashes to the stomach, then brings Gabriel to a knee
with a Judo leg sweep before knocking him to the
canvas with a spinning heel kick. He attempts to come
off the ropes with a knee smash, but Gabriel rolls out
of the way. The holy man gets to his feet and stomps a
mudhole before picking Midnight up and slamming him
down on his knee with a brutal backbreaker. He comes
off the ropes with a splash, but, again, only gets a
two-count. Gabriel picks his opponent up again, but
this time, he's met with a knee to the groin, and
Midnight uses the time to go to his corner and tag in
The two lock up, and DooM comes away with a
headlock. Gabriel counters with a side suplex, but
DooM flips out, jumps up, and bulldogs him down. Upon
dragging down to pick him up, though, DooM is met with
a low blow, shades of his partner. Gabriel turns and
sees A.C. calling for a tag, but Gabriel shrugs him
FJ: "Damn right you are!"
(A.C. looks on in disgust as Gabriel kicks DooM in
his ribcage numerous times. Once he rises, Gabriel
locks in a bearhug. DooM fights free with a
jawbreaker, and chops away with Gabriel on the ropes.
He whips him across the ring, leapfrogs, and fells him
with a drop toe hold. DooM goes for a quick finish,
trying to lock in the Riverside Lock Down, but Gabriel
powers out and hurls DooM back into the corner that
happens to be occupied by A.C. Smith's fist!)
HS: "Hard to tell whether that was teamwork or
sheer luck!"
FJ: "With A.C. Smith, a LOT of things are sheer
HS: "Need I remind you, Frank, that he's tagging
with your buddy Gabriel now?
FJ: "Exactly! Sheer luck."
(Gabriel goes outside the ring and grabs his
steel-covered Bible while DooM is still recovering.
However, before the referee can get to the man holding
the foreign object, Smith reaches up, takes it from
his grasp, and throws it back down to the arena floor!
We can read the words coming from his mouth.)
A.C.: "You have sins in your own little world, I
have sins in mine. Wrestle the damn match the way it
was meant to be done."
(Gabriel turns around, but he does so right into a
dropkick that knocks him back into his corner. DooM
scales the ropes and punches repeatedly before
monkey-flipping the much-larger man back to the center
of the ring. He picks Gabriel up before kicking him in
the gut, dashing to the ropes, and hitting a sunset
flip! Here's the count, one, two, no, Gabriel powered
out. As DooM rises, Gabriel levels him with a powerful
lariat before grabbing his throat, thrusting him back
to his feet, and using his trademark military press
slam. He covers with his boot, but only gets two. DooM
fights to his feet before reversing an Irish whip and
redirecting him towards Midnight. The tag is made, and
they double-team Gabriel in the corner with kicks to
the gut and punches to the head.
The referee makes his way over to break it up, but
Midnight's attempt at a splash in the corner hits him
first, and the man in the striped shirt falls to the
HS: "Terrible timing by one of our trusted
officials here in the AWA."
FJ: "Trusted, my rear end. I wouldn't trust them to
spell cat even after spotting them the c and the a!"
(Recognizing the situation, Midnight and DooM
continue the beatdown in the corner, eventually
bringing Gabriel out, whipping him into the corner,
and catching him with a double suplex! Upon seeing
this, and the other team taunting after hitting it,
A.C. Smith rushes in! The crowd roars as he spurns a
punch from Midnight and nails a forearm smash,
knocking him down. DooM tries his luck, but an Irish
whip is reversed, and A.C. catches him with a body
slam, which is followed by a huge roar from the
Philadelphia crowd.)
FJ: "This crowd obviously doesn't respect
HS: "I think they respect good wrestling, and
A.C.'s delivering on it now!"
(Midnight and DooM rise, but are both caught by
A.C., who nails a double noggin-knocker as Gabriel
starts to come around. He turns A.C. around from
behind, but after a brief staredown, A.C. goes back to
work, throwing DooM out of the ring and onto the arena
floor before waking the referee from his
Midnight-induced slumber and sliding out of the ring
to continue brawling.
Back inside the ropes, Gabriel stomps Midnight's
back multiple times before sending him across the ring
and catching him with a big boot. He then signals for
the Fall of the Forsaken, which he hits with
authority! He makes the cover as DooM continues to be
occupied by A.C. Smith, one, two, three! The bell
rings as Gabriel's hand is raised in victory.)
FJ: "Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of
the Lord, Herb!"
HS: "Indeed, Gabriel hit the Fall of the Forsaken
on Midnight, but you've gotta give some credit to A.C.
Smith. After all, he did come in and save the holy man
from potential destruction!
FJ: "Bah. Whatever. All that matters is that His
truth is marching on!"
HS: "If you say so. Now take off that damn hat,
people paid hundreds of dollars to sit behind you, and
you're blocking their view!"
(We go to a short commercial showing a graphic for where Vortex is going to be next month. We cut back to the arena.)
HS: "What a wild night this has been, and it is not quite over yet, we still have our main event to come as well as the battle royal."
FJ: "Yes, wild would be a good word, so many things have happened, I can't remember this much action in a long time."
HS: "I agree on that, with so much on the line in the coming weeks everyone seems to be hitting their stride, and who knows what wi-"
(Suddenly amidst Herbs speaking the arena goes dark.)
HS: "What now?"
(A dense fog fills the entrance area. "My Friend Misery" by Metallica begins to play and suddenly a dim red spotlight falls atop the ramp, and amidst the thick fog we can see Sin standing arms crossed head down staring toward his feet. He stands like this for a moment before raising his head slowly locking his gaze on the ring. He steps out of the fog and walks toward the ring bringing a slight fog trail with him, his icy stare never breaking. As he reaches the ring he slides under the bottom rope and heads straight for the far side of the ring where he requests a microphone, and once he is obliged by the ring side officials, he drops his trench coat to the ground and with hardly a pause he speaks.)
SIN: "As of late my abilities have been questioned by the greater power that I have so often talked about, but obviously tonight with the destruction of most of the AWA's Power Players in one way or another, I think all questions have been answered. Now to those of you who were victims tonight, don't take it personally, I hold no real grudge against any of you, but what was done had to be done, each of you has been a part of the whole scheme of things since the beginning, what happened tonight has been planned for months, it was far from spur of the moment."
SIN: "So here I stand having left my mark on anyone deemed important in the AWA today, all except one that is, and I think we know who that one man is. Now just because you have not been lumped into my destruction tonight does not mean that I fear you, nor that I am ignoring you, there will be more before I finish, I assure you."
SIN: "But allow me to change speeds for just a moment. Since my arrival I have told everyone that nothing is quite as it seems, I have told you that just because I dress a little different does not mean I am any less dangerous. I told you all that just because I wear a mask does not mean I am scared to show my face. I told you that just because you do not know who I am, does not mean that I am not a threat. All of these quirks are in place for specific reasons, but not the consensus reasons you have all come to agree on. They all play their part in the bigger picture, just like each and every move I have made since my arrival here in the AWA. Every set back was as much a part of the plan as every victory. In order to keep control you need to keep the world guessing, so take no stock in whom I have beaten, nor whom I have succumbed to, it all means nothing, each match just a brick in the path that I needed to cross to reach my destination. Which now brings me back to the one man that has thus escaped my wrath. Why have I spared you thus far? The reasoning is simple, you have something that belongs to me which I have decided it was time to take back. Now I am sure that we both know what I am talking about, and I assure you that I will take it back… by any means necessary…
(Green, blue, red, and white lights flash as we hear the opening intro of "True Nature" by Jane's Addiction. After the 10 second intro stops and we hear "Here we go" and we see NHL emerge from the back, as the heavy part of the song plays, with the AWA World Heavyweight Championship around his waist and a microphone in his hand. Nathan brings the mic to his mouth and the music fades out quick.)
NHL: "Sin, you think that attacking all but me will make everyone think that I've had a hand in it? If that's what you think, it'll be like the Pope ordering the assassination of John F. Kennedy - no one will buy it."
HS: "He has a point there."
FJ: "Shut up Summers, I'm listening here!"
NHL: "So you run around the back and attack members of our roster. For what? Why would you do that? I sit here and ask myself this question and some possible answers come to mind. Maybe you want to send a message to me - which seems to be the obvious answer. Maybe you want to somehow invoke fear in me. Sin, you can march around the entire globe and attack people behind their backs and all that it'll tell me would be that you're a coward who can't step to a man face to face and deal with him like any other person would."
FJ: "Yes you can. I can just slap Herb in the head and he wouldn't think anything of it."
HS: "Shut up Frank, I'm listening here!"
FJ: "Geez, no need to act mean about it..."
NHL: "So then as you keep saying that nothing is as it seems. Do I know you? Or better yet, are you working for someone that I once knew? This higher power of yours, is it someone that lost against me in the past or has a bone to pick with me? I mean, you come out here and say nothing is as it seems and try to use this reason as an excuse for your 'wrestling performances' recently. I'm having trouble pinpointing what the problem is here. It's obvious you want me, so why don't you sing your song here and now and let me know what you want."
(As NHL stares back at the man in the ring the confident look on his face we cut back to the face of Sin, which through the mask shows a look of anger, perhaps due to the fact that NHL is failing to play into his game, but then his expression changes as an almost happy smile forms on the masked man's face. He stares back at NHL for a moment before continuing.)
SIN: "Interesting thought process Nathan, but as I stated before nothing is as it seems. It is pretty obvious what I want Nathan, so that leaves only the one secret, you may not know who I am per say…"
(Sin pauses again the smirk still on his face, and he reaches upgrabbing the mask on his head and pulling it off.)
"But I bet you know who I am."
HS: "Oh my god Frank! That's - it's John Williams!"
FJ: "I see it but I don't believe it!"
HS: "This whole time, the whole dark persona, the whole working for a higher power, it has all been an act!"
FJ: "Well it fooled me."
HS: "Like wise. This crowd seems to like what they have just seen, this place is deafening!"
(The crowd cheers wildly for the former World Champion and Hall of Famer, however he does not acknowledge the accolades as he is still grinning eyes locked with those of the World Champion who returns the gaze. We focus on the huge grin on the face of Williams and zoom in on him slowly, and as we do we see him mouth the words, it's mine, then we cut back to our wide angle where we see NHL make a very obvious 'take your best shot'-like gesture before backing up the ramp his eyes never unlocking from those of the man in the ring.)
HS: "I am still speechless Frank, never in a million years would I have imagined this."
FJ: "I'll say, and it sure does add some tension to the already cloudy World Title picture."
HS: "One thing is for sure, the people still love John Williams."
(After NHL has finally disappeared Williams finally exits the ring,and makes his way up the ramp, finally taking the time to interact with the fans, making sure to slap as many hands on both sides of the aisle as possible. John reaches the top of the ramp and turns back toward the ring, surveys everything and raises both arms in the air, which causes yet another giant pop from the capacity crowd, With the fans still in a frenzy Williams quickly lowers his arms and disappears behind the curtain.)
HS: "Well, folks, its time for the next round in the Hell Bowl Lottery here at Hell on Earth. Things are definitely about to heat up!"
FJ: "This is going to be awesome!"
HS: "Yes, it is. If you turn your attention to the ring, you will notice something hanging over it. That is indeed the infamous Hell in a Cell and it will be lowered to the ground for this match."
(The cameras switch to a wide shot of the ring so that we can see the massive steel cage hanging high above the ring.)
HS: "Before we start this match, let's recap the tournament so far. Brian Stevens and Jai Williams defeated Lasiewicz and Sid. Javex Valerius and Jeff Christianson defeated Downstairs from Purgatory, Hawk and Jurgen. Quade deSade and Terry James defeated Snake and Misery. A.C. Smith and Gabriel defeated DooM and Midnight. Johnny Nightmare and Mark Cross defeated Kid Lightning and Chris Palmer. All of the winners have moved on to the second round, an over the top rope battle royal inside a Hell in a Cell. The last two men left in the ring will then duke it out in a normal Hell in a Cell match for a shot at the AWA World Heavyweight Championship at Vortex!"
FJ: "Let's just get this thing started so we can lower that cage!"
("Lift Me Up" by Moby blares out in the arena as the arena lights dim and the entrance movie begins. D-R-A-G-O-N flashes up on the screen one letter at a time, followed by the launching of a burst of red fireworks. Mark appears on the top of the ramp holding a bottle of water. He salutes the crowd on both sides of the arena before making his way down the ramp, throwing punches and loosening up. He slides into the ring, taking in several sips of water to take in fluid before placing it into the corner of the ring.)
HS: "Mark Cross has already made a great showing for not only his first AWA pay per view, but his first wrestling pay per view ever. It certainly seems that he is one of the top AWA rookies right now and it should be interesting to see how this ex-football star does."
FJ: "I don't know if he'll be making it very far. The guy is new and he's being introduced to this Hell in a Cell for the first time. We'll have to see if he can excel against guys who have been here before."
(The lights go out in the arena, leaving it in complete and utter darkness. After a few moments of silence and darkness, a bright shining light ruptures from the Ameritron, causing many to squint and turn away upon its arrival. It fades away as a bell is heard twice and the hard chords of "For Whom The Bell Tolls" begin. The bell continues to ring through every sequence of chords as smoke pours out from above the stage and entrance ramp. We see two figures in white now. One is a giant shining white cross on the Ameritron and the other is a slowly moving figure. The figure moves through the smoke at a steady pace, yet he only appears to be a man made of light as the smoke is dampening our vision of the entire area around him. As the chords change to a heavier tone, Gabriel steps through the smoke like a beacon of light to the arena, his white robes shining in the lack of light, just like the cross behind him. He holds a giant white bible at his side that glows as well as he stands before the ring for a few moments, looking to his right and slowly turning his head to his left. The chords become even heavier as Gabriel now heads up the ring steps and steps through the ropes into the ring. Mark Cross goes into a corner to avoid him. Gabriel reaches the center and a single white strobe light shines down from the heavens onto him as he slowly raises the bible high above his head with both hands. The lights in the arena come back on when the bible reaches the pinnacle of its ascent and Gabriel lowers it afterwards. He walks over to his corner and places his white robes and bible on the outside, then turns his attention to the ring and to Mark Cross on the outside.)
FJ: "This guy is a freak. I love it!"
HS: "He certainly doesn't have his head screwed on right, but you can't deny the fact that he is a force to be reckoned with. I don't know if I've ever seen anyone so powerful since Brian Williams."
FJ: "Lord Williams, Herb. Gabriel has a ton of guts. That's for sure. He actually challenged Lord Williams to try and beat him yesterday!"
HS: "I would pay a lot of money to see that match. But, right now, I'd rather see how well Gabriel is going to do. Will Gabriel's prophesies be fulfilled tonight?"
FJ: "I think they will."
HS: "Yeah, but you're biased, so we can't trust your opinion."
("Burn it All" by Dark Halo begins to play as Johnny Nightmare strolls out onto the stage and stares at the crowd. He strolls down the ramp and when he enters the ring he goes to taunt the crowd, but then sees Gabriel and immediately exits the ring.)
HS: "Well, Johnny Nightmare has been silent all week. He doesn't look too prepared for this match."
FJ: "It looks like Johnny had a nightmare about Gabriel last night!"
(The lights dim, and "Keep on Rockin' in the Free World" by Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young plays. A.C. struts out in his ring attire and stops just in front of the fireworks that go off behind him. He doesn't really care if the fans go nuts, he only cares about what goes on inside the ring. No high-fives on the way out, and he doesn't really try to work the crowd. His entrance is admittedly bland, but his previous championships show that he's worth it. Smith has the United States Title belt around his waist, but he quickly discards it to a ring aide once he gets close to the ring. Smith goes straight into the ring and stands right up to Gabriel! Gabriel just stares back, not moving an inch.)
FJ: "Whoa! What is he doing? Is he crazy!?"
HS: "A.C. Smith is staring right at Gabriel! These two were partners in the first round and now they will have to face each other in this battle royal. A.C. Smith already holds a victory over Gabriel, although it was Terry James that was forced to submit, not Gabriel."
FJ: "That is true, but Smith also got a lot of momentum from that win."
HS: "That is very true. It makes you wonder if anyone can stop the tank of the AWA."
(The lights go out suddenly in the arena, and as they do, a huge white DW appears across the video screen. "About All That" by Fat Joe, Lil' Wayne, and Birdman blares over the PA and the crowd begins to boo has the AWA Hall of Fame member Jeff Christianson makes his way out. We see a blue strobe light race throughout the arena, as well as clips throughout the career of Jeff Christianson. Suddenly, we see a huge pyro explosion on stage as the lights come back on. Standing under the DW is Jeff Christianson! Jeff Christianson has a stern look on his face as he starts to walk to the ring in his red and white jumpsuit. Jeff Christianson walks by the fans ignoring them. We see a few fans try and swing at him, so once he reaches the bottom of the map, he swings at whoever's there, backing the crowd off. We hear the chorus of boos as Jeff Christianson begins heading towards the ring with a smirk on his face. He climbs up onto the camera side part of the ring and turns around and throws his hood off. We see him pose for a couple of pictures before stepping through the ropes. Christianson walks over to the other side, right past Gabriel and Smith, and jumps up on the turnbuckle, holding his arms up. He hops down and walks to the other side, again passing Gabriel and Smith, throwing his arms up again.)
HS: "The Dark Warrior is the most experienced and technical wrestler in this match. If there is anyone who can pull an upset and win this thing, it's him. But, Jeff hasn't been his normal talkative self this week. He only appeared once on AWA TV and remained silent afterwards."
FJ: "He was probably just working out. Christianson always knows what to do when it comes to big time matches."
HS: "Maybe. Maybe not. One thing is for sure: we'll see if other people's claims of him being washed up are true or not tonight."
(The opening guitar of "Thunderstruck" by AC/DC starts to play and the fans start to chant "Na Na-Na Na Na-Na Na Na!" over and over with the all-to-familiar guitar chords. The lights in the arena flash on and off for a few seconds before staying off. On the first "Thunder" the lights starts flashing on and off again. On the second "Thunder" Terry comes out onto the stage with a hockey stick in his hands, the crowd now cheering loudly, stopping just before the ramp. He looks to both sides, waving the hockey stick and showing it off to the crowd, before walking down the ramp with a cocky grin on his face. Terry stops at the end of the ramp and gets onto his knees. He then raises the hockey stick in his right hand up to the ceiling and keeps it there for three seconds as pyro jets shoot out, back and forward, along the top of the ramp in rapid-fire fashion. Terry then gets up and runs to the ring, sliding in under the ropes. He stops in the middle of the ring and quickly kips up as a pyro jet shoots from each turnbuckle. Terry ends up in the middle of Gabriel, Christianson and Smith and the four all exchange harsh glances whiel Mark Cross and Johnny Nightmare look on from the outside.)
HS: "Terry James just happens to be one of the men who claims Jeff Christianson is not who he used to be. It should be interesting to see how the battle between those two gets settled. You have to keep in mind, though, Terry has been in a slump for a few months now and he's looking to jump right out of it tonight."
FJ: "Well, I used to like Terry back in the day where he would do anything to anyone. Now he cares about the fans and competition and all that stuff. It's holding him down."
HS: "Well, we'll see if that can really hold down The Storm tonight. I don't think it will."
(In wild comparison to his formerly low-key entrance, Javex's new entrance truly seems to capture the attention hogging side of his persona. As "Rompe" by Daddy Yankee begins, a menagerie of coloured lights swirl around the arena, reminiscent of either a rowdy club or a circus - take your pick. Javex storms out of the back, pausing to pose for pictures at the top before making his way down to the ring, ensuring that he slaps every hand humanly possibly, occasionally stopping for picture requests. At the ring, he pauses, smiles, then runs and slides in, setting off pyrotechnics from the ring posts - yes, he has fireworks now, like every other damn wrestler. Getting to his feet, Javex hits each turnbuckle for more posing, more photo ops, and more cheesy goodness. He completely ignores the other men already there until he gets down from his final turnbuckle and casually waves to them all.)
HS: "Javex Valerius calls himself the dark horse for this tournament and I think I have to agree with him. He is the underdog in everyone's eyes and Javex may just pull out the upset tonight."
FJ: "If Javex can actually last through a match that he is just not made for."
HS: "Javex has proved he can adapt too many situations and I don't think this type of match will slow him down one bit. If any of his opponents think that Hell in a Cell is going to take away from his performance, they may be in for an unpleasant surprise."
"I Got Him...gotta pop him..."
(The melodious choir of "American Me" by Yukmouth feat The Outlawz and C Bo kicks into the P.A. speakers as the entire arena goes black. Then blue lights and fog kick up on the entrance ramp. Then three letters, all in different colours, appear in spotlight form on the entrance ramp: a large "C" in Green, a large "S" in Red, and a White "M" respectively dance around on the ramp area as the fog slowly forms around the entrance. Then, as the song kicks in, pyro shoots off from both sides of the entrance stage, as Jai Williams makes his way through the entrance, through the smoke and fog. He then acknowledges the crowd as he walks down to the ring, wearing his favourite mink coat, and his Crestside Pendant shines in the lights. He then climbs the steps and into the ring. He then climbs up on the turnbuckle, and crosses his arms, forming a C with one hand, and an M with his other. He jumps down off the turnbuckle, and takes off his coat, chain and shirt. He looks to the other men standing in the ring, not moving back, not moving forwards.)
HS: "Jai Williams certainly went off on a big rant in the beginning of the week, but you have to wonder where his head is at. Jai and Brian Stevens were partners in this first round, but now they are opponents. I would imagine they will be focusing on eliminating each other instead of the rest of the field."
FJ: "Even I have to admit I thought Jai was looking very distracted this week. I don't know if he'll be able to pull together a win tonight or not."
HS: "Only time will tell."
(The darkness speaks.)
"I am the new way to go. I am the way of the future."
(The voice repeats its words as a silhouette rises on the screen; an unseen flame lights An emotionless face, eyes closed, breathless. Her voice then speaks without neither her eyes nor mouth opening.)
"There's a lot of innocent people being crucified."
(The screen above the burns with one name.)
("After The Flesh" by My Life with The Thrill Kill Kult blares out over the PA system as Quade staggers down the ramp towards the ring, oblivious to the calls of the people on either side of him. His face seems a grim freeze of pain; his body marked and scarred from more than just his confinement within the Iron Maiden. Taking the steps slowly he takes a moment as if to catch his breath and then to look back up the ramp to the empty entrance where the Iron Maiden should be standing, Quade stalls for just a moment longer before entering the ring. He glares at everyone around him.)
HS: "If there is one constant in Quade deSade, it is his love for pain and not only of his opponents either. He is a freak who enjoys torture. This Hell in a Cell environment is perfect for the man who truly defined the No Limits title at one point in his career."
FJ: "I've always been a big fan of deSade and I will be for ever. Whenever Quade deSade is around, you can expect blood and violence. That makes him a big winner in my books."
(The lone gritty guitar of Thursday's "Jet Black New Year" hit's us like a brick to the head as the lights in the arena dim. White lights dance wildly to the beat. As synthesizers join the guitar, a flood of red flashing lights join into the fray. Suddenly, the drums kick in and we go into the second intro. The trademark wind machine and smoke machines are blowing wildly as finally, BRIAN STEVENS makes his entrance through the entrance to the stage. The fans go crazy booing and heckling the upstart, which simply makes Stevens smile proudly on the stage as the chaotic smoke and wind breeze past him. After a few seconds on the stage glaring into the audience, Brian Stevens proceeds down the steel ramp way to the ring. The arrogant Stevens walks the entire outside of the ring, occasionally bantering with fans, until he slides into the ring. Immediately, Stevens and Jai start talking trash to one another. Johnny Nightmare finally slides back into the ring as all ten men have gathered. Some ring aides remove the steel steps from the ring and the massive steel cage lowers down slowly and soon it is all around the ring, leaving only a few feet between the apron and the cage walls, trapping everyone and keeping them from leaving until they are eliminated.)
HS: "Well, it looks like Brian Stevens is getting right in Williams' face, as expected. Those two can barely wait for the bell!"
FJ: "I sense a conflict rising and I like it!"
HS: "The ref has entered the cage and has called for the bell! This thing is on!"
(As soon as the bell rings, Mark Cross suddenly bolts forward at his former partner, Johnny Nightmare, and hits a modified spear that absolutely crumples Nightmare up! Mark Cross picks Nightmare up quickly and tosses him over the top rope with ease, conveniently on the side with the door. Nightmare not all gets thrown out of the ring, but the door as well as the refs on the outside hadn't even closed it yet!)
FJ: "Damn! That was the quickest elimination I've ever seen!"
HS: "The door to the cage wasn't even closed yet…"
(Nightmare rolls around, both in pain and in humiliation at his extremely lacklustre performance. The refs close the cage door and lock it as the action in the ring truly begins. Williams and Stevens stop bad-mouthing one another and just start unloading lefts and rights! Williams is striking at Stevens' face, causing Stevens to recoil towards the ropes. Jai looks to hit Stevens with the Stray Bullet super kick, but Stevens ducks and grabs the leg. Stevens spins Jai around on the stop and hits a huge step-up enziguri! Meanwhile, deSade and Gabriel lock up in a collar and elbow tie-up. Gabriel shoves deSade off into the ropes with pure strength and hits him with a devastating clothesline on the rebound. Gabriel is quick to grab deSade by the throat with both hands once he is on the ground. However, instead of simply choking him on the ground he lifts deSade off the ground from his back and chokes him there! The ref can't do anything since there are no disqualifications, but Gabriel is forced to release the hold once Javex and Smith hit a combination drop kick to the knees and forearm smash to the back of the head. Gabriel falls forward and deSade drops to the ground, where he is quick to give the big man a big low blow!)
FJ: "Ouch!"
HS: "That's never pretty, but deSade isn't one to be pretty anyways."
(Gabriel collapses to his knees as deSade rolls back to his feet, only to get drop kicked in the face courtesy of Javex. Meanwhile, Terry James and Christianson had been trading punches. Christianson ducks under a high one and grabs Terry in a waist lock. Terry blocks the German suplex attempt and catches Christianson with an elbow to the head that knocked him back a few steps. Terry springs forward with a clothesline to knock Christianson down. However, Christianson drops down before impact and takes Terry down with a drop toe hold. Terry's face bounces off the canvas, but Christianson can't capitalize as Smith has chosen him to be his new target. Smith boots Christianson in the face as soon as he's back up and Christianson drops down to the mat. Smith mounts him and starts throwing punches. Christianson shields most of them and is able to roll over and mount Smith. Now Christianson starts to throw punches of his own, but Smith shoves him off and they both reach their feet quickly. Mark Cross, who had also been watching after he eliminated Johnny Nightmare, suddenly springs into action and blindsides Terry with a clothesline. Cross picks him up to his feet. Cross starts hitting a quick sequence of jabs, then some kidney shots that cause Terry to double over. Cross hits a European uppercut once Terry bends forward, sending Terry into a nearby corner. Meanwhile, Stevens has continued to take it to Jai with stiff kicks and punches to his entire body while he was still on the ground. Stevens soon picks Jai up to his feet and Jai explodes with a quick version of a spear. Both men fall to the mat and are slow to get to their feet.)
HS: "Jai Williams and Brian Stevens are just beating the holy Hell out of one another!"
FJ: "That's just great television right there."
(While Stevens and Jai were going at one another, Javex continued to fight deSade into an unoccupied corner with quick knife edge chops. However, after he got deSade into the corner, Javex suddenly shook his hand in pain. The momentary stall allowed deSade to poke Javex in the eye. Javex stumbled back and deSade quickly picked him up, looking to throw him over the top rope and eliminate him! Javex held on for dear life with his arms and legs on the top rope and deSade could not budge him. After a few moments of trying, deSade finally decided to run across the ring and into the opposite ropes for momentum. Javex's eyes opened up in shot as deSade came running back at him, only to breathe a sigh of relief as Gabriel completely demolished deSade with a big boot out of nowhere!)
HS: "Looks like deSade is regretting that low blow right now."
FJ: "Looks like Javex is one lucky bastard."
(Javex quickly gets back in the ring and goes into a corner to watch everyone go at it. Gabriel continues with deSade once more, scraping his boot across The Fiery Cross' face. DeSade rolls in pain and clutches at his face as Gabriel continues to stalk him. Gabriel picks him up to his feet and hits him with a straight closed fist to the face. He hits another and another and another and finally whips the dazed deSade into the ropes. Gabriel picks deSade up in a military press on the rebound, heaving him high into the air and catching him on the way down with a HUGE spinebuster! Meanwhile, Cross has gone to work on Terry James, hitting chop after chop on him in the corner. After five chops, terry suddenly ducks under one and throws Cross into the corner, hitting him with chops of his own. Terry finishes the chops off with a sudden kick to the gut, followed by a big DDT! Meanwhile, A.C. Smith has picked up the prone Christianson and put him in an unoccupied corner, giving him a few good elbows before whipping him across the ring and into the opposite corner. Christianson barely misses Gabriel and deSade on the way there. Smith follows after him and looks for a giant spear on the prone Christianson, but Christianson moves out of the way and Smith goes shoulder-first into the ring post! Christianson doesn't get to capitalize on it, though, as Javex is quickly on him with a clothesline to the back of the head. Christianson falls forward and stumbles through the ropes and down to the outside!)
FJ: "No! Christianson's been eliminated…by Javex!"
HS: "No he hasn't, Frank! Christianson went through the top and middle ropes, not over the top rope, and therefore he is still in this match."
FJ: "Oh. You should probably tell Javex that."
(Javex is celebrating and laughing at Christianson on the outside, but his celebration is cut short when Williams and Stevens suddenly both collide into him violently due to Stevens being powerslammed by Williams. Javex tumbles into the waiting arms of Gabriel, who catches him in a full nelson and drops him with a full nelson slam. However, Gabriel is quickly knocked back into a corner by a springboard drop kick, courtesy of Terry James. Terry gets up quickly and rushes forward with a clothesline that barely moves Gabriel in the corner. Terry jumps back a few feet and comes forward with a super kick! Gabriel grabs Terry's foot before it can connect and throws Terry almost all the way to the corner to their right by his leg! As this is happening, Williams gets up and picks Stevens up, whipping him into the ropes. Williams trails just behind Stevens and looks to clothesline him over, but Stevens catches him with an elbow to the face. Jai stumbles back a few steps and Stevens goes for the Ace Crusher! Jai shoves Stevens and Stevens flies over the ropes, but manages to grab onto the top rope and land on the apron. Williams comes at him and starts to throw punches to knock Stevens to the ground. But Stevens catches Jai and goes for a suplex to the outside! Jai manages to squirm out and land on the apron beside Stevens. Then, suddenly, Jai goes for his Stray Bullet, while Stevens goes for a leaping roundhouse kick. Both connect and both fall to the ground outside the ring!)
HS: "Double elimination! Stevens and Williams have eliminated one another!"
FJ: "Yeah, but the replay shows Stevens' feet hitting the ground first."
HS: "Williams can brag about that all he wants later, but right now those two are BOTH gone from this battle royal!"
(Williams and Stevens are brought out of the cage door by a ref that entered the cage. The refs on the outside close the door once the two are escorted out and lock it. Meanwhile, the action inside the ring has continued without a hitch. With deSade and Javex down in the ring, Christianson down on the outside and Smith and Terry down in two of the corners, Mark Cross found himself getting to his feet right in front of Gabriel.)
HS: "Well, that is not where Mark Cross, a new comer to the AWA, wants to be right now. Gabriel is over a hundred pounds heavier and nine inches taller than him."
FJ: "Let's see how football has helped Mark here."
(Cross quickly backs up into the ropes and sprints off with a running elbow that connects. Gabriel is only knocked back a few steps from the impact, though, and he quickly retaliates with a giant uppercut that sends Cross flying into the corner. Gabriel methodically steps over to Cross and goes to whip him into the opposite corner. Unfortunately for Cross, deSade had found his way back up to his feet by now. DeSade intercepts Cross and takes him up and over in a hanged man hip toss. Cross lands in a tree of woe position in the corner Smith had just slipped out of. DeSade sees the moment is ripe for the taking and quickly ascends the turnbuckles above Cross. However, before he could complete his Condemned manoeuvre, Javex suddenly sprung up behind him and delivered a German suplex off the top rope!)
HS: "Wow! What a move by Javex!"
FJ: "Yeah, but Javex is an idiot. He could have eliminated deSade there by pushing him out of the ring instead of suplexing him into the ring."
(DeSade clutches the back of his head in pain, as does Javex. Gabriel sees Mark Cross is still in a fatal tree of woe position, struggling to free his feet from the corner. Gabriel starts to head towards the corner, but Smith and Terry have both gotten up to their feet and they hit a double clothesline on Gabriel that takes him off of his feet. The two start putting the boots to Gabriel before a loud THWACK is suddenly heard throughout the arena. Cross even stops struggling to get out to see what happened.)
HS: "Christianson has a chair! He just nailed Terry with a chair!"
FJ: "Sweet, but where did he get it?"
HS: "He must have gotten it from under the ring."
(Terry drops like a sack of potatoes and Smith goes to react, but Christianson doubles him over by jabbing the chair into his gut. Christianson quickly drops the chair and DDT's Smith onto it! Gabriel has gotten to his feet now and sees Christianson has a chair. Christianson sees Gabriel and quickly goes for a chair shot, but Gabriel punches the chair right back into Christianson's face! Christianson falls to his back and the chair flies off towards the ropes. Javex and Cross get up off the canvas, but don't see the double-clothesline from Gabriel until it's too late. Gabriel, having downed everyone in the ring but one person, now turns his attention to a slowly rising deSade. Gabriel stalks behind deSade and waits for him to turn before doubling him over with a kick to the gut. Gabriel sets deSade up for a powerbomb and lifts him up with ease onto his shoulders. Gabriel then shoves him out and down into a big face buster; A Sinner's Drop!)
HS: "Gabriel has cleaned house, with deSade getting the worst of it!"
FJ: "Okay, after much deliberation, I have decided I am betting for Gabriel to win this."
(Gabriel picks up the motionless deSade and easily tosses him over the top ropes. DeSade crashes down onto the floor below, by the cage's door. The ref calls for the elimination and the refs come into the cage, drag deSade out of the cage, then close and lock the door once more.)
HS: "And Quade deSade has been eliminated by Gabriel! That brings us down to six men left. Javex, Christianson, Terry James, Mark Cross, A.C. Smith and the only one standing right now, Gabriel."
(Gabriel turns, looking for his next target. He doesn't look for long, though, as Mark Cross suddenly smacks Gabriel in the face with the steel chair Christianson brought in. Gabriel stumbles back and is tripped by a double chop-block from Terry James and A.C. Smith. Meanwhile, Javex and Christianson reach their feet at the same time and go after one another. Javex catches Christianson with a hip toss. Christianson gets back up and Javex goes for another hip toss, but Christianson blocks it and catches Javex with a swinging neckbreaker. Meanwhile, Terry and Smith get up and look at one another. Then, without warning, they bolt forward and take down Cross with a double clothesline. Christianson now gets up and helps Javex up to his feet. Christianson heaves him up for a suplex, but Javex blocks it and suddenly drops down, putting Christianson in an ankle lock!)
HS: "Javex has the ankle lock on Christianson!"
FJ: "No. Javex it TRYING to put the ankle lock on Christianson, and failing miserably."
(Javex's lack of knowledge of the hold and Christianson's great knowledge of the hold lead to Christianson rolling to the side and reversing the hold into an ankle lock of his own on Javex! This time it's a real ankle lock and Javex is writhing in pain, almost unnecessary amounts at that. Christianson shouts at Javex to tap, even though it wouldn't eliminate him. But, Javex's pride is too big and he turns towards the ropes. He tries desperately to reach them, but Christianson won't let him. Then, suddenly, Javex pushes himself off the ground and does a perfect summersault, sending Christianson flying forward, up and over the top rope! Christianson just barely manages to hang onto the top rope as he goes over and saves himself from elimination. However, when he turns around, he gets a kick to the face that sends him flying into the cage, then down to the floor below!)
HS: "Gloria Por Dolor! Javex eliminated Christianson!"
FJ: "Damnit! How did he learn how to get out of that ankle lock?"
HS: "He adapts well to situations, Frank."
(Christianson reluctantly and slowly crawl over to the door as he is guided by one of the refs from the outside. He exits the cage and the door is locked once more. Meanwhile, A.C. Smith and Terry James have been giving the boots to Mark Cross and Gabriel. Javex goes to join Terry and the two help up the massive Gabriel. They both whip him into the ropes and hit textbook drop kicks to his head that knock him back down. Smith picks Cross up, but Cross fights back with a big combo of jabs and hooks. He has the United States Champion reeling before he drops him into a face buster. Terry and Javex look at one another and head to opposite ropes before springboarding off into a moonsault each! Javex completely misses, much to the chagrin of the fans, but Terry's moonsault lands perfectly. Javex clutches his chest while Terry helps Gabriel back up to his feet once more. Meanwhile, Mark Cross has picked Smith back up to his feet as well. Terry and Smith lock eyes briefly again and they both nod.)
HS: "It looks like Terry James and A.C. Smith are teaming up to take down the rest of the field here."
FJ: "Cheaters."
HS: "Teaming up is as legal as that chair Christianson brought in."
FJ: "Hey, what happened to that chair?"
(THWACK! Frank's question is answered as Terry picks up said chair from the ground and tosses it over to Smith, who smashes Cross' face in with it! Cross is knocked back against the ropes and Smith rushes forward with a clothesline that knocks him up and over to top rope and down to the ground!)
FJ: "There goes the rookie!"
HS: "Well, Mark Cross made it further than fifteen other men in this tournament. He definitely made an impact tonight in his so far very short wrestling career!"
FJ: "Yeah, but he didn't win."
(As Mark Cross exits the door and the refs lock it behind him, Terry goes back to working on Gabriel. Unfortunately, throwing the chair to Smith gave Gabriel time to recover on his feet and the big man capitalizes with a double knee lift to Terry's face. Terry stumbles back, holding his face in pain. Then, out of nowhere, Javex comes in with a running, leaping, completely overdone clothesline that takes Terry down!)
HS: "Javex En Fuego!"
FJ: "And…Terry's up."
(Much to the dismay of Javex, Terry suddenly kips back up mere moments after being clotheslined to the ground. However, we see the double knee to terry's face has caused his nose to bleed. The blood trickles down Terry's lips and chin, but it isn't a majour amount. Gabriel looks to be coming over to finish the job, but suddenly collapses to the ground. We see the reason why: The second low blow he's received in this match, courtesy of A.C. Smith! Terry and Javex start trading chops with one another, Javex shaking his hand after each one but still gaining them advantage. However, it's all in vain as A.C. Smith suddenly rushes forward and takes them both over the top rope with a double clothesline! Javex lands with a thud on the floor as Smith celebrates. However, he doesn't realize Terry has hung onto the top ropes and is hanging with his feet mere inches from the floor. Terry suddenly skins the cat and lands safely in the ring again. Smith turns and looks both surprised and annoyed that Terry was not eliminated. Gabriel has now gotten back to his feet and he is staring a hole through Smith for what he did.)
HS: "Javex has been eliminated! He's walking out of the cage on his own will it seems. I guess that's just a tough break for him. And look who's left: Terry James, A.C. Smith and Gabriel. How ironic it is that these guys were fighting over the United States Title just two weeks ago and now they seem to be the best the AWA has to offer."
FJ: "My bet is doing pretty good. Gabriel's been dominating this match so far."
HS: "I would not doubt for a second that either Terry James or A.C. Smith could win this tournament. To tell you the truth, other than the bloody nose sustained by Terry James, these three men seem to be just fine. It looks like they proved everyone wrong when it came to the endurance factor of this match."
FJ: "The match ain't over until Gabriel wins, Herb."
(The three AWA superstars all look at one another, waiting for who will make the first move. They know that only one more man will be eliminated in over the top rope rules. None of them want to miss out on the tournament's main event after making it this far. The fans have been going nuts the whole time, but now they are truly ecstatic as they wait to see who will be given the World Title shot at Vortex. After a few moments of hesitation, Terry is the first to break the stand-still and he launches himself at Gabriel, drop-kicking him in the knees. Gabriel stumbles and falls to one knee as Terry quickly gets up to his feet. Smith comes running in at Terry, but Terry jumps up and catches Smith with a perfect hurricanrana. Smith flips and lands on his back near a corner in the ring. Terry once again gets to his feet quickly and again he drop kicks the knees of Gabriel. Gabriel falls to one knee again and this time Terry uses Gabriel's raised knee to hit a step-up enziguri! Gabriel falls over to his side after wavering for a few moments. Terry gets up in time to drop down and catch a charging Smith with a drop toe hold. Terry floats over and applies an STF!)
FJ: "Why is Terry trying to submit Smith?"
HS: "He isn't trying to submit him. He's trying to wear him down."
FJ: "Yeah, but what happens when he has a submission on one guy and the other one gets up."
(Terry must have realized this as Gabriel soon gets up from the enziguri he received moments ago. Terry maintains the STF, even as Gabriel heads over to break it up. However, just as Gabriel is bringing down his foot to stomp Terry, Terry releases the hold and rolls away. Gabriel stomps Smith in the small of the back instead. Smith arches his back in pain as Gabriel steps over him and towards Terry, who has once again quickly rolled to his feet. Gabriel swings for the fences with his right hand and Terry ducks it, kicking Gabriel in the gut. Gabriel hunches over slightly from the impact and Terry leaps onto nearby ropes. Terry springboards off and hits Gabriel with a backflipping kick, square in the temple. Gabriel stumbles to the ground, catching himself on the ropes. Terry sees that Smith is getting up out of the corner of his eye and he quickly sprints into a baseball slide that takes Smith clear off of his feet.)
HS: "It looks like Terry is using his superior speed to pretty much nullify both of his opponents."
FJ: "He may be fast, but he can't keep them down for long. Eventually, they'll both be up and he'll get caught."
HS: "You are right about that. Terry will have to put one of the big men away or they will simply overpower him."
(Terry gets up quickly and hops up onto the top turnbuckle. He waits for Smith to get up and then leaps off with a missile drop kick that connects. However, as Terry gets up again, Gabriel finally stops him dead in his tracks with a clothesline that actually causes Terry to do a full flip before landing on his chest and face awkwardly. The crowd, who had been cheering for Terry, suddenly quieted down.)
FJ: "And, just like that, the ‘high-flying, electrifying' Terry James is grounded."
HS: "It's hard to avoid getting grounded when Gabriel can ground you in one single blow like that."
(Gabriel picks Terry up and whips him into the ropes, catching him with a big sidewalk slam on the rebound. Gabriel gets up and is greeted by a boot to the face from Smith. Gabriel stumbles back and Smith grabs a hold of him, pulling him up and over in a fisherman's suplex. The force of Gabriel landing shakes the ring. Smith gets up and shouts loudly at the crowd, who cheer loudly in response. However, the cheer is short lived as Gabriel sits up and gets to his feet as if nothing happened. Terry is now up to his feet as well. Smith and Gabriel lock up in the middle of the ring and have a shoving test of strength. Gabriel overpowers Smith and shoves him straight into a corner. Gabriel rushes forward for a big clothesline that takes Smith off of his feet, but not enough to get him over the top ropes. Gabriel keeps Smith from falling and starts hitting back elbow after back elbow in the corner. We see the shear force of the elbows has caused Smith's nose to bleed as well, matching Terry's. Terry continues to watch on and let Gabriel pound Smith, but as soon as Gabriel turns away to go to Terry, Terry lunges forward with a super kick that hits Gabriel square in the chin!)
HS: "Gabriel's been Thunderstruck!"
FJ: "Damn, Terry can get that foot pretty damn high."
(Gabriel falls back into Smith, sandwiching him in the corner. Terry sees this and backs up into the opposite corner. Terry sprints forward and goes for a lightning knee lift on Gabriel, but Gabriel grabs Terry in mid-air, on his shoulders. Terry frantically waves his arms around as Gabriel steps out of the corner and heaves Terry into the air, then drops him down into a last ride style powerbomb!)
HS: "Fall of the Forsaken!"
FJ: "Terry is in la-la land!"
(Indeed, Terry is barely moving on the canvas now. Gabriel steps over him and picks him up to his feet. The only thing keeping Terry there is Gabriel's hand, which is grasping a handful of hair. Gabriel suddenly lifts Terry up onto his shoulders and into the Test of Faith! Gabriel purposely turns towards Smith, who is still out of it in the corner. Terry taps furiously as Gabriel maintains the hold and Gabriel makes sure Smith sees it.)
FJ: "Well, looks like Gabriel just proved Smith couldn't have done anything to save Terry either had this been a regular triple threat match."
HS: "Terry is not in a good place right now."
(Terry is finally released from the hold as Gabriel lifts him up off of his shoulders in a military press. Gabriel takes a few steps towards the ropes and throws Terry like a dart into the steel cage! Terry crashes face-first into the unforgiving steel and simply drops to the floor on the outside, unconscious. The ref calls for the final elimination and the bell rings, signifying the end of the battle royal.)
HS: "And that's the end of the Battle Royal!"
FJ: "Yeah because with Terry James being the last to be eliminated, we will now move into our singles match. It comes down to two guys; A.C. Smith and Gabriel. The winner gets a World Heavyweight Championship match at Vortex."
HS: "And the unique thing about that is that our fans will get to choose the stipulation for the match."
FJ: "I know, I just hope it's not a No Limits match as we're getting treated to that later on."
(Terry James has left the Hell in a Cell cage and referee George McGreggor climbs into the ring. He orders A.C. Smith and Gabriel to opposite corners and he waits until they do. As soon as they are there, George calls for the bell!)
HS: "It's on!"
FJ: "Geez, not even a break?"
HS: "This is the final leg in the Hell Bowl Lottery. We've widdled 20 men down to 2."
FJ: "20, huh? Damn."
(Smith and Gabriel pounce from their corners and immediately hit a collar and elbow tie up. Both men are struggling to get the upper hand and they push each other around the ring and hit the ropes, but no man has the upper hand. They start to roll across the ropes, but none has the upper hand yet. Then, they seem to break free and Gabriel lurches over and puts his hands on his knees for a breather. Smith falls back to the nearby turnbuckles and rests there a bit.)
FJ: "Odd. Why are they not doing anything?"
HS: "After the night they've just gone through, I would be surprised if they DIDN'T take a ten second breather."
(And just as Herb finishes his sentence, Smith and Gabriel are in a collar and elbow again. Smith is able to force himself out of the hold and grapple Gabriel's waist. The United States Champion pops his hips and hits a German suplex. Smith gets up to his feet and puts the boots to Gabriel a bit before picking him up to his feet and whipping him into the corner turnbuckle. Smith runs towards Gabriel, looking for a shoulder block, and misses!)
HS: "Gabriel moved out of the way at the last second!"
(With the momentum A.C. had, he bounches of the padded corner and lands on his back. He rolls to his feet, but he's met by a boot to the face by Gabriel. Smith hits his back and Gabriel mounts Smith and starts to punch away at his face. Gabriel gets up and brings A.C. to his feet. He whips Smith to the ropes, but Smith counters and Gabriel goes OVER the top rope and crashes into the cell wall and slides to the mats below. Smith raises his arms into the air and the fans cheer as Smith exits the ring and stomps on Gabriel a bit. Smith then pulls Gabriel up to his knees and starts to bash his face off the cell wall. Smith then grinds Gabriel's face back and forth and we see a small cut start to form above Gabriel's right eyebrow. Smith then takes Gabriel's head and bashes it off the ring apron.)
HS: "Smith's showing an uncharacteristic violent side here."
FJ: "I don't care what's uncharacteristic about it, it's violent and that's all I care about. And besides, Smith wants to win this match. Can you blame him for going above and beyond the call of duty?"
HS: "No."
(Smith rolls Gabriel into the ring and slides in himself. He picks up Gabriel and whips him into the ropes. Smith goes for a clothesline, but Gabriel does as well and both men connect and hit the canvas. Smith rolls over onto his stomach as Gabriel's touching his forehead. McGreggor begins to check on both men and begins his ten count.)
FJ: "Hmm, this is an interesting predicament."
HS: "Let's wait and see who gets to their feet first."
FJ: "If anyone at all."
(As the referee gets to six, Gabriel's up to one knee and Smith is up to his feet. He bounces off the ropes and does a running drop kick to Gabriel. Smith goes down for the cover...)
HS: "...ONE...TW- And barely a two count there for the United States Champion."
FJ: "What a greedy guy. He's already the US Champ, what the hell is he going to do now if he gets the World Title shot?"
HS: "I guess we'll need to wait and see."
FJ: "Wait and see, huh? That's all I hear from you."
(Gabriel gets to his feet with the help from the nearby ring ropes. Smith charges Gabriel for a shoulder block, but Gabriel drops to the mat, holding the top rope. Smith gets helped over the top by Gabriel and he hits, back first, the cell wall and painfully grinds/slides his way down to the ground. Gabriel sits in the ring and takes a breather for about five seconds and then rolls out of the ring. He stomps on Smith a few times and then treats him to the same treatment he was by taking his head and grinding into the cage wall. No blood comes from Smith's head so he bashes it off the cell wall and then onto the apron and then back to the cell wall and then to the apron.)
FJ: "Wow, A.C.'s going to feel that in the morning."
HS: "I'd bet."
(Gabriel does one final hard hit on the apron and then picks up Smith from the ground and whips him towards the adjacent cage wall. Smith connects and falls backwards almost hitting his head off the ring post. Gabriel walks over and picks up Smith, cracks Smith's head off the ring post he just missed, and then tosses him into the ring. Gabriel rolls in and covers Smith...)
FJ: "...ONE...TWO.- Yes! Smith kicks out!"
HS: "Rooting for Smith now?"
FJ: "Not really. See, if there was a pinfall now, then it would have stopped the fun I was witnessing."
HS: "You do know we still have a No Limits match coming up, right?"
FJ: "Yeah, but that's different. How often do we see a Hell in a Cell? I mean, how often? A while ago."
HS: "True."
(Gabriel picks Smith up to his feet and Smith whips Gabriel into ropes. Smith tries for a big boot, but Gabriel hooks his arms on the ropes. Once Smith starts to lower his leg, Gabriel charges Smith and hits a clothesline. Smith, still resilient, gets up and heads for Gabriel, but Gabriel grapples Smith's waist from the front and hits a spinebuster. Gabriel gets to his feet and puts his boot across Smith's throat and chokes him. McGreggor begins his five count and Gabriel breaks at three. Gabriel brings Smith to his feet an puts his head between his legs and lifts him up for a powerbomb and connects. Gabriel tries againf or another pin...)
HS: "...ONE...TWO.- And A.C. kicks out again!"
FJ: "Both of these guys want a shot at the World Champion."
HS: "Can you blame them?"
(Gabriel lifts Smith up again and gets him in a pumphandle slam position. Gabriel lifts up, but Smith slides off Gabriel's shoulders. Gabriel turns and and is met with a boot to the midsection and a DDT for his efforts. Smith tries to stand up, but can't and sits back down and takes a rest while leaning up on the ropes. He watches as Gabriel is slowly stirring to life. The referee begins his ten count even though Smith is fully aware of what's going on.)
FJ: "Stupid fatigue."
HS: "I'd like to see you wrestle three matches and not be tired."
FJ: "Shut up. This is ruining the fun!"
(A.C. Smith pulls himself to his feet using the ropes and leans up against then, breaking the count at six. He sees that Gabriel's almost to his feet and helps him up and gives him another boot the stomach. Gabriel doubles over and Smith hits a fisherman's suplex. Smith goes to pick up Gabriel, but Gabriel kicks Smith in the face. A.C. stumbles backwards and Gabriel makes his way to his feet and then to Gabriel. He whips Gabriel into the ropes, but then Smith reverses. On Gabriel's way back, Smith grabs Gabriel and lifts him up into the air in a gorilla press slam position.)
FJ: "That's over three hundred pounds! Can he get the slam off?"
(Smith, his face red, tosses Gabriel only an extra foot up into the air before falling out of the way from getting hit himself. Gabriel lands face first on the canvas.)
FJ: "Wait, it's the Big Apple Asskicker!"
(Smith hits the ropes and is in the air, but Gabriel rolls out of the way at the last second and Smith misses his splash.)
HS: "So close."
(Gabriel is up to his knees and looks at Smith writhing in pain from his missed attempt. Gabriel, with the assistance of the ropes, pulls himself up and stumbles towards Smith. Smith has made it to his knees and is leaning back, holding his abdomen. Gabriel approaches Smith from behind and grabs Smith's arms, which are still gripping his chest. Gabriel has already stepped into the knees of Smith and Gabriel falls backwards, pushing his knees into the back of Smith.)
HS: "It's the Reprisal of Sins!"
FJ: "Damn, that looks painful."
(Smith is screaming as his arms are being almost pulled form their sockets, his knees are being pushed out of place from behind, and his back is being cracked in half by Gabriel's force against his spine. Smith is trying to wiggle out of it, trying to move his legs to relieve the tension on his back, but Gabriel has the move in tight.)
HS: "I don't think anyone has broken out of this maneuver."
FJ: "And to make matters worse, Gabriel's screaming for Smith to repent his sins."
(As Gabriel screams "REPENT!", Smith is slowly losing consciousness. The referee checks Smith's condition, but finds that there's no way to tell if Smith's really out or not. George pokes Smith's cheek and his eyes pop open and Smith starts to wiggles his legs free from Gabriel's grip. The referee is asking Smith if he wants to tap out, but Smith refuses to do so. Smith continues to wiggle his legs.)
FJ: "Wait, what's that?"
(Smith is able to get his left knee nearly almost free from Gabriel's grip. Gabriel shifts his weight and puts more pressure on that side of Smith's body. Smith, unable to break out, still fights it.)
HS: "Smith's almost out! He's almost gotten out of this!"
(Smith starts to focus on his arms. He starts to flex his arms, seeing if the the movements will loosen Gabriel's grip, however Gabriel has on a death grip and nothing's happening. Smith, lets out another scream as he tries to wiggle his other leg free since there's less weight there. Gabriel reshifts his weight and puts equal amounts of pressure on both knees. Smith then starts to rock from side to side. With the position that Gabriel's in, he's trying to balance it, but it's no use.)
FJ: "Wait, did Smith just break that hold?"
HS: "I think so."
(Once on their sides, the pressure on Smith's knees releases and Smith is free from the hold as Gabriel has released him. Gabriel gets up and picks Smith up with him. Gabriel whips Smith into the ropes, but Smith doesn't make it as he falls flat on his face. Gabriel picks up Smith and puts his head between his legs. Smith, barely able to stand, still tries to fight off Gabriel. Gabriel lifts up and hits his modified crucifix powerbomb.)
HS: "Fall of the Forsaken!"
FJ: "If you said foreskin, I would rib you until you die, then I would get you in the afterlife."
HS: "You're an idiot."
(Gabriel pins Smith...)
HS: "ONE...TWO...THREE! Gabriel's done it!"
FJ: "Gabriel advances on to face the AWA World Heavyweight Champion at Vortex, whoever the hell that may be."
("For Whom the Bell Tolls" by Metallica begins to play as Gabriel gathers his robes and Holy Bible. The lights suddenly fade to black and a giant, glowing white cross appears on the Ameritron. A single spotlight shines down from the heavens, through the Hell in a Cell, and down onto Gabriel as he goes to one knee and raises his Holy Bible up to the cross on the Ameritron.)
HS: "ANd that's that! Gabriel has won the Hell Bowl Lottery! We went from twenty to ten to two and to one."
FJ: "He can't be stopped!"
HS: "After seeing what I just saw, I can't help but agree. NHL and Logan Alexander better watch out, because Gabriel is coming for one of them at Vortex!"
(Suddenly, the lights go completely black and there is some uncomfortable silence in the arena. The opening guitar chords of "Without You I'm Nothing" by Placebo feat. David Bowie begin to play, and as the song kicks in, orange spotlights illuminate the arena.)
HS: "Oh no..."
FJ: "This can only mean one thing!"
HS: "Ugh, so he's here after all..."
(The Wachovia Center erupts into a loud mix of cheers and boos as The Legendary Low, clad in a black suit, orange shirt and black tie, comes out onto the stage with a big smile on his face.)
FJ: "Love him or hate him, Herb, everybody reacts when The Legendary Low comes into an arena. He's the first-ever Grand Slam Champion! He's the first-ever Ultimate Champion! He's the 10-time World Heavyweight Champion! An AWA Hall Of Famer! The only 2-time King Of The Kage! The only 3-time Wrestler Of The Year! The only 5-time Match Of The Year award winner! The only..."
HS: "WE GET IT, FRANK! He is also the man who has betrayed every friend he has ever had. He is also the man who has schemed his way through many title defenses. He is also the man who assaulted more women than any man in AWA history, going so far to basically rape one of them. He is the man who ended several careers and hurt many men. And to top it all off, he is the man that staged his own death in order to attack an unsuspecting enemy."
FJ: "You make it sound like these are bad things."
HS: "Oh, shut up, Frank!"
(Low is walking down the ramp, still smiling, exchanging words with the fans at ringside. As he reaches the ring, he walks around it to where the announcers are sitting and shakes the hand of Frank Jackson. Low then grabs a microphone and slides into the ring.)
FJ: "This is a great man, Herb."
(The music dies down and Low obviously enjoys the loud mixed reaction he gets from the Philadelphia crowd.)
LOW: "I know you are starved for some excitement..."
(Half of the crowd boos while the other half cheers.)
LOW: "How much things can change in four or five weeks. Five weeks ago, I went into Madison Square Garden YOUR World Champion. I went into Madison Square Garden knowing fully well that win, lose or draw, I would not be a fulltime competitor in the AWA in 2007. And as I was put into that choke hold, I decided that all of this wasn't worth it anymore and I just tapped out."
(Again, a loud mixed reaction, including a very audible "You tapped out!" chant. Low points at a chanting fan with a Metallica t-shirt and dark curly hair in the front row.)
LOW: "I sure did, buddy, but so did your sister when I was done with her the other night. Heck, if the rumors about me are true, so did your brother!"
(Low laughs as he clearly enjoys his "homecoming" of sorts.)
LOW: "Since then I had a lousy Christmas and an even worse New Year's Eve. Those days are seriously overrated by alcoholics all over the world. I also 'celebrated' my 30th birthday two weeks ago, so yay for retirement fonds."
"However, my mood became better and better as I observed what was going on in the AWA without me, because I have come to the realization - I WAS THE ONLY STAR THIS COMPANY HAD! You people are yearning for my return so you can finally get some excitement on Sunday Night Shock again. You want to see some great wrestling, some great interviews, some outrageous scandals. Heck, you are so starved for big time excitement that you mistake small time flukes like Javex Valerius' little show as hot shit."
"And it's making me sick and happy at the same time. Sick because I am disgusted by people who jerked the curtains when I was YOUR World Champion being the top 'stars' nowadays. Sick because guys are called 'the next big thing' that I would have faced in my first title defense on the first Shock after a B-level pay-per-view in the past because they were simply that mediocre."
"But it also makes me happy because I can rest assured that everything I said and thought and felt when I decided to call it a career was the ugly truth. Everybody feels so cozy and safe in their mediocrity that they don't dare rocking the boat. They just accept they aren't the greatest and are content with being where they are at. That was never me, though. I knew I was better than anybody else, and if you or the rest of the world didn't believe it, I kicked your ass so many times that nobody had a choice but to agree with me in the end."
"So now I see a World Champion that - like so many others - had his finest moment in the ring with The Legendary Low, The Ultimate Champion, New York's Finest, The Greatest Sports Legend Alive... a 'Champion' who has since symbolized the mediocrity I am speaking of. You now have a US Champion who was a minor annoyance in action against me during the second half of 2006 who is now the supposed number two man in this company. You have Light Legends and Ultra Light Legends like Jeff Christianson and Brian Stevens settling on consolidation prizes and getting their asses kicked by the G-Unit. And then we have a returning John Williams who uses poor excuses to cover up an even poorer wrestling run as Sin. What a roster!"
"The sole and lonely light in this gray soup is none other than the only AWA Champion you can be proud of, the man who will walk out of the city of brotherly love tonight YOUR World Champion. The man who will make my predictions from a few weeks back true, the man who will make everybody who said we were delusional look like the overrated fools that they are. AWA fans, tonight, the incredible Logan Alexander will leave Philadelphia as YOUR World Champion!"
(The crowd boos as Low has worked himself up to some degree.)
LOW: "But to make a long story short, ladies and gentlemen, The Legendary Low is here to announce that some semblance of excitement, humor and controversy is going to return to your AWA experience. The Legendary Low is here to announce that he will be the sole shining star one more time. The Legendary Low is here to announce that his greatness is there to rub off on all you gray Toyotas of the AWA locker room. The Legendary Low is here to announce that he returns to the AWA..."
(Low smiles into the camera.)
LOW: " YOUR new star columnist on AWA_Online!"
(Low breaks out in laughter as parts of the crowd boo him for swerving them.)
HS: "Thank god he stays out of the AWA rings."
FJ: "Thank god? It's a real pity. But I guess I will take a small dose of Low literature over no Low at all."
LOW: "That's right, next week, 'Low Lessons' will debut on AWA_Online, and I suggest to all of you fans, but most importantly, all of you AWA 'superstars' who think you are great today to check that column out, because it is aimed solely at you!"
"And now, enjoy the rest of the show, as my man, Logan Alexander, ends yet another pitiful World title reign of your man, Nathan Hawthorne-Lee."
(Low drops the microphone as "Without You I'm Nothing" begins to play again. Raising his arms in the air, Low poses for all sides of the Wachovia Center, before leaving the ring and walking back up the ramp. We cut to a video promo of the NHL/Logan Alexander build up and then we cut back to the arena once it's done.)
HS: "Folks, we have seen Snake's family implode. We have seen nearly the entire roster paired up in chaotic tag team matches in the first round of the Hell Bowl Lottery. We have seen the 10-man Hell in a Cell battle royal in the second round of the Hell Bowl Lottery. We have seen Gabriel and A.C. Smith clash inside a Hell in a Cell match in the Hell Bowl Lottery finals. But now it's time for the main event of the evening!"
FJ: "Logan Alexander is going to take the World Title off of NHL, right here, right now!"
HS: "I don't know about that. Logan has been fairly dominant in the last few months, but there is no man who has been more dominant than NHL in the last few months. He has not lost since winning the AWA World Heavyweight Title from Low at Wrestlefest."
FJ: "Well, it's about time he did."
("Waking Up" starts to play throughout the arena. Several moments later Logan walks out from the entryway. He pauses near the top of the entrance ramp and then spreads his arms wide, displaying the No Limits belt around his waist. He holds his hands up making an L with each of them as he basks in the loud boos of the crowd. He takes off and runs down the entrance ramp and slides into the ring under the bottom rope. He then rushes to the far corner and climbs up to the second turnbuckle. He holds both hands up showing the L sign again and mouthing off to the nearby fans. He drops back down to the mat and walks around the ring. He takes off his sunglasses, puts them in his jacket pocket, then removes his jacket and drops it to the outside of the ring. He then removes the No Limits belt and hands it to the referee, while awaiting his opponent.)
FJ: "And there he is, the soon to be new AWA World Heavyweight Champion!"
HS: "NHL said it himself: Anyone can win on any given night. But, NHL's have been few and far in-between."
FJ: "If there's anyone that can break that streak, it's Logan."
(Green, blue, red, and white lights flash as we hear the opening intro of "True Nature" by Jane's Addiction. After the 10 second intro stops and we hear "Here we go" and we see NHL emerge from the back, as the heavy part of the song plays, with the AWA World Heavyweight Championship around his waist. Nathan stands at the base of the ramp for a few seconds and looks down at the ramp, towards the ring, with a focused look in his face. NHL begins to move down the ramp after standing there for about 15 seconds. As he walks towards the ring, his focus and intensity is emanating from him as the fans around him cheer his name and scream for his victory. NHL walks around ringside and up the ring steps by the time keeper and pauses before entering the ring. He bows his head and closes his eyes for about 5 seconds before climbing into the ring and heading to the opposite turnbuckle. Nathan unsnaps his AWA World Heavyweight Championship and raises both arms into the air. He hops down and heads to the adjacent corner and hops onto the second turnbuckle and raises his titles into the air and then lowers his left hand, leaving his right arm in the air, showing off the World Heavyweight Championship to the fans before hopping down. Logan and NHL lock eyes as he hands the World Title belt to the ref.)
HS: "Both combatants are in the ring and this match is about to start. But, this isn't any normal match."
FJ: "No, it's much better! It's a No Limits Rules match!"
HS: "That's right. Inside the ring, all rules apply, but outside the ring there are literally no rules. One of those two men must be pinned, submitted or disqualified inside the ring. You can not win outside the ring."
FJ: "Enough of the chit-chat. Let's get this thing started!"
(NHL and Logan begin to pace around and warm up for a few moments as the ref holds up the prize for the winner: The AWA World Heavyweight Title. Both NHL and Logan glance at it before the ref lowers it and calls for the bell! NHL and Logan meet center ring in a hurry in a collar-and-elbow tie-up. NHL uses his size and height advantage to gain a side headlock on Logan. Logan flails his arms to try and break out of it, but NHL keeps it locked on. Logan hits NHL with an elbow to the stomach, then another, then a third. NHL breaks on the fourth elbow to the shot and Logan quickly takes him down in a side headlock takeover. Logan keeps the side headlock on the ground, but NHL quickly fights to his feet. NHL ducks out of the hold and looks for a back body drop suplex, but Logan rolls over top and lands behind NHL, locking him in a waist lock. Logan lifts for the German, but NHL blocks with his leg and reverses it into a German of his own! Logan crashes on the back of his head and rolls to a corner instinctively to get up to his feet quicker. NHL gets up in the middle of the ring and sprints into the corner, catching Logan with a big time lariat in the corner. Logan gets taken off his feet, but NHL pulls him back down and starts throwing punches. The crowd counts along as the ref tries to break it up: One! Two! Three! Four! Five! Six! Seven! Eight! Nine! Ten!! Logan drops forward to his left knee and NHL steps up on the right and nails him with an enziguri! Logan drops like a rock as the fans cheer wildly, but NHL doesn't let himself get caught in the moment and he quickly pulls Logan away from the ropes. NHL goes for the pin! The ref goes down for the count: One! Two! No!! Logan kicks out with authority!)
HS: "NHL is controlling the match early on. He has the fans behind him."
FJ: "Logan is just winded. You saw how he kicked out of that pin.
(Indeed, as Logan is picked up, he look rejuvenated. He hits a few rights to the face before whipping NHL into the ropes, catching him with a drop toe hold. The No Limits champ applies a front facelock and cinches it tight, but when the ref drops down to check NHL's arm, he keeps it up and runs Logan back into the corner. He tries a monkey flip, but Logan flips out of it, and surprises NHL with a running shoulder block that propels him back into the turnbuckles. It's Logan's turn to do the ten punches now (although to a much worse reaction from the crowd), then he grabs NHL's head, spins around, and comes off with a tornado DDT! He attempts a cover, one, two, no, just two. He stomps a mudhole before coming off with a knee smash, then applies a reverse chinlock, adding some punches for good measure.)
FJ: "See? I told you all he was was just a bit winded!"
HS: "Well, for sure, Logan's turned the tide of the bout."
(NHL slowly rises to his feet, hitting a jawbreaker to break the hold. Another lock-up follows, and the World Champion hits a quick snap suplex, followed by a few knee smashes to Logan's skull. He aids Logan to his feet before going behind, hitting the ropes, and nailing a running lariat that knocks him to the apron. NHL contemplates an overhead forearm that'd knock his rival to the floor, but instead uses another suplex to bring him back into the ring. However, Logan counters through the ropes, and hits a jumping suplex of his own that puts both men on the floor!)
HS: "Oh, here we go. Here's where the No Limits rules set in, no rules outside the ring!"
FJ: "And this is Logan's game. This is a challenge NHL has not faced since his winning streak started at Classic, Herb Summers, and this'll be the one that he won't be able to overcome!"
(Both men get to their feet and throw punches before tying up again. Logan gets the best of it, slamming NHL's head into the ring apron before catching him with an atomic drop as he stumbles backward. This is followed with a few swift kicks to the ribs, and some punches to the face. NHL gets to his feet before hitting a knee to the gut, dragging him to the guardrail, and hitting an atomic drop with the rail as an aid! Logan clutches his nether regions in pain before NHL jumps and uses a head scissors to bring him back to the floor. He eyes the steel steps before picking Logan up and slamming him into them head-first to the roar of the nearby crowd!)
HS: "No Limits rules, that's perfectly legal!"
FJ: "I expect that! But watch as the match continues and Logan regains control, THEN what's gonna happen?!"
(Logan grabs his head in pain as NHL grabs the steps. Logan, though, counters with a double-leg takedown that releases the steps from Lee's grasp. He jumps on top, throwing some wild punches, but then he...reaches down his pants to grab a pair of brass knuckles! NHL comes around and advances, but is met with a freight train right hand from the challenger that flattens him and looks to have knocked him out cold! Logan scales the guardrail, evades the grabs of a few nearby fans, and comes down with a fist drop right to the neck of the World champion!)
FJ: "No Limits rules, that's perfectly legal!"
HS: "Of course, you can't win the title outside the ring."
FJ: "Why must you rain on my parade with your constant negativity?"
(Logan realizes his advantage, putting the knucks back into his tights before rolling NHL back into the ring. Logan follows and scales the top rope, waiting for Lee to get up before careening into him with a cross body block! Here's the pin attempt, one, two, thr-, no, only a two-count! Logan, though, is not discouraged, and signals for the Perfect Chaos Theory!)
HS: "And Logan's going to try and end it right now!"
FJ: "NOW how can't Logan win the title? Huh? Huh? HUH?!"
(Logan starts to apply the hold like a normal Sharpshooter, but once the opponent is turned over, he doesn't step over them and instead drops down onto one knee beside NHL! The champion writhes around in pain, responding to occasional punches by the challenger with more wincing. NHL, though, survives longer and longer, and, slowly, maneuvers his way towards the ropes! Logan reaches out to block NHL's hand from reaching that bottom rope, but it's too late, and, to a wild ovation, the champ DOES put a hand on the rope!)
HS: "Like that, Frank!"
FJ: "...I...I can't believe it!"
HS: "Neither can this capacity crowd! NHL survived a beating at the hands of Logan's brass knucks, including a devastating fist drop from the guardrail, and he got to the ropes when Alexander tried to lock in the Perfect Chaos Theory!"
(Logan breaks the hold in sheer disbelief. He gets up, wide-eyed in absolute shock. He looks around, scanning the arena for some sort of an answer. However, he doesn't notice NHL slowly getting his legs back underneath him, and when he completes his 360-degree turn, gets caught by a huge spine buster, which spurs another huge pop! NHL picks Logan back up, only to plant him back down with an Implant DDT. He repeats, and hits a stalling suplex! Lee goes to the second rope, and hits a leg drop before making the cover. The ref is there, one, two, thr-, no, just two! The air seems to have been let out of the arena as the referee puts up two fingers into the air.)
FJ: "Listen to this crowd! They can't believe Logan Alexander survived that recent onslaught!"
HS: "Indeed, they certainly seem disappointed, Frank."
FJ: "Why? Logan Alexander is a great champion, and by beating NHL tonight, he'll carry the AWA through the rest of 2007!"
(NHL, slightly shaken, picks Logan back up and rams his head into the closest turnbuckle. A quick school-boy rollup only gets two, and Logan springs right back up, hitting a running lariat that knocks both men back down to ringside! They stir after a few seconds, and they lock up before Logan sends NHL's neck into the guardrail he took off from earlier in the match. Alexander grabs NHL and hits some rolling German suplexes before turning the last one into a Death Valley Driver!)
HS: "Right onto the arena floor! And look, I think NHL is busted open!"
FJ: "He is! He's being forced to play Logan's game, with a gash on his forehead to boot! I smell a new champion!"
(Sure enough, as NHL struggles to contain the blood, Logan goes back into his tights to get his brass knuckles. He goes back to the cut, smashing it a few times with the foreign object. However, after a few hits, NHL reaches up and applies a wristlock, disabling the hand! He slowly gets to his feet before driving his shoulder into Logan's twisted arm, breaking the wristlock. NHL repays Logan's guardrail smash with a few of his own, and as he tries to recover, he swipes the brass knuckles and uses them to his advantage, nailing a right hook to the cheek of the No Limits champ! He keeps pounding away, but Logan hits a knee to the groin to stop the onslaught, and we see that now, he's bleeding as well!)
HS: "NHL has just turned the tide by stealing those brass knuckles right off the hand of Logan Alexander! Those knucks must be absolutely drenched in blood right now!"
FJ: "We better have had them checked for hepatitis! We don't want a Bob Orton situation happening here, especially to the future of the AWA, Logan Alexander!"
(Both men get to their feet and throw errant punches, being almost blinded by the blood flowing down their faces. Logan grabs NHL in some form of a choke, but NHL hits a knee to the gut to break the hold, and grabs Alexander's hair before slamming his face into the ringpost! A clutch slam from behind deposits Alexander back on the floor, and out of the corner of his eye, NHL notices an empty chair at ringside!)
FJ: "What the hell...AN EMPTY SEAT?! For Logan Alexander winning the title from NHL?! People are right, Philly sports fans are the worst sports fans in the world!"
HS: "In any case, NHL is trying to grab that chair...wait...what's Logan Alexander crawling this way for?"
(Frank tosses Logan his chair, and we see NHL getting the steel chair from the front row. They walk towards each other, and both swing at each other. They hit at the same time, and both men hit the ground hard as the crowd goes wild! The referee, realizing his limited jurisdiction, decides to start a ten-count!)
FJ: "Oh, that's gotta be against the rules!"
HS: "What rules? The ones that prevent an announcer from passing a chair to a wrestler for use in a World Championship match? You're despicable, Frank!"
FJ: "Well, so is the stupid fan that left his chair! Who's to say he and NHL weren't in cahoots?!"
(The referee reaches six on his count before both men stir. At nine, both turn over, and the count stops, avoiding a possible draw. They get to their feet slowly, and grapple once again, Logan coming away with a belly-to-belly suplex. Once NHL gets to his feet, Logan drags the champ over towards the aisle! They fight all the way up the ramp with haymakers, both wrestler's fists drenched in the other's blood. Finally, they get to the ledge and continue the fight before locking up. NHL buys himself more space with a forearm smash, but Logan runs back at him with a flying tackle. However, NHL grabs Logan and sends him flying in a belly to belly as he goes down, rendering both men out cold on the arena floor!)
HS: "My God! What a match we are seeing from two tremendous competitors! Both men are down, and it's certainly not the first time this has happened in the match!"
FJ: "Logan could be seriously injured. Here come the medics!"
(Doctors, backstage officials, Travis Gray, and referees all come out to see the carnage down below the ramp. Both men stir upon some help by the medics, and as they explain their recommending a draw, they both push away and continue to slug! Medics try to break it up, but to no avail, and Gray ends up going down, but he too does not succeed. He goes up, throws his hands up in the air in disgust, and sends everyone back to the backstage area.)
HS: "And all those men and women's attempts to preserve the well-being of two great superstars failed! These two want to fight it out to a finish!"
FJ: "The worst decision ever made by Nathan Hawthorne-Lee! He's going to pass out from all this blood loss!"
(The two continue to throw punches before making their way back to the main ramp. They fight back down towards the ring, and NHL succeeds in ramming Logan's head into the apron before both men slide in. They lock up, Logan coming away with a side headlock. NHL makes his way to the ropes, turning it into an Irish whip. He leapfrogs, and hits a back body drop. He runs to the ropes and hits an elbow drop to Logan's ribcage before attempting a pin, but NHL only gets a two-count. Not shaken, NHL signals for the Penalty!)
HS: "Penalty coming up!"
FJ: "Bah. Logan survived brass knuckle shots, a suplex onto the floor, and other big blows. This little hold is nothing for my man Logan!"
(NHL locks in the modified STF, cinching it tighter and tighter. Logan's arm gets tested a few times, but he keeps it up, and eventually tries to punch out of it! Eventually, the hold weakens due to the punches and blood loss of NHL, and Logan escapes! Both men catch their breath as the crowd starts buzzing!)
FJ: "See! The voice of reason strikes again!"
HS: "I can't believe it! Both men have applied their most devastating submission maneuvers, and both men have kicked out! These two clearly have hearts of champions, no question about that!"
(They get to their feet and lock up once again. This time, it's NHL with the side headlock. Logan reverses, runs in the opposite direction, and comes at him with a reverse bulldog. NHL gets up, but is greeted by a Logan Alexander superkick! Logan scales the top rope, and waits for the champion to rise. When he does, he lifts off, and comes down with a somersault neckbreaker!)
HS: Certainly a devastating offensive by Logan! We may have a new champion right here!
(Logan goes for the cover: One, two, thr-, no, NHL kicked out!)
HS: "No, he kicked out! What an insane show of determination by NHL!"
FJ: "Insane is right. These people honestly think NHL can still win after all those blows and maneuvers!"
(Logan can't believe it, but regains his focus, and starts stomping the champion. NHL rolls out and gets up, countering a forearm with one of his own before hitting the ropes and coming off with a lariat. He returns the favor with stomps, eventually picking up the challenger and hitting a snap mare to bring Logan back towards the center of the ring. He then scales the ropes and comes down with a flying elbow, which connects squarely with Logan's chest! The ref is right there for the count: One, two, thr-, no, once again, just two!)
HS: "Where are these two men getting this strength from?!"
FJ: "It's the belt. That AWA World title. It drives both men, especially Logan Alexander, and THAT'S why he kicked out! He's just that damn motivated!"
HS: "There's that unbiasedness we all know and love from Frank Jackson."
FJ: "Love me or hate me, you can never ignore me!"
(NHL picks Logan back up and goes for a powerbomb. Logan, however, reverses it into a facebuster in mid-air, sending the blood-soaked face of NHL into the canvas! He attempts a cover, but, again, only gets two. He goes back to submission tactics, locking in an abdominal stretch. He turns it into a rollup, but gets another two-count. Logan picks NHL up, but Lee gets a small package for a two-count of his own. Logan springs out of the package, and as soon as NHL gets to his feet, he's caught with an Implant DDT from the challenger!)
HS: "What is this fascination with Logan's maneuvers, Frank?"
FJ: "I love them all! L.A. Ascension, L.A. Shockwave..."
HS: "L.A. Catch the Chair from the Announcer and Hit Someone With It?"
FJ: "Great idea!"
(Logan goes for the cover. The referee is there to count...
HS: "He kicked out! Once again, the World Champion has kicked out of a powerful maneuver by the challenger, and once again, Logan Alexander, and my broadcast partner, and most people in this arena, cannot believe it!"
(Logan stands stock-still, jaw somewhat dropped, eyes as big as saucers. He doesn't do a thing as NHL gets to his feet, but when they lock up, he comes away with a quick hip toss. They lock up again, and Alexander hits a quick DDT. However, when they grapple again, Alexander tries a body slam, which fails when NHL goes behind and hits a German suplex! It's bridged into a cover, but gets only two. However, Lee springs back up and hits an enziguiri, putting Logan back down to the mat again. He nails a diving elbow, which gets another two-count. However, when he springs up, he doesn't look aggravated. Instead, he signals for the SlapShot!)
HS: "What's that, Frank?!"
FJ: "That's...that's Hell on Earth personified!"
HS: "NHL is going for the SlapShot! This crowd is going insane!"
(Lee waits for his opponent to get up before hitting a kick to the gut. He then picks Logan up before slamming him down in a strong brainbuster DDT! The crowd roars as the referee is right there for the count...
("True Nature," by Jane's Addiction, blares over the speakers. The referee, noticing both men lying prone in the center of the ring, lifts NHL's wrist, placing the AWA World Championship in his hand!)
HS: "And after an incredible match that featured the best of technical wrestling, the best of No Limits wrestling, and the best of the competitive spirit the AWA has to offer, Nathan Hawthorne-Lee has retained his title!"
FJ: "This is TRULY Hell on Earth! And the tentative plans are for Gabriel to face Nathan Hawthorne-Lee at Vortex with the AWA World Heavyweight Championship on the line! What a show!"
HS: "Yes it has been! What a great show this was! For Frank Jackson, I'm Herb Summers, saying goodnight, everyone!"
(We fade to black on NHL getting to his feet and celebrating his win with the crowd.)
Copyright AWA 2007