AWA SUNDAY NIGHT SUPER SHOCK, October 16th, 2005, Oklahoma City, OK, Ford Center
(The AWA logo flashes across the screen before the AWA Sunday Night Shock opening video begins to play. We cut into the sold-out Ford Center in Oklahoma City. Fireworks go off as the camera pans across the arena, capturing signs such as "Fish = World Champion", "Killing one Canuck a day is OK" and "We'll miss you, J.R." We then cut to our announcers Herb Summers and Frank Jackson.)
HS: "The AWA is in turmoil, as AWA President Travis Gray has called off the previously announced Last Man Standing Games and has instead made a series of Halloween-themed matches for Last Man Standing on October 30th. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, to another packed SUPER edition of AWA Sunday Night Shock."
FJ: "Packed is the keyword, and packed is what best describes the Ford Center tonight. Packed is also what the hips your wife have recently looked like, Herb."
HS: "And that from a guy dating a rubber doll. AWA fans, tonight we'll see the return of The Canucks, as Terry James takes on AWA newcomer Brandon Owens, while Xtreme Jeff faces The Iceman after last week's interruption of his match with Jack Sloan, who has left the AWA after that very attack."
FJ: "Also, the inept Rawstarr cheated his way to a win over Quade DeSade to capture the AWA No Limits title. Tonight, he defends against Titan 3. And speaking of Quade DeSade, he takes on Jeff Christianson."
HS: "Two tag team matches highlight today's program. The two remaining members of the former Carnival, Andreas Lasiewicz and Cynder, will take on Nathaniel Henry Lee and Brian Stevens, Damage Inc. Last week, Cynder came close to beating NHL for the United States title, but NHL used two foreign objects to secure a win. Also last week, Brian Stevens wrote AWA history by gaining the clearest, quickest victory ever, beating his opponent in less than three seconds. Also tonight, we will see the AWA World Heavyweight Champion Low teaming with the AWA World Cruiserweight Champion The Fish to take on the AWA Tag Team Champions John and Brian Williams. Will Low and Fish walk out double Champions? Will either John or Brian regain the World Heavyweight title? Or will Fish be on the receiving end, thus keeping all titles where they are?"
FJ: "Question over question, but we will find out later tonight. Let's go to our first match."
HS: "Kicking off the night's festivities, we have our introductory match, with pits Terry "The Storm" James vs. Brandon "The Perfection" Owens."
FJ: "Why do we have people with so many nicknames...The Storm, The Perfection, The Gambit, The Sensational, The Icon...I mean, the list goes on and on."
HS: "Uh, let's get this show on the road!"
(Thunderstruck starts playing. The lights in the arena flash on and off for a few seconds before staying off. On the first “Thunder” the lights flash on for a second before going out again. The lights then come on and Terry comes in with a large Canadian flag, stopping on the front of the stage before the ramp. He waves the flag to the fans on one side, then the other before walking down the ramp. Terry stops at the end of the ramp and gets onto his knees. He then holds the Canadian flag up to the ceiling with his right and holds it for 3 seconds as pyro jets shoot out along the top of the ramp. Terry then gets up and runs to the ring, sliding in under the ropes. He stops in the middle of the ring and quickly kips up as a pyro jet shoots from each turnbuckle. Terry then walks over to his corner, placing the Canadian flag against the steps.)
FJ: "I hope this new and improved Terry James is a lot better than the last one, because the last one sucked."
HS: "Frank! That's not professional!"
FJ: "Hey, I'm only speaking the truth."
(My time blasts throughout the speakers the arena goes dark. Brandon's various picture of wrestling camps are shown as gold flares up from the stage. Brandon Apears as he raises his hands to boo's a single strobe falls upon him. He walks talking trash to the fans on the way down looking around every which way as he gets in the ring. He walks to the turnbuckle as lights pop on and gold flares pop up on the ring post behind him and dissapears as his song fades.)
HS: "This past week, these two young men really tore into each other."
FJ: "Well, actually, Terry James did most of the tearing."
HS: "You're a jackass."
FJ: "I am not a donkey, sir!"
(The bell rings and Owens and James tie up. After some struggling between the two, James forces Owens into the corner. James nails a DDT on Owens, and once he's on the mat, James tries for an ankle lock. Brandon rolls out of it and quickly gets to his feet. He attacks Terry before he can get to his feet and nails a spinning heel kick, cracking James right in the face. With James on the mat, Brandon starts to stomp on James' head and body. Suddenly, James grabs the Perfection's leg, and tries again for that ankle lock that was previously attempted. Again, Brandon rolls out of it and and goes on the offensive on Terry James. James is subject to a strong clothesline from Brandon, and is slow to get up. Brandon helps him and then whips him into the ropes. Brandon nails a powerslam and tries for a pin.)
HS: "Could this put Terry James away?"
FJ: "ONE...TWO.- YES! James kicks out!"
(Brandon pulls Terry to his feet and they lock up again. Brandon whips Terry into the ropes and tries for a spear, but James baseball slides underneath Owens and grabs an ankle again for the ankle lock. Terry this time has it locked in. Brandon writhes in pain, almost giving up, but he eventually makes it to the ropes and James releases the hold. He bends down and picks up Brandon, puts his head between his legs, and then pulls him into the air and delivers a powerbomb. Brandon lies on the mat and James takes advantage of it. James runs towards the ropes and performs a springboard lionsault. He covers the Perfection for a potential win...ONE...TWO.- But the match won't end yet.)
(Suddenly, we cut to a video. We see a graveyard on the video screen. Then it changes to a haunted house. We see a line in white fly across the screen saying "The AWA's Dread is coming". We now flash to what looks like a Hollywood set made to look like hell. We see the line, "Dread" is flashing again. We then fade to the AWA ring. Finally, we see "Dread is coming" once again, however this time the writing changes to red, as if it's the color of blood. The wording is also dripping as if it was someone's blood. We now see the words "Last Man Standing" appear on the screen, with the date of October 30th. "The AWA will Dread this day for a long time to come". We then hear maniacal laughter as the words drip off the screen like blood and the screen turns back to normal and we rejoin the match.)
HS: "Dustin Dread?"
FJ: "The Wrecking Machine!"
(Terry James picks up his opponent and attempts a kick, but Brandon Owens catches his foot. James shakes his head and cracks him with an enziguri. Brandon reels backwards, but doesn't go down. James runs into him and pushes him into the ropes. Brandon bounces off and comes back and is greeted with the Lightning Knee Lift. Brandon falls to the mat and Terry climbs up to the top turnbuckle and jumps off, looking for an elbow drop. Brandon rolls out at the last minute and James eats mat. Brandon rolls up to his feet and grabs James and whips him into the ropes. Brandon misses a clothesline and then James comes back around and hits a Thunderstike on Owens. James covers Owens for a pin.)
FJ: "I hope this is it...ONE...TWO...THREE! YES!"
HS: "Terry James pulls out a victory over his opponent, the man from Hollywood, California."
FJ: "Maybe he should just act instead of wrestle.)
(James gets the victory, but does not leave the ring after his victory. Instead, he gets his Canadian flag and then brings Owens to his feet. Owens is barely able to walk, but Terry Irish Whips him into the ropes and nails him with the pole of his Canadian flag on the way
back, busting Owens' forehead open. Owens drops like a rock to the canvas and Terry smirks as he places his flag back in the corner. Terry then goes over to the unconscious Owens and starts rubbing his head into the canvas. It becomes clear that Terry is once again using the blood of his opponent to draw a rough-looking Canadian flag in the ring. An arial view confirms this as Terry throws Owens off to the side when he is done, then gets his flag and heads to the back.We cut to the back. We are in President Gray's office. Gray is sitting behind his desk, flanked by a number of AWA stage hands and officials. As the camera pans around, we see Quade DeSade sitting on the other side of the desk, just staring at Gray.)
GRAY: "So, Mr. DeSade, I hope you understood me. These people here are the ones making these shows where you make your money and further your agenda impossible. These people here came to me and told me they were not feeling safe at AWA events. Do you realize what an unsafe working environment could mean if the AWA was taken to a court, Mr. DeSade?"
(DeSade doesn't react.)
GRAY: "I'm sure you do. Now, I can live with you punishing some of these wrestlers whose careers you ended. Number one, none of them really meant much to the AWA's ability to make money. Number two, these wrestlers chose to be professional wrestlers and they knew the risks involved. However, the technicians, the catering people, the production team, they didn't expect to be physically assaulted. I will not allow these actions to continue, Mr. DeSade. I suppose money and title matches aren't the right way to punish you, but if you step over that line one more time, I assure you I will find a way to punish you."
"You will not touch any AWA personnel again, understood?"
(DeSade, again, doesn't react at all.)
GRAY: "I thought so. Now please excuse me, I've got a show to run."
(DeSade doesn't move. Gray gets up from his chair and stares DeSade straight into the face... of course, from a safe distance and with the desk in between them.)
GRAY: "I said please excuse me! The door is over there."
(As Gray points at the door, DeSade gets up from his chair, briefly stares into Gray's eyes, causing him to back up just a little bit, and then walks out of the office.)
(Quade is now standing with his belt loaded in his hand. He allows Rawstarr the chance to get up. As Rawstarr gets up, we see de'Sade swing the belt for the fences, but Rawstarr ducks out of the way. Quade spins around, and Rawstarr dropkicks him. The belt goes flying and lands on the top rope. Rawstarr slowly climbs up on the ring apron, quickly followed by de'Sade. They both begin trading punches with Rawstarr getting the advantage. Rawstarr lands with three straight punches that nearly send de'Sade teetering over the top rope. Suddenly Rawstarr grabs the No Limit Title belt and slams it across de'Sade's face knocking him over the top rope, and sending the belt flying in the ring.)
FJ: "That's illegal."
HS: "Where's the ring apron."
FJ: "On the outside of the ring."
HS: "Then it is legal by No Limit Title standards."
FJ: "But the belt flew into the ring."
HS: "It doesn't matter as Rawstarr goes for the cover."
(One... Two... Three... and Rawstarr has won the No Limit title.)
FJ: "This is ridiculous!"
HS: "Rawstarr has just become the 6th AWA No Limit Champion."
FJ: "That was a suspect win if you ask me."
(We go back to Herb and Frank.)
HS: "Last week, Rawstarr ended the title reign of Quade DeSade, and only one week later, he already has to defend the title against Titan 3. Both men have been rather quiet this week, but I am sure we will see more action right here tonight."
(A bright flash fills the arena for a few seconds, followed by a deep rumbling. Loud explosions are heard as golden fireballs shoot up from the ring posts. Two large mushroom clouds rise up from both sides of the entrance as "Falling Further" by Spoken blasts through the PA system. As the smoke clears, Titan 3 emerges slowly from the smoke, raising both arms in the air. The jumbo-tron shows images of nuclear explosions, mixed in with clips of Titan 3 destroying opponent after helpless opponent with his Ground Zero finisher. Golden strobe lights begin to flash all over the arena as Titan 3 struts down to ringside. He climbs into the ring, and then gets on one knee, raising his index finger to the sky. One more huge explosion goes off, followed by an impressive pyro show and the lights go dim for a second
or two before coming back on. Titan 3 then stretches against the ropes for a last-minute warm-up before the match begins.)
HS: “Titan 3 has not been in the AWA for long, but he has shown that he can be a force to be reckoned with in previous matches.”
FJ: “Have you seen this guy use that finisher of his, Ground Zero? He’s amazing!”
HS: “Well, his opponent is no pushover either and he is the one with the No Limits title.”
(“Trapped” by Tupac blares on the PA system as blue lights gleam on the head of Rawstarr in total darkness. He heads down the ramp and half way down pyros in the back blow. You can see there are yellow lights everywhere in the arena as Rawstarr takes off the hood of his trench coat. He then walks into the ring, staring at Titan 3 and getting the same glare back. Rawstarr takes off his trench coat and the bell rings to start the match.)
HS: “This is for the No Limits title folks! Here we go!”
(Rawstarr sprints out at Titan 3, but Titan 3 kicks him in the gut and goes for a DDT. Rawstarr reverses this and hits a powerful spinebuster on his opponent. Titan 3 gets up only to be caught in Rawstarr’s version of a fameasser, the Hot Stepper. Rawstarr quickly applies the Raw Footage on the downed Titan 3, who is now in great pain. He is close to the ropes, however, and manages to get his leg on them, breaking the hold.)
HS: “Rawstarr almost had Titan 3 there with that deadly submission hold of his!”
FJ: “Yeah, but Titan 3 is too strong and smart to tap out that easily. He got his foot up on that rope quickly.”
HS: “But, was the damage already done? Titan 3 is holding his shoulder now as he gets up!”
(Rawstarr sees this as well and quickly smirks. He dropkicks Titan 3 right in the shoulder he was holding, sending the bigger man back down to the ground in pain. Rawstarr runs over and suddenly trips, landing in a very awkward position on Titan 3’s body. Rawstarr gets up and says it was an accident as the ref warns him not to do that again. Titan is slow to get up though and Rawstarr goes to the top of the turnbuckle. Titan 3 turns around
to get hit by a missile dropkick right in the face. He goes down to the mat hard and Rawstarr quickly gets up. He then runs over to Titan 3 and applies another Raw Footage! This time Titan 3 is in the middle of the ring and after a few seconds taps out. The bells rings and “Trapped” by Tupac begins to play as the ref hands Rawstarr his No Limits title and raises his hand in victory.)
HS: "Rawstarr successfully defends his No Limits title for the first time with a rather dominant victory over Titan 3. We'll be right back!"
(The lights in the arena suddenly dim and a dark blue light emanates from the stage. “O Fortuna” by Carmen cuts in and The Iceman steps onto the stage. He poses for a few seconds looking around the crowd and takes a deep breath before continuing down the ramp to the ring. As he walks down the ramp he lifts his arms up and enters the ring before doing it again, looking straight at Jack Sloan with a crude smile on his face. Suddenly, before the bell rings the lights go out and Thunderstruck starts playing (guitar). The lights in the arena flash on and off for a few seconds before staying off. On the first “Thunder” the lights flash on for a second before going out again. The lights then come on and Terry comes in with a large Canadian flag, stopping on the front of the stage before the ramp. He waves the flag to the fans on one side, then the other before walking down the ramp. Terry stops at the end of the ramp and gets onto his knees. He then holds the Canadian flag up to the ceiling with his right and holds it for 3 seconds as pyro jets shoot out along the top of the ramp. The music then stops as Terry walks up to the ring.)
HS: “It’s Terry James of the Canucks! What is he doing out here?”
FJ: “Maybe he just wants to watch the match.”
(Both Iceman and Sloan turn towards Terry, who is waving the Canadian flag in their faces from the mats below. Some fans start to yell as they see XTJ running out from the crowd and into the ring. He runs up and pushes both Iceman and Sloan forward, allowing Terry to smack them both across the face with the Canadian flag’s pole. Both their heads snap back into XTJ’s waiting arms as he performs a double reverse DDT. Terry slides into the ring and places the flag against the nearest turnbuckle. XTJ quickly throws the dazed Iceman out of the ring, then picks up Jack Sloan before sending him back down with a Full Nelson Slam.)
HS: “Someone stop this before it gets out of hand!”
(No one seems to listen to Herb as Terry and XTJ lift Jack Sloan back to his feet, so that he is facing the opposite ropes. XTJ runs to the ropes near them, rebounding off and getting Sloan in a bulldog. However, before Jack Sloan hits the ground Terry catches his head on his shoulder and hits a stunner with XTJ still pushing Sloan’s head down in a bulldog.)
FJ: “The Canuck Crusher! Jack Sloan is out cold!”
HS: “How can this be entertaining to you? Jack Sloan is getting unfairly double teamed!”
FJ: “So?”
(The unmoving body of Jack Sloan is now lying, face-up in the middle of the ring. XTJ and Terry look at each other with a smirk, then head to the turnbuckles opposite of each other. They turn to face the crowd, then XTJ jumps off, hitting a perfect moonsault on the downed Sloan. Terry does the same right after and then points to the Canadian flag that he placed in the other corner. XTJ nods and gets the Canadian flag as Terry picks up Jack Sloan without any resistance. Terry Irish Whips Sloan into the ropes and performs a flapjack on him. As Sloan comes downward XTJ hits him with a full baseball-like swing in the face, causing a loud crack to be heard throughout the arena. Terry quickly applies a Thunderbolt as XTJ simultaneously applies a crossface, using the flag pole to wrench back even harder on Sloan who now has blood gushing out of his forehead. The Iceman slowly gets up and looks into the ring. He does not help Sloan though, but instead walks back up the ramp. The Canucks eventually let go of their hold, but instead of leaving him to bleed they start dragging his face across the canvas. After a little bit they stop and throw the bloodied Sloan off to the side. XTJ waves the Canadian flag in the air as Terry goes out of the ring, returning with a microphone.)
JAMES: “This is a message for all those wrestlers in the back! This is also a challenge to any two wrestlers in the back who think they can take on The Canucks!”
(The camera shifts to an overhead view and you can see that the Canucks have actually drawn a rough image of the Canadian flag with Jack Sloan’s own blood. “Give it All” by Rise Against starts to play as The Canucks exit the ring and head to the back.)
HS: “What a message from The Canucks!”
FJ: “I wonder if anyone will even challenge them after what they just did to Jack Sloan.”
(We return to the arena.)
FJ: "You know, Herb, it seems like every likeable Canadian is actually in the AWA. The rest of them are in Canada."
HS: "The Canucks returned to the AWA last week, putting a number on Jack Sloan and interrupting his match with The Iceman. At Last Man Standing they are scheduled to face John and Brian Williams in a Canadian Tornado Death Match. Terry James was already victorious in his match with Brandon Owens, and now Xtreme Jeff will make his comeback after a stint in WMW against The Iceman."
FJ: "Xtreme Jeff has been in the AWA before. He knows what it takes to win."
HS: "So you're saying the Iceman doesn't know how to win, Frank?"
FJ: "No, I'm saying Xtreme Jeff has that all important AWA experience."
(The lights goes off, "Accidents" by Alexisonfire start as projectors scan the crowd. Jeff comes down the ring with a large Quebec flag. He climbs the ring and stretch. Jeff then walks over to his corner, placing the Quebec flag against the steps.)
HS: "Here comes his opponent, the Iceman."
(The lights in the arena suddenly dim and a dark blue light emanates from the stage. O Fortuna's Carmen cuts in and The Iceman steps onto the stage. He poses for a few seconds looking around the crowd and takes a deep breath before continuing down the ramp to the ring. As he walks down the ramp he lifts his arms up and enters the ring before doing it again with a crude smile on his face.)
FJ: "It's time for the match to begin."
(They lock up, with Iceman applying a headlock. After a very short struggle, XTJ sends the Iceman to the ropes and the Iceman shoulder blocks him. Iceman begins to stomp at XTJ, who rolls out of the ring. After a five count, XTJ hits a springboard huricanrana. XTJ then hits a hip toss. Both men back up and XTJ hits an Olympic slam, but only got a two count out of it.)
HS: "Close two count."
FJ: "All two counts are close... to THREE!"
(XTJ attempts another Olympic Slam but Iceman counters into a German Suplex. After a quick two count, both men back on their feet trading punches. After the series, XTJ misses a punch, but counters a second German Suplex attempt. XTJ comes off the ropes and is hit by a big boot. Iceman gets a two count out of it. Iceman attempts a running lariat but XTJ counters into a Reverse DDT. We have another close two count.)
HS: "Very tough match so far."
FJ: "You could say that..."
(Iceman and XTJ hit a flurry of quick arm drags on each other. XTJ through to the corner, follows up with a quick clothesline bulldog combination. After another two count, XTJ attempted to pick Iceman up, who hit him in the stomach and connected with a piledriver. Iceman quickly picks XTJ up and connects with a Belly to Belly Suplex. After a quick two count, He Irish whips his opponent attempting a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, but it's countered as XTJ drops behind him. Iceman turns into the Side effect for the three count.)
HS: "What a great match. These two really gave it their all."
FJ: "I told you the experience meant a lot to the match."
HS: "That you did, Frank."
FJ: "XTJ picks up a close victory over Iceman with the experience edge."
HS: “Stevens is unquestionably the most exciting heavyweight in the world today and probably the best striker on top of that. If he has all that aggression behind those strikes tonight, his opponent could be in some trouble.”
FJ: “This will exceed Strong Style. Stevens is gonna kill someone!”
(Suddenly, Stevens NAILS his opponent with a palm strike upper cut right to the chin and his opponent drops down to the mat like a sack of potatoes. Stevens casually puts his foot on his opponent's chest.)
HS: "The match hasn't even started yet!"
FJ: "That's why Stevens is yelling at the referee to ring the bell already!"
(The referee calls for the bell, gets down and counts 1..... 2..... 3! Brian Stevens wins!)
HS: "This has to be the shortest match in AWA history! Three seconds!"
FJ: "And Stevens' opponent is totally out of it! Look, he is coughing up blood! EMTs are running down the ramp with a stretcher!"
HS: "Well, that was nothing but Sensational!"
(“Jet Black New Year” by Thursday begins to play as Stevens now steps on his opponent's chest with both feet, the referee raising his arm into the air.)
(We rejoin Herb and Frank at ringside.)
HS: "Ladies and gentlmen, last week Brian Stevens wrote history by gaining the quickest win in AWA history, by knockout no less. Here is some unseen footage recorded in the back right after the match took place."
(A graphic appears on the bottom of our screen saying "Last Week During The Commercial". We see Orlando Ortega laying half-conscious on the stretcher, being rolled through the backstage area by the EMTs, when suddenly President Gray walks into view and stops the EMTs with a simple motion of his hand.)
GRAY: "And you wanted to pressure me into giving you a World title shot when you returned this spring, Ortega? Good lord, you just got knocked out with one punch... AGAIN! A two and a half second loss? Your inability to beat The Fish or even John Rourke? What have I been thinking offering you that contract! In the words of a couple of megalomaniacal half-celebrities, Orlando Ortega, YOU'RE FIRRRREEEEDDDD!"
(We return to Herb and Frank.)
FJ: "Too bad."
HS: "Yep. Anyway, let's go on to our next match."
(The lights go dim and then we hear the small progression of chords begin at the beginning of Metallica's "Damage, Inc." Green and white lights begin to strobe as Nathaniel Henry Lee and Brian Stevens emerge from the back. As NHL is walking down toward the ring, we hear a sudden cheering from the crowd. NHL looks out at the crowd, thinking they're finally giving him his dues, but doesn't see what's behind him.)
HS: "Cynder's got that nine iron of his!!"
FJ: This isn't right! Henry hasn't even gotten to
the ring yet!!
(Cynder runs up from behind and takes a HUGE Tiger Woods-ish swing and connects with NHL's ankle. The crack from the golf club echoes in the arena, only to
be masked by the huge pop that the crowd gives Cynder.)
FJ: "At last, some backup!!"
(Brian Stevens blindsides Cynder with a clothesline, but suddenly The Gambit comes out of the crowd and hits the Peacemaker!!)
HS: "Oh my God!! Lasiewicz just destroyed Brian Stevens!!"
FJ: "They ambushed Damage Inc!! This is just wrong!"
HS: "Yeah sure. And what would you say if Damage Inc. were to do the same to Cynder and Lasiewicz?"
FJ: "That's different."
HS: "Riiiiiiight."
(Lasie and Cynder shake hands then slide into the ring, waiting for Damage Inc. to regroup.)
(The two downed Damage Inc. Members eventually make it back to their feet and shake off the attack before entering the ring on fire the four men begin to brawl for all they are worth in the ring, the referee trying to little avail to gain control. Eventually Lassie and Cynder gain an advantage and dump Stevens out of the ring. Cynder then exits and leaves Lassie and NHL to start the match. NHL limps a bit due to the vicious golf club shot taken to the ankle moments before.)
HS: "Lassie and NHL are going to start this one off, its time for the real action."
FJ: "You dont think that was real action Summers? Come on, I love it, the violence level, these guys really hate each other."
HS: "Well if they did not before they do now."
(Lassie and NHL lock up mid ring and Lassie backs the still slightly injured NHL into the corner where he nails him with a series of slaps before shooting him to the far corner where NHL hits with a thud and falls forward. Lassie makes his way over and applies an intense armbar which NHL struggles to get out of, but Brian Stevens rolls back into the ring and boots lassie in the face to break the hold.)
HS: "What a kick from Stevens, he nearly took Lasiewicz' head clean off with that."
FJ: "Yeah he did, and it broke that arm bar in a hurry too."
(NHL is able to tag Stevens in since he is right there in the corner. Stevens comes in and takes control of Lassie who is still feeling the kick in the chops. Stevens pulls Lassie to his feet before nailing a vertical suplex and covering getting a two count before Lassie knowing where he is in the ring is able to get a foot on the ropes. Stevens questions the ref about the three which gives Lassie a chance to catch him in a roll up, Lassie gets a two on the surprised Stevens. Lassie is able to get back to his feet and he and Stevens lock up and Stevens begins to back Lassie down but lassie breaks the tie up and drills Stevens with a left hand and then another. Stevens swings back but Lassie ducks spins Stevens around and hits an atomic drop. Lassie then tags in his partner.)
HS: "The action is fast paced here, who will be able to keep this pace up though."
FJ: "Logic would say the answer to that question would be the winning team Summers. At least think before you start asking those questions."
(Cynder grabs Stevens as he is getting up, only to drop him again with a DDT which he follows with a quick cover which gets him a two count. Cynder pulls him back to his feet and pushes him back into the corner. Cynder chops Stevens, but Stevens chops back a couple of times, Cynder than drives a knee into the midsection of Stevens and then an elbow into the back of his head. Cynder then tags Lassie back in and the two hit a double gut buster which brings NHL into the ring. The four men brawl again before the ref regains control.)
HS: "The referee is in danger of losing control of this one real quick."
FJ: "Don't tease me like that Summers."
(Lassie and Stevens move to lock up but Stevens ducks and nails a left hand to the back of Lassie's head. The ref warns him about the closed fist but Stevens blows him off and does it again before nails Lassie with a bulldog and tagging NHL into the match. NHL takes Lassie into the corner where he lifts him to a sitting position on the top rope where he goes for a superplex but is pushed off the top and lands hard. Lassie then jumps with a driving elbow into the chest of NHL. Lassie then makes his way over to the corner and tags Cynder in.)
HS: "So much back and forth action, I think it is going to be a question of who makes the biggest mistake."
FJ: "Why all the negativity, could it not be possible that someone might do something great and win the match?"
HS: "Of course it is, if you would think before coming back like that we would not even be discussing this."
(Cynder comes in and pulls NHL to his feet and drags him back into the corner and begins to hammer away. But as he is Stevens begins to enter only to be cut off by the ref, but during the distraction NHL hits a low blow on Cynder and takes control. He Taunts Lassie who tries to come in but the ref stops him and Stevens and NHL double team Cynder on the other side of the ring)
HS: "Well that is one way to get an advantage, Damage inc. is manipulating their way to the advantage here, but if they are not careful..."
FJ: "Don't even bother saying it, they will not get caught, and thus they are not doing anything wrong, leave it alone."
HS: "You never cease to amaze me Frank, never."
(Stevens stays in the ring without a tag which the ref questions but lets go when Stevens says that he tagged in. He begins to work Cynder over with a series of punches and kicks in the Damage Inc. corner. He then lifts him back to his feet and drapes him over the ropes and steps out of the ring where he grabs his head and drops to the floor hanging him over the top rope. Stevens slides back in and tags NHL. NHL takes over where Stevens left off, he pulls Cynder back to his feet and begins to work him over in the corner.)
HS: "Cynder is going to need to make a tag soon or this one might just be over."
FJ: "Yeah, just watch NHL and Stevens keep Cynder in their corner, text book tag team wrestling."
(NHL whips Cynder to the ropes and catches him in a sleeper hold. Cynder struggles to get loose but finally does when he is able to fall into the corner using his body weight to crush NHL into the turnbuckles. Both men fall to the mat and begin to crawl toward their corners. But NHL is able to regain his composure and heads over to grab Cynder who still crawls toward his corner. NHL Grabs him by the ankle and begins to drag him back to the center of the ring when Cynder out of nowhere hits a mule kick knocking NHL back and tagging in Lassie.)
HS: "There is the tag, this one could turn around, but look out!"
(Stevens comes into the ring charging at Lassie who at the last minute ducks and watches Stevens tumble to the outside. Lassie looks down at him for a moment before turning back to NHL who is up and boots him in the midsection. He then locks him in for the Slap shot only to have the opportunity broken up by Cynder. Cynder and NHL begin to trade punches before Cynder just stops NHL then drills him again and then turns toward Lassie who is waiting for him and nails him with the Peace Maker and covers for the 1...........2............3)
HS: "Peacemaker and Lassie and Cynder win, he damn near kicked NHL's head off with that."
FJ: "Nice to see that they had to resort to a two on one attack to win the match."
HS: "Well turn abouts fair play, Damage Inc. double teamed the entire match."
FJ: "What match were you watching, they would never pull something like that unless provoked."
(We then see Brian Stevens roll out of the ring. He reaches under the ring and he pulls out a Singapore Cane! He slides back into the ring and swings it, cracking Andreas and Cynder in the backs of their heads.)
FJ: "What?? Man, this is great! VIOLENCE!!"
HS: "...oh brother..."
(As Stevens beats them with the Singapore Cane, NHL rolls out of the ring, showing some slight limping and holding his head after the kick to the head he was totally unaware of. He grabs his United States Championship and he slides it into the ring. He goes underneath the ring and grabs a lead pipe and slides into the ring. He reaches down and grabs Lasiewicz by the head, shoving the United States Championship into his face. NHL drops the title and bashes Andreas in the forehead with the pipe and throws him to the mat. NHL grabs the title and walks over to Cynder.)
HS: "This is so wrong. We need some security out here or some referees with actual spinal chords."
FJ: "I have a spinal chord, but I don't like to interrupt violence."
(NHL picks up Cynder's head and shoves the United States title in his face, now. NHL starts to scream that no one that was from the Carnival is worthy enough for this title. NHL tosses the title and then bashes the pipe off of Cynder's head. NHL tosses Cynder to the mat and then counts in the air...ONE...TWO...THREE...FOUR...FIVE...SIX...SEVEN...EIGHT...NINE...TEN! NHL flips off Cynder and then he bends over to grab his title and the pips.)
FJ: "Why does that black, tuxedo shirt look familiar...I've seen that before..."
(The person doesn't look like they've showered or shaved in weeks. This individual's hair is about four inches. His beard is thick and bushy and his clothes are tattered. This person starts to attack NHL. He lays a few shots on his face, then he knocks him down with a clothesline. Stevens turns around and stops dead in his tracks. We see him stare at him in shock, then starts to smile, but then stops because he sees NHL down on the mat.)
FJ: "Onslaught?? Wasn't he fired from Damage, Inc. over a month ago?"
HS: "Maybe that explains his actions on Henry just now..."
FJ: "oooooh yeah. Good observation, Herb."
(Onslaught smiles and then he extends his hand towards his best friend, Brian. The two shake, but then Onslaught's smile disappears and Brian's face turns white as the man across from him breaks the handshake and clotheslines Stevens out of his shoes and onto his face.)
HS: "Why is Onslaught attacking his best friend??"
FJ: "Who knows and who cares...more violence!"
HS: "...You're the reason why some parents don't let their kids watch wrestling."
FJ: "What did I do??"
HS: "...nothing...Let's just hit a commercial..."
(We fade to commercial with Onslaught standing in the ring with Henry, Brian, Andreas, and Cynder lying on the mat.)
(The video we saw earlier tonight plays again. We see a graveyard on the video screen. Then it changes to a haunted house. We see a line in white fly across the screen saying "The AWA's Dread is coming". We now flash to what looks like a Hollywood set made to look like hell. We see the line, "Dread" is flashing again. We then fade to the AWA ring. Finally, we see "Dread is coming" once again, however this time the writing changes to red, as if it's the color of blood. The wording is also dripping as if it was someone's blood. We now see the words "Last Man Standing" appear on the screen, with the date of October 30th. "The AWA will Dread this day for a long time to come". We then hear maniacal laughter as the words drip off the screen like blood and the screen turns back to normal.)
(We cut to another area of the Ford Center and see Brian Stevens walking backstage, only minutes after his and NHL's loss to Andreas Lasiewicz and Cynder. Suddenly Jeff Christianson runs up from behind and knocks him to the floor with a clothesline. We see Stevens quickly getting back to his feet as they begin to trade lefts and rights, back and forth. We see security trying to break them apart. Security finally has success as they don't charge each other. We just see both men give a glare at each other as we head back to ringside.)
("Sadness" by Enigma stars playing; heavy industrial chords highlight the latin Gregorian chant. Then in a moment respite only the heavy, sighing breath of an unseen woman can be heard. The lights in the auditorium are extinguished. And like a burning brimstone flood letters spelling the name QUADE DESADE form a fiery cruciform logo, and the harsh tempo resumes and the monks begin again their mantra. Bathed in the flaming incandesence of his fiery cross Quade deSade stands at the top of the ramp. Enshrouded in the faded, travelworn trail coat he stands staring out at the spotlighted ring. It is then that the love can be felt: Ignorant of the crowd on either side of him, deaf to the jeers and insults raining on him Quade walks unhurried and uncaring towards the ring. The bright banners dissing on him and cussing him don't attract his attention. His only response is the the seemingly permanent cold, crocodile grin which seems more for himself than for any would be fan out there. Inside the ring and within the light he drops his coat and raises a horribly burn-scarred arm to each of the four corners in a mockery of a salute to the faceless crowd hidden within the darkness.)
HS: "Quade DeSade lost the AWA No Limit title just one week ago to Rawstarr, whom he is scheduled to face at Last Man Standing. Tonight, he gets a chance to redeem himself as he faces Jeff Christianson."
("Respect My Game" by Master P blares over the PA and we fade backstage. We see "Dark Warrior" Jeff Christianson and Paige leave their locker room and begin making their way towards the ringside area. We finally see them reach the top of the stage to a chorus of boos from the crowd. They both give a very arrogant smile as the crowd begins to intensely boo them out of the arena. He looks directly at the ring, while walking down the center of the aisle. Paige, He doesn't acknowledge the fans being at the event, never taking his eyes off the ring. Paige on the other hand, begins teasing the crowd. She walks over to the barricade as if she's going to let a fan touch him, and at the last second she backs up as if to say she's too good for that person. Jeff Christianson now stops at the bottom of the entrance. Paige passes him and walks up the ring stairs, with Jeff Christianson slowly following behind her in his black and white jumpsuit. Jeff Christianson now turns around and spits at the crowd. Paige now holds the middle rope open and tells him to get in the ring. Jeff Christianson gets in the ring. Paige follows by stepping in between the middle rope and the bottom rope. He walks over to his corner and climbs up to the middle rope. He holds both his arms up to even more heat from the crowd. Paige now poses at his side. He then hops down. Paige then gets out of the ring.)
FJ: " Last week was one of my favorite moments in recent AWA history when Christianson almost broke The Fish's ankle."
HS: "Well, but now he is behind in the series between him and Fish, with Fish collecting four victories to Christianson's three."
(The bell rings and DeSade gets an immediate advantage by nailing Christianson with a clothesline, sending him to the mat. He follows up with a series of boots to Christianson's shoulder, but DW is able to fight his way back to his knees, hitting a series of punches to Quade's stomach, but Quade counters with an eye gouge. DW, however, retaliates with an eye gouge of his own. As the referee warns DW, he "accidentally" stumbles and pushes the referee to the ground. As the referee is getting back to his feet, DW drops to one knee and hits a low blow on Quade, doubling him over. The referee warns DW, but DW hits a DDT and covers Quade. He only gets a two-count, but immediately starts working over Quade's legs with a series of stomps, then a single leg Boston crab.)
HS: "It first seemed that they were going to out-cheat each other, but now Christianson is going back to working one body part."
FJ: "Although I would have liked the cheating thing better."
(Quade is finally able to grab the bottom rope and DW is forced to release the hold. DW then drags Quade back to the center of the ring and is about to apply the hold again when Quade riases his other leg and boots DW in the face causing him to release his hold on his leg. DW stumbles back a couple of steps and Quade flips to his back and as DW is moving back in he again boots him in the face and DW stumbles back again this time Quade is able to get up and as DW comes back in Quade nails him with a right, but Christianson counters with a right of his own. The two trade a number of shots before DeSade getts the advantage and begins to twist the wrist of DW. DW winces as the pain shoots up his arm and DeSade then wrings the arm of DW. DW again winces but shortly there after he is able to do a series of rolls and get out of the arm wringer, only to get clotheslined and dropped to the mat.)
HS: "Quade was able to escape that Half Crab and he know has clear cut advantage."
FJ: "I still wish they were a little more ruthless, I mean what is with the lack of rule breaking?"
HS: "Maybe they decided that they wanted to have Wrestling actually contribute to the winner of this WRESTLING match."
FJ: "Hey do you know how to spell Lame?"
HS: "Sure Lam......"
FJ: "Wrong its HERB"
HS: "Hillarious"
(With DW down DeSade quickly begins to work on his leg. He stomps it a numbe of time and applies a leg grapevine which takes alot out of Christianson. He then drags him to the ropes and drops all his weight across DW's knee. He then applies the start of a figure four leg lock, but DW pushes him off. DeSade then goes for it again but this time DW grabs his head and rolls hom up for a two count.)
HS: "Near fall ou of nowhere and DeSade does not look pleased."
FJ: "What was that, who wins a match with a small package anyway?"
(DeSade has an angered look on his face and heads over to DW who is still down, but as DeSade gets within striking distance DW springs up hitting DeSade witha drop kick at the same time and then lands on his feet.)
HS: "What and athletic move that was, very impressive."
FJ: "Would have been better if it was a chair shot."
HS: "I Dont even know why you are still here, do you even care about the wrestling?"
FJ: " I think it's obvious that I dont"
(Christianson then catches Quade with another drop kick as he gets back to his feet and then another which keeps DeSade Down. DW then drops an elbow and goes for a cover and gets a two count. He then begins to work over the left ankle of DeSade, and the pain is written all over the face of DeSade. DW then grabs the foot of DeSade and is obviously going for the ankle lock but DeSade is able to kick him off and roll away/ DW is quickly back on top of DeSade going for an elbow drop, but DeSade again rolls away and DW hits the mat rather forcefully on his elbow. He grabs it with a grimace as he climbs back to his feet. But DeSade is up to and the two begin to trade rights again with DeSade gaining the advantage and using the punches to back DW into a corner. DeSade then drives a back elbow into the jaw of DW. DeSade steps back to look at the pained expression on his opponents face, and then boots Christianson in the midsection. He repeats this process twice more and goes for a third, but on the third DW is able to grab the foot of DeSade and DeSade hops on one foot backward toward the center of the ring and then jumps looking for a boot but Christianson falls with him and locks in his finishing submission the Grapevine Ankle Lock.)
HS: "OH my Grapevine Ankle Lock, DeSade is in trouble here"
FJ: "Damn right he is, he has it locked right in the center of the ring."
HS: "DeSade is hanging on for now, but how long can he keep this up?"
(DeSade fights the pain and tries to struggle free, but after close to fifteen seconds in the hold he has no choice but to tapp out.)
HS: "He tapped, he fought valliantly, but he had to tap the pain was to much."
FJ: "Christianson wins it, But no violence, so just an average match."
HS: "A Great match if you ask me, both men fought hard, Dark Warrior just got the better of DeSade this time. But DeSade lasted longer than most in that devestating Grapevine Ankle lock"
(We see AWA President Travis Gray standing in the ring, dressed well as always. Next to Mr. Gray is a small stool with a Championship belt that is under a black sheet. He brings a mic to his mouth and begins to speak.)
GRAY: “Over the last couple of months we’ve all been witness to one of the greatest comebacks in American Wrestling Alliance history. Whether it’s been here in the AWA, where he has put on wrestling clinic after wrestling clinic to regain the American Wrestling Alliance Cruiserweight Championship for an unprecedented fourth time, or all around the globe, where he has taken on all comers. In just two short months he’s made twelve title defenses in ten countries. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you... THE FISH!”
("Trendy" by Reel Big Fish hits as water shoots from the stage and Fish appears wearing a powder blue suit. His Cruiserweight Championship belt is noticeably missing. Fish (...) climbs into the ring and shakes Travis Gray’s hand. Fish grabs a mic out of his back pocket and begins to talk as President Gray moves aside.)
FISH: “You know, when I broke my neck I dreamed of coming back and having the opportunity that I was granted upon my return. (...) I knew that I hadn’t lost a step, I knew that when I got thrown right into a title match at the biggest show of the year I wouldn’t disappoint. And obviously, I didn’t. I’m undefeated in singles competition since my return and that includes matches all over the world, as President Gray pointed out. I said that once I won back the AWA Cruiserweight Championship I would take it to heights that it’s never seen before. I believe I am well on my way to doing just that. My matches have been marquee matches, they’ve been talked about matches and at Last Man Standing I have a chance to become the number one contender for the American Wrestling Alliance World Heavyweight Championship, a chance that I plan to take full advantage of."
(The crowd cheers again. Gray starts to talk.)
GRAY: “Well, everybody should pay close attention to an announcement I am going to make at the end of the show regarding Last Man Standing. However, Fish, everything you just said was true and I wish you the best of luck in your quest to take the Cruiserweight Championship straight to the top. And through your great accomplishments since regaining that Championship, myself and the rest of the front office feel that you truly are... A WORLD CHAMPION!"
(President Gray pulls the sheet off the belt and exposes the new American Wrestling Alliance World Cruiserweight Championship. It’s a beautiful belt with deep engravings, not too much unlike the IWGP belt and “WORLD CHAMPION” heavily emphasized. There are also gold name plates on both straps with the names of every person that Fish has defended the title against. We now look at Fish, who looks ecstatic. Gray hands Fish the belt, bowing his head and Fish raises it high into the air to a loud reaction. Suddenly, "Drink New Blood" by Iggy Pop begins to play and the fans cheer as the AWA World Heavyweight Champion Low makes his way down the ramp. (...) He quickly rolls into the ring and takes the microphone out of Travis Gray's hand as The Fish looks on with a weary look on his face.)
LOW: "Fish, many people wouldn't believe it, but I can be very forgiving and I can let bygones be bygones. We've had our wars in the past and I did my damndest to try and humiliate you in front of millions, but that was then and this is now, Fish."
"So I stood in the back and I listened to what good ol' Trav had to say, and you know what? I agreed with him. You've made a great comeback, you've had a couple of great matches, that title you hold has never meant more than when it was in your hands. Oh yeah, that's the truth."
(Low leads the fans in a round of applause for The Fish.)
LOW: "But then Travvy Gray over here said the words that REALLY caught my attention... WORLD CHAMPION! What the hell? You know, Fish, I can respect your comeback from a serious injury, your recent matches and victories, your effort to put the WRESTLING back into American WRESTLING Alliance, but a World Champion? Hey, I've held that title twice myself, but buddy, it ain't the real deal."
"THIS is the real deal!"
(Low pats the World Heavyweight title belt to a mixed reaction.)
LOW: "So Fishy, if you really want to be called the World Cruiserweight Champion and have it MEAN something, there is no way around The Legendary Low."
(Low takes two steps and is now almost face to face with Low, as there is a definite buzz in the crowd.)
"So whether I win tonight against Andreas Lasiewicz or not, I challenge you to a match, one on one, (...) for you to prove to me, to the fans, to the guys in the back, heck, to the WORLD whose Cruiserweight Champion you want to be that you can hang with the number one man around here."
"What do you say?"
(Low now presses the microphone on The Fish's chest and waits for him to take it. Fish does so after staring at Low a few moments. Fish briefly looks into the crowd, nods and responds...)
FISH: "You're on!"
(The fans explode in cheers as Fish drops the microphone. Low puts his hand out to Fish. After taking a few seconds to consider, Fish takes Low's hand and shakes it. Suddenly, though, Low unbuckles his title belt and holds it into the air. Fish puts a big smile on his face... and does the same with HIS title belt! The fans cheer even louder.)
(The crowd cheers wildly, but quickly changes its reaction as Low drops to his knees on the steel ring around the top of the cage and plants his arm firmly between Andreas’ legs. Lasiewicz winces in pain and starts to bend forward. Low stands, turns and drops Lasiewicz into a Low Stunner on the top ring of the steel cage. Cameras flash all around. Low makes a face of pain as he lands tailbone first on the steel ribbing. Lasiewicz flips backwards in moonsault fashion, twisting in mid air in a rainstorm of white lights and cheers and crashes to the mat. Chants of “holy sh*t” ring through the arena. Low leans into the ring and lowers his bloody form to the top rope before falling to the mat. Low crawls inch by inch towards Lasiewicz. Lasiewicz is breathing, but no other movement. Low gets in range and throws an arm over Lasiewicz.)
(The crowd counts along) Two!
(“Drink New Blood” begins to play as the bell rings. The referee checks on both men who are slowly fighting to their feet. Cynder gets up, applauding both competitors, he hops over the barricade and exits through the crowd.)
HS: “The Eight Time World Champion has done it. He has retained his Championship here in a Steel Cage in a brutal fight against The Gambit!”
FJ: “Both men are bloodied and bruised but it’s… hey Whisper, where are you going?”
(In the ring Low has stood and offered Lasiewicz and handshake. Both men are breathing heavily. Lasiewicz is staring down the handshake and starts to reach forward, stopping to admire his own handcuffed wrist with the broken chain. He smirks cockily but takes and shakes the hand. The crowd cheers and then gets louder and noisier. Whisper has been climbing to the top corner of the cage and is waiting for Low and Lasiewicz to notice. He still has the hard cast on his right foot, and the wooden crutch in his right hand. As Lasiewicz and Low release the handshake, they seem to be happy, possibly joking about the match. Lasiewicz notices first and mouths an obscenity. Low turns and Whisper comes flying from the top corner and drops the crutch under his feet, kicking into the already bloody faces of both men. The crowd immediately boos.)
HS: “What the hell?”
(Whisper stands and stomps Lasiewicz once with the casted foot. Low, who didn’t take the worse portion of the crutch is back to his feet. Whisper picks up the crutch and jams it into the gut of the Champion. Low doubles over and Whisper raises the crutch high over his head. He brings it down hard and breaks the wooden crutch on the back of Low, who falls lifeless to the mat. Whisper reaches down and takes off the hard cast, spilling it’s contents… several shiny metal objects.)
HS: “That liar! He wasn’t injured at all!”
FJ: “Whisper is wreaking havoc!”
(Whisper smiles sadistically and picks up two of the shiny pieces of metal… handcuffs! He walks over to Lasiewicz. Picking him up, he sits the contender on the top rope and slaps him once disrespectfully. He straightens Andreas’ arms out and cuffs each wrist to the cage, leaving his arms out wide to either side. Whisper turns, picking up the other cuffs. He mounts Low and punches him several times in anger. Then, just as he did Lasiewicz, he cuffs the beaten Low, crucified to the opposite side of the cage from Lasiewicz. Whisper reaches out the door and rips the World Title out of the referees hand. He walks to the middle of the ring. He looks to his right at Lasiewicz, and then to his left at Low. He leans forward then snaps back, throwing his hair behind him. His face painted and twisted with disgust and the other men’s blood. He raises his arms, the World Title in one hand, and the cage begins to rise with the champion and the contender still crucified to the cage on either side of Whisper.)
(We go back to the Ford Center and join Herb and Frank.)
HS: "Last week, The Fish was named the AWA WORLD Cruiserweight Champion by Travis Gray, but Low took exception to that. The two men, whose personal hatred seems to have turned into a friendly rivalry, are set to face off at Last Man Standing to see who is the REAL World Champion. Also, we found out that Whisper wasn't really injured. His actions will certainly lead to an act of revenge by Low down the line, and of course, the 3C Match scheduled for Last Man Standing."
FJ: "Just when you thought Travis Gray had lost his touch, he pulls out a trick out of his hat. Cages, Cuffs & Crosses - pure genius!"
HS: "It is going to be interesting to see how Low and The Fish can coexist as they go for the AWA Tag Team title held by the Williams brothers, who are at odds themselves. Low, The Fish, John and Brian Williams... you could put any of these four men in the ring with each other and talk about their long-running rivalries and their classic matches."
(“Open Your Eyes“ by Alter Bridge begins to play and the fans erupt in cheers as one half of the AWA Tag Team Champions, “The Icon“ John Williams, makes his way down the ramp. He climbs into the ring and proudly displays his belt.)
HS: “This man, John Williams, holds the record for the longest reign as AWA United States Champion. He is also a former World Heavyweight Champion and with his brother Brian is a two-time Tag Team Champion.“
FJ: “But let us not forget, Herb, that NONE of these four men are on exceptionally great terms. I never thought I would ever say this, but it seems that Low and The Fish are closest to having a working relationship.“
HS: “I think that's what it is – not a friendship, just a WORKING relationship.“
("Harvestor of Sorrow" by Metallica begin to play and the lights go out. As the ominous opening chords begin to build, after a long pause, a single deep blue light falls on the ramp way. Smoke billows from the entrance creating an ominous haze, from within the haze we see the seven monster’s silhouette as he pauses, The dense mist follows Brian Williams all the way to the ring until he steps over the top rope and awaits his opponent.)
HS: “There is certainly no love lost between these brothers.“
FJ: “Look at how he drags the belt behind him. It's clear he doesn't care for that belt. I wonder why Low has become such a coward and didn't take Brian up on his challenge.“
HS: “You know very well how Low functions, and cowardice certainly was not his motive.“
FJ: “Whatever.“
(Erie music hits and the lights change to a blue tint and move in a way to make it seem that the whole arena is under water. The crowd buzzes in anticipation of one of the most popular wrestlers in AWA history, then "Trendy" by Reel Big Fish hits and the lights flash back on. As water shoots from the stage the crowd explodes with one of the loudest ovations you’ll hear in wrestling for an entrance as The Fish dead sprints to the ring, slapping every hand on one side of the aisle way before sliding into the ring.)
HS: “And here comes our AWA World Cruiserweight Champion!“
FJ: “I hear they are going to start a division for guys like him over at the competition's Friday show.“
HS: “I never heard of them.“
("Drink New Blood" begins to play and strobe lights in all colors flash all over the arena in accordance with the wild song as the fans cheer on. Low steps out from the back and makes his way down the ramp, not wasting a lot of time. As he enters the ring, he doesn't take his eyes off his opponents.)
FJ: “If you ask me, THIS is the ONLY World Champion in the AWA. I would have preferred Whisper to take that belt off of him at Overpower, but everything beats The Fish regaining that belt.“
HS: “Well, if you look at how everybody is staring at everybody, it is obvious that none of these men fully trust each other. Anyway, let me quickly repeat the rules for this match: whoever gets pinned or submits will lose his title. That simple. The only exception is The Fish, since none of his opponents are eligible for the Cruiserweight division.“
(Brian and Low both step out of the ring, and Fish and John are standing on opposite sides. The bell rings and Fish explodes, taking John down with a huracanrana. John gets back up, but Fish hits a series of kicks and forearms to John's head, keeping him on his knees. Fish goes into the ropes and hits John with a shining wizard. He covers but only gets a two-count. Fish goes into the ropes again and hits a dropkick, sending John down. Fish repeats his dropkick and sends John down for a second time, however Fish's third dropkick attempt fails, as John simply side steps him and Fish lands on his stomach. As he gets to his feet, John goes into the ropes himself and hits a dropkick of his own. He picks Fish up and hits an inverted atomic drop, then pushes him into the corner and tags in Brian. Brian hits a series of closed fists and forearms to Fish's head and chest. He goes to Irish whip him across the ring, but reverses and whips Fish back into his own corner. He charges and follows up with a corner clothesline, followed by a choke with his boot. Finally, he ends his corner attack by just throwing Fish into the middle of the ring.)
FJ: “Brian Williams is just too strong, too big for The Fish.“
HS: “If The Fish has proven one thing over the years it's that it's not the size of the fish in the fight, but the size of the fight in the fish.“
FJ: “Cute Herb, really cute.“
(Fish is on all fours and Brian just kicks him into the ribs, sending him onto his back. Brian goes for an elbow drop, but Fish rolls out of the way, nips up and jumps towards his corner, tagging Low in! Low storms into the ring and starts kicking away at Brian's arm and shoulder, softening him up for the All-Time Low. Low goes into the ropes, but Brian catches him with both hands and starts choking away. He lifts Low up for a double-handed throw, but Low counters with two well-placed thumbs to BW's eyes. Low goes into the ropes and hits a lariat, but he only staggers BW. He goes for another lariat, but BW counters with a big boot. He then just starts pummeling Low with closed fists, ignoring the referee's warnings. BW hooks Low's head into a standing dragon sleeper, but Low counters with a drop toe hold. He immediately floats over and applies the All-Time Low on BW! The fans explode, but it only takes a few seconds for John to come in and break the hold. BW robs into his corner and then tags JW in.)
FJ: “This was close, but I don't think Brian has been weakened enough to submit to the All-Time Low.“
HS: “Well, he has never endured this hold, but now we see Low versus John Williams for the first time in two years, with the exception of their brief interaction at Hell On Earth.“
(JW comes in and Irish whips Low, catching him with a quick belly-to-belly suplex. He wastes no time and picks Low up, hitting a huge power bomb. He holds on to Low's legs and then applies a Canadian Maple Leaf. Low is in a lot of pain, but Fish returns the favor by saving Low with a springboard moonsault into a reverse DDT! The fans cheer on as the referee sends Fish out of the ring. Low finally makes his way to the corner and tags Fish in. Fish goes for the Ode To Evans, but JW gets his knees up and Fish looks like he almost broke his back upon impact. JW goes to pull Fish up, but suddenly Low hits him with a chop block and sends him to one knee. Fish wastes no time and now he hits the shining wizard! He covers, but just gets two. Both men are back up and Fish hits a deep arm drag. He springboards off the middle rope and hits another arm drag. After hitting a series of chops to JW's chest, Fish attempts a backdrop driver, but JW can shifts his weight and counters with a bulldog. JW then picks Fish up onto his shoulders, spins around several times with an airplane spin, before finally hitting an F5.)
HS: “He calls that Round The World.“
FJ: “And it certainly didn't miss his mark. And now he tags Brian back in!“
(Indeed John reluctantly tags in his brother, who waits for Fish to get back to his feet. He then charges and nails Fish with the running big boot that ended their last match. BW covers, but Fish kicks out at two. BW puts his big hand around Fish's throat and lifts him up with one hand, then lifts him into the air and delivers a choke slam. He then hooks Fish's legs and applies an elevated Texas Cloverleaf. Fish seems to fade into unconsciousness and the referee lifts his arm once... twice... but before the hand can drop a third time, Low breaks it up with a well-placed kick to BW's head. BW staggers back a few steps, but then pulls Fish back up. BW goes for a power bomb, but Fish is able to counter into a huracanrana, sending the much bigger BW to the mat. Fish now start crawling towards his corner, where Low is waiting with an extended arm. Fish comes within inches, but BW has recovered and nails an elbow drop to Fish's back. Not showing any emotion, he pulls Fish up, lifts him up and hits the Struggle Within! The referee counts one..... two..... NO! Fish grabs the bottom rope! BW pulls Fish up again, but Fish suddenly explodes with a Pele kick that sends BW to the mat! Fish stumbles into his corner and tags Low in.)
HS: “What a kick! And now Low is in!“
FJ: “But Brian has tagged in John as well.“
(John and Low meet in the middle of the ring and start exchanging punches, followed by an exchange of knife edge chops. John seems to gain the upper hand. He goes into the ropes and hits Low with a clothesline, followed by a legdrop. He covers but only gets one. He whips Low into the ropes and hits a powerful spinebuster. JW now stalks Low and waits for him to get to his feet. As he does, John lifts Low up to hit All She Wrote, but Low is able to shift his weight and roll over, grabbing JW and rolling him up with a school boy to get a two-count. Low connects with a kick to JW's midsection, then goes for the Low Stunner, but JW is able to push him off and into the ropes. Low tries to counter with a spear, but JW holds on and hits an implant DDT. JW briefly catches his breath before getting back up, but Low is able to drag him down to the mat. He immediately floats over and applies the Low Profile! John seems to be on the verge of tapping out, but suddenly there is a commotion in the crowd and Low releases the Low Profile as he sees The Canucks coming out of the crowd and to ringside.)
HS: “What are they doing here?“
FJ: “I have no idea, but I bet I'll like it.“
(Fish starts arguing with the referee, telling him to do something about The Canucks, giving Terry James and Xtreme Jeff the opportunity to reach under the ring and pull out two hockey sticks. They slide into the ring and approach Low from behind. They swing their hockey sticks from opposite sides, but Low is able to duck at the last moment and The Canucks instead hit John Williams! The Fish, meanwhile, springboards himself into the ring and hits both Canucks with a sea twister. XTJ charges at Fish, but Fish backdrops him over the top rope and out of the ring, then throws the charging James out as well, then follows with a springboard shooting star press to the outside. Low crawls over to John and covers him. He gets one..... two..... NO! Low breaks up the cover as Brian tries to do so with an elbow drop, but he hits his own brother instead. Low hits a superkick on Brian, causing him to fall into the ropes and getting wrapped in them. Low then waits for John to get back up. He hits the Low Stunner, covers, and gets one..... two..... three! Low and Fish win.)
HS: “We have brand new AWA Tag Team Champions! Brian Williams had to look on as Low pinned his brother while he was entangled in the ropes.“
FJ: “The Canucks had a good tactic, trying to keep the belts around the Williams' waists so they could challenge for it, but that plan backfired. I wonder how this situation is going to play out.“
(“Drink New Blood“ begins to play and the referee raises Low's arm. The Fish has rejoined Low in the middle of the ring and the two just stare at each other. After a few moments, Fish extends his hand and Low shakes it. The referee hands them their belts and each holds up his two title belts as the fans cheer on.)
HS: “Ladies and gentlemen, we have new AWA Tag Team Champions. How is this going to affect the matches at Last Man Standing? Will The Canucks still get a chance at the title? Will Low and Fish be able to coexist? What will John and Brian's reactions be to what just transpired here? Make sure to tune in next week to Sunday Night Shock to find out! Good night!“
(As Low and Fish celebrate by climbing the ropes, the camera fades out.)
Copyright AWA 2005 |