AWA Online!

AWA SUNDAY NIGHT SHOCK, November 20, 2005, El Paso, TX; Don Haskins Center

(The Viewer Discretion warning comes up and remains for a number of seconds, then it slowly fades and we find ourselves back one week looking at the very arena where Last man standing took place. We see a number of highlights from the first few matches on the card, first we see the appearance of Dustin Dread Dread, and then his subsequent domination of the final few members of the Hog Pen match. The highlights of the very entertaining Low Rules match betwen Jeff Christianson and Brian Stevens. FIrst we see a few of the high points in the match, some of the technical expertise that both both portrayed, and then we move to the near finish where Stevens hits the "Perfect Plex" and as he does teh footage slows down toa crawl as the refs hand hits the mat twice then the bell rings not even a second before it can hit for the third time. We watch the confusion as things speed back up to normal pace and then finally we hear the Ring Announcer announce Christianson as the winner by decision. We see the events that take place after the match between DW and the returning John Rourke and the chaos that is about to ensue.)

(This quickly fades to scenes of Quade DeSade finishing off Rawstarr to claim the No Limits Title, and all of the events that unfolded in relation to this, the match itself Dark Warrior poking his nose into the NL title picture. These scenes fade right into the sheet of ice where the Canadian Death Match took place. We se many spots from this great match, with the four men ripping each other appart, and fianlly in slow motion we see the vicious chair shot attack by the Canucks on John Williams and the victory that this attack resulted in, we see elation on the faces of the Canucks as we slowly fade.)

HS: "Ladies and gentlemen, at King Of The Kage, Whisper defeated Andreas Lasiewicz en route to winning the AWA World Heavyweight title. The two met again in a match including Low at Overpower, and we all know how this turned out. At the end of the Steel Cage Match between Low and Lasiewicz, which originally included Whisper as well, Whisper attacked both men, crucifying them to the cage. Tonight, Lasiewicz is out for revenge in the first-ever Cages, Cuffs & Crosses Match."

FJ: "But let's not forget that Whisper is the future owner of the AWA. Whisper has been very quiet since last facing Lasewicz, only speaking to foreshadow the end of the AWA... which came... and went... and is now coming again along with Whisper."

HS: "And as soon-"

(Hail to the Chief interrupts Herb.)

HS: "Oh my!"

FJ: "What is HE doing-"

(From the entrance, in his ring attire, comes Whisper. The crowd boos loudly as Whisper makes his way to the ring. He rolls in grabbing a microphone. He starts to talk, but the crowd boos louder as a briefcase bearing Justin comes scampering down the ramp. Whisper talks over the crowd as Justin approaches.)

WHISPER: "Now, now... don't shoot the messenger. Just because Justin here has my 51% control of the company, that's no reason to-"

(Justin reaches Whisper and whispers something into his ear. Whisper's smile quickly fades.)

WHISPER: "What do you MEAN 49%?"

(Justin says something else and Whisper seems to become enraged.)

WHISPER: "Who could have the pull and the money to buy the other 51%!?"

JUSTIN: "Ah-ah-Actually, the other person only got 49% too. Keiko kept 2% so neither of you has a controlling stake since you're both active wrestlers."

WHISPER: "Who!? Who is the other-"

("Drink New Blood" hits the speakers. Whisper bares his teeth in the flashing lights and looks at the ramp. Low steps through with World title in one hand, and some official looking papers in the other. The crowd cheers and begins chants of "Whisper sucks" at the same time. Whisper shakes his head in irate disbelief. Low holds up the papers and the World title. The crowd cheers louder. Whisper is on the ropes now leaning towards Low, mouthing "those are both mine", but Low just smiles and backs through the entrance way.)

WHISPER: "Oh no, you DON'T, you son of a bitch!"

HS: "I don't think I've ever seen Whisper lose it like this."

WHISPER: "You may be able to play your games to steal MY World Championship at Classic, but you won't play those games in my business dealings. Give me back my company! Get your ass out here!"

(The crowd begins cheering loudly.. almost louder than they had for Low... and we see why. Andreas Lasiewicz is in the ring behind Whisper... waiting and watching...)

WHISPER: "I will bury this company! I will seal it's fate! At Wrestlefest, Low, you and I will end this the way it deserves to be ended. I challenge you for your share of this company so I can shut it down..."

(Whisper is yelling over the cheering crowd now.)

WHISPER: "No, I don't challenge you to anything, as a majority shareholder I'm MAKING the match. And while I'm at it, if The Fish doesn't beat you tonight, I'm going to shove that World title right... down... your throat."

(Whisper turns around into a Peacemaker that knocks the microphone out of Whisper's hand and Whisper goes to the mat. Whisper gets hit so hard, JUSTIN falls down, dropping the briefcase and rolling out of the ring. Lasiewicz motions for the cage to be lowered. We see as the cage comes down, there is a small brown bag hanging on the cage door.)

HS: "It looks like the 3 C Match has begun!"

(We see the 3C match begin and we see both men take the action to the other. Many high points in the match flash across the screen before finaly we see Andreas Lassiewicz cuff Whisper to the cage and watch as the cage is raised into the air crucifying Whisper and making Lassiewicz the victor. In from here we fad again this time to Keiko Ono standing in the center of the ring.)

ONO: "The time has come for yet another bombshell. Don't worry, everybody will learn what the repercussions of Low and Whisper purchasing 98% of the AWA will be soon enough, but now it is time for me to announce that the American Wrestling Alliance offices in the U.S. have been completely restructured. The offices located in Manhattan will have many of its positions split with the newly reopened offices located in Little Rock, Arkansas, not to mention Tokyo, Japan. This restructuring is to appease our investors by ensuring that President Gray is not allowed to have his hands in more than what his job description entails."

HS: "She's got to be kidding."

FJ: "Shhhhh, Herb, our boss is talking."

HS: "Well, who the hell IS our boss? Ono? Gray? Whisper? Low?"

ONO: "I have had a very tough decision to make in deciding who would be running the Little Rock offices. Many professionals of all levels were suggested at a board meeting earlier in the week. However, one nominee was deemed far superior than all others. This man has more knowledge of the AWA, both inside the ring, and in the corporate realm than anyone else. I will not dishonor this great man by detailing his many accomplishments... instead allow me to introduce the official head of the AWA offices in Arkansas..."

"The returning legend..."

"The former AWA World Heavyweight Champion."

"The AWA Hall Of Famer."

"The first-ever AWA Triple Crown Champion."

"Ladies and gentlemen, 'The Man That May Just End Your Career'




("Blood and Whiskey" by the Dropkick Murphys blasts throughout the Nishigaoka Soccer Stadium, as the fans in attendance jump to their feet, cheering loudly at the return of the Hall of Famer. Lars, dressed in a nice gray suit with his signature black leather jacket over the suit coat, calmly walks through the curtains. A large smirk emerges on his face, as he soaks in all of the applause. We hear the words of Lars and then we slow down again as Lars make a deal with the devil shaking the hand of Ono with a devilish smile on his face.)

HS: "No Damnit, NO!"

(Again fading this time to a close up shot of the United States Title in the hands of the referee, we hear the bell and the highlights of this match begin to fly fast and furious. We see the incredible action with both men nearly gaining the victory a number of itmes, but finally we see Cynder nailsa running Incynderator and we see NHLs head strike the turnbuckle hard, which results in the Cynder victory.)

HS: “He did it! He did it! He fought off both Stevens and NHL and finally, Cynder has won the AWA United States Heavyweight Championship!”

FJ: “This is hogwash!”

(The scene of Cynders triumph slowly fades and we then see both Low and The Fish make their way into the ring, and then the action of the match begins, we see a number of highlights of the match, both men giving it their all, both using everything they can to assure that they are the one that leaves as the AWA World Champion. The match moves along and we see both men with their in ring tributes to Eddie Guerrero. The action continues until we see both men swing and take the other out with their respetive WORLD titles, and both men crumple to the floor and stay there. Finally we see the referee call for the bell and we hear the crowd begin to react.)

HS: ”Boooo!”

FJ: ”Indeed.”

HS: ”The referee is ruling this match a draw via a double-knock out. We can only assume that this means both guys will stay Champions.”

FJ: ”And more importantly, both guys will stay WORLD Champions!”

HS: ”And, of course, they are also the AWA Tag Team Champions.”

(The referee really has nothing left to do, as both guys are already holding their respective singles belts. Both are now slowly getting up, using the ropes for leverage. As they stand, their eyes meet. The fans begin to cheer and applaud. This is the last scene we see as we slowly fade to black.)

(Shortly after our black screen dissapears and a New AWA SHock video begins to play and the Shock theme accompanies it. The video and theme play through and upon finishing the screen slowly fades to black and then to the back stage area at the Don Haskins Center where we see Keiko Ono arriving at the arena with a large entourage around her. She moves through the hall and dissapears around a corner and as she does we fade to the arena floor. The stadium appears to be packed once again and the atmosphere is electric. We see a number of signs in the crowd, some Pro AWA some Anti AWA. We see a full swing of the arena before finally we end up at the brodcast center with Herb and Frank.)

HS: "Hello Wrestling Fans, and Welcome to AWA SUPER SHOCK at the Don Haskins Center in El Paso Texas. What a night we have lined up for you here tonight, and I am sure adding to what we already know will be a few surprises."

FJ: "I am sure you are right, so much up in the air right now."

HS: "Well we can only hope that tonight will bring some clarity. Folks if you missed Last Man Standing you missed the fact that we the supporters of the AWA Are at war. Our livelyhood has been challenged, and the bastards that wish our demise seem to get stronger by the minute, but we may just have a saving grace, I just hope the men that have decided to fight for what they love are able to hold of the surge of this faction of Anti AWA Superstars."

FJ: "Well I am sure we will see alot of what is to come tonight. The return of Shane Solomon and Lars Fredrickson two AWA Legends, and they will be going one on one in the middle of the ring."

HS: "Not to mention our superstar main event with Low, The Fish and New United States Champion Cynder taking on The apparent leader of this movement to destroy us, Whisper, who will be backed by Damage Inc."

FJ: "Add to that John Williams taking on Andreas Lassiewicz. Williams has got to want to prove that he is still among the top dogs here in the AWA, and Andreas Lassiewicz is looking to build on an impressive win against Whisper last Sunday night at Last Man Standing."

HS: "All of this and more, and it will all start NEXT!"

(As we are about to cut to commercial we cut to the back to show Whisper and Justin ariving at the arena the briefcase with the control of AWA Forms still locked in his hand. He does not glance up at the camera, just cruises by and around the corner out of the line of sight.)

****************COMMERCIAL BREAK******************

(We return from commercial to the backstage area, the cameras find Larry Porter standing beside an unknown wrestler. The stranger is dressed in black pants, a dark blue shirt, and a sleeveless black bomber jacket. He pushes a pair of round sunglasses a little further up the bridge of his nose.)

LP: "This is Larry Porter backstage with one of the new talents hired by Keiko Ono, Nicholas Pride. Nicholas, how does it feel to back in El Paso, Texas, where I understand you have quite a bit of personal history."

(Nicholas turns to glare at Larry, eyes hardening behind the tinted glass.)

NICHOLAS PRIDE: "You don't understand anything about my past, Porter. My personal history is just that: personal. What may or may not have happened here years ago isn't important. What is important is what will happen here tonight."

LP: "I ... I'm sorry. Are you upset that you're not scheduled to compete here tonight?"

NICHOLAS PRIDE: "No. I don't need to be scheduled in order to fight. But I figure that inactivity won't reflect well on the upper management. Tonight, I'm going to show them just what they got when they hired me."

LP: "Who's going to be on the business end of your showcase?"

NICHOLAS PRIDE: "Someone who deserves to be."

(Nicholas turns away and stalks down the hall, leaving Larry to continue to wonder. We then fade back to the floor and the announce table)

HS: "Ladies and Gentlemen as we spoke of earlier, the AWA as you know it has changed, and maybe forever. Last night at Last man Standing we learned that Whisper had purchased 49% of this company. Now it could have been worse, his original intention was to purchase 51% and destroy the AWA, but his plan was foiled when Low himself also purchase 49% ownership, leaving the creator of all of these problems, Keiko Ono with a 2% ownership. Now it is clear where Whisper Ono and Low stand, but not much more is known other than that. But I am sure that there are some peope ou there that will not sit back and just watch this happen."

(Suddenly the arena goes completely dark, and "Anthem for the Year 2000" begins to blast over the soundsystem. A single red spotlight appears at the entrance, and Chris Kage appears in the middle of it. Kage has the Texas State flag slung over his shoulder. He surveys the crowd for a moment, red and white pyro technics go off from side to side in front of him. Kage strolls down the aisle and slides into the ring with the Texas flag still over his shoulder. He begins to address the crowd.)

KAGE: "El Paso Texas! *Kage raises the flag high into the air* Finally Chris Kage gets to make his debut here in the AWA. And isn't it just perfect that I get to have this match in a place like El Paso! *cheap pop* The reason it is so perfect you see, is the fact that I am wrestling three of the biggest piles of trash this industry has ever seen...So of course what better place to take out the trash...than in the shit hole of the United States....El Paso, Texas! *Kage smirks at the boos he is now recieving* As for this little flag right here...well I found it backstage and thought I should give it the treatment it so greatly deserves..."

(Kage takes a lighter from his pocket and lights to corner of the Lonestar state's flag. Quickly the flag erupts into flames and Kage throws it to the ring side ground. Security guards quickly come and try and stomp out the flames. Kage slides out of the ring and begins looking under ring apron for something. A few moments go by as Kage drags something out. He quickly jumps back in the ring and we see that what he grabbed from underneath the ring was...was...a Japanese Flag?! Kage begins waving it back and forth as the boos rain down on him.)

KAGE: "You want it is! Word to the wise...don't f*ck with people who write the checks."

(Kage slams the mic down and begins to head back up the aisle, waving the flag back and forth to a chorus of boos)

HS: “I cannot believe the audacity of this guy, he thinks he can just come in here and disrespect these people?!”

FJ: “I'm impressed...that my friend is how you make an entrance here in the AWA.”

HS: "Well he might live to regret it, since he is scheduled to be in action like right now.

(Kage dissapears behind the curtain, and as he does

************SUMMARY***************(The match starts out with everyone giving it their all trying to impress, but Dustin Dread seems to be above and beyond most of the rest, Everyone gets their shots in and has a decent showing, but the majority of the offense comes from Chris Kage and Dustin Dread, with Dread winning in the end pinning Amplus.)

(Things are just calming down in the ring when suddenly, Nicholas Pride comes out from the crowd, immediately blasting Dustin Dread and Iceman with big shots from a steel chair, laying both superstars out. Chris Kage runs in for a clothesline on Nicholas, but he avoids the arm and hooks Kage in for a Side Effect-type maneuver onto the steel chair. As Nicholas is getting up, Postulo Amplus takes the opportunity to lay the boots to him. He hauls the stunned assailant to his feet and goes to whip him into the ropes. But the bigger and fresher Nicholas stops his momentum, pulls Postulo towards him, and wraps the cruiserweight up in a standing chickenwing lock. With authority, Nicholas sweeps his legs out and twists Postulo into a violent facebuster onto his knee. Nicholas looks out at the carnage he's created without expression. He kicks Postulo and Kage out of the ring before positioning Dread on top of Iceman with the chair sandwiched in between them. Nicholas ascends to the top turnbuckle and leaps high into the air, crashing down onto Dread with both elbows. Satisfied with the mayhem created, Nicholas rolls out of the ring, gaze turned inward as "Tell Me" by Ra plays on the sound system.)

HS: "Well, that was totally uncalled for I hope he gets whats coming to him."

FJ: "Well, atleast he delivers on his words, he said he would show us what he is all about, and that he did, and did this guy say he was hired by Keiko Ono?"

HS: "He did, but I don't know exactly what he meant by that, bt he would definately be a valuable comodity for either side of this war.

(We slowly fade from the announce table to a wonderful tribute video of Eddie Guerrero, we see highlights of the many stages of his career. We see him in his early days in broken down arena's, and we see himn in WCW, as well as ECW, and Ring of Honor, we see highlights from matches with Chris Benoit, Rey Mysterio, Chavo Jr, and Dean Malenko, amongst others, and finally the scene fades with the picture of eddie and his family all smiles and the Caption "You will Remain in our Hearts Always." As the video fades out we find ourselves back stage once again. The camera moves up to a partially open door backstage at The Don Haskins Center and the closer it gets the clearer a chilling but calm voice can be heard as the camera picks up the movement of people move back and forth beyond the door.)

"I am not your friend Low. It is well documented what happens to those who can count The Legendary Low among their friends."

(There is some muffled response to the declaration but with the door blocking the way the camera mic is unable to pick up on the other half of the conversation.)

"Look, while the AWA is up and runnng I get what I want."

"You just make sure that no one decides to 'change my mind' while I am out there tonight and I will make sure that No Limits title keeps being the crowd pleaser it has been."

The hand of the camraman comes into view and tries to gently push the door open just a little bit more...Then....The door slams denying the casual evesdropper any further information. And with the slamming of the door the scene fades to commercial.

***************COMMERCIAL BREAK*******************

We return from commercial and as we do we see John Williams arriving at the arena he is clad in a pair of torn up blue jeans and a black I BLEED AWA T-Shirt. He makes his way down a hall were he spots Keiko Ono having a discussion with a number of men in black suites, Williams just shakes his head as an angry look forms on his face, he is about to move toward the woman but decides instead to just move on and enter his dressing room

HS: "Well, I guess it is very clear were John Williams alignment stands."

FJ: "What ever would give you an idea like that Summers?"

HS: "I just wonder how he and Low will get along, they have never really been to close, infact, for as long as I can remember they have never been on good terms."

FJ: "Yes, but they now have a common goal, and that might just be enough to stop them from wanting to tear into each other."

HS: "Well, you might be right there, but enough about that for now, its time we get to our next match, and it should be an interesting one, two new comers to the AWA taking on two men on a huge high after a massive upset win last Sunday night at Last Man Standing."

(The sound of a gavel striking twice cues in "Keep Away" by Godsmack. When the rifts pick up, The Judge enters the arena with no special lights or pyro. He walks to the ring with determination. He walks up the steps and steps through the middle and top ropes just his partner, Cramer appears from behind the curtain and stands for a few seconds on the stage looking left and right around the arena. He throws his fists up in the air while Spit it Out by slipkno and pyrotechnics explode behind him. Cramer then makes his way to the ring and slides under the bottom rope. Standing in the middle of the ring, he throws his fists up in the air once again before slipping his shirt over his head and throwing it into the crowd. Cramer and Mental barely have time to confer when Give It All by Rise Against starts playing. Both Terry and XTJ come out, Terry to the right end of the stage and XTJ to the left. They go to the very edge of each side and waves a Canada and a Quebec flag. XTJ stops for a momnent and seems just a little emotional as he lowers his flag to touch the stage placing one hand over his heart in a fisted sallute.)

FJ: Extreme Jeff taking a time out ahead of this match tonight. Some have called into question the presence of The Cannucks at all?

HS: Well I think he deserve some credits to show up today after his friend's death under tragic circumstances.

(The two walk down the ramp and slide under the bottom rope into the ring. >They then spring up and go to top of the turnbuckles in front of them. Terry goes to the right and waves his flag, then perches it on the top rope>as XTJ does the same on the left and they turn their attention to the opponents across the ring. The Ref calls the bell and it is XTJ to start off against Cramer; Cramer rain down on XJT with a whole lot of punches forcing Jeff back , but before he is within arms reach of Terry James, Cramer pulls XTJ back into the middle of the ring with a belly to belly suplex and covers for an amazing 2-count!)

FJ: Jeff taking his time with that one, and being led back to his feet now as Cramer backs up and tags in Judge Mental...

(Yanking Jeff's head back sharply and locking in a half-nelson Cramer exposes him to kick in the gut. Cramer takes some verbal from the ref as Mental goes to work on XTJ with a series of Right Jabs to his Face. Jeff dodges one by grabing the arm is quick to twist around Mental and lock in with the left trapping Judge Mental in a Full Nelson. Then the Judge is dumped in a sundering Slam to the mat. Jeff doesn't even go through the formalities of the pin, and instead makes his way to the Cannuck corner to tag in Terry James. James seems to question the move but XTJ shrugs the question off. Seeing that Mental is recovering quickly James stomps on Judge a few time before hitting the ropes and smashing into Mentals back with a Dropkick. Terry James rolls in the pin and the ref counts 1! ... 2!.... Kickout by Mental Terry pulls him to his feet and leads his man to the ropes and uses Irish Whips him across the ring. Judgemental ducks the awaiting forearm and hits the ropes a second time and connects with a Clothesline of his own. It is Terry's turn to be pulled from the mat and snt into the ropes. Mental is waiting and grabs Terry's head looking for the Reverse DDT but James twist sharply to right himself and shove Mental to the ropes. the timing is right as James leaps and catches Mental by the head catapulting him across the ring from a Hurricanrana.)

FJ: Terry James making up for the phoned in effort of his Quebecian partner Extreme Jeff who does not even seem to be interested in the progress being made on his behalf!

(James charges in but it is feint as he blast Cramer from the apron courtesy of a prejudicial ForeArm Smash.)

HS: XJT still in the Cannuck corner though, he is here for his friend and partner despite the passing away of long time friend Patrick Venne. Our prayers go out to that family this evening.

(Playing to the fans with an Arm Wrench, Terry James walks his opponent around the ring while every now and the jarring it inside the stressed joints. Taking hime to the cannuck corner James works the Arm Wrench real slow one more time bring Mental to his knees befor tagging in XTJ. Extreme Jeff stomps on the twisted elbow, and Mental thrashes while cradling the tortured limb but XTJ is seems to be in no mood for mercy as he pulls that very arm free of Mentals care and yanks him upright and into an Irish Whip to the turnbuckle. The follow up is a running Elbow Smash. And another Irish Whip, across the full ring this time nad Judge Mental hits the post head on recoiling backwards into Bulldog, and a pin. Cramer obviously POed from Jameses blow breaks up the count before two giving his partner a moment to recover as XTJ rolls clear cradling his head. Jeff is up soon enough though and all over Cramer's partner with stomp after stomp before bring Mnetal back up for another toss to the ropes. Mental with enough awarenes to to dack and hit XTJ with a Flying Crossbody on the rebound, and both men go down.)

HS: A desperate move there by Judge Mental who has been doing hard time in that ring for most of this match-up.

FJ: Extreme Jeff with an opportunity to capatilize and bring the win home for the Canucks.

(Again it seems that XTJ is going for the tag, but Terry James is shouting at his partner pointing out the prone Mental. Jeff covers Mental but somehow he is able to kickout. Wether out of frustration or concern Terry James enters and directs XTJ to the ropes. the ref intercedes and begins to give James the count as Cramer screams from his corner. Terry James whips mental to ropes, and Delivers a Superkick!)

HS: The Judge alsmost lost his head with that one!!

FJ: But looky here Jeff is at the ropes and you know what is comming next....

(Jeff launches, Cramer charges into the ring, James intecepts Cramer and they start exchanging desperate blows. XTJ lands the Moonsault, and the ref is torn as Jeff curls up from the impact and Mental seems out of it. The ref breaks up the duel between Terry and Cramer. Placing Jmaes back in the Cannuck corner Terry 'The Storm' James tries to direct the ref's attention to XTJ as he painful pulls himself across the fallen Judge Mental and somehow hooks the leg. Finally the ref turns to see the pin and slides in. 1!... 2!... 3! Terry James runs into the ring to help his partner to his feet and shoves the ref away to raise his partners hand in victory.)

HS: "Another big win by The Canucks, and they are making quite the case for themselves in the Tag Team division"

(James and XTJ exit the ring and begin to make their way up the ramp as the scene fades to commercial.)

****************COMMERCIAL BREAK*****************

(We return from the commercial and find ourselves staring at Larry Porter who is standing outside the dressing room of John Williams.)

LP: "I have been specifically requested to be here by John Williams, I can only assume he has somethign important to say."

(Porter knocks softly on the dressing room door then takesa step back. He waits for a moment but nothign happens, he then reaches ou and knocks once more, and again steps back waiting, but again nothign happens. He is just about to reach out and knock again when a large hand reaches ou from out of the scenet and rests on his shoulder. This causes Porter to jump in fright, and then turn around to adress whomever has appeared behind him. As Porter spins we pan over to find John Williams standing there with a grin on his face. Porter takes a moment to regain his composure before he begins to address Williams.)

LP: "You scared the hell out of me, I was expecting you to b..."

(Porter is cut off as Williams raises a finger in a quiet down motion.)

JOHN WILLIAMS: "You need to relax Larry, a man your age, you are looking at a heart attack if you don't chill out a bit. Although the look on your face was priceless."

(With these words stopping the grin on Williams face fades and is replaced by an intense stare, almost as if he were staring right through Porter whom he is looking at.)

JOHN WILLIAMS: "But the time for laughter is now over. There are many more important things going on right now to be worried about whether or not you wet your pants. Now as I am sure everyone can figure out these things directly relate to the treachery that is currently taking place in the AWA. It makes me literally sick to my stomach to think that there are people out there that actually want to see the demise of the AWA and all of its superstars. But that is not the worst of it, it almost killed me to find out that peopel I have known for so long are looking for the same thing, and yes Whisper I am talking to you, you can choose to ignore me for now, but rest assured once I am finished you will not be able to ignore me, when my plan goes into motion, you will have no choice but to step up and meet me head on."

(Williams turns his attention away from Larry Porter and now with an intense stare he focuses on the camera, and when he does so we can see the passion and intensity in his eyes.)

JOHN WILLIAMS: "I am here right now to say that I am not the washed up FORMER WORLD CHAMPION that everyone seems to think I am, I assure the world that I am still as mentally and physically able to hang with absolutely anyone that happens to cross my path. Now you don't have to believe me at this exact moment in time, but once I reveal my little surprise tonight, and bury Andreas Lassiewicz, the world will have no choice but to take notice of the fact that John Williams is back like never before, and once that happens, the names on the list will be taken out one by one."

WILLIAMS: "Each and every individual that decides that they wish to join Whisper and work towards the demise of this company will become public enemy number !. I don't care who they are, be it Keiko Ono, or be it Lars Fredrickson, or be it Whisper himself, I will do whatever I have to, to ensure that the AWA remains strong, and never dies."

WILLIAMS: "Like I said one by one they will fall, I dont care if it happens inside the ring, or in an alley out behind the arena, evetually each and every traitor will have to pay for their mistakes. SO let this be a warning to anyone who is thinking of commiting said treason, think about it long and hard, and make sure that the risk is worth the reward in your eyes, because should you cross that line, you are in for a war, a war like no other the world has witnessed."

"It starts right now, and if I have to go through each and every person by myself I will, but very soon Whisper, it will all end and..."

(Williams pauses as the volume of his voice lowers almost to a whisper.)

JOHN WILLIAMS: "It ends with you!"

We remain focused on the now silent Williams who still stares intensly into the camera, then with these strong words and verbal Declaration of War we cut back to the floor, and as we do 'Sadness' by Enigma reverbs from the speakers; heavy industrial chords highlight the latin Gregorian chant. Then in a moment respite only the heavy, sighing breath of an unseen woman can be heard.

The Lights in the audtorium are extinguished.

And like a burning brimstone flood letters spelling the name QUADE DESADE form a fiery cruciform logo; and the harsh tempo resumes and the monks begin again their mantra. Bathed in the flaming incandesence of his fiery cross Quade deSade stands at the top of the ramp.

Quade makes his way down towards the ring uncaring of the passionate 'haters' amonmg the AWA fans.

He takes his time entering the ring, looking over the the ringside shadows thrashing at the security barriers, waving their banners and shourting their chants; Quade smiles a cold crocodile smile before ducking through the ropes and accepting a microphone.

DESADE: "So...."

DESADE: "Is this the end of the American Wrestling Alliance!?"

(The crowd boos. The chanting rises 'A-W-A! ... A-W-A! ... A-W-A! ... A-W-A!...')

DESADE: "Critics and fanatics lend me your ears. I come out here tonight not condemn The AWA nor to bury it. But I know one man who would: JEFF CHRISTIANSON .... THE DARK WARRIOR!!!"

(The cold crocodile smile broadens even further as the hate for the first time ever in American Wrestling Alliance history switches from The Fiery Cross. The chants of the die hard Dark Warrior fans are still loud. Which seems to only fuel deSades reverie in the ring.)

DESADE: "I am not going to lie to you, I am not your friend. I am not your hero, I am not your champion inspite of the fact that I stand here tonight before you all wearing The AWA No Limits belt and bearing the title AWA No Limits Champion. I am however Quade deSade " The Fiery Cross and that means far more than the prestige of any title belt!"

DESADE: "Now, two men are going to come down that ramp later tonight that have different goal but a shared purpose: to take this belt from and to called The No Limits Champion. To do that they have to beat me ... no, pardon me that is over simplifying it. They are going have to break me, bleed me dry, stake me out, call a preist for my last rights and commit my soul deep because nothing short of that will deny my continuing this reign as an AWA champion and if that means flying in the faces of likes of Dark Warrior, Whisper, Rawstarr then here I stand!!"

DESADE: "I have never taken well to being 'a team player.' I have never 'played well with other. ' I am the man who has season after season taken pride in stating 'each fight is my fight alone. Each victory and each defeat is mine alone!' That, is still the truth, and there are no 'buts' about that!"

DESADE: "I will not change who I am and if that means standing against the odds by myself; well I have done that before and won. If other stand with me, it will not be the first time. If it means I have to fight to keep the AWA alive; THEN ... HERE ... I ... STAND!!"

(Quade throws down the mic. The reaction of the crowd is mixed, even confused as he slides out under the bottom rope and heads out of the arena to beat of his own music, and as he dissapears our scene fades us to commercial.)

*************COMMERCIAL BREAK****************

HS: "Folks Quade DeSade just made it known that he is not a big fan of Dark Warrior, and he all but called Christianson out on joining the other side."

FJ: "Yeah, well as far as I am concerned there has never been any love lost between those two, they have always seemed to hate each other."

HS: "That is quite true, and usually when they tangle it results in a messy situation, so if that means anything about later tonight then the crowd will get their moneys worth in that No Limits Title match."

FJ: "That match will be great."

(We quickly cut to the back and as the cameras roam among the AWA employees backstage it is more than a little obvious the mood is intense. There is chatter at every corner where memebers of the numerous departments can be seen exchanging the latest gossip and sightings of the the AWA roster members. There is an obvious energy. Excitment, anticipation, anxiety, euphoria run rampant and in few people the stress has obviously overwhelmed them as tears are shed and bravado at what the future may threaten stoke the embers of speculation. Quade deSade steps out of his changing room and adjusts the fedora and rolls his shoulders inside the heavy tailoring of his old but faithfull trailcoat. Nearby chatter dies as The AWA: No Limits champion looks around him as if expecting a challenge like he was some cowboy stepping out on to the high street of an old west town. Quade throws the belt over his shoulder completing the psuedo-image of a gunslinger plus bandalir heading out sometime before high-noon. People don't move out of the way as they might have once did. Instead the backstage employees who were once the victims of Quade deSades action seem to watch as he strolls down the hallway.)

A silence desends which stops Quade in his tracks. Looking around himself he sees the reason for the stalled breathing of the backstage crew....

Jeff Christianson...

(Words are exchanged and suddenly the two men charge each other scattering the would be audience oin all directions while deSade and Christianson hammmer on each other with furious violence. Quade take an elbow the face which spins him awa from Dark Warrior. Dabbing the trickle og blood seeping from huis top lip he spots his opponent looking for a weapon, Quade raises the AWA No Limits belt haigh charges. Jeff turns just in time to pull up a steel chair blocking the blunt force behind Quade's belt but not the kentic force as both men are carrier through a set of two way doors just missing a forklift truck just about to pass through. Jeff staggers from the impact while Quade pulls himself from the warehouse floor, discarding the belt. Jeff compensates to swing the steel chair down on the prone deSade but only meets empty concrete floor. The cavernous chamber echoes with the sound of steel on stone.)

(Getting to his knees Quade takes a glancing blow to his back sending him staggering from The Dark Warrior. Propping himself up on a stack of pallets Quade turns to meet the assault; blocking with a half effort Big Kick deSdae manages to back Jeff away for only a second as he comes in hard slicing the chair towards Quade side, Almost instinctivelt Quade grabs the beam of the topmost pallet and slides it clear of the pile into Dark Warrior. Lifting the pallet again Quade charges into Jeff Christianson with the broad side forward catching him off balance. Quade falls after Dark Warrior unable to release hsi grip on the unweildy wooden tray soon enough. Scrabbling along the to of the pallet Quade catche DW caught under the makeshift ram and start laying the blows. No sooner has Quade drawn blood of his from Jeff Christianson then AWA security swamps the scene pulling The Fiery Cross clear of a cussing Dark Warrior)

HS: "What did we just finish saying, there is something about those two, and it always results in soemthing like that."

FJ: "That was great Summers, a little bonus action, you have to love it."

HS: "Well folks the action out here must go on as well."

FJ: "Ha, Ha, this is going to be funny"

(“Falling Down” by Breaking Point starts to play. A few seconds after his entrance music begins, Logan walks out from the entryway. As he walks down to the ring he glances around at the crowd and high fives the spectators along the walkway. He climbs the ring steps and goes between the top and second rope, then walks around to each side of the ring encouraging the crowd to respond. Logan removes his jacket and drops it to the outside of the ring, while waiting for his opponent.)

HS: “Logan was the winner of the first ever Arkansas Hog Pen match at Last Man Standing last Sunday. He threw three other men into that hog pen, after taking many blows and losing a lot of blood. But, how will he fair against a man who has been dominant in the AWA, Brain Williams?”

(“Harvester of Sorrow” by Metallica blares over the PA system and the lights go out. As the ominous opening chords begin to build, after a long pause, a single deep blue light falls on the ramp way. Smoke billows from the entrance creating an ominous haze. From within the haze we see the seven foot monster’s silhouette as he pauses, The dense mist follows Williams all the way to the ring until he steps over the top rope, looking directly into the eyes of Logan.)

HS: “Both these men look ready for a fight tonight!”

FJ: “It doesn’t matter if they are both ready because Brian Williams is going to squash this little bug he is facing! He has 139 lbs and 1’2” on Logan!”

HS: “Logan has proved he can do well in situations that require unconventional wrestling, so he might just have a chance here.”

(The bell rings and a stare down commences. Logan breaks it by rushing forward at the 7 foot monster. Williams goes for a clothesline, but Logan ducks under it and applies a hammerlock. Williams quickly forces Logan off with his superior strength, causing Logan to fly backwards into the ropes. Logan bounces off into the hand of Williams, which is now clasped firmly around his neck. Logan looks as if he is going to get hit by a chokeslam, but kicks Williams in the side before he can be lifted into the air. Williams’ hold on his neck loosens enough for Logan to escape. Logan quickly bounces off the ropes and dropkicks the monster in the side of the knee, causing his leg to collapse to the mat. Logan then bounces off the ropes again and hits a dropkick to the side of Williams’ head. But, the monster does not fall over. Instead he gets up quickly and stares at the confused Logan who bounces off the ropes again. This time, however, he is met with a throat thrust that sends him flying into the corner!)

HS: “What a display of strength by Williams! Taking a dropkick to the head, then launching Logan into the corner with a throat thrust!”

FJ: “Williams is too much for Logan! Its only a matter of time before this match will be over.”

(Williams goes over to Logan in the corner and starts pounding him with closed fists to the face. The ref goes over and tells Williams to stop, but he doesn’t. The ref gets to the four count before Williams stops and lifts Logan out of the corner and into a military press as if Logan weighed nothing at all! The seven foot monster then slams down Logan with great force, causing Logan to arc his back in pain after impact. Brian does not stop there however as he steps over to Logan’s legs and applies a standing figure four leg lock!)

HS: “Figure four from an awkward position being applied on Logan here. Will he tap?”

FJ: “Of course he will! He is in the middle of the ring and there is no way he’s breaking out of that hold with such a size disadvantage.”

(Williams continues to apply pressure as Logan writhes around in pain. His shoulders lay on the mat. 1…2…no! He struggles some more, but his shoulders go down again. 1…no! Logan won’t give up and with an amazing showing of strength and endurance he lifts himself up off the ground and twists his body, causing Williams to fall over and release the hold. Logan holds his legs in pain as he slowly gets up. Williams gets up to meet him and goes for a short-arm clothesline, but its countered into a giant backdrop on the giant man! Logan quickly gets over to Brian’s legs and applies a Figure Four leg lock of his own!)

HS: “It looks like the tables have turned on Brian Williams! He is now in a Figure Four leg lock and Logan does not look like he wants to let go!”

FJ: “Look! Williams is already powering out of the hold!”

(Sure enough, Williams is already turning Logan over to counter the move. He gets him over, but Logan quickly changes his hold around and grapevines while applying an ankle lock! Williams is showing some signs of pain and even he has trouble breaking out of the tight grapevine. His hand reaches up to tap, but he doesn’t. He starts shaking his head before screaming loudly and forcing himself up. With another amazing showing of his strength he flips over, causing Logan to fly out of the ring through the second ropes! Logan is getting up slowly outside the ring, but Williams is not moving very fast on the inside either.)

Ref: “One!….Two!....Three!....Four!...”

(Both men start to stir.)

Ref: “Five!....Six!”

(The ref stops his count as Logan gets up and rushes into the ring. Williams gets up at the same time and meets Logan with a shoulder block that sends Logan flying to the canvas. He tries to apply another standing Figure Four, but Logan will have nothing of it as he pushes the monster off with a powerful leg thrust. Williams stumbles back and rebounds off the rope into a sleeper hold from Logan!)

HS: “Sleeper hold applied by Logan! Can he put the monster to sleep?”

FJ: “Brian Williams will never go to sleep in a match!”

(Williams starts to fade as Logan applies more and more pressure on his neck. After a few seconds, however, he regains his power somehow and, for the second time of the match, just pushes Logan off his back. Logan bounces off the ropes and Brian Williams sets him up for the Blinded Fate! But, just as Williams is about to hit the deadly reverse DDT, Logan jumps up and causes Williams’ weight to shift forward. The giant monster falls forward into a Stryke Force from Logan!)

HS: “What a counter by Logan “Chaos Stryke” Alexander! This could be it!”

FJ: “No! Kick out Brian!”

(Logan covers Brian in a lateral press. 1…2…3! The match is over! But, all of a sudden, the ref sees Williams has his foot on the bottom rope and he calls for the match to continue!)

HS: “Wow! The match was going to end right there, but it looks like Williams’ long legs have come in handy!”

FJ: “Logan can’t beat Williams! I told you!”

(Logan gets up from the canvas quickly, waiting for Williams to rise. He stalks the monster and as soon as Williams gets to his feet Logan lifts him up for an Omega Stryke! Williams shifts his weight though and slips out of the hold, landing behind Logan. He locks his hands around Williams’ neck and hits a huge Full Nelson Slam!)

FJ: “Struggle Within! Williams has applied his deadly hold! This one is over!”

HS: “Logan must be in extreme pain! Will he tap and end the match?”

FJ: "NO, he made it to the ropes."

HS: “Just in the nick of time, this one nearly ended there!”

(Alexander climbs back to his feet only to get caught with a Brian Williams Right hand. Alexander fights back landing a right of his own, but as he swings for a second Williams side steps and boots him hard in the midsectio doubling Alexander over. Williams then locks a front face lock in then turns him over into a standing dragon sleeper.)


(Williams begins to drop into a reverse DDT and as he is falling drives the point of his elbow right into the face of Alexander.)

HS "Morbid Reality."

FJ: "Yes, and the Reality is that this one is over."

(Williams looks devilishly out into the crowd as he covers his opponent 1........................2...............................3)

HS: "Well another impressive victory by Brian Williams, but he was taken to the limit by Logan Alexander tonight, this kid just gave Brian Williams all he could handle."

FJ: "Yeah, he was impressive, but Williams had it in control all along."

HS: "Well I see a bright future here in the AWA for Logan Alexander."

***************COMMERCIAL BREAK****************

(We return from commercial and find ourselves in the back stage area where we see John Rourke pacing back and fourth in front of a plain white wall. He is clad in his black and blue “Rourke” fleece and a pair of dark slacks. His hair is getting a little bit shaggy, and where he used to be clean-shaven now grows a small goatee. He continues to pace back and fourth fuming mad until suddenly he stops to look at the camera.)

ROURKE: What more could I expect from the AWA? Sunday Night Super Shock… after the big return pay per view. Hell this show is almost as important as the pay per view itself! Where am I? Nowhere to be seen that’s where. I’m lucky I was even given this time to fill. And those are the exact words they used when they gave me this spot, “fill the time.” So me… Jonathan mother f-… well you know the word, Rourke is just filler. To the AWA staff I’m nothing more than that annoying damned wad of cotton in the aspirin bottle!

(John runs his fingers through his hair and starts to speak again, vividly using his hands to gesture with.)

ROURKE: It appears as if no matter who is in charge whether it be Travis, Ono, or those bastards Low and Whisper I will always be “over looked.” What do I have to do to get over in this damned company? Haven’t I proved enough to at least be booked? First week back and everything seems just like the old days. People talk of trouble in the AWA, but it looks like all is clear on the western front to me. I hear people talking around here about being on this side and that: “I’m with Low, he knows how to get things done!” “I’m with Whisper on this, the AWA needs to die!” Useless battle cries, all of’em! Do you think either of them actually cares about any of you? They sure as hell don’t about me. I’ll make it public right now; I’m not taking either side in this idiotic power play. You have both screwed me over in the past, and I’m sure as hell not going to trust you now. And since it looks like I’m not needed anymore here tonight, I’m gonna go find a hole in the wall bar and get piss faced.

(John produces a red and white pack of Marlboros from his pants pocket and begins to tap it against his palm as he walks out of view.)*****************

HS: "John Rourke seems a little displease with the AWA Brass Frank."

FJ: "Seems to me like he just enjoys whinning."

HS: "Well Rourke has what he must consider unfinished business against Jeff Christianson, and Rourke would likely enjoy the chance to finish it."

FJ: "Well he is lucky the AWA is keeping him away from Jeff, that would be bad for Rourke."

HS: "John Rourke can handle himself Frank, I just hope Dark Warrior can, the man seems to have a great number of enemies around here."

FJ: "Jeff will have no issues, in just a few moments he will dispatch of Rawstarr and Quade DeSade and take home the No Limits Title. Then if Rourke still wants a piece I am sure JC will find the time for him."

HS: "JC?"

FJ: "Yes Herb, Jeff would start with a J, and Christianson with a C. My god are you stupid."

HS: "Whatever, lets just get back to the action."

FJ: "What action? There is no....."

(Frank is cut off as the lights dime and blue lights start to gleam around the arena as Trapped by 2Pac blares over the PA. We see the former AWA No Limits Champion emerge from the back. He quickly arrives at the ring. He rolls in and throws his arms up. He takes a netural corner, and awaits the other two opponents.)

HS: "Rawstarr looks prepared for this match."

FJ: "Not prepared enough."

('Sadness' by Enigma reverbs from the speakers; heavy industrial chords highlight the latin Gregorian chant. Then in a moment respite only the heavy, sighing breath of an unseen woman can be heard. The Lights in the audtorium are extinguished. And like a burning brimstone flood letters spelling the name QUADE DESADE form a fiery cruciform logo; and the harsh tempo resumes and the monks begin again their mantra. Bathed in the flaming incandesence of his fiery cross Quade deSade stands at the top of the ramp. Enshrouded in the faded, travelworn trailcoat he stands staring out at the spotlighted ring. It is then that the love can be felt: Ignorant of the crowd on either side of him, deaf to the jeers and insults raining on him Quade walks unhurried and uncaring towards the ring. The bright banners dissing on him and cussing him don't attract his attention. His only reponse is the the seemingly perminant cold, crocodile grin which seems more for himself than for any wouldbe fan out there. He takes his coat off and slides in the ring.)

HS: "The Champion is ready to defend his title."

FJ: "Jeff Christianson is ready to end this feud. Let's see if Quade or Jeff wins the battle of the mind games."

HS: "Very interesting point."

(We now see clips flash up on the video screen as Respect My Game by Master P fades in. We now hear the crowd begin to boo heavily as we see the top of the stage with Jeff Christianson and Paige walking out. They both give a very arrogant smile as the crowd begins to intensely boo them out of the arena. He looks directly at the ring, while walking down the center of the aisle. Paige, He doesn't acknowledge the fans being at the event, never taking his eyes off of his two opponents in the ring. Paige on the otherhand, begins teasing the crowd. She walks over to the barricade as if she's going to let a fan touch her, and at the last second she backs up as if to say she's too good for that person. Jeff Christianson now stops at the bottom of the entrance. He walks over to the apron but de'Sade runs throwing a knee at him, as Christianson dropped back off.)

FJ: "Paige is looking as lovely as ever."

HS: "Jeff Christianson looks very focused tonight."

(The bell tolls as Jeff Christianson, on the outside, and Quade on the inside have words. Rawstarr goes for a quick roll up, but Jeff Christianson quickly slides in and breaks it up. de'Sade is back to his feet, begins trading punches with Christianson. Both men don't seem to be backing down. Rawstarr is back up, but both men take time to turn around and punch him, sending him outside of the ring. Christianson quickly knees de'Sade in the gut, and drops him with a DDT. Rawstarr pulls de'Sade out of the ring before Jeff Christianson can capitialize. Rawstarr, now has de'Sade up and hits a Rude Awakening. Jeff Christianson attempts to execute a baseball slide, but Rawstarr ducks down and Jeff Christianson slides out of the ring. Rawstarr now low blows Jeff Christianson, who falls in the entrance ramp. Rawstarr now picks de'Sade up, and applies a Full Nelson. de'Sade quickly counters this by running into the guardrail and turning around so Rawstarr's back hits it. Rawstarr falls to the ground, and de'Sade applies a Full Nelson to him. Jeff Christianson finally reaches his feet, and begins punching the stomach of Rawstarr while he's in the Full Nelson. Suddenly Rawstarr hits a Low blow on de'Sade, and pokes the eye of Jeff Christianson. Rawstarr then catches Jeff Christianson with a quick Super kick. Rawstarr quickly turns to de'Sade and drops a couple of elbows on him. Rawstarr picks him up, and they begin trading punches, with de'Sade getting the advantage. Rawstarr quickly gets a tumb to the eyes of de'Sade and de'Sade rolls in the ring before Rawstarr can do more damage. Rawstarr attempts to get in the ring, but Jeff Christianson pulls him off the apron and throws him head first into the ring stairs.)

HS: "Jeff Christianson took serious offense to that."

FJ: "Rawstarr was dominating the match up to that point."

(Jeff Christianson rolls into the ring, but is met with a barrage of boots by Quade de'Sade. de'Sade quickly drops to the mat and applies a sleeper hold. Jeff Christianson begins to get up. Once he reaches his feet, de'Sade just grabs a hand full of hair and hits a diving reverse DDT. de'Sade covers him only for a two count. de'Sade pulls Jeff Christianson back up, and begins to chop his chest. Christianson throws a punch, but de'Sade ducks under his arm, and hits him with an arm lock German Suplex. Again de'Sade goes for the cover, but is only able to get a two count. de'Sade now backs up against the ropes, as if he's measuring Christianson for something, but as he runs, Paige trips him and he falls. de'Sade quickly reaches his feet and attempts to grab Paige by the head. Jeff Christianson quickly runs up behind him and executes a Dragon Sleeper, with a bridge. Only a two count comes out of it. Both men back to their feet, with Jeff Christianson hitting a clothesline. As de'Sade tries to get up, he applies a Frontface lock.)

HS: "Jeff Chrisitanson has went on offense."

FJ: "He rarely gives it back once he takes it."

(de'Sade attempts to power his way to the ropes, but Jeff Christianson drops him with a DDT. Jeff Christianson stands back up, turns around, and is hit by a huricanrana by Rawstarr. Rawstarr quickly covers Jeff Christianson, but only gets a two count. Rawstarr then covers de'Sade, but only gets a two count. Rawstarr reaches his feet, and he's met with a dropkick. de'Sade then takes this oppertunity to clothesline Jeff Christianson. Rawstarr gets back to his feet and locks up with de'Sade. Rawstarr applies a side headlock to de'Sade. de'Sade tries to Irish whip him, but Rawstarr continues with the hold. de'Sade tries this again, but as he backs up against the ropes, Jeff Christianson comes flying with a knee to Rawstarr's face. Rawstarr lands on the outside of the ring, and Jeff Christianson's hands grabbed the apron. de'Sade thinks he's in the clear, but Jeff Christianson grabs his head and pulls him through the ropes. Jeff knees him in the stomach, and then quickly gets in the ring. He jumps over top of de'Sade, then grabs onto de'Sade landing a very vicious powerbomb.)

HS: "Jeff Christianson looks to have regained control."

FJ: "What a devastating maneuver. He really is trying to end this rivalry.

(Jeff Christianson walks over to take a look at the No Limits Title. Then looks over at Paige a smiles. He turns around to grab an opponent and walks right into a spinebuster. Rawstarr then applies a Sharpshooter to Jeff Christianson. We see Rawstarr looking in Paige's eyes as Jeff Christianson is struggling to get out of the sharpshooter. Suddenly, we hear a big thwack and see de'Sade standing over Jeff Christianson with a chair as Rawstarr hits the floor. de'Sade quickly throws the chair into the ring. He picks Rawstarr up and applies a bearhug, then rams Rawstarr's back into the steel ring post. de'Sade now rolls Rawstarr into the ring and quickly follows. de'Sade goes for the cover. One... Two... and Paige pulls him out of the ring. She immediately runs around the side, and de'Sade follows her right into a Jeff Christianson clothesline. Jeff Christianson then picks de'Sade up, and hits a Scott Norton Style Shoulder breaker. Jeff Christianson now rolls into the ring, where Rawstarr has finally gotten to his feet. Rawstarr turns around, and Jeff Christianson hits him with a brainbuster. Jeff Christianson now climbs to the top rope, slaps his chest once, and comes off with a regular frog Splash. The referee begins to count. One... de'Sade slides in the ring. Two... de'Sade attempts to break the pin up but Paige grabs his foot. Three... Paige let's go and Jeff Christianson quickly rolls out of the ring.)

HS: "He stole a victory from de'Sade!"

FJ: "He not only stole a victory, but he stole de'Sade's title without beating him!"

HS: "I thought the AWA was using Triple Jeopardy rules?"

FJ: "Late last night, that decision was changed. It looks like Jeff Christianson may be the only one who actually knew that it was changed."

HS: "This is far from over. Dont go anywhere, we have Williams and Lassiewicz, and we have it NEXT!!"

************COMMERCIAL BREAK*************

(We Return from commercials and find ourselves focused on a nearly blank doorway. A small placard on the door reads O. Keiko. From the corner of the screen we see former editor in chief of, Kelly 'Gunns' Lynch approach the door. She's talking on her cell phone and we catch a brief snipit of her conversation.)

Kelly: "No, Brian, I don't know what she wants me for... She mentioned something about next week and a huge surprise... a reckoning or something like that... yes, I'll inform her once again of the position of Damage Inc. in all this... yes, I'll explain to her my take on things as well... OF COURSE I SUPPORT HER... the money, Brian. The money. Look, I have to go, I'm standing outside her office as we speak... Ciao."

(Kelly hangs up her phone and opens the door. The camera attempts to follow but catches a door in its face, slightly cracking the lens.)

HS: "What the hell was that all about?"

FJ: "I don't know, but Kelly Gunns has always had a good head on her shoulders. It seems she's out to make herself alot of money, just like the 2% owner of the AWA, Keiko Ono."

HS: "I don't like this at all. What does this mean for Damage Inc? It seems more people want to see the demise of the AWA than I could have ever imagined!"

FJ: "Just wait and see how it all turns out Summers, you have probably not seen anything yet."

HS: "This scares me, but you are probably right. Oh well, all we can do is sit back and watch it happen and hope we come out on top, and if we do these next two men will likely have alot to do with it"

FJ: "So, Herb, what do you think is this "surprise" that John Williams will be offering to us tonight?"

HS: "I don't know. What do you think it might be?"

FJ: "I think he's throwing me a party and there will be strippers there willing to do whatever they want! ALL FOR ME!!"

HS: " need to get out more often Frank."

FJ: "Well, any case, what do you think it could be?"

HS: "Maybe he's going to bring someone back. It's perfectly plausible with recent events. Like the return of Soloman, Lars Fredrickson, and John Rourke. With all that has happened with the purchase of the AWA by three different people, anything can happen."

FJ: "That's such a lame answer. Mine's best."

("Open You Eyes" By Alter Bridge hits the PA and John Williams comes out to roaring cheers from the fans in attendance. He walks to the ring with full composure and confidence as he enters the ring.)

HS: "So, John Williams has been on a roll, sort of, as of late. He's won the recently altered No Limits Championship and the Tag Team Championship from Damage, Incorporated with his brother, Brian Williams."

FJ: "But he lost them, so how's that a roll? I figure that a roll is that you keep winning matches."

HS: "I mean with achievements. Wins and losses don't count much when you refer to achievements. He's finally become a Grand Slam Champion, arguably."

(The arena darkens slowly. An air siren begans to sound, with green spotlights shooting in all directions as an infamous slogan is revealed on the big screen:


"Welcome to the Jungle" suddenly thunders from the P.A system. The Gambit steps out from behind the curtain, a traditional cigarette in his mouth as he stalks his way down to the ring, and he cracks a cheeky grin at the hideous reaction from the crowd. He circles the ring, rolls in and stands on the turnbuckle surveying the fans with a Cheshire Cat grin. He hops off and stops for a minute receiving the reaction of all the fans. He then walks slowly over to the top rope before perching himself on the top rope raising his right arm in the air as the crowd boos and screams.)

FJ: "But, I guess you can say that Andreas Lasiewicz has been on a roll as of late, too. He's defeated Whisper at Last Man Standing in that Three C Match. Now, THAT's determination and THAT's a roll."

HS: "So, you think the failure to win titles is a roll?"

FJ: "What? uh, no, not at all. And what do you think Andreas will do to NHL about the destruction of his Polish Championship?"

HS: "I have no clue, and frankly, right now, I don't care. Just shut up and call the match."

(After a handshake in the center of the ring, the bell sounds and Andreas and Williams tie up in the center of the ring. They both struggle for the upper hand, but then Andreas pushes John into the corner and knees him in the stomach. John breaks his portion of the hold and starts to slump into the corner, but Andreas doesn't give up. He whips John into the opposite corner. Williams hits hard, and Andreas notices this. Lasiewicz charges the corner, but Williams lunges out at the last minute and clotheslines Andreas out of his shoes. Williams drops and elbow across Andreas' throat. With Andreas on the mat, John drops a knee across the forehead of Andreas, but at the last minute, he rolls out of the way. John grabs his right knee, but Andreas shows no mercy for John's situation. Andreas spins around and kicks out his left leg, allowing John to fall to his back. Lasiewicz hops up and kicks Williams in his head, but John catches his leg. Andreas doesn't allow this and wraps his other leg around Williams and is able to apply a figure four sleeper.)

HS: "So, what do you think this surprise is?"

FJ: "Who knows, and who cares!"

HS: "You're a jackass."

(John is able to make it to the ropes after taking the hold for so long. Andreas gets up and kicks John in his rear and grabs his ankle. Lasiewicz applies an ankle lock, but Williams doesn't allow it. He spings around and monkey flips Lasiewicz out of the ring. John Williams, being the consumate performer that he is, stays inside the ring...also allowing himself to recoup from his attack. Lasiewicz, on the other hand, gets frustrated and slides a chair into the ring. Williams doesn't take too kindly to this and kicks it outside. The referee scorns Andreas for trying to cheat and Lasiewicz slides back into the ring. Williams traps Andreas into a camel clutch. Andreas tries to wiggle out of it, but he can't. Lasiewicz eventually gets out because as he was kicking his feet, they caught the bottom rope, and the hold was broken. Andreas gets to his feet, but Williams hits him with an implant DDT.)

HS: "This is such a great match!"

FJ: "You can say that again!"

(Williams picks up Andreas, but Lasiewicz hits a low blow on Williams, and the referee couldn't see because of the angle of his view. As Williams is bending over, Andreas traps him inside of a suplex and nails it. Andreas picks Williams up to his knees and watches as John struggles to his feet. Andreas bounces off the ropes and attempts a cross body, but Williams catches him and hits a hard fallaway slam. John picks up Lasiewicz, smiles, then hoists him onto his shoulders. Williams starts to spin around, and hten he nails his Round the World move on Lasiewicz. Williams stands near the corner turnbuckle waiting for Lasiewicz to get up. When he does, Williams runs right towards him and kicks Andreas' head clear off his shoulders...almost. Andreas falls to the ground and John signals for something. He picks up Andreas and puts his head between his legs. Williams then performs the CANADIAN DESTROYER! Williams covers Andreas for a pin...ONE...TWO...THREE!)

FJ: "HOLY COW! Williams knocked his lights out!"

HS: "Well, coincidentally enough, that's the name of the move. Williams beats Andreas Lasiewicz with the use of his new finishing maneuver, the Lights Out!"

FJ: "Was this the surprise?"

HS: "It just might be, and with John Williams back like this and apparently ready for anything, I think this is a step in the right direction for the good guys."

FJ: "Must you be biased against Whisper?"

HS: "You're damned right I must, especially when my damn job is on the line."

FJ: "So unprofessional!"

HS: "Shut up Frank! Folks John Williams said he had never left, and said he would prove he was still the man he was back when he won the world title and held onto it for over almost three months, and I think he showed just that, he beat one hell of a competitor, and one at the top of his game."

FJ: "Yes but he needs to watch who he is calling out, he coudl find himself on the wrong end of a vicious attack, he made alot of enemies earlier tonight declaring war on Whisper and anyone else who opposes the AWA."

HS: "Yes, but at least he has the balls to do something about it. Folks we need to take another commercial break, but do stray to far away, because when we return it is a battle of the legends as Shane Solomon takes on Lars Fredrickson."

******************COMMERCIAL BREAK********************

HS: "Welcome back ladies and gentlemen, and now and take my word for it, buckle up and enjoy the rid, because this next match is going to be a classic."

FJ: "Yes, it certainly will, it is just to bad you will be biased against Mr Fredrickson the entire time."

HS: "Mr Fredrickson?"

FJ: "It's called showing respect, you should try it some time."

HS: " Since when do you show respect, you must need somthing."

FJ: "I Resent that!"

(“We Are The Champions” by Queen hits the PA, as Shane Solomon makes his way to the ring accompanied by President Gray.)

HS: What’s Grey doing out here?

FJ: These two guys have quite a history together, and Gray will go to any means to make sure Solomon doesn’t lose this match, he can’t stand anymore embarrassment.

HS: Well, both of these men have been out of the ring for quite some time, things should get interesting that’s for sure.

FJ: Good point Herb, who doesn’t like a good beating of the elderly.

HS: That’s just SICK Frank.

FJ: But true…

(“Blood and Whiskey” plays as “The Man That May Just End Your Career” Lars Fredrickson heads out onto the entrance ramp, accompanied by his manager, the pudgy Mexican in the pink speedo, El Hefe. Lars has a mic in one hand and a large bottle of champagne in the other.)

LARS: Tonight is a night for celebration. Not only does it mark my in-ring return in over five years, but it’s also the first part of a long string of humiliation that our “beloved” President Gray will be succumbed to over the next few weeks. Tonight will also be the night of the first career I’ll have ended in many years, by sending Shane Solomon back to the shuffle board tables in Florida from whence he came. After the bell rings, and my hand is raised high in victory, the champagne cork will be popped, and the all-night party will begin!

HS: Those are some strong words from Lars.

FJ: I just hope I’m invited to the party afterwards.

(Lars hands Hefe the microphone and bottle of champagne and enters the ring. Solomon removes his black sequined robe, and as he hands it to President Gray on the outside of the ring is blindsided by a big knee to the back from Lars as the ref calls for the bell. Lars is quick to begin choking Solomon on the middle rope right in front of Gray. Gray and Lars exchange obscenities before the ref breaks the hold. Lars arrogantly raises the former Commissioner to his feet, but he fights back and the two lock up. Solomon nails Lars with an eye rake, and immediately lays into him with some very loud knife-hand chops back Lars up against the turnbuckles.)

FJ: Looks like this match will determine who the dirtiest player in the game will be!

HS: I think that’s already been determined Frank.

FJ: Yeah, it’s Lars all the way.

HS: Shut-up Frank.

(Solomon, still in control gives Lars a hard irish whip, sending him reeling to the opposite turnbuckle with force, causing him to fall hard to the mat. Solomon quickly elbow drops Lars in succession. Solomon quickly starts working on Lars’ lower body with a few sharp knee drops to Lars’ upper-thigh. Gray is cheering Solomon on heavily from the outside of the ring. Solomon picks Lars up off the mat, and attempts a suplex, Solomon shows his age in this move, and can’t quite pick Lars all the way up, Lars quickly capitalizes and reverses the suplex. Both men are down, but Lars is the first one up, he lays a quick knee drop to Solomon’s face, and immediately follows up with a reverse-standing moonsault. Lars takes a moment to taunt Gray on the outside of the ring, before placing Solomon in a Hollywood Crab. Solomon begins writhing in pain, struggling to reach a rope to break the hold. The ref is on the mat checking for a tap-out. Solomon looks about to give up when in a moment of desperation Gray hops onto the turnbuckle and gets the ref’s attention. Solomon still struggles to reach a rope, as Hefe raises the champagne bottle on the outside of the ring in victory. The ref forces Gray off the ring-apron, and returns to Solomon. Shane appears to tap-out, but Lars breaks the hold.)

HS: Lars looked like he was going to win! Why’d he break the hold?

FJ: Lars is only out here to embarrass Gray, he’s not done with Solomon yet!

(Lars quickly climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and signals for the “7 Years Down” 450 Splash, he leaps…and Solomon rolls out of the way at the last second. Both men are down and hurting, and the ref begins the ten count. Hefe and Gray cheer on their respective wrestlers on the outside of the ring. Both men are up and groggy at the count of 6. Shane takes control first, lifting Lars up for a reverse suplex, Lars counters, spins Solomon around and whips him towards the turnbuckle, Lars counters and sends Solomon towards the opposite turnbuckle. The ref had no time to move out of the way, and is nailed by Solomon, Lars not even looking follows after Solomon with a big closeline sandwiching Solomon between him and the ref. The ref is obviously hurt, and Solomon is down.)

HS: The ref is down, things are about to get interesting!

(Lars gloats in the ring for a minute; Solomon slowly rises to his feet groggily. Lars signals from center-ring to Hefe from the outside, and Hefe tosses Lars the Champagne bottle. Hefe overthrows, Lars jumps to catch the bottle, but Shane manages to grab it! Shane quickly blasts Lars over the head with the bottle, and Lars drops to the mat like a done of bricks.)

FJ: Lars wasn’t expecting this, that’s for sure.

(Solomon starts stomping on Lars, as we see blood spilling out of Lars’ forehead. Gray quickly slides into the ring and begins taunting Lars on the mat. Hefe gets on the ring apron, but Gray signals to Solomon, and Solomon scares Hefe off. Gray begins kicking Lars who is still motionless on the mat. Gray signals for a mic from the outside of the ring.)

Gray (In Lars’ face): Did you really think you could embarrass me Lars? I’m the one who made the AWA what it is! Not you! It was me and me alone!

(Suddenly Hefe slides a chair into the ring…and Solomon picks it up and decks Gray in the back of the head with it! Gray falls to the mat hard, and Solomon quickly locks on his famed Sharpshooter. Lars’ eyes immediately opens, and he quickly jumps to his feet.)

HS: What in the HELL??

FJ: Looks like Lars’ just fooled everyone once again!

(Lars quickly grabs the mic that Gray dropped after his attack. Lars lays down on the mat looking Gray directly in the eyes as he’s screaming in pain, and begins to speak.)

LARS: Did you REALLY think I’d come back from Hollywood empty-handed? (Lars wipes the blood on his forehead with his finger and tastes it) Nothing beats cherry-flavored fake blood and a prop champagne bottle! Did you really think that Shane Solomon would just FORGET about all you put him through? You made his life miserable after he left here, he’s been in a living hell for years now, and it’s all thanks to you, Gray! Solomon agreed to come back for the same exact reasons I did, we’re destroying what we helped build, brick by brick, and tonight is just a taste of what’s to come!

(Solomon releases the hold on Gray, and Lars and Shane Shake hands before heading to the back.)

HS: "God Damnit!"

FJ: "Ease up on the cussing Summers, this is a family show."

HS: "Yeah, well all is fair in Love and War Frank, and it is becoming increasingly obvious that we are in for a war, more so than I could have ever imagined. I just hope we can pull it together, but with Solomon and Fredrickson on the same page, this could be a bad bad thing."

FJ: "You sissy."

HS: "okay, we are going to take our final commercial break, and when we come back it is Main Event time."

(We focus on the pained and also angry look on the face of Travis Gray as we fade out to commercial.)

*****************COMMERCIAL BREAK*********************

HS: "Folks in case you missed it here is another look at what took place just before the commercial break."

(We see things beginning to unfold and we see the shot with the Champagne bottle, and the subsequent chair shot and Solomon locking Travis Gray in the Sharpshooter. We then hear the verbal beration of Gray and witness the handshake between Solomon and Fredrickson as they walk up the aisle together. THe last thing we see is the pained and angered look on Gray's face as we fade back to the announce table."

HS: "Yet another blow has been dealt to the livelyhood of the AWA, and a big one at that."

FJ: "And I bet Travis gray feels like an ass, Solomon made him look like stupid, then he whipped his ass to top it all off."

HS: "Well folks its mai..."

(Herb is cut off as "Open Your Eyes" hits the speakers, and a couple seconds later John Williams steps through the curtain.)

HS: "What is Williams doing out here? His match is over!"

FJ: "Oh my and look at his new wardrobe, that is a direct shot if I ever saw one."

(The Wardrobe change Frank is discussing is the new Shirt that Williams is wearing, it has the same "I BLEED AWA" scrolled across the back, but on the front is a new caption reading "WHISPER CAN'T BEAT ME." Williams soaks in the ear popping applause from the crowd and makes his way down to the ring, slides in and immediately heads to the far side asking for a mic from the ring crew, he gets his wish and makes his way to the center of the ring.")

WILLIAMS: "I told the world earlier that I was still the same man I was back when I became World Champion, and just like I said I would do I proved it by taking out one of the top talents in the AWA today. I went at Andreas Lassiewicz with all I had and he fired back with all he had, but it was not enough, and in the end I took care of business.

Now this brings me to this alliance of evil. I declared war earlier tonight on anyone who dared cross that line, I mentioned the name Keiko Ono, I mentioned the Name Whisper, and I mentioned the name Lars Fredrickson, and now it appears that I can add the name Shane Solomon to that list. You made a big mistake Shane, because I dont care who the hell you are or who the hell you used to be. This feling of fear you put into most with your legendary status, it does not phase me in the least. You have crossed over to the dark side, and you will live to regret it, mark my words.

(Williams stops speaking as the crowd begins to cheer so loud his words are beginning to be over powered. He walks around the ring waiting for the crowd to quiet down, and as they do he continues.)

WILLIAMS: "Now I have said my piece, and now I will leave, but rest assured, that I am not going to sit in the back and watch as a band of goons out for the blood of the AWA attacks anyone, it does not matter who you are, from this point on, whether it be Low, or Quade DeSade, or even as much as it pains me to say this next name...

(Williams stops for a moment and shakes his head.)

WILLIAMS: "Even Travis Gray. I am behind you 100% all the way, and on that you have my garuntee."

(Williams is about to leave the ring and has one leg through the ropes before he stops.)

WILLIAMS: "Oh, and Whisper, if you enjoy my new T-Shirt, you can get one of your very own at concession stands and retailers world wide."

(Williams finishes exiting the ring with a smirk on his face and as "Open Your Eyes" hits once again Williams makes his way up the ramp and dissapears behind the curtain.)

HS: "I am not sure Whisper is going to want to wear the newest John Williams creation, but I am pretty sure he is going to want to tear it off him."

FJ: "Yes and then choke him out with it. Williams needs to show our part owner a little more respect."

HS: "Well I think he needs to show him what its like to experience "Lights Out", and yes I realize what I just said."

FJ: "Whisper isn't going to like this!"

HS: "Frankly Frank, I have passed the point of caring."

(Our focus switches to the AWA-Tron. The entrance way begins filling with smoke. The screen lights up with static. The lights drop to blue and a drum beat starts with various other instruments. Finger Eleven's "The Last Scene of Struggling" is the song. As the lyrics starts, images start appearing on the screen, replacing the static... the words are quick... The images are of various destructions... pictures of war... nazi marches...9/11 pictorials... people crying... burned...dying...)

The static grows...

And kills the message...

Unclear as the wind blows...

Thin whispers through all the wreckage...

You said you planned to fail...

Looking so safe but sorry...

So be sure to bang the nail...

And seal the exit out!

(There is a scream in the background of the song echoing "out". The images on the screen are cycling faster and faster.)

Feel the way...

(Another scream, this one with a blast of wind from backstage, blowing the smoke outward. On that same gust of wind comes Whisper. The image on the screen is the classic image of the atomic bomb exploding. It flashes the word "Whisper".)

Through your Revelation...

(Whisper walks out of the smoke with a purposed-filled stride. Halfway down the ramp, he drops the trenchcoat off his back. He reaches the apron and climbs to the outside of the ropes. He pauses to look around at the arena, then climbs in. Behind Whisper on the ramp, Justin picks up the trench and follows to ringside.)

HS: “Ladies and Gentlemen, it is now time for YOUR Main Event of the evening.”

FJ: “And there’s our NEW boss…or at least one of them.”

HS: “That’s right. By now, it’s been said many times, but I do feel it bares repeating again. Whisper is now 49 percent owner of the American Wrestling Alliance.”

FJ: “Interestingly enough, “The Legendary” Low is ALSO a 49 percent owner of the good ol’ AWA.”

HS: “Yes. Keiko Ono, the initial buyer, still holds 2 percent ownership for herself. While her intentions with the company still remain vague, it’s NO secret what Whisper AND Low hope to gain from their new found stake in the company.”

FJ: “All I know is that Brian Stevens is right. In a TV APPEARANCE earlier this week, he said that this was the first shot in the war. A war he called ‘the reasonable against the clueless.’ He may be right.”

HS: “Don’t get me started with that. Saying that Whispers OR Ono’s side is the reasonable side is laughable!”

FJ: “Well…is it?”

(Before Herb can react to Frank, the lights go dim and then we hear the small progression of chords begin at the beginning of Metallica's "Damage, Inc." Green and white lights begin to strobe as Nathaniel Henry Lee and Brian Stevens emerge from the back. Sarah Hawthorne follows close behind as NHL and Stevens stand on the ramp. The two determined superstars are perched proudly atop of the stage and look around at the crowd. NHL spits a mouthful of water, spraying it across the stage as he looks at the crowd members. Brian Stevens looks around the crowd, ignoring the jeers and taunts from the fans with a smug and cocky look upon his face. The two begin to make their way towards the ring with Sarah following close behind. Brian Stevens slides into the ring and starts beating his chest cockily center ring, rotating both arms until he throws both arms open and lets the fans bask in his glory. NHL pulls himself onto the ring apron and helps his wife into the ring, holding the middle and bottom ropes open for her to enter between. NHL climbs to the second turnbuckle and raises his arms in the air, soaking in the crowd's hatred. Brian Stevens climbs the adjacent turnbuckle and jaws at the fans. Brian drops off the turnbuckle and meets with NHL in their corner. NHL whispers into his wife's ear as both men meet Whisper in their corner and talk strategy amongst themselves, waiting patiently for their opponents.)

HS: “Damage, Incorporated has been THE dominant faction in the AWA since early summer of this year. They have weathered countless hits, but they have emerged seemingly stronger each time something does end up not going their way.”

FJ: “They pretty much rule.”

HS: “Thank you for that unbiased retrospect.”

FJ: “That’s why they pay me the big bucks, sonny.”

HS: “Things could end up getting interesting for Damage, Inc. coming up these next couple weeks. With the influx of new talent and the reemergence of some of the AWA’s GREATEST talents and champions, it will be interesting to see if this band of upstarts will sink or swim. They have been climbing the ladder here in the AWA at an unprecedented pace since their partnership, it will be interesting, to say the least, if they remain as strong of a force with all this new blood.”

FJ: “I’m not worried, Herbie boy. You’re talking about one of the smartest men on the planet AND the world’s most spectacular Heavyweight ever! If anything, this will just make them better.

HS: “Only time will tell. Damage, Inc. DOES need a win here tonight. Both Stevens and Henry lost BIG matches at Last Man Standing. This match will most likely determine their future success under these new elements and regimes.”

(As the gentle pulses of "Hell" begin to play, many different faces fade in and out across the AWA-Tron. Cynder's face joins theirs then supplants theirs, and when the heavy riffs hit, Cynder, with his newly won AWA United States Heavyweight Championship strapped tightly around his waist, appears at the top of the ramp and screams out with all the voices of the Hazard Army joining him. After his primal war cry, he slowly stalks toward the ring staring into the faces of the people closest to him along the isle. A few times he stops to absorb the crowds emotions. Cynder stalks outside of the ring, awaiting his partners before he enters the ring.)

HS: “There he is, folks! Your NEW AWA United States Champion!”

FJ: “Fluke!”

HS: “Fluke my behind! He overcame the odds! He survived the numbers game! He went through hell to get that title and he did it in convincing fashion at Last Man Standing!”

FJ: “If it wasn’t for that oaf, Onslaught, Henry would still have that belt!”

HS: “The ONLY reason Onslaught even got involved was because Stevens interfered! All he did was take his former best friend out of the occasion!”

FJ: “Oh, what happened to you, Onslaught? What happened to the ‘Bastion of BOOF!?’”

(Suddenly, an all too familiar eerie song hits and the lights change to a blue tint and move in a way to make it seem that the whole arena is under water the crowd buzzes in anticipation of one of the most popular wrestlers in AWA history, then "Trendy" by Reel Big Fish hits and the lights flash back on as water shoots from the stage the crowd explodes with one of the loudest ovations you’ll hear and wrestling for an entrance as The Fish dead sprints to the ring, slapping every hand on one side of the aisle way before stopping suddenly and lining up side by side with Cynder…)

FJ: “There is that pest! Stupid The Fish!”

HS: “There is the World Cruiserweight Champion! One of the most phenomenal athletes to EVER grace an AWA ring! There is only one! He is The Fish!”

FJ: “He’s a turd!”

HS: “Shut up, Frank. At Last Man Standing, The Fish and his tag team partner Low, who will be out in just a minute, fought each other to a Double DQ! In all honesty, that match was one of the highlights of this year!”

FJ: “Meh. The Fish is still a jerk off.”

("Drink New Blood" by Iggy Pop begins to play and strobe lights in all colors flash all over the arena in accordance with the wild song. Low steps out from the back and holds up his AWA World Heavyweight Championship, bragging to his awaiting opponents in the ring. Low smirks and starts making his way down the ring…but from no where, a man in all black emerges from the back and carelessly throws Low from the top of the ramp to the cold concrete floor below! A sickening thud is all we hear as a stunned crowd silently watches all this unfold. The man in black retreats as The Fish and Cynder give chase, but they are far too late and the man is gone. With the man long gone, Cynder and The Fish turn their attention to their fallen comrade. EMT’s rush in from the back and they all stand over Low. Low’s heading is bleeding in excess and he is definitely knocked out cold.)

HS: “…oh my God. I-I don’t know what to say. Something terrible has just happened to our World Heavyweight Champion.”

FJ: “Did you see who it was?”

HS: “No! He-He was dressed in black. His face has hidden. I…”

FJ: “This is absolutely terrible. As much as I detest Low, he IS still our World Heavyweight Champion. This is a kick in the nuts to this company. A company which is on life support as it is.”

HS: “Alright. I’m being told that we are going to commercial now. He will be back with you momentarily, hopefully with an update on Low’s condition as well as the status of our Main Event.”

(We come back from commercial finally. We see Low being raised from the ground, still lifeless, on a backboard. The EMT’s start walking away with Low and The Fish and Cynder start walking away with him…that is until they are interrupted by the vocal tones of Whisper…)

WHISPER: “Where do you two think you are going?”

(Both The Fish and Cynder turn around to face their verbal abuser…)

WHISPER: “The people here in El Paso, Texas as well as those watching around the world on television were promised a Main Event. Obviously, Low isn’t able to compete tonight. That doesn’t mean that these people will be cheated of their scheduled match. Therefore, tonight’s scheduled six man tag is now a handicap match!”

(The duo of Cynder and The Fish shake their collective heads and start walking cautiously to the ring, knowing that they now have a VERY tough battle ahead of them. The referee backs Whisper and Damage, Inc. into their corner and allows Cynder and The Fish to enter the ring uninterrupted. The referee reluctantly calls for the bell and Cynder and The Fish charge at their opponents full force!)

HS: “Here we go! This one is on!”

FJ: “Did you see the cheap shot by The Fish and Cynder!? Where is their integrity?”

HS: “We are in El Paso, Frank. As Eddie Guerrero would say: sometimes you need to Cheat to Win!”

(The duo of The Fish and Cynder start hitting anything that moves, but the numbers game proves to be too much for them as Whisper blindsided The Fish with a step-up Enzuigiri. Fish stumbles outside and Whisper follows suit. NHL and Stevens double team Cynder and shoot him to the ropes, but Cynder hit’s a leaping double clothesline on the rebound! Stevens rolls out of the ring and NHL is now the legal man, along with Cynder. Cynder mounts NHL and starts throwing lefts and rights. Cynder dismounts and drops a quick leg drop. Cynder brings NHL up and snapmares him towards his corner and tags in The Fish. The Fish springboards in and nails NHL with a seated senton. The Fish gets a two on the cover as NHL starts gasping for breath. Fish follows up with a side headlock, which NHL is able to counter after a good 30 seconds and tosses the Cruiserweight Champion to the ropes. NHL misses a clothesline, but Fish doesn’t miss the Pele kick. The Fish hit’s a Coral Crush and goes for another cover, and again, he gets a two count. The Fish tags in Cynder and he immediately starts choking NHL.)

HS: “Good teamwork shown so far by the handicapped team of Fish and Cynder.”

FJ: “Meh. It won’t last. The numbers game, baby. The numbers game. It’ll catch up to them eventually.”

(Cynder brings NHL up and hit’s a fall away slam. Cynder locks NHL up in a rear chinlock and drives his knee into the spine of NHL. A good minute later, Whisper has grown tired of watching and charges into the ring, but is hastily stopped by the ref. However, while this is going on, Stevens has spring boarded himself into the ring and dropkicks Cynder in the face. Stevens tosses the dazed Cynder out of the ring and drags the limp body of NHL to the corner. Stevens tags himself in and taunts the crowd briefly before hitting the ropes and dropping Cynder with a Tope Con Hilo! Stevens doesn’t take long to get up and tosses Cynder back into the ring. Stevens whips Cynder into his corner and tags in Whisper. Stevens tosses Cynder to the ropes and drops down and Cynder steps over…only to get dropped by running calf kick! Whisper goes for a cover, but only gets two. Whisper sends Cynder to the ropes again and this time drops him with a drop toe hold. Whisper floats up and locks Cynder in a side head lock and holds it for a good while. Cynder starts trying to break free and get up, but Whisper is wise to it and hiptosses him over and back into his corner. Whisper tags Stevens back in and exits.)

FJ: “Ha, ha! Now Whisper and Damage, Inc. are showing excellent team work! In your face, Herb!”

HS: “Well, it’s about time, Frank!”

FJ: “Shut up, Herb. I said FACE!”

(Stevens smiles and stalks Cynder, occasionally slapping him across the face. Stevens gets too cocky and Cynder pushes him off. Stevens gets pissed and charges back in carelessly and pays and he is leveled with a spine buster. Both men crawl to their corners and make a tag, Cynder to Fish and Stevens to NHL. NHL and Fish meet center ring and start trading strikes before NHL gouges the eyes of Fish. NHL nails a Northern Lights Suplex with a bridge and gets only a one count. NHL waits for The Fish to get up and hit’s a series of deep arm drags before locking in a fujiwara armbar. The Fish, after a minute of struggling, gets to the ropes and the fans pop. NHL, showing frustration, starts stomping away at The Fish before whipping in hard into his corner’s turnbuckle and tagging out to Brian Stevens. Stevens and NHL connect with their backbreaker/double stomp combo. Stevens brings The Fish up and goes for a hangman’s neckbeaker…but instead, Stevens drops The Fish over his right knee neck first! Stevens covers and barely gets two. Stevens backs away from Fish and waits for the right time. Once Fish is up to one knee, Stevens charges in for a Shinning Wizard…but Fish ducks!)

HS: “He ducked! This is his chance, perhaps, to sneak to his corner!”

(Stevens, however, has different plans and hits Black Magic to the back of The Fish’s head! Stevens brings The Fish up and from a front head lock, back Fish up into his corner, giving him knee strikes to the head and midsection the entire way. Stevens tags in Whisper and he takes over with a series of shoulders in the corner. Whisper finally Hurricanrana’s The Fish out of his corner and center ring. Whisper steps across the throat of The Fish while mocking Cynder. Cynder charges into the ring and the ref stops him, ultimately distracting him while NHL and Whisper no tag. NHL starts choking away at Fish before bringing him to his feet and whipping him to the ropes for a Spinebuster…but Fish counters into an inside cradle! Unfortunately, he gets only a close two count. Fish is finally able, with his last bit of strength, to somersault to his corner and tag in Cynder before Whisper and Stevens can get to him in the ring!)

HS: “He did it! He tagged Cynder! This place is going crazy!”

FJ: “If they pull this off…I’ll eat my hat.”

HS: “Wow. Do you even HAVE a hat?”

FJ: “Your Mom has a hat. When I’m done with her tonight, I’ll grab it on my way out.”

(Cynder clothesline both Whisper and Stevens separately and they subsequently roll to the outside. It’s just Cynder and NHL! The two men trade chops, but Cynder gets the advantage and NHL to the ropes and hit’s a absolutely devastating spear! NHL rolls outside to his partners and they stand out there and regroup. Cynder quickly tags Fish back in and kneels down near the unsuspecting trio. Fish hit’s the ropes and nails all three with the Sea Twister!)

HS: “Unbelievable! What a Sea Twister by the World Cruiserweight Champion!”

(NHL has his wits about him before The Fish does and he starts kicking him in the head while both lay on the floor. The Fish looks drained from his last run, and Cynder looks from the inside, now knowing that tagging in Fish wasn't the best move. However, NHL rolls Fish into the ring and hit’s a German Suplex before tagging in the fresh Brian Stevens, who was only grazed by the Sea Twister. Stevens unloads on Fish with his 3 strike combo. Stevens covers and Cynder breaks it up, but Whisper charges into the ring and blindsides Cynder with an elbow! Whisper tosses Cynder to the outside before hitting a beautiful springboard shooting star press. Both men are out of this one! NHL has since slipped himself inside of the ring, and looks to be stalking Fish. Stevens tosses Fish to the ropes before back body dropping him towards NHL and NHL subsequently hit’s The Death Shot! NHL says it’s over as Stevens heads to the outside. NHL hoists Fish up in an electric chair before Stevens springboards in and hit’s the Doomsday Ace Crusher! Stevens covers and gets the three count!)

FJ: “Yes! Yes! Yes! They did it! They beat that miserable The Fish!”

HS: “It was three-on-two! They did their best but Damage, Inc. and Whisper were just too damn much!”

FJ: “Damage, Inc. looks stronger than ever before and the same came ALSO be said for Whisper, my boss!”

HS: “Next week, we hope to have an update on the condition of Low for you. Until then, be safe and we’ll see you right back here next Sunday! For Frank Jackson, this is Herb Summers saying take care, everyone! Have a great Thanksgiving!”

(Our last visual is the team of Stevens, NHL, and Whisper embrassing in the ring. All three men celebrating with their arms raised proudly in the air...we fade to black.)

Copyright AWA 2005