FJ: “ They certainly know what they are getting themselves into this Sunday with Shock.”
HS: “ They sure do Frank, and it’s only one week away from OverPower 2005, The World Title, The Cruiserweight title, The Tag Team titles, and the No Limit Championship are all on the line Next Sunday night, and Tonight we get to see two of those belts put on the line.
HS: “ YOu are so disrespectful to the Cruiserweights, but regardless, The Fish will be facing off against Rawstarr for the title, Damage Inc in a non title match will face Atlas and newcomer Johnny Jet.”
FJ: “ But most importantly Herb, Low goes one on one with DW, and lets face it, that’s a history lesson right there.”
HS: “ That will certainly be one hell of a match, and I think it’s time we get this show on the road.”
FJ: "You mean the Fish is going to put his Cruiserweight Championship on the line NOW against Rawstarr?"
(Eerie music hits and the lights change to a blue tint and move in a way to make it seem that the whole arena is under water the crowd buzzes in anticipation of one of the most popular wrestlers in AWA history, then "Trendy" by Reel Big Fish hits and the lights flash back on as water shoots from the stage the crowd explodes with one of the loudest ovations you’ll hear and wrestling for an entrance as The Fish dead sprints to the ring, with the AWA Cruiserweight Championship around his waist, slapping every hand on one side of the aisle way before sliding into the ring.)
FJ: "This should be a great display of Cruiserweight strategy with these two top cruiserweights that the AWA has ever seen."
HS: "In the echelon of Cruiserweight Champions, some say that Rawstarr is ranked right up there at the top of the chain."
FJ: "...Herb, I have no clue what you're talking about. Rawstarr was only a one time champ. You need to go back and look into that championship reign again."
HS: "Hey! In reality, he was two times the AWA Cruiserweight Champion. I don't care about some stupid match stipulation. That title reign actually took place. Don't give me that!"
("trapped" by. 2 pac hits the arena and blue LIGHTS gleem on the head of Rawstarr. Total Darnkness, half way down the Ramp it the Back blows and you can see all yellow lights in the arena, as rawstarr takes off his hood of his trench coat when he gets in the ring.)
HS: "Well, blue lights shined down on him in total darkness in the entrance hard is that?"
(The referee calls for the bell and the match is under way! Rawstarr charges for the Fish, but the Fish leap frogs over Rawstarr. Rawstarr stops, turns around, but is greeted with a hurricanrana by the Fish. The Fish performs and Ode to Evans on the downed Rawstarr, twisting through the air and landing square on the unaware Rawstarr. The Fish gets up and brings his opponent to his feet. He whips him into the ropes and tries for a hip toss, but Rawstarr blocks it and hits one of his own on the Fish. The Fish rolls to his feet, but is hit with a cradle DDT before he can react to anything. With the Fish down, Rawstarr jumps in the air to hit a leg drop, but the Fish rolls out of the way at the last second. As Rawstarr nurses his leg, the Fish bounces off the ropes and hits a baseball slide to the face of Rawstarr, sending him rolling back into the bottom rope.)
(The Fish brings Rawstarr up to his feet and whips him into the ropes. Rawstarr jumps over an attempted monkey flip by the Fish, bounces off the ropes, and nails the missed leg drop from earlier. Rawstarr covers the Fish for a pin...ONE.- But the Fish resiliently kicks out quick. Rawstarr picks up the Fish and grapples up. Rawstarr hits a suplex on the Fish and immediately locks in a headlock. The Fish tries his best to get out, but Rawstarr keeps it in place. The Fish gets up to his feet and elbows Rawstarr in the stomach. Rawstarr slightly breaks the hold, so the Fish bounces off the ropes and whips Rawstarr into the opposite ropes. On Rawstarr's way back, the Fish jumps up into the air and hits a leg scissors DDT. The Fish stands up and does a front flip and then changes it into a leg drop onto Rawstarr's chest. The Fish runs towards the nearest corner and hops onto the top turnbuckle. Rawstarr gets to his feet and groggily turns around. At that moment, the Fish leaps off the top turnbuckle and does a front flip, landing on Rawstarr's shoulders, then he completes his pattented Fish-o-Rana. The Fish hops onto Rawstarr for a pin...ONE...TWO...THREE!)
FJ: "That's right. The Fish always puts on a great show, and I'm always honored to watch such great athleticism that the Fish always displays."
HS: "The Fish hit his Fish-o-Rana and put Rawstarr away, but it wasn't an easy match. I see Rawstarr contending for the Cruiserweight Championship again in the near future."
FJ: "It's now time for Damage Inc. against somebody."
ATHENA: ”Last week, they were eliminated from the Tag Team Tournament by those bushwhackers, Sven and Harley, but now they are back, stronger, better and eager to show you what a great team they can be! Last week, they were just two wrestlers thrown together for a tournament.”
(With that, she goes backstage and silence fills the arena. Then Dune’s song ”Are You Ready To Fly?” starts to play and the crowd cheers its approval when the singer asks just that. On the AWAtron, in silver lettering against a black background, the word ”S-Express” appears. Johnny Jet and Atlas emerge from the back and head toward the ring. Jet is in his usual wrestling outfit, while Atlas has traded his old blue and yellow tights for black ones with a wide silver stripe down the sides of his legs. They interact with their fans all the way down, slapping outstretched hands and even stopping now and then to sign autographs or pose for pictures. When they reach the ring, Atlas slides under the bottom rope, gets to his feet and pulls the top rope. Meanwhile, Johnny has climbed the top tunrbuckle and raised both hands into the air and leaps forward with a 360 somersault. When he lands, flames shoot out of all four ring posts.)
(The lights go dim and then we hear the small progression of chords begin at the beginning of Metallica's "Damage, Inc." Green and white lights begin to strobe as Nathaniel Henry Lee and Brian Stevens emerge from the back with the AWA Tag Team Championship belts around their waists. Sarah Hawthorne, who has her husband's AWA United States Championship on her right shoulder, and Kelly "Gunns" Lynch, following close behind as NHL and Stevens stand on the ramp. The two determined superstars stand on top of the stage and look around at the crowd. NHL spits a mouthful of water out of his mouth, spraying it across the stage as he looks at the crowd members. Brian Stevens looks around the crowd, ignoring the jeers and taunts from the fans. The two begin to make their way towards the ring with Sarah and Kelly following close behind. Brian Stevens ascends the ring steps as NHL pulls himself onto the ring apron and he takes his United States title from his wife. NHL climbs to the second turnbuckle and raises his arms in the air along with the AWA Tag Team Championship and the AWA United States Championship, soaking in the crowd's hatred. Brian Stevens climbs the adjacent turnbuckle and jaws at the fans while pointing the AWA Tag Team Championship around his waist.)
(Atlas, and NHL start out the match. They meet in the middle of the ring, and NHL and Atlas lock up. Atlas quickly goes behind for a waist lock. NHL throws an elbow and Atlas ducks. NHL applies a front facelock. Atlas now picks NHL up and slams him down on the mat with a UFC like takedown. NHL, although his back is hurting applies a body scissors to fully connect with the Gullitone Choke. We can now hear Atlas gasping for air. The referee begins to turn and NHL rolls over and now has Atlas in a Mounted front facelock. )
(NHL now pulls Atlas up, and then just drops him with a DDT. NHL goes for a quick cover. One... Two... and Atlas gets a shoulder up. NHL then begins to stomp on Atlas a little and picks him up. He Irish whips Atlas to his corner and tags in Brian Stevens. Brian Stevens begins laying stiff kicks into the stomach of Atlas, knocking Atlas to the ground. Brian Stevens picks Atlas up and puts him into a fireman's carry position. Brian now runs to one of the netural corner, slamming Atlas's head into the turnbuckle, and then does the same with the other. Brian Stevens then drops his opponent with a Samoan Drop, and lays on him for the pin.)
FJ: "That my friends is called the Krush Rush. He not only did it once but twice, then followed up with a Samoan Drop for those not paying attention."
HS: "Only a two count for Brian Stevens because of the Johnny Jet dropkick to the face."
(We now see the referee pushing Johnny Jet out of the ring. As he does so, NHL claps his hands to signify a tag being made. Brian Stevens rolls out on the other side of the ring and begins to head towards his corner as NHL steps in and begins stomping on Atlas again. NHL picks Atlas up and Atlas throws a punch that lands out of nowhere. He follows with another, and another rocking NHL. As NHL is teetering back, NHL throws a haymaker, but Atlas ducks. Atlas grabs him and does a release German suplex, throwing NHL over the top rope. Atlas now begins crawling towards his corner as we hear a thud on the outside of the ring. We hear a Holy Shit chant start.)
HS: "It looked like a Release German Suplex over the top rope."
FJ: "Do you think Henry is ok? Should we go check on him?"
HS: "I'm not sure... If you want to kiss his ass Frank, go ahead."
(We now see Atlas make a tag as Brian Stevens is outside checking on his partner. Brian Stevens now helps NHL up. At the same time, Johnny Jet goes to the top rope, and jumps off with a big splash knocking both men down. Johnny Jet quickly gets back to his feet, and grabs NHL. He rolls NHL into the ring. Johnny Jet now springboards him into a Helo landing on NHL's stomach. Johnny Jet goes for a quick cover. One... Two... and Brian Stevens pulls Johnny Jet out. Johnny Jet blocks the Brian Stevens punch that follows and hits one of his own, knocking Stevens off his feet once again.)
HS: "The rookie, Johnny Jet seems like he's on fire tonight."
FJ: "He will crash and burn, just like the New York Jets did in the NFL's opening week."
(Johnny Jet is back in the ring, he pulls NHL up. NHL throws a punch and hits him in the stomach. NHL then stands up and connects with a knee strike to Johnny Jet's stomach. He then grabs Johnny Jet's neck and nails a neckbreaker. Brian Stevens is now in the ring and he begins stomping the life out of Johnny Jet. Atlas comes in and attempts to makes a save but NHL spears him.)
HS: "If the referee's not careful, he can lose control of this match."
FJ: "That's just what I'd like to see happen."
(NHL nails a couple of stiff punches to Atlas's face, and then throws him out. Brian Stevens now has Johnny Jet up and connects with a punch of stiff punches which looked to have knocked Jet out. NHL picks Jet up, and Irish whips him to the ropes. NHL and Stevens nail a back elbow. Stevens goes out of the ring, only to be tagged in immediately by NHL. Stevens picks Jet up, but Jet seems out on his feet. Stevens removes his elbow pad and hits the ropes nailing a huge running lariat flipping Johnny Jet inside out. Stevens goes for the pin. One... Two... Three... As Atlas was too late to make the save.)
HS: "Atlas barely missed the save..."
FJ: "You sound disappointed Herb. This is a great day for everyone."
(Atlas and Johnny Jet versus Damage Inc. Atlas show some good chemistry as a new team, and give it the good fight to the veteran team of DI, it goes back and forth mostly between Atlas and Stevens. Toward the end, all four men are in the ring due to heel tactics of DI, Atlas makes the save, but he is stopped in his tracks by NHL and Stevens makes the cover on Jet to get the win.We go to commercial as Atlas checks on Jet.)
(Eerie music hits before ‘Trendy’ by Reel Big Fish hits and the Indiana
fans immediately hit their feet.)
FJ: “Oh no…”
HS: “The Fish isn’t scheduled tonight until later, I don’t know why he’s
out here so early.”
FJ: “Well, he has a microphone, obviously Herb, he has something to say.
Open your eyes before you open your mouth.”
HS: “Shut up, Frank.”
(The Cruiserweight Champion Fish comes out to his usual entrance,
complete with blue spotlights and small “geysers”. Instead of his normal
sprint to the ring, he casually walks down, holding a microphone and
fraternizing with the crowd. He eventually makes it to the ring, where he
hits each turnbuckle, holding his Cruiserweight Title high.)
HS: “Fish’s title is on the line here tonight against a man who’s beat
him before in Rawstarr.”
FJ: “What does that mean for Overpower, Herb?”
HS: “It means, Orlando Ortega might be facing Rawstarr at Overpower
FJ: “Well, I’m always ABF…”
HS: “ABF?”
FJ: “Anybody but Fish.”
(After the thousands of flashbulbs ignite the arena, the lights return to
normal and Fish sets his title on his shoulder, then holds the microphone
up. The entire crowd instantly grows silent, anticipating the champs
Fish: “Wow, it feels great to be in Cedar Rapids!”
(Fish waits for the cheap pop.)
Fish: “It just seems, no matter where I go in the world… excluding
Baranquilla, Colombia, my Fin Followers are out there, cheering me on,
helping me be the best Fish I can be!”
(Another pop.)
Fish: “And as I’ve been trekking across the globe, defending my title to
all comers, putting my body at risk, it is you guys who have kept this title
around my waist!”
(Fish! Fish! Fish!)
Fish: “And its you who is going to keep it around my waist tonight, as I
defeat Rawstarr!”
(Fish! Fish! Fish!)
Fish: “But in all my title matches against so many great competitors,
none have been more nail biting than my recent match in Mexico City. Before
I got to San Antonio two nights ago, I had to make a quick stop in Mexico
City, home of the greatest luchadors in the world! I faced a man who I’d
never even heard of, and quite frankly, nor did the Mexico City citizens.
And, let’s just say, it had some… interesting… results. But words can’t do
it any justice, so let’s just take a look.”
FJ: “What? Can he do this? I don’t think he has the authority!”
HS: “Just shut up and watch, Frank.”
(Fish, the cameras and all in attendance divert their attention to the
AWATron. We are now in a large arena in Mexico City with several thousand
of Mexicans are cheering on their feet. The competitors, Cruiserweight
Champion Fish and his opponent, are already in the ring. His opponent is
nameless, but wearing red long tights with flames up the side, and a
“devil’s” mask, hiding his face. There is no sound coming from the Mexican
announce booth, but if there was, it wouldn’t be heard over the thunderous
HS: “From what we’re being told from the back, this match was under
normal lucha-style rules, which is the same as AWA standard rules, however
there is a fifteen minute time limit no rope breaks. And from what they
tell me, you HAVE to watch the ending.”
FJ: “Oooh… I hope that means Fish loses.”
(Fish and the luchador, who is relatively small, and maybe an inch
shorter than the 5’9” Fish, square off. Fish holds up his hand for a finger
lock, and the challenger obliges. Fish instantly powers the lighter man
back, bridging him towards the mat. But the small man kips up, using his
momentum to power back, and then rolls with a hip toss, planting Fish on his
bottom. The challenger holds onto Fish’s arm with a key lock, but Fish
smacks the mat for focus and rolls to his right, breaking the move. He
reaches around with and grabs the lucha’s leg, taking him down with a
(Fish instinctively goes for a leg lock, but the challenger kicks his leg
and then rolls backward, to his feet. Both men hit their feet and this time
the luchador is offering a finger lock. Fish obliges and as soon as he
touches the devil’s fingers, he gets his arm pulled back into a wrist lock,
dropping to knee. Fish won’t have any of it, though, and quickly stands up
and twists his body, countering with a wrist lock of his own, which he pulls
into a key lock himself.)
(Fish quickly chains the key lock into a sleeper hold, but before he can
even lock in the move, the luchador counters with a snap mare. Now, Fish is
in a sleeper hold of his own. But Fish stands up to his feet instantly, and
struggles to the ropes. He puts his foot on the bottom rope, but no break
is called. Realizing this, Fish kicks up onto the second rope and springs
himself overhead of the challenger, and then catches him in a front face
look, looking for a reverse DDT.)
(But before Fish can nail the move, the luchador steps up the ropes
himself, not even able to see what he’s doing, and he ends up pulling Fish
down with a back flip arm bar. Fish, though, falls to the mat while the
lucha is in mid-air, causing him to land on his stomach hard, and wind up
completely vulnerable to a cross-face chicken wing. Fish locks in the move,
but the luchador struggles mightily to avoid the “chicken wing.”)
(His struggles are in vain, though, as Fish eventually locks the move in.
But the luchador suddenly hits one knee, then puts his foot underneath
himself, and springs up, twisting in the air, rolling on top of Fish. He
then rolls backward to his feet and quickly leaps for a rolling senton. But
Fish rolls through the move and comes up with a cradle pin. ONE! TWO! TH-
the luchador kicks out hard and rolls back to his feet, meeting Fish, who is
on his as well.)
(Fish darts at the luchador, who counters with an arm drag. Fish rolls
through, absorbing most of the impact, and continues on into the ropes. The
lucha is waiting with another arm drag, but Fish stops him dead in his
tracks, and then counters with a huge hip toss that sends a CRACK! through
the entire arena, creaking the ring frame. But Fish isn’t able to
celebrate, or even continue his offense, because the luchador grabbed his
arm mid move, and suddenly has a triangle leg lock wrapped around Fish’s
arm, despite the impact of the move.)
(The fans are getting into the match now, enjoying the quick counters.
Fish doesn’t fall to the mat, despite the weight of the lucha pulling down
on his arm, and is able to compose himself enough to stomp the lucha square
in the chest, breaking the move. Fish instinctively hits the ropes and the
lucha kips up, meeting Fish halfway on the rebound. Fish hops up, wrapping
his legs around the lucha’s head for a hurricanrana. But the luchador
doesn’t hit the mat, rather he grabs Fish around the waist and rolls,
amazingly wrapping his legs around the Fish’s head, using the momentum.)
(The fans cheer at this too, and expect a hurricanrana counter. But Fish
puts one leg forward and uses his super hero strength to halt the move.
Fish then kicks his legs in front of the lucha’s arm, either leg at the
time, and we hear the Mexican crowd shout DSD! DSD! DSD! Then they begin to
count down from 10… 9… 8… the lucha is squirming, trying his best to block
the move. 7… 6… suddenly, the lucha locks his legs around Fish’s head tight
and pulls backward, and suddenly, Fish goes darting forward, carrying the
lucha with him. Both men tumble over the ropes and to the outside… 3… 2… 1!
The referee calls for the bell, ending the match in a time-limit draw. We
then pan back to the US Cellular Arena, where Fish is standing with a
Fish: “Yeah, I told you the ending was exciting… but that’s not the
ending I was talking about! Just keep watching!”
(The Mexico City fans seem somewhat disgruntled, but when the competitors
both get up and acknowledge one another, they begin to cheer. Fish enters
the ring and gets his title from a ring aide, holds it high in a pose, then
calls the luchador to the ring. Both men stand in the center of the ring,
when Fish extends a hand for the lucha to shake. The fans erupt as he
instantly does. They shake hands and embrace arm hugs, before the lucha
leaves the ring to allow Fish to celebrate. As Fish is on his second
turnbuckle, he and the camera turn back to the ramp, where we see the
luchador standing, not having left yet. Suddenly, the lucha begins tugging
at his mask, loosening the strings on the back of it with his free hands.
Fish looks puzzled through his own mask, as the fans grow silent in
anticipation. The luchador removes his devil’s mask, revealing none other
than AWA Superstar, Orlando Ortega. The crowd erupts in shocked cheers, as
Fish suddenly grows irate. Fish charges towards the ramp, but the referee
steps between him, and then the arena security hit the ring. Fish decides
against it, but not before kicking the ropes in frustration. The Mexico
City camera focuses on the laughing face of Orlando Ortega as he mouths the
words ‘Overpower’ when the scene fades back to the Fish in Cedar Rapids.)
Fish: “Do you see what I mean? Can you believe the nerve of that guy? He
cost some Mexican star a chance at my title, and cost the fans of Mexico
City to see a real hometown hero! But you know what, despite the grueling
schedule I’ve been on, despite the jet lag, despite everything, he still
couldn’t beat me. And after the match, I was still the Cruiserweight
Champion. Just like I’ll be after the match tonight with Rawstarr, right
here in Cedar Rapids, Indiana…”
(Another pop.)
Fish: “And just like I’ll be after Overpower next Sunday!”
(‘Trendy’ hits as Fish celebrates in the flashbulb melee from the fans,
hitting each turnbuckle to give all the fans their money’s worth. The
commercial comes in as Fish celebrates.Commercial break to cool us off from such excitement.)
(Just back from commercial, the cameras are already waiting backstage.
We see The Outrageous One, Orlando Ortega, sipping some water from a cooler.
He’s leaned back against the wall, obviously listening to someone. The
camera pans back to reveal the gorgeous Jessica Kassle talking to him, a
smile on her face. Kassle emits a flirty giggle as the camera comes in
closer. Although we don’t know what they’re saying, the blush on Kassle’s
face gives us an idea. Suddenly, the camera focuses on a sound coming from
the door swinging open, hard. The Sensation Brian Stevens comes in with a
look of ire on his face.)
Stevens: “What do you think YOU’RE doing here?”
Kassle: “We’re just talking Brian! What’s it matter?”
Stevens: “No girl of mine…”
Kassle: “But I’m not yours, Brian. Not anymore!”
(Stevens stands up in Kassle’s face, at which Orlando decides to
OOO: “Yo, Don Juan… why don’t you leave the lady be?”
Stevens: “Shut up, little man, before I knock you out again.”
OOO: “Are you sure? I don’t think I’m facing the right direction! Maybe
I should turn around so you can sucker punch me again?”
(Stevens and Orlando step toe to toe, about to trade blows, when we hear
a sharp voice from off screen.)
Voice: “Brian… what is going on here?”
(The vindictive Editor in Chief of AWAOnline, Kelly ‘Gunns’ Lynch steps
into the break room, a look of scorn on her face.)
Kelly: “Brian, what are you doing fraternizing with your underlings? A
true superstar would be above such things.”
(Brian steps away, a little dejected. Kelly notices Kassle now.)
Kelly: “Oh… I didn’t think you had the ball enough to show up here
tonight, just to get humiliated again. That’s ok, in just a few moments,
everyone out there will know just how useless you are to Damage Inc, and to
this company. And once The Sensation is finally completely rid of that
low-class slut, he’ll become AWA’s next big Superstar!”
(Kassle grimaces and takes a step forward, but OOO holds her back. Kelly
pulls Stevens away and out of the room, but not before he gives OOO a look
saying ‘This isn’t over.’ The camera focuses on the worried and at the same
time angry look of Kassle as we fade back to the arena.)
HS: "Frank, are you ready for some more controversial Dragon's Lair
FJ: "Hell yeah, baby, hell yeah."
BD: "It's my great pleasure and honor to welcome everyone to another
edition of the Dragon's Lair. In recent weeks there has been some clear
tension in the ranks of Damage, Incorporated. I've noticed and certainly has
everyone else, especially one Kelly Gunns. At her request hopefully things
can be settled in a peaceful and honorable way. THat is after all what I'm
here for. So without further adieu I bring to you Damage, Incorporated."
(The lights go dim and then we hear the small progression of chords begin
at the beginning of Metallica's "Damage, Inc." Green and white lights begin
to strobe as Nathaniel Henry Lee and Brian Stevens emerge from the back with
the AWA Tag Team Championship belts around their waists. Sarah Hawthorne,
who has her husband's AWA United States Championship on her right shoulder
and Kelly "Gunns" Lynch follow close behind as NHL and Stevens stand on the
ramp. The two determined superstars stand on top of the stage and look
around at the crowd. NHL spits a mouthful of water out of his mouth,
spraying it across the stage as he looks at the crowd members. Brian Stevens
looks around the crowd, ignoring the jeers and taunts from the fans. The two
begin to make their way towards the ring with Sarah and Kelly following
close behind.)
HS: "Nathaniel Henry Lee, the current reigning AWA United States
Champion, has partnered with Brian Stevens since June, and the two have had
one hell of a year so far. I think their win against Bad Blood at Classic
has proven that they are a force to be reckoned with."
FJ: "Of course, Herb. Damage, Inc. are the AWA Tag Team Champions. They
have put down all contenders, and they will put down either the Williams
brothers or the Carnival's Janus and Cynder this Sunday, at Overpower."
(Brian Stevens ascends the ring steps as NHL pulls himself onto the ring
apron and he takes his United States title from his wife. NHL climbs to the
second turnbuckle and raises his arms in the air along with the AWA Tag Team
Championship and the AWA United States Championship, soaking in the crowd's
hatred. Brian Stevens climbs the adjacent turnbuckle and jaws at the fans
while pointing the AWA Tag Team Championship around his waist. Brian takes
the title off and drapes it on his left shoulder as he drops off the
turnbuckle. NHL puts the US Title on his right shoulder and the Tag Team
Title on his left shoulder. They both grab microphones as Kelly does the
KELLY: "Hello people. I have come here to make some restitutions with my
boys. They have been jawing each other for a few weeks, and I don't want to
have this alliance crumble after I have worked hard to make Damage, Inc. a
better tag team. I’ve already dealt with that bottom feeding slut, Jessica
Kassle, and now it’s time to whip those two in to shape to become the most
successful tag team in AWA history.”
BD: "That actually brings me to one of the most important questions
within this whole situation Miss Gunns. Aimed at Mr. Lee, recently you've
proved yourself to have some rather self destructive tendencies. What has
brought you to such a low state that you would consider the most cowardly of
all actions, self termination?"
NHL: "First off, Dragon, let's get one bloody thing straight. I was in a
bad position that day and I felt the need to clear the air of everything,
especially letting Low know what I feel about him...It just went too bloody
far, and that contractual dispute that Kelly had found kept me in the
AWA...and it seems that I may never leave."
BD: "What then has been the cause of the tensions between you and your
partner Stevens?"
STEVENS: "Let me answer this one, Henry. I've been under extreme amounts
of pressure, myself, so I felt the need to let the people know what I
thought of my partner at those times. We haven't been in the same room with
each other except on weekends, when we wrestle in the same arena. But, we
recently have come to the understanding that [BEEP] gets in the way, and we
can't be around each other to plan our next moves. But, we have talked and
we are now ready to take the stance of a true tag team, and continue to
dominate the lacking Tag Team Division."
BD: "Perhaps neither of you realize that taking such cheap shots at each
either invariably leads to increased tensions. You don't see anything wrong
with this?"
NHL: "I never did. I'm a man, and I can take words being thrown at me
that I may not like. Brian and I have talked and we're cool. We don't even
know why we're on this thing anyway."
BD: "Miss Gunns had requested that you two come on here and we clear
NHL: "No bloody crap! But, the air is already cleared-"
BD: "While I make allowances for your irritation, I must remind you this
is my show, and I will not be cut off."
NHL: "Fine."
BD: "Now, Miss Gunns, why would you join Damage, Incorporated? I want the
real and honest answer here."
KELLY: “Excuse me?”
BD: “I said…”
KELLY: “Oh, no, I heard you. I just can’t believe I’m hearing such
obscenities from someone who claims to be so noble. Why would I join
Damage, Inc.? That’s a great question, why WOULD I join them? I’m not
joining them, they’re joining me. Perhaps you should pay more attention,
dear. I’m not a member of Damage, Inc, in any way shape or form. You won’t
see me in their promos, you won’t see me escorting them to the ring, and
hell, had I not felt it necessary to come out here tonight, you wouldn’t see
me out here. I came to them with a proposition, period. I saw that they
had true talent, and when they beat Bad Blood the first time, I knew I had
struck gold. I tried to mold that big oaf Apollo into a star, but he was
too stubborn to listen. I wasn’t looking for a push over like him, I was
looking for a true superstar. I found that in Brian Stevens and I found
that in NHL. I offered them what no one else ever could… I offered them
Immortality. And, more importantly, I offered them certain… “immunity” from
the powers that be. My first goal is for them to become the most dominate
tag team in AWA history, and become one of the most successful stables as
well, far superior to Elimination Enterprises, the Blueprint, the NPD, or
that pathetic excuse for a team my ex-fiance’ called the Enforcers. I’m a
woman who knows what she wants, and I’m a woman who always… ALWAYS gets what
she wants.”
NHL: "Look, the fact is that with her by our side, we are going to
dominate the AWA in ways that not even the now defunct Bad Blood could ever
forsee. Throw anyone at us, and we'll knock them down."
(Black lights come up as the somber beginning of “Take Her Down (to
Crippletown)” by Rob Zombie plays. As the music picks up, white lights flash
blindingly as Cynder and Janus step out from the back, much to the crowd's
dislike. The duo walks to the ring, Janus laughing at times, while Cynder
berates the crowd. They slide into the ring and stare down Damage, Inc.
Janus whispers a joke into Cynder's ear at the expense of their opponents
and the two laugh derisively. Cynder signals for a mic and then he taps it
to make sure it's on.)
CYNDER: "Ok, let me get this straight, Henry, you think you can beat us?
If you do think so, think again, because we are coming for those straps this
Sunday. Sure, the Williams boys will be hard to beat, but we will do it
soundly and then kill the Tag Team reign you two losers have started."
BD: ""I will not have my Lair turned into a mad house. This time is
reserved for Damage Incorporated only, this has nothing to do with the
NHL: "Look here, Cynder. I'm sick and tired of this bloody nonsense. I'm
tired of you and your little band of misfits in the AWA. If you do happen to
squeak past the Williams brothers, then we will be there to pick up the
pieces of the Carnival and finish you guys off. See this title here?"
(NHL points out the United States Championship belt.)
NHL: "This means that I have gunned down Andreas Lasiewicz and I've taken
a title that no one else could take. He went a long time with it, but I was
the one to beat him. Come to think of it, Nathan beat him and ended his oh
so short No Limit title reign. It seems that Andreas can't ever get past
NHL, no matter what."
BD: "Once again I remind you all I will not have this turned into a zoo,
keep it civil."
NHL: "And Schozm, Phoenix, Paul Garrison, Janus, jackass, whoever you
feel like calling yourself, you have no right to be here. What was the last
title you won? Wait, when was the last time you won a title? Did you even
win a title?"
BD: "Quiet, all of you. Since the Carnival has seen fit to not leave as
yet, I pose to them a question, why do you feel the need to interject
yourself where you have no business."
CYNDER: "It's just for some verbal payback. Don't worry, Dragon, we're
not going to start any physicalities. We want Damage, Inc. to be in their
best shape at Overpower, so we can beat the ever living hell out of them.
But we're here now because we are so sick of hearing Damage, Inc. this and
Damage, Inc. that. I'm so damn tired of turning on the TV and seeing a
segment with Damage, Inc. on it. They are slowly taking over the AWA, just
like they have said, but what they don't do is try to cover their tracks.
Damage, Inc. is beatable. I've seen Low take out Henry and Brian. Together,
they may be unstoppable, but we have yet to see what they can do against the
Carnival. We are out here to stir the pot and plant seeds of doubt in their
STEVENS: "Look here you idiot. None of the Carnival can ever plant any
"seeds of doubt" in our heads, ever! We are the best, and these title say
that I'm right in my statement. What you don't know is that every member of
the Carnival is falling apart. Andreas lost the "Pollish title" to NHL,
Andreas and Whisper are fighting each other at Overpower when they take on
Low for the AWA Title. You two are always at odds. I mean, Phoenix and
Cynder absolutely hate each other, and now they are teaming together now?"
NHL: "What the hell is the matter with the there even a
Carnival? What is the point of having a group when you don't even
communicate anymore?"
CYNDER: "The Carnival is one strong unit, we just don't seem to be
showing it on camera. Lassie and Whisper are not fight each other, but they
have a common BUSINESS goal of ensuring the World title makes it into the
Carnival camp after Overpower. Janus and I are fine. Though I have battled
the Phoenix a lot of times, it doesn't change the fact that while he was
Schizm he never made one malicious move against me while in the Carnival. So
to answer your questions, the Carnival is one complete unit. Everyone is
working together to make sure that we get everything we want. We will pick
up what Damage, Inc. have left for us, and we will make sure that those
pieces fit well inside the Carnival."
BD: "Janus and Cynder take on the Williams brothers for an opportunity to
face Damage, Inc. for the tag titles, whilst Whisper and Andreas Lasiewicz
battle Low to ensure the World tile comes back to the Carnival. My question
how do you feel about all this Mr. Lee? After all The Carnival is attempting
something that Damage, Incorported has previously failed at."
NHL: "Listen up, Dragon, because I will say this only once. Let the
Carnival try to beat Low for the AWA World Title, because when that happens,
we'll be there to pick up that piece of the puzzle. Damage, Inc. houses the
AWA Tag Team Championship and the AWA United States Championship and we will
make sure that it says that way. Kelly Gunns is here to publicize with us
and make sure that we can do what we want, because she has "connections".
She is here to push us forth with a renewed attitude and some better
guidance. Damage, Inc. will walk over all competition tossed our way,
because we will always do what we do best...and that's create Damage and
BD: "Does the Carnival have anything to add?"
JANUS: "Keep those belts warm, because we'll be seeing you on Sunday, and
waving goodbye to you with them around our waists."
BD: "That does it for another edition of the Dragon's Lair, thank you
all for participating especially my scheduled guests. Moreover thank you all
for respecting the boundries of my show and not attempting any physical
(In a classic Television bout, these two men put forth something that we always see from them. An excellent technical piece of wrestling. From the get go they were on a mission to prove everything they have said over the years, but most of all the last week to see who would come out on top. Back and forth they went hold for hold, with great wrestling skills, and technical pieces the whole way out. In the end though, DW manages to apply the Ankle lock to Low and in an amazing match and performance Low counters the ankle lock by tossing DW down to his back but DW holds onto the ankle as Low stands up, shakes it loose and goes old school by making DW tap out to the Low Profile. And we fade to the end of the show as Low stands with the World title over his shoulder as he makes his way up the ramp way.)
AWA Copyright 2005