Authorities expose a problem.
Due to the fact that last week's episode of Exposed ended not only abruptly, but also with the possibility that there could have been a planned terrorist attack in the United States, the authorities of New York City and the federal government have shut down any and all video tapings from the AWA's television studios and headquarters in New York City.
Security was tight, and only personnel from the active wrestling roster were allowed to participate in the show along with their business associates. Furthermore, it was ok for us to continue with our plans for the evening, however not all AWA wrestlers could participate.
Below we have transcripts of what the authorities would allow us to release to the public. The authorities did not want all of the transcripts given out, but they have allowed some pieces to be delivered to the fans. Each of these segments appear in no particular order, but we bunched together "like items".
(We cut to AWA President Travis Gray. Gray is sitting behind a desk, presumably his own, dressed for business. His face, his body language, his entire demeanor…they scream business.)
TRAVIS GRAY: “Good evening, AWA Faithful. As many of you know, my name is Travis Gray and I am the Owner and President of the AWA. For two months, this company has forced me AND the World to bare witness to a war of barbaric proportions. For the past two months, “The Icon” John Williams and the AWA World Champion, “The Sensational” Brian Stevens, have been trying their hardest to leave one another dead.”
“I cannon stop these men from hating one another. I can’t control their rage. I can’t suppress their violent urges. These two men were and are going to do whatever the hell they want to do to the other whether I intervene or not. However, this Professional Wrestling feud has crossed into being Illegal. Breaking and Entering. Assault and Battery. Deportation. What’s next?”
(Gray shakes his head, almost disgusted and dejected.)
TRAVIS GRAY: “To be honest? I don’t want to know what lengths these two men are willing to go to in order to destroy the other…but I do run this company and I want to make that perfectly clear! With that said? I have the power, right and ability to direct their hatred…and I will. I will direct their rage and I will direct their insatiable lust for the World Title. I will give both of these men another outlet to try and settle their bad blood. That outlet? Well, that outlet will be at our next Pay Per View. Overpower. Live from St. Paul, Minnesota…the home of Brian Stevens. This will not be a simple World Title match. These two men need more. Their feud? It demands more. Therefore, next Sunday? Brian Stevens and John Williams will do battle in a LADDER MATCH!”
“With this announcement, I will also take this time to explain that I have BANNED both Brian Stevens and John Williams from New York tonight. They are allowed to communicate via Satellite, but neither man has committed to that option. This decision was made to protect the lives and sanity of BOTH Brian Stevens and John Williams and it is a decision vital to the health of this company and the Overpower Main Event. That is all for now. I would like to thank you, the AWA Faithful, for your continuing support. Enjoy the show.”
(Maria Clarke is walking in the back, obviously looking for someone.)
MARIA: "Jason? Jason?"
(Suddenly, a door bursts open, two men in suits come out, completely ignoring Maria, but giving a few warning glances behind them. They then walk down the hallway, and Jason Storm also emerges from the room, looking extremely...pissed.)
MARIA: "What is it?"
JASON: "Those doghnut-hunters had the nerve to try and accuse me of moonlighting as a nefarious bomber, just because I was depressed that I didn't win my match last week. They also tried to use my 'violent tendencies' as evidence against me. They even read off a couple of names; Seamus, Orlando, Atlas, Evan..."
MARIA: "You...haven't gotten Evan yet."
JASON: "Key word, Maria."
(Maria's eyebrow twitches and she bites the corner of her lip. Magically, her expression changes to a seductive smile.)
MARIA: "Feel like hurting someone?"
JASON: "Yes, please."
MARIA: "Then you'll be happy to know that I got you a match against Draven Shadows."
JASON: "He's BACK?!"
(Maria just shakes her head and walks off. When she's off screen, Jason's cell phone rings, which he answers, still starting after Maria.)
JASON: "Hello? Ah, you; good. I got your ticket to Overpower. Yes, front row. Oh don't worry, I guarantee that you will see more than enough for you to sign those papers. Alright, fair enough; I'll see you there."
(A.C. Smith has just finished questioning someone with the aid of investigators.)
A.C.: "Phew...this is exhausting. We've asked a whole ton of different people, and gotten absolutely NOWHERE."
(Smith stands up from the table and goes towards a window, looking out briefly.)
INVESTIGATOR: "Uh, awkward as this is, we need to ask YOU a few questions as well."
(A.C. quickly swivels his head around, and has a glance of disbelief.)
A.C.: "You think I could have done this?"
INVESTIGATOR: "It's nothing personal. It's standard procedure, and you know that. Now please sit down before the next suspect we question comes in."
(A.C. obliges and sits down, never taking his eyes off the investigator.)
INVESTIGATOR: "OK, A.C., where were you last week?"
A.C.: "I was at home, preparing for my match in Omaha against Henry."
INVESTIGATOR: "Then why didn't you put anything forward towards Exposed? It's not like it was a long drive for you."
A.C.: (a bit annoyed) "No, sir, it wasn't, but sometimes the best preparation for a match is isolation. That's what I did. I needed to get away from all this bullshit, so I didn't make an appearance. That's all there was to it."
INVESTIGATOR: "OK, I believe you. Come on, let's get the next guy in here."
A.C.: "One second."
A.C.: "Have you guys got any idea who attacked me after Classic? I hired you guys to look into it, but we've gotten sidetracked."
INVESTIGATOR: "We turned the matter over to AWA Internal Affairs. Travis Gray's finest men are looking into it. You'll have an answer Sunday, I believe they said."
A.C.: "Good, then.
(The next wrestler enters.)
(Earlier in the night, after Sir Henry's questioning, Evan Heir gave Sir Henry a white rabbit as a gift for acting so cruelly to the British Knight. The rabbit is a "killer rabbit" and has red stains around its mouth reminiscient of the killer rabbit from Monty Python's Holy Grail movie.)
(The scene fades back into Sir Henry staring intently at the white rabbit that Evan had given to him earlier in the night. The rabbit is leashed to a bar in the corner of the room, its mouth somehow even more red than before… One could imagine why.)
NHL: "I hate that kid. I hate everything ABOUT that little brat."
(Henry's eyes widen and a snarl crosses his lips when there's a knock at his door. He already seems to know who it is.)
SARAH: "You... going to get tha-"
NHL: "Hell no, you bloody cunt. Are you stupid?"
(Sir Henry nearly lashes out in anger as the door opens and Evan Heir walks in with the Cruiserweight title around his waist and a black sack in his hand.)
HEIR: "Hey, Sir Henry, ya know you left your door unlocked? Strange people could get into your locker room. You shouldn't do that."
NHL: "…What in the hell is that bloody smell?"
HEIR: "Oh, I decided to pick your pet rabbit up some food. I had some free time and I was feeling generous... Where is the little guy?"
(The rabbit lashes out at the occupants of the room. Evan calmly turns and smiles at it. Sarah looks just as upset with Evan as Sir Henry is.)
NHL: "I hate that miserable thing. I hate you. I hate everything about you. WHY MUST YOU EXIST?"
HEIR: "...I'm getting the feeling that you don't appreciate all the effort I've put into this."
HEIR: "That's just the stress talking, you silly goose."
(Evan turns and bends down to pet the rabbit, who ironically enough allows Evan to pet him. Henry reaches behind him and picks up his belt, nearly seething. His face is completely red as he walks behind Evan and raises the belt above his head. Evan drives his arm backwards and points to the sack with the food in it. Inadvertently, he slams his elbow into Sir Henry's gut.)
HEIR: "Hey, hand me the food, will ya?"
(Sir Henry's eye twitches and he drops the belt to the ground.)
NHL: "NO! I bloody well will NOT cater to you."
HEIR: "Jeez. Fine, I'll get it."
(Heir stands up, this time inadvertently hitting Henry in the jaw with the top of his head, Heir somehow oblivious to this. He walks over to the sack and picks it up. He turns around and seems to shrug off the fact that Henry is scowling at him. Heir hands Henry the sack, who is visibly shaking with anger.)
HEIR: "I have to go. I'll see you a bit later, Henry. Gimme a hug."
NHL: "Die."
HEIR: "Peace."
(Heir turns and walks out of the room casually. He smirks and looks around mischeviously as he does so. Henry sighs and looks down at the rabbit, which is restrained from biting his leg by about two inches.)
NHL: "What the hell could smell so horrific in this bag?"
(Henry pulls a disembodied hand from the sack. He stares at it for a moment before dropping both items to the ground and turning to Sarah.)
NHL: "I cannot WAIT until next Sunday when I get my hands around Evan's neck! THIS IS NOT A KILLER RABBIT!!"
(The camera pans down to show the rabbit nibbling at the hand.)
Earlier today...
(The scene cuts to The Legendary Low's living room in the heart of Manhattan, but instead of the United States Champion, we see his manager, "The Beautiful, Intelligent Genius" Richard O. Dickinson III sitting on Low's comfy sofa. The brightly-dressed ROD provides a stark contrast to the white sofa, as he wears light blue shoes, neon pink slacks and a yellow dress shirt. The animated ROD is seen speaking on his cellphone.)
ROD: "No... no, he hasn't been here since then... Since when? Since the AWA allowed Logan Alexander to attack him with brass knuckles and barbed wire!... Two weeks ago... So what? He is The Legendary Low, he did what he did at Classic because that's what people expect from him. Logan is some sort of hero, they say... Oh yeah? Well, Low did the world a favor ripping Logan's nuts open at Classic, hopefully preventing that woodchuck from spawning an offspring... Yeha, what Logan did WAS far worse. Low hasn't been seen since then... Alright... Yeah... I'll talk to you later... Bye..."
(ROD ends the conversation and shakes his head, obviously upset. He then starts another call.)
ROD: "Hello? Dr. Beaverhausen's office? Yes, this is Richard O. Dickinson III of the Manhattan Dickinsons. I am calling in my function as the manager of my client, The Legendary Low, who... If this is his real name? Are you dumb? Do you think some woman in Canada woke up one day in the late-70s and decided she would call her son The Legendary Low? How long have you been working for Dr. Beaverhausen?... Two years?... And you don't know which of his patients that you have seen on a regular basis is The Legendary Low?... Kelly, honey, I will make sure that Dr. Beaverhausen is going to fire you soon... How I will do this? My dad and him visit the same sauna club!... WHAT?... You homophobic c**t!... Oh, you DO remember me and Low?... IT IS A GENTLEMAN'S BAG!... Stop aggravating me, you cow! Has Low been to Dr. Beaverhausen's at any point during the past two weeks?... It's none of your business why I would ask!... I am his manager, I need to find out the weherabouts of my client!... TELL ME!... Hello? HELLO?..."
(ROD presses a button on his cellphone and angrily slams it onto the sofa. He gets up and paces around Low's living room for a few moments, before taking a deep breath and picking up his cellphone again.)
ROD: "Beverly? This is ROD. Has your son called by now?... He hasn't? No, me neither..."
(The scene fades to black.)
Earlier today...
(We join Richard O. Dickinson III once more at The Legendary Low's living room. He is once again on the cellphone, this time talking to his and Low's good friend, Cosma Galaktika.)
ROD: "No, nothing new... Yeah, I talked to Beverly... Not too well. How would you fare if you were estranged from your son for so many years, then reconciled and all of a sudden he disappears?... Oh really?... Well, anyway, she's on her way here... To Low's house... Yeah... I think she is going to tape a message for help for AWA TV... When will you be here?... I understand that, Cosma. After all, your wedding is coming up next week, but maybe you and your birdesmaid can cut your shopping short and you can return here to help me comfort Beverly... It would be appreciated... Okay, do what you can... Yeah, I'll see you later... Bye..."
(The scene fades to black.)
HS: "Anyway, ladies and gentlemen, as you you all know, the United States Champion The Legendary Low has been missing ever since Logan Alexander attacked him with brass knuckles and barbed wire on Sunday Night Shock two weeks ago. Some people have come to the conclusion that Low has been injured so badly that he just isn't fit to make a return to the ring. Others assume that the beating he received opened his eyes about his evil ways and the consequences of his actions. But none of this is certain, since nobody, including Low's own mother, has heard anything from the self-proclaimed Greatest Sports Legend Alive since we last saw him. Earlier today, Low's mother Beverly Rhode made a tearful plea that we are going to show you now."
Earlier today...
(We are once again in Low's living room. A tearful Beverly, looking like she hasn't slept in days, is sitting on the sofa, Richard O. Dickinson III next to her, comforting her by putting an arm around her shoulder. Cosma Galaktika has managed to make it to the house as well. She is just standing behind Beverly and ROD, looking apathic as she sticks needles into two voodoo dolls that look eerily like her two estranged sons. Beverly tries to suppress her tears, but can't help but sob as she begins to speak.)
BEVERLY: "Almost seven years ago, I... (sob) lost my oldest son because of family matters that... (sob) I deem too personal to... (sob) talk about on natio-... (sob) national television. But last year... (sob) we reconciled and had a wonder-... (sob) wonderful mother-son relationship... (sob)."
(Beverly breaks out in tears briefly, but manages to regain her composure quickly.)
BEVERLY: "Logan Alexander has taken that... (sob) away from me with his irre-... (sob) irresponsible actions two weeks ago. As a mom, imagine... (sob) the worst thing that could happen in your life. It happened."
(More tears roll down Beverly's face, but she manages to stay strong, as she now directly addresses her son.)
BEVERLY: "Brian, everyone is so concerned, really worried, so please, come back home. You are very loved, Brian, and we miss you. Our hearts are breaking. Please come home. We love you so much..."
(Beverly finally breaks down and cries uncontrollably. Cosma keeps sticking needles into her voodoo dolls, but ROD looks to be very angry as he hugs Beverly.)
ROD: "Logan, look what you did to this loving mother. You took her first-born away from her! Low has never been a saint, but what he did to you at Classic was within the realm of what happens inside a professional wrestling ring. You? You overdid it two weeks ago. I hope for your safety that Low returns to our side by Sunday Night Shock, or you will understand what a mother whose heart is breaking is willing and able to do."
(The scece fades to black.)
That's all the local and fedaral authorities have authorized us to publish to the public for now. Stay tuned for more updates on the explosion as we're awaiting word on if this explosion is suspicious or not.
- AWA_Online
Copyright AWA 2007
-- Posted by Robert