AWA Last Man Standing, October 27th, 2002 at Madison Square Garden, New York,
Frank: Welcome to Last Man Standing!
Herb: Tonight we have one hell of a card for you folks!
Frank: Let's take a look at the lineup! AWA World Championship AWA Original
Last Man Standing Match: Cage #1 Drake Hyde & Hangman. Cage #2 Dave Santini
& Ray Owens. Two rings, two cages, four people. Each pair of opponents will
battle it out in their seperate cage until a winner is declared from both pairs
via pin-fall, submission, TKO. The winner from each pair will then face each
other in a Last Man Standing match right then and there as soon as the cages
are lifted. Only one rule, be the last man standing to win.
Four Way Iron Man Match: CarnEvil vs. Jack Happy vs. Dark Warrior vs. C-Rock
Four men, one hour, most wins, via pinfall, submission, or TKO wins the match.
AWA Hardcore Championship Barbed Wire, Glass House, Exploding Tables Match:
Snake vs. Skorp vs. Jason Dillucca vs. Will Scott vs. Stevie Williams vs. Jackie
Sweet vs. Snakebite. This match is absolutely insane! The ropes will be removed,
barbed wire in their place. A glass cage will enclose the ring, and C-4 explosives
will be strapped to approzimately 50 tables outside of the glass cage. To eliminate
an opponent, first you've got to get past the barbed wire, break through the
glass cage, and put them THROUGH a C-4 equipt table. Who ever is still breathing,
and hasn't been put through a table will be the new AWA Hardcore Chamion.
Tag Team Tables, Ladders And Chairs Match: Twiztid Kindred vs. Blonde Bombshells
vs. Dirty Deeds vs. The Hoodlumz vs. The Paramedics. An Easy enough concept
to grasp. Winner will gain placement in the upcomming tag team tournament to
crown the new AWA Tag Team Champions. What placement are they fighting for exactly,
well that has yet to be revealed.
AWA Television Championship Masquerade Match: Quade deSade vs. Kydd X vs. Mickey
Showery vs. Renegade vs. Caleb vs. Jeff Sullivan vs. Buck Smith. Six contenders
will be dressed in costumes, none knowing which is which. All will be dressed
in seperate rooms, and none will know their costume until they are in it. They
will all wrestle without friends, foes, or allies, just strangers standing in
their way of achieving the AWA Television Championship belt.
Welcome To The AWA Match: Ms. Salley Davies vs. Lethal Louise w/Special Ref:
Herb: Tat's right and our first match is about to get underway!
Frank: This is gonna be one helluva night, I can see that already!
Sally Davies is already in the ring, pacing from corner to corner when Lethal
Louise's music begins to play.
Lousie stomps down the ramp towards the ring in-time to 'That Don't impress
me Much'. a few steps from the apron Lethal Louise bursts into a charge and
slides in under the bottom rope.
Lousie and Sally lock up and the referee signals for the bell to begin the match.
both Sally and Louise duke it out exchanging face slaps.
Sally is is knocked back into the ropes and comes right back grabbing at Lousies
Both women drop to their knees as a hair tug O' war begins.
The ref drops to a knee a shouts a warning to both ladies... when non other
than Disco Duck suddenly bolts from over the security barrier at ringside.
Quickly climbing the turnbuckle Dico Duck leaps from the top and lands an elbow
drop that scatters the referee, Sally and Louise!! Sally regains her feet. Louise
pulls herself by the ropes. Louise is sent over the ropes by a clothesline from
Disco Duck. Disco duck is jumped from behind by Sally, the momentum throwing
both Sally and Disco Duck over the rope onto Lethal Louis!!
Frank: OH MY GOD!
Herb: The Disco One is clearing the ring!!!
A three way brawl erupts as the referee regains his senses and begins to count
1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. All three seem oblivious to the referees ultimatum and his count
is drowned out by the ever increasing shouts and encouragement from the fans
at ringside.
5.. 6.. 7..
Disco Duck begins to pull free but is pulled back into the melee by Lousie and
8.. 9..
Sally and Louise rise and charge each other knocking each other flat with simultaneous
The referee calls for the bell to end the match and all three look up...
Referee:'No Contest'!!!
Enraged Sally and Lousie get back at it, and security is called to ringside
to break it up.
Somewhere in the struggle is Disco Duck.
Frank: Well the next match should be...umm..."interesting."
Herb: It sure should!
The seven participants walk towards the ring, identities obscured by their
various costumes. The
first man wears a Jason style hockey mask, and a Canadians jersey.
The second wears an Eminem costume,
complete with Marshall Mathers mask. The third wears a pair of boxing trunks
and a Mike Tyson mask. The
fourth costumed man has an old school Undertaker costume, complete
with the early-90s version
Undertaker mask. The fifth is costumed as a clown with a full facemask, and
the six is in a Spiderman
costume, and the seventh in a cowboy outfit, complete with a bandanna over his
The bell sounds, and the men sit around for a moment, trying to figure out
who to go after. Finally, the
man in the Mike Tyson mask starts to pummel on the hockey player, and all hell
breaks loose. Eminem
squares off with the Undertaker, and Spiderman and the clown go after the cowboy.
Punches and kicks begin to fly as the match gets underway. The cowboy hits a
hard shot against Spiderman, sending him back, but the
clown pulls down the bandanna, revealing the face of Buck Smith. Smith responds
to this with a hard
clothesline to the clowns face, but receives a dropkick in the back of
the head from Spiderman.
Meanwhile, Tyson and the Hockey Player square off, trading stiff blows. The
Hockey player initially
lands a solid headbutt, but Tyson counters with a strong blow to his chin, knocking
up the mask a bit,
revealing the face of Renegade.
Meanwhile, the rest of the wrestlers circle around Smith, like sharks drawn
to blood. They assault him,
landing punches and kicks, and even though Smith fights back valiantly, he is
soon overwhelmed by the
rest. The Clown and Spiderman hold him down and the Undertaker climbs the rope.
The Undertaker hits a
solid elbow drop, and goes for the pin. A close two count, but then Smith kicks
out, powering the
Undertaker clone off of him and sending him into Spiderman, who starts to kick
him in the stomach.
Smith goes turns around and goes for his Bruise Control on the nearest
man, who happens to be the
clown, but the clown blocks the move, and hits a hard shot to the groin. He
follows it up with the
HERB: Well, ladies and gentlemen, we now have the identities of three of our
wrestlers revealed
Caleb rips off his mask, and he quickly pins Smith. The Undertaker clone and
Spiderman stop fighting for a
moment, and jump on Smith, and the referee counts the 1,2,3. They then turn
and nail Caleb hard...and pin him aswell!
HERB: Smiths out! Caleb's out! Oh my!
As Smith and Caleb roll out of the ring, the fight gets more and more intense
between Renegade and Tyson. Tyson lands a stiff shot to his face, and follows
up with a one-two combination which dizzies Renegade, but when he goes for the
European Uppercut to finish off the combo, Renegade ducks and tackles him. Renegade
picks him back up, and delivers a scoop slam followed by a quick legdrop. Tyson
grabs Renegades leg as soon as he stands up, and pulls him back down,
and then rolls out of the ring and grabs a chair. He drives the chair into the
knee of Renegade, and follows up with a Figure Four. As he writhes in pain,
the Undertaker walks runs over and holds his shoulders down, earning another
three count.
FRANK: There goes Renegade!
Renegade slowly rolls out of the ring as Quade grabs the chair, and begins
to attack the man in
the Tyson costume. He pulls off the mask, revealing Mickey Showery, and delivers
five well-placed shots to
his head, and blood begins to drip down. A final shot is delivered to his head
and Showery falls.
At this point, the man dressed as Eminem decides to get involved with the action,
and goes after
Spiderman, and picks him up to deliver a DDT. Not ones to miss an opportunity,
the Clown and Undertaker
join in, delivering a variety of shots, culminating in a three man Double Powerbomb/Ace
Crusher combo, and do a three man pin. The Spiderman rolls out, and his mask
is ripped off to reveal Jeff Sullivan.
HERB: Three men remain. With Jeff Sullivan, Renegade, Buck Smith, and Caleb
out, the men remaining must be Desade, Showery, and Kydd X!
The three men circle each other, but the real action goes on outside and DeSade
and Showery continue to
fight each other. They trade wicked chair shots. They begin to get involved
with the third man and nail him with several hard chair shots. They do a double
pin, and do to the Undertakers superior size, he is utterly unable to
kick out. His mask is ripped off to reveal Kydd X!
FRANK: It was Kydd X! The men left are Showery and Desade!
The two men stare at each other. Suddenly, Desade whips Showery into the corner,
and signals with his hand. He runs in and nails him with a hard splash...and
goes for the pin. 1
HERB: Quade wins!!
Sadness plays, and the champ slides out of the
ring and out through the exit.
AWA Tag Team Match
I'm really sorry for this guys but some card writers bailed and i tried to
cover as much as i could but i couldn't do it all. This was one of the matches
i just couldn't write in time.
Basically Twizted Kindred gets taken out early on. The Paramedics and Dirty
Deeds battle it out in a hilacious fight...which in the end knocks out both
teams! Blond Bombshells win by getting the best of Hoodlumz. Again I'm really
sorry for this.
Frank: Well now onto the long awaited AWA Hardcore Championship Barbed Wire,
Glass House, Exploding Tables Match.
Herb: Wow, that's sure as hell a tongue twister.
Frank: Yes, well I can tell you more than a tongue is gonna be twisted in this
match! Basically this kind of match is unheard of in the AWA. The rules are
simple...the ropes will be replaced with barbed wire! A glass cage will enclose
the ring, and C-4 explosives will be strapped to about a total of 50 tables
outside of the glass cage. To eliminate an opponent, first you've got to get
past the barbed wire, break through the glass cage, and put them THROUGH a C-4
equipt table. Who ever is still alive after that is crowned Hardcore Champ!
Herb: That's correct Frank. And now only are those the rules but we have 7
competitors!!! Snake, Skorp, Jason Dillucca, Will Scott, Stevie Williams, Jackie
Sweet, and Snakebite! This is gonna be hell!!
With that we look at the ring. The AWA staff quickly runs around stripping
the ring of the ropes and replacing them with barbed wire. After they're done
Snake begins to make his way down ringside. He walks unto the ring and looks
at what awaits him. Hayabusa's Theme Music: Fallen Angel hits as Skorp makes
his way ringside. He jumps into the ring and stares down Snake. Will Scott,
Stevie Williams, and Jackie Sweets all rush the ring in a large mob. "Back
in the Saddle" hits as Snakebite runs down to join in the melee. By now
all the men are going at it and the glass cage is being lowered. The AWA technitions
are setting up all the tables. "Trust by Megadeth" hits as Jason Dillucca
runs down and slides into the ring before the glass cage hits the ground. The
cage is down and all the men are going at it inside the ring. The officials
have finished setting up the tables and now the ring is completely surrounded
by these C4 tables! Will Scott And Stevie Williams are brawling it out. Scott
nails Williams with a hard powerbomb. He begins to taunt when out of no where
Snake comes in and clotheslines him to the ground. Jackie Sweet then begins
to mix it up with Snake. They trade rights and lefts. Williams gets back to
his feet and runs at both Jackie Sweets and Snake. They duck and double back
drop Williams! Scott gets up and picks up Williams. Snake and Sweets look at
each other and run at the Williams and Scott. They clothesline both of them.
Sweets and Snake pick Scott up and throw him right into the glass cage. The
cage cracks and Scott falls back landing on the barbed wire. Williams gets picked
up by Sweets, who places Williams onto the shoulders of Snake. Snake runs at
the cage and powerbombs Williams through the glass cage onto a C4 table!! The
explosion is heard as Williams immediately stops moving. Snake is stunned that
he did such a thing with just a powerbomb. Sweets takes advantage of this and
begins to attack Snake from behind. On the other side of the ring Skorp, Jason
Dillucca and Snakebite have been battling each other. The three have just been
wearing each other down with vicious rights and lefts.
Herb: Sweet Jebus!
Sweets continues to pound Snake. Scott is knocked out cold, just laying there
on the barbed wire. Sweets picks Snake up and places him on his shoulders in
a powerslam position. He points towards the hole that was made earlier that
took Williams out of the match. He runs at the hold, throwing Snake out and
onto a table. But Snake splides off his shoulders and pushes Sweets forward
sending him through the hole and onto and table. Again a large explosion is
heard and Sweets lays there occasionally shaking. Snake begins to smile and
walks over to the downed Scott. He runs at the same hole with Scott in hand
and attempts to throw him through the hole, but Scott blocks. He dilevers a
few shots to Snakes guts. He then attempts to irish whip Snake into the barbed
wire but Snake blocks. The two men trade rights and grab onto each other. They
both try to throw the other out of the glass cage at the same time and they
end up throwing each other against the cracked part of the cage. The glass shatters
and both men go through the same table. For the third time the echo of an exploding
C4 is heard.
Frank: Oh my god!! This is criminal! We're not even 10 minutes into this match
and 4 of the competitors have already been eliminated!!
Herb: That's right! Now it's down to Skorp, Jason Dillucca, and Snakebite!
This is crazy!
Jason Dillucca seems to land a few kicks into the gut of Snakebite but it doesn't
take long for Skorp to run in and toss both men aside. Dillucca runs into Skorp
and he picks Dillucca up. He then nails Dillucca with a HUGE tombstone piledriver!
Snakebite is up and delivers a few hard forearm shots to the back of Skorp.
Dillucca rises and along with Snakebite they manage to take Skorp down. The
alliance doesn't last long though as Dillucca gets attacked by Snakebite. Snakebite
begins to pound on Dillucca. He stands and awaits Dillucca's inevitable retaliation.
As Dillucca rises however Snakebite nails him with a kick to the kneecap, then
one to the ribs and a third to the face!! Snakebitten!!! Dillucca's face pretty
much loses color as he falls to the floor. Skorp is up by now and takes Snakebite
by suprise. He lifts Snakebite up for an atomic drop but instead runs forward
and tosses Snakebite onto the barbed wire. Snakebite screams in pain as Skorp
begins to rock the barbed wire, cutting into Snakebite's skin. Skorp can't hold
the barbed wire for long however and as he releases his hands begin to gush
out blood. Skorp cringes in pain. He picks Snakebite up from the barbed wire
and suplex's him. As Skorp rises to his feet he gets chop blocked from behind
by Dillucca. Skorp falls and Dillucca rises to his feet. He staggers around
a bit, still woosy from the kicks of Snakebite. He begins to stomp away at Skorp.
He picks Skorp up and Skorp low blows him. The crowd begins to boo. Skorp picks
Dillucca up and places him in the position for the Eliminator! He runs forwards
and jumps but out of no where Snakebite drop kicks him from behind while he's
in mid air! The force of Snakebite's dropkick coupled with his jump sends Skorp
right through the glass cage and through a table!! BAAAAM! Another explosion.
Skorp screams and squirms around for a few seconds before passing out.
Frank: That's gotta hurt!
Herb: I can't even imagine what that must feel like.
Frank: Well we're down to two now. Either Snakebite or Dillucca, one of them
is walking out of this arena with the Hardcore Championship, and the other with
a broken body and a trip to the hospital emergency room!
Snakebite slowly rises to his feet. Dillucca does the same, he doesn't seem
much effected by Skorp's Eliminator as the full force didn't really impact him.
Snakebite runs at Dillucca who nails him with a drop toe hold. Snakebite gets
hung up on the barbed wire and it cuts into his throat! He drops to the ground
flopping around holding his neck. He looks like he's attempting to scream but
he can't. The blood continues to pour out of his throat and into his hands.
Dillucca picks Snakebite up and rams his head into the glass cage. Snakebite
stumbles back and catches a back body drop from Dillucca. Dillucca gets up and
awaits Snakebites rise. As he gets up he gets a Heart Puch from Dillucca!!!
Snakebite stumbles backs and leans over the barbed wire. Dillucca runs at him
and nails him with a powerful clothesline over the barbed wire through a hole
made prior to the match. Both men however go through the hole! Dillucca grabs
onto the glass which slices into his palms. Snakebite lands on a table but doesn't
go through. Dillucca steps onto the glass and Snakebite slowly rises to his
feet, standing on the table! Dillucca dives and nail Snakebite with a vicious
DDT running lariat putting Snakebite through the table. The C4 explodes on both
Frank: OH MY GOD! They both went through!!! Who's the winner?
Herb: Just a minute....yes the officials have decided since Dillucca put Snakebite
through the table he won the match.
Frank: What a hell of a battle. That was absolutely amazing! HS - Right then
folks, let get right onto our next match here tonight at LAST MAN STANDING...
FJ - That's right...and if everyone out there thought that a wrestling ring
wasn't big enough to hold the two clowns of the AWA at the same time...Jack
Happy and CarnEvil
HS - ...President Gray has just decided to throw two former AWA US Champions
into the mix as well in C-Rock and the returning...DARK WARRIOR !!
FJ - ...and on top of that he's put CarnEvil's US Title on the line here tonight
as well
(The commentary between Herb and Frank are drowned out, as C-Rock acknowledges
the crowd as he makes his way towards the ring...He is shortly followed by the
current AWA Intercontinental Champion, Mr.Jack Happy, who makes his way ringside
to a chorus of cheers and applause. As soon as Happy reaches the ring, the crowd
fall into silence and then errupt into huge heat and booing for the returning
Dark Warrior, as Dark Warrior is halfway to the ring, he hears the name of the
current AWA US Champion announced and as soon as CarnEvil appearsto the sound
of "Summer Overture", DW turns in his direction and they clash hammering
each other with lefts and rights. The refs attention turns back to the ring,
where Happy is about to leave the ring, but upon getting half way through the
ropes he is brought back in by C-Rock and whipped to the other side of the ring,
Happy rebounds back towards the centre and is met with a hard Clothesline as
the ref has no option but to ring the bell and start this Iron Man Match off,
as Happy gets to his feet, he is sent crashing back down to the mat with a Suplex
and for a third time with a hard DDT...)
FJ - No hesitation from C-Rock at the start of this match
HS - You're not wrong there, he's certainly caught the reigning AWA Intercontinental
Champion by suprise
(C-Rock goes for an early pin with CarnEvil and DW still occupied outside the
ring, but Happy kicks out on two...C-Rock pulls Happy up again and goes for
another Suplex, but he struggles to get Happy over, he tries again but Happy
doesn't budge, but instead responds with a Suplex of his own. Happy doesn't
let C-Rock get his breath back as Happy pulls him to his feet and delivers a
Running Powerslam, Happy takes the opportunity to stomp on his recovering victim
a few times, before pulling C-Rock to his feet once more, he twists him round
in the first part on his Reverse Neckbreaker as the crowd scream in delight...)
FJ - Happy Daze !!!
(...Before flicking his left leg up behind him and Lowblowing the unsuspecting
C-Rock, before perfectly delivering the Happy Daze, he rolls over and pins C-Rock
as the Ref counts...1...2...3 !!)
FJ - First blood to Happy...
HS - He might have got the first pinfal, but I think "First Blood"
goes to CarnEvil...
(The scene switches to outside the ring, where CarnEvil had just reversed the
situation he was in with Dark Warrior slowly gaining the upper-hand, by nearly
taking his head off with a huge swing with a chair, DW slumps to the floor as
CarnEvil glares towards the ring in the direction of Jack Happy seeing his fiercest
of adversaries just gain the first pinfall. The two Clowns look eyes as CarnEvil
launches himself into the ring, Happy stomps on him as he enters, but as soon
as CarnEvil has battled his way to his feet, they start trading huge lefts and
rights...First Happy then CarnEvil, then Happy, then CarnEvil again...each man
taking what the other man has to give and responding with more ferocity than
the last shot, after a couple of minutes with neither man budging C-Rock staggers
to his feet and join the melee...a shot to Happy, then CarnEvil, then Happy
again and again, not CarnEvil...and Happy again and again. Both Clowns seems
to ignore C-Rocks viscious blows, as they continue to hammer each other with
shot after shot, as the crowd seem to count every shot that is
seems that both Happy and CarnEvil have had enough of C-Rock interference...AND
THEY BOTH HIT HIM WITH A DOUBLE-CLOTHESLINE, flipping C-Rock over and towards
the turnbuckle, they both glare in the direction of the downed C-Rock before
returning their stare to each other and within a few seconds they are back trading
lefts and rights, it appears that Jack Happy is finally appearing to get the
upper hand, when out of nowhere CarnEvil rocks him with a Standing Sidekick,
Happy reels backwards a few steps and CarnEvil follows up with a devastating
Clothesline From Hell, Happy hits the mat hard as CarnEvil covers...The ref
hits the mat...1...2...kickout...)
HS - Wow, that was close...
(CarnEvil wastes no time and climbs up onto the top rope and waits for Happy,
Happy staggers to his feet as the crowd chant his name he looks around the ring
looking for CarnEvil, but as he turns round to face him, CarnEvil launches himself
towards him with a Toprope Spear and they both hit the mat hard...After nearly
a minute recovering, CarnEvil finally drapes an arm over the motionless Jack
Happy...The ref hits the man...1...2...3 !!)
HS - One each now to Happy and CarnEvil...
(Suddenly we notice C-Rock climb the other turnbuckle nearest to where Dark
Warrior is cut open and staggering to his feet, we see C-Rock come flying off
the Toprope with an attempted Elbow Drop, but Dark Warrior just managed to roll
out of the way before impact and C-Rock crashes hard, DW ceases his opportunity
and wastes no time in raising a groggy C-Rock to his feet and sending him back
down to the hard concrete with a Reverse Brainbuster...DW glances towards the
ring, where Happy has just hit CarnEvil with a Brainbuster Suplex, he pulls
him to his feet and sends him crashing back down with a Death Valley Drop, the
view switches to back outside the ring where DW takes the opportunity by scaling
the turnbuckle nearest to him and unbeknown to CarnEvil and Jack Happy he comes
off...executing a perfect HIGH DEATH ontop of C-Rock, the ref jumps out of the
ring, as the bloody DW covers C-Rock as the ref counts...1...2...3 !!)
FJ - OMG...How did Dark Warrior summon up the strength to do that move...
HS - I've no idea, what I do know is that he nearly KILLED C-Rock...
FJ - ...and he's also drawn level in this match in the process !!
(The scene cuts back to the ring, where Happy has just hit CarnEvil with a
Happy Daze, the ref dives back into the ring and makes the count...1...2...3)
FJ - Happy's back in front again !!
(DW leaves the motionless C-Rock outside of the ring and joins in the melee
between Happy and CarnEvil, all three wrestlers start trading shots back and
forth, suddenly Happy is sent into the turnbuckle and CarnEvil connects with
DW with a Clothesline From Hell, he goes for a pin, but DW manages to kick out
at two, as the ref is completing the count he doesn't notice C-Rock sneak back
into the ring and nail Happy across the back of the head with a viscious chair
shot, Happy slumps to the mat as C-Rock raises him to his feet and sends him
crashing back down with his finiaher...THE REGULATOR !! C-Rock disposes of the
chair as the ref makes the count of three as CarnEvil and DW continue to trade
blows on the other side of the ring)
(With all four men now in the ring, the camera switches briefly to the huge shows 4 minutes and 32 seconds left...Happy appears to be finally
getting the advantage over C-Rock, he hits him with a Death Valley drop, as
on the other side of the ring, DW has just kicked out of an Irish Whip, followed
by a Big Boot by CarnEvil, he then attenpts to pick him up in a Gorilla Press
Slam, but DW slips out of his grasp and behind him, CarnEvil turns around only
to get met with a lowblow, followed by an Inverted DDT...DW seizes the opportunity
and locks CarnEvil in a Figure Four Leglock, the look of pain is etched upon
the face of CarnEvil, but his refuses to tap out, DW pulls back on the hold,
but still CarnEvil shakes his head in defiance, DW glances up towards the big
clock, which is now showing under two minutes and finally releases the hold
as CarnEvil continues to shake his head, CarnEvil seems to breathe a sigh of
relief as DW releases the hold, but DW goes straight back on the offensive again
and flips CarnEvil over with a Sharpshooter...DW sits back on the hold as CarnEvil
screams out in pain, the camera switches over to Happy and C-Rock, where Jack
has just got Slap Happy, Happy sends C-Rock to the mat with an Evenflow DDT...and
then begins to set him up in his own version of the Camel Clutch, as Happy pulls
back, he begins to stretch C-Rocks face back into a stretch, FORCING HIM TO
SMILE...the camera switches back to DW who has been adding more and more pressure
to CarnEvil's back...he glances towards the clock as it ticks down to under
30 seconds, he pulls back more and more as CarnEvil gets weaker and weaker and
finally with just 18 seconds left on the clock CarnEvil taps...)
HS - That's his second pinfal...Dark Warrior has drawn level
(As the crowd's boos add to the atmosphere, the camera switches to where Jack
Happy is continuing to add to the pain...and the false smile etched onto the
face of C-Rock with his modified Camel Clutch and suddenly with just 6 seconds
left on the clock, C-Rock taps out...)
HS - He's tapping...He's tapping...HAPPY'S WON...HAPPY'S WON !!
(As C-Rock taps out, Happy releases the hold and as DW launches himself at
Happy and C-Rock in a delayed effort to break the hold, he rolls out of the
way...The bell rings to signal the end of the match as Happy grabs his newly
won AWA US Title to add to his AWA Intercontinental Title and escapes the ring,
avoiding the wrath of a livid Dark Warrior)
World Title Main Event
Frank: Well now it's onto our Main Event!
Herb: Yea and it's gonna be one hell of a crazy match!
Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, the American Wrestling Alliance is proud to
bring you tonight's main event. Introducing in Cage #1 our current AWA World
Champion...Drake Hyyyyyyyyyyyde!
"My Scacrifice" by Creed hits as Drake Hyde makes his way down ringside.
He steps into the first ring as the fans chant his name.
Announcer: In Cage # 2...we have Dave the Rave Santiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini!
"Pour Some Sugar on me" by Def Lepard hits as The Raver makes his
way down and into Ring #2.
Announcer: Drake Hyde's opponent and the second man in Cage number 1...Haaaaaaaangmaaaan!
"Back in the Saddle" by Aerosmith hits as Hangman struts down to
the first ring. He steps inside and begins to stare at Drake.
Announcer: And the second man in Cage number two...Ray the Hitman Owennnnnnnnnnnnns!
"Parabola" by Tool hits the speakers as the Hitman makes his way
down to ringside. He steps into ring # 2. As all four men are now in their respective
rings the two cages begin to lower.
Announcer: Ladies and Gentleman...Let's get ready to ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuumblllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Frank: Folks keep in mind the rules of this match, 2 face off
in a Last Man Standing Match!
Cage #1
Frank: Well folks this one is about to get underway! The rules for this Cage
match are simple. Beat your opponent and win. An odd twist added to this match
is that if Hangman wins the cage match he's already world champ...but he could
lose the last man standing match and lose the title!
Herb: HAHA, that would be great. Winning the World Title and Losing it in one
Frank: It very well could happen.
Drake and Hyde begin to circle each other, neither of them willing to make
the first move. Drake decides to make his first move and stomps forward. Hangman
immediately goes into a defensive position but Drake backs off. Hangman smiles
and Drake grins in return. Hangman decides to run forward and lunge at Drake
with a right. Drake ducks and manages to get to Hangman's back. Hangman turns
around but Drake has long been waiting for him. Drake delivers several massive
blows to the head of Hangman. Hangman staggers back. Drake goes for another
huge right but Hangman blocks and grabs Drake by the throat. He then tosses
Drake into the corner turnbuckle. He immediately starts to stomp on Drake. The
hard kicks bring Drake down to the ground. He picks Drake up like a child and
knees Drake in the gut. Drake yells in pain and bends over. As he does Hangman
begins to plant some huge forearm smashes into Drakes exposed back. Once again
Drake finds himself on the ground. Hangman picks Drake up again and places him
in the turnbuckle. He then begins to ram his elbow into the throat of Drake.
After a few shots Drake is coupled over the ropes for support. Hangman lifts
Drake off the ropes...backs him up a few inches then rams his head straight
into the steel cage. Drake staggers back and collapses onto the ground as the
fans begin to erupt into an onslaught of boos. Hangman picks Drake up and places
him in the position for a suplex. Drake reverses and nail s Hangman with a small
package DDT! The fans cheer, but both Drake and Hangman are out on the ground.
Hangman rises to his feet before Drake and starts his assault on Drake once
again, this time more angry than before.
Frank: Great strategy by Hangman, keeping Drake down. He's really using his
size and strength well.
Herb: Yea, and Drake Hyde isn't looking so hot right now.
Fan behind Announcer table: but Melina does!
Hangman mounts on top of Drake and begins to send a flurry of hard left and
rights to Drake's head. Drake is so woozy he can't even defend himself. Hangman
stops throwing lefts and just keeps landing right after right. He finally gets
off of Drake, who right away grabs his head. Hangman send Drake to the ropes
and as Drake comes back nails him with a hard Big boot. He smiles, then runs
to the opposite ropes and nails Drake with a leg drop. He goes for the cover.
1...2...kickout! He picks Drake up and piledrives him into the mat. Drake's
head bounces off the mat like a rubber ball. Hangman stands up and delivers
several sick knee drops to Drake's head. Drake begins to squirm in the ring,
throwing his body every which way to help overcome the pain. The fans once again
erupt into boos. Hangman takes Drake up to the top rope. Drake slowly makes
it there. With both men standing on the top rope Hangman sets Drake up for a
top rope powerbomb. He holds the position...then falls backwards and throws
Drake up! Drake's head and front body gets rammed right into the steel cage
as Hangman's own back gets slammed into the cage aswell. Hangman rises back
onto the topturnbuckle and picks Drake up off the part of Cage to which he was
hanging onto. Hangman then sets Drake up for a superplex and holds on...then
falls back and nails him with a hanging superplex. Drake bounces off the mat
hard. He sits up then falls back down.
Frank: Wow, I never expected this match to go this way!
Herb: You're right, it's been mostly Hangman domination!
Frank: What's wrong with Drake?
Herb: I don't know. Maybe he just didn't see this well prepared Hangman coming.
Hangman picks Drake back up and goes for ANOTHER suplex. But somehow Drake
spins in mid air and lands back on his feet, still in the suplex position. It
seems to have taken Hangman by suprise as in no time Drake has him vertical...he
falls back...HYDE LIFE...HYDE LIFE! Hangman grabs his neck in pain as Drake
collapses on the ground. After about 15 seconds Drake begins to stir...he manages
to get to his feet. He begins to make an ascent to the top of the steel cage.
He makes it all the way to the top and Hangman remains down. He jumps off, going
for a double stomp onto Hangman's stomach!!! But Hangman pops up and catches
Drake in the Souther Comfort!!!!!!!! He uses Drake's top-cage momentum to swing
him around and brings him down to the mat hard! Drake stops moving. The referee
picks up Drake's falls...1...the referee then picks up Drake's hand
for the second falls again...2...
Frank: This could be the end!!!
Herb: The end of Drake's's gonna end right here right now!
The referee picks up Drake's arm for the third time and lets it hits
the mat again...3...the referee rings the bell! Hangman wins! The referee raises
Hangman's arm in victory as the cage raises. Drake remains on the ground completely
Cage 2
This was the other match that I couldn't get done. Again my sincerest apologies
guys. You know I wouldn't do this unless I had no other alternative.
The Raver starts out strong attempting to put Owens away early. The beating
really wears Owens down. In the end Owens is able to duck the Rave Grave...and
kick Dave in the gut. He dilevers a huge butterfly suplex to a power bomb...pulling
the victory out from under Santini.
With the two winners decided, both cages are being lifted up. Owens and the
new AWA World Champion Hangman are staring at each other as the fans anticipate
the clash of these two AWA legends.
FRANK: Owens is the better technical wrestler, but Hangman is a destructive
machine, as we could just see in his demolition of former World Champion Drake
HERB: Hangman is also fresher than Owens, as he was well prepared for his match
and there was very little offense against him.
FRANK: Seems like Drake Hyde wasn't as pressure driven after all, huh, Herb?
he wasn't
Owens climbs through the ropes and joins Hangman in the second ring. He immediately
runs at Hangman and spears him to the ground. He follows with a series of rights
as the fans boo and welcome Hangman back into their favor. Hangman, though,
blocks Owens' punch and nails right on the jaw. Owens rolls off of Hangman and
Hangman is already over him, nailing him with kicks to the ribs and the back.
Owens fights his way back up, though, with elbows to Hangman's gut. Owens gets
back to his feet and starts chopping away on Hangman's chest, sending him into
the corner. He lifts the heavy Hangman up unto the turnbuckle and follows him.
Owens hooks Hangman's head, lifts him up and sends him down with a huge superplex!
. 2
.. kick out!
HERB: That was close! Huge suplex from the 2-time former World Champion Owens!
Owens pulls Hangman back up and hits a beautiful chicken-wing suplex. He doesn't
waste any time and pulls Hangman up again. He hits a nice vertical suplex and
then continues working over the World Champion's back, kicking it relentlessly.
After almost a minute of constant kicking, the referee pulls Owens away from
Hangman. Owens walks over to his opponent's legs and then applies a Boston Crab.
FRANK: Owens shows that he's a thinking wrestler. He capitalized on the huge
superplex with a series of other suplexes and now works on the back of Hangman
some more.
Hangman is trying to grab the bottom rope, but as he almost reaches it, Owens
pulls him back into the middle of the ring. Hangman looks as if he's about pass
out, but suddenly, he powers his upper body up and Owens loses balance and falls
onto his face. Both men are down now, but Owens is the first man back up. He
pulls Hangman up and goes for a cradle piledriver. He pulls Hangman up, but
Hangman is able to get back to his feet. He lifts Owens up and hits a huge spinebuster!
The fans "oooh" and "aaaaah" because of the sick sound Owens'
back made when it connected with the canvas. Owens screams in pain and holds
his back, while Hangman rests on the top rope for a while. As Owens slowly makes
his way up, Hangman starts running and bounces off the ropes with a powerful
FRANK: He almost knocked Owens' head off with this lariat.
HERB: Hangman with the cover! 1
.. 2
But Owens kicks out! Hangman with an Irish whip. Owens rebounds and is met
by Hangman's big boot. Hangman follows with a power bomb and another cover.
. 2
. NO! Owens kicks out! Both men back up and Owens
kicks Hangman's knee. He bounces off the ropes, but Hangman catches him and
applies the iron claw to the face!
HERB: No! The Southern Comfort!
FRANK: He lifts Owens up and hits the choke slam!
Hangman hits the Southern Comfort with full force. He goes for the cover
Owens puts his leg over the bottom rope! The fans
can't believe it, and so can't Hangman! Hangman picks Owens up and lifts him
up for a gorilla press. He presses him high over his head and walks over to
the ropes, apparently to throw him out of the ring. Owens, though, scratches
Hangman's eyes and struggles off of him. He lands on the ring apron and goes
for a right fist, but Hangman ducks and hits a big boot to force Owens off the
apron and right onto the announce table, splitting it into two!
HERB: Ouch! Ahhhh! OUCH!
HERB: What? Arrrrrrgggghhhh
FRANK: He hit the SPANISH announce table!
Hangman leaves the ring and walks over to Owens, who is covered with the remains
of the table, papers and lots of other stuff. Hangman grabs him by the air and
tries to pull him up, but Owens doesn't move. Hangman looks on for a few seconds
and then tries it again, but suddenly Owens jumps up and smashes the Spanish
announcers' monitor over Hangman's head!
FRANK: Holy shit, what was that?
HERB: Hangman drops like a tree and Owens just drops the monitor.
FRANK: Hangman is bloodied. His eyes are totally covered by all the blood!
Owens takes all his remaining strength and drags Hangman back into the ring.
He covers him and even puts his feet onto the ropes for additional leverage.
. 2
NO! KICKOUT! Hangman kicks out! Owens is
visibly upset. He pulls Hangman up, whips him into the ropes, goes down to his
knees and hits a nasty low blow as Hangman comes running at him. Hangman is
doubled over and Owens downs him with a Russian legsweep. He then turns Hangman
onto his stomach and applies the Sweeper! Hangman tries to grab the ropes, but
he's too far away. Owens pulls back and stretches Hangman's back and neck. Hangman
has no choice but to tap
HERB: He's done it! He's done it! New Champion! New Champion!
FRANK: The match is over, ladies and gentlemen, and Ray Owens just beat the
newly crowned World Champion to win his third AWA Heavyweight title!
Owens releases the hold as "Parabola" begins to play. He sinks down
in the corner as the referee hands him the World title belt. Owens pulls himself
up with help from the ropes and holds the belt high into the air as the fans
boo and the screen fades to black.
Copyright AWA 2002