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AWA SUNDAY NIGHT SUPER SHOCK, April 17, 2005, Dallas, TX, Reunion Arena

(The AWA logo appears on the TV screen and the Shock intro begins. After that, a large and explosive pyrotechnic display ensues on the stage of this nights Super Shock. The camera starts to zoom around ringside, showing the fans sitting front row, or near front row. Other cameras catch signs in the audience, like "Low is NOT Immortal", "Dallas with NHL > Minnesota with Brian Stevens", "Lady Ashe can suck my blood anytime", and "Hang me Hangman".)

HS: "Welcome everyone to another edition of Super Shock. We are live from the Reunion Arena in Dallas Texas. This is the third show this month of Super Shock April! I'm Herb Summers sitting next to Frank Jackson."

FJ: "And we have one hell of a show lined up for you tonight!"

HS: "Yes we do. Even though not many titles are on the line, it has that pay-per-view calibur essense to it."

FJ: "And speaking of pay-per-view, the next pay-per-view event is Revelations, and that is being held on May 15 in Hawaii."

HS: "It would be great to catch some rays during that week, but tonight, we have a stellar card. We have a triple threat match with Maxx Skabb going against Draven Shadows against X-Treme Jeff. And XTJ's fellow Canuck partner, Terry James, takes on the odd Lady Ashe."

FJ: "Odd?? Man, you need to open your eyes! She's gorgeous and she's a deadly wrestler! What more can you ask for?"

HS: "Well, we do have Tragedy facing the tough Kyle Duke, but the Cruiserweight Champioship is not on the line."

FJ: "Aww...too bad. But, then we have the Hangman versus the Anthem tonight. That should be a good match to watch."

HS: "It could be. The Dark Warrior, Jeff Christianson, faces off against Carnival member, Andreas Lasiewicz tonight as well."

FJ: "Man, but the show stealer is the No Limit Championship match tonight! In one of the longest championship reigns in a long time, we have Nathan Hawthorne-Lee putting that belt on the line against "The Sensation" Brian Stevens, which I'm sure is going to be a war."

HS: "And our main event pits the Legendary Low against the Immortal Atlas in a non-title, hockey-stick-on-a-pole match!"

FJ: "You're damn right!"

HS: "Wait, we're receiving word that Sebastian Blood is speaking with our interim Commissioner, Lethal Louise."

(The cameras move to Lethal Louise’s office, where Lethal Louise is sitting behind her desk talking to Sebastian Blood, the manager of Lady Ashe. It seems both Louise and Sebastian have been talking about something behind the scenes of this Sunday Night Shock.)

Sebastian Blood: “…as I conclude, neither tag team partner of the Canucks should be allowed to be in either’s corner the chance to interfere in the matches in any such regard. Thus Terry James can not be in XTJ’s corner during the Shadows versus XTJ match and XTJ can not be in his partner, Terry James’s, corner during Terry James’s match versus my Lady Ashe.”

Lethal Louise: “I can see your point, Blood, but why are you also doing this for Draven Shadows? Are you managing him after how he spoke about both you and Lady Ashe?

Sebastian Blood: “Mr. Shadows did not appreciate that both Lady Ashe and myself were looking out for his well being. We hold no ill will against him, but with his recent recovery from his knee, as you know personally well, it is prudent that Mr. James not interfere in the match Mr. Shadows has with his partner, Mr. Xtreme as I have stated earlier. Tag partners are like brothers sometimes not thinking clearly when they see the other hurt. I just ask that since I am stepping in to preserve Mr. Shadows health that we also show the same courtesy to Lady Ashe. To have such a great past champion, like Mr. Shadows be injured by just some tag team hot headedness would not help the Canucks or the AWA’s image. Let the managers there only.”

Lethal Louise: “Your points are valid, Blood. Neither members of the Canucks can be in the others/ corner and interfere in the other’s match, >before, during or after unless an outside party interferes with the match. If so they will be penalized, Blood”

Sebastian Blood: “Thank you, may I be so bold to make another suggestion? If one of them interferes for the other before their match is held: An automatic disqualification for both matches. Thus if Mr. Jones interferes with the Mr. Shadows/XTJ match before his match with Lady Ashe, he automatically forfeits. Also if XTJ were to interfere before the Lady Ashe/Mr. Jones Match, he automatically loses to Mr. Shadows.”

Lethal Louise: “I will consider that proposel, what if the previous match was dealt with?”

Sebastian Blood: “I am sure what ever punishment you seem appropriate will be acceptable.”

Lethal Louise: “Blood, you sound like a lawyer. I hate lawyers, but I have to agree on this. I swear you have something up your sleave, Blood. I don’t like it but I will inform them.”

Sebastian Blood: “That is all I ask, my lovely chairperson. All I ask.”

(Sebastian Blood stands shakes Louise’s hand and walks out. Louise looks like she just been had, but she is not sure how. Sebastian Blood on the other hand has an evil smile of victory as he leaves the office as the scene changes.)

HS: "Do you think that Lethal Louise will take those drastic measures?"

FJ: "Probably not, and if she does, then it's ridiculous. But, anything to defend the rights of the lovely Lady Ashe is very necessary."

HS: "...ok..."

FJ: "I think it's time for Mark Keller's interview now, what do you think?"

HS: "I think we should wait for Sebastian Blood to get back to Lady Ashe's locker room."

FJ: "He's already there. They're right next to each other."

HS: "Ok, then we go to Mark Keller who's going to be interviewing Lady Ashe about her match with Terry James."

(Inside his locker room, Mark Keller is not looking to well as if he has had a nervious break down recently. His nerves are very raw at this point. He seems he is holding one of those Tony Robbins books repeating to himself something from the book. He looks at his hand staring repeating the mantra to himself.)

Mark Keller: “Be a strong, Mark. Be strong. Everything will be ok. Be strong, Mark!”

Director (Off scene): “Are you ready yet, Mark? Your first interview is waiting for you, you are holding us up! Your interview will be late for their match. Are you sure you are up to this?”

(Mark Keller nods to himself clutching the Tony Robbins Book close to himself like a safety blanket. Ever since what happened in Lady Ashe’s locker room, has worked his nervous to the bone. If only he remembered what happened.)

Mark: “I’ll be…be there.”

(He stares at his hand again repeating the mantra to his open hand as he walks out of his locker room.)

Mark Keller: “Be strong, Mark! Be Strong! You are a tiger! Be strong!”

(Mark Keller opens the door to the locker room finally realizing he has no idea whom he is interviewing. His first since is nervous brake down last week after meeting Lady Ashe in her locker room. He stands rigid, finally getting his )

Mark Keller: “Who am I interviewing?”

(The camera shows Sebastian Blood standing with Lady Ashe waiting for him. Lady Ashe waves smiling at the now terrified Mark Keller evilly almost baring her fangs as he stands there stunned in terror of the Lady Ashe.)

Lady Ashe: “Mark Keller, so nice to see you again!”

(Mark Keller screams in terror as he falls down in a fetal position starting at his hand once again repeating his mantra over and over again as his face is full of fear and dread of whom he has just seen.)

Mark Keller: “Be strong, Mark… Be strong!.... Be strong…Mark… she can not hurt you… be strong…”

(Lady Ashe and Sebastian just look at Mark Keller as if his breakdown did not even faze either of them.)

Lady Ashe: “Was it something, I said?”

(Sebastian Blood just shrugs as the scene fades out going back to Herb Summers and Frank James.)

HS: "Weird stuff, that's all I know. But we'll be right back as we're going on a quick commercial break."


Maxx Skabb vs. Draven Shadows vs. X-Treme Jeff match to be added here

EDIT: Draven Shadows wins by pinfall.

HS: "Wait, where's Draven Shadows going?"

FJ: "Who knows, but we should get a camera on it."

(The cameras catch Draven Shadows running back stage and he sees Sebastian Blood ahead of him. Draven charges down the hallway and spears Sebastian to the ground from the back. Draven starts to punch Sebastian in the back of the head and Sebastian is trying to get up, but Draven is too strong in this position. Lady Ashe comes out, as her door is about five feet away and she sees Draven assaulting Sebastian. Ashe kicks Draven right in the mouth. Draven is lying on his back and he found a barbed wire baseball bat lying nearby. Lethal Louise comes out of her office and catches this.)

Louise: "Draven Shadows, if you so much as harm a hair on her head, I will suspend you indefinitely without pay! You put that bat down and you step away."

(Draven raises the bat, but drops it behind him. Security has arrived, but Draven cockily pushes past them and walks down the hallway. Louise, frustrated, rushes back into her office and slams the door. The cameras show Sebastian getting up, readjusting his suit as he walks into Lady Ashe's locker room with her looking down the hallway before she shuts the door behind her.)

HS: "Man, this is just an explosive environment!"

FJ: "Destructive isn't the word for this one. Draven should be fired for thinking of laying a hand on the lovely Lady Ashe."

HS: "Well, maybe suspended like Louise said. When we come back, Lady Ashe will be taking on Terry James, and it happens live, next."


HS: "Coming up right now, we have Terry James going against Lady Ashe."

FJ: "YES! I can see the beauty of Lady Ashe once again."

(The stadium goes dark as the music ‘System’ from “Queen of the Damned Soundtrack” plays then back to light very quickly there standing at the entrance to the backstage passage way stands Ashe dressed in a black leather trench coat with her manager Sebastian Blood in tow. She strolls to the ring as if nothing seems to faze her, how the fans act towards her is of no consequence with Sebastian Blood, her manager following her.)

HS: "And here comes the lovely, and dangerous, Lady Ashe with her manager, Sebastian Blood."

FJ: "She's not dangerous Herb. She has to be decisive because of the size disadvantage. She has to be persistant and unrelenting so she can prove that she can hang with the guys."

(Lady Ashe does not head straight to the ring right away, but heads towards confused duo of Herb Summers and Frank Jackson. Both of them do not know why Lady Ashe and Sebastian Blood are approaching them.)

HS: "And it appears that Lady Ashe and Sebastian are heading this way."

FJ: "Man, with someone of that beauty, we should be honored to be graced by her presence."

(She stands there letting Frank take a good look of her body as she smiles as Herb and Frank are staring at her.)

HS: "Hello Lady Ashe, what can we do for you?"

FJ: "How dare you talk to her like that? She doesn't need to answer your lame questions. Lady Ashe, how can we be of service to you?"

HS: "..."

Lady Ashe: “This is for those wonderful things you said about me during my ‘Coming Out Party’ Match.”

HS: "I'm not sure what I did during the match?"

FJ: "You idiot! She's looking at me, not you."

(Lady Ashe leans over and kisses Frank Jackson on the left cheek leaving red lipstick impression of her lips. Frank of course now is in hog heaven as Herb Summers just rolls his eyes.)

Lady Ashe: “Enjoy the gift, Frank Jackson and defend me from the lies you know are being said about me. You are a true gentleman.”

HS: "Well I'll be a monkey's uncle. Look who just got a kiss from the lovely Lady Ashe."

FJ: "I"m in heaven Herb. I think time has just stopped for this moment. Man, this is the best night of my life."

(Lady Ashe leaves as both Herb and Frank look at each other talking about what just happened with Lady Ashe planting the kiss on Frank’s face.)

HS: "Snap out of it Frank, it was just a kiss."

FJ: "Yeah, but this kiss was this kiss from a goddess. My life has changed."

(When she arrives to the ring, Sebastian Blood sits on the second rope lifting the third rope so can enter the ring. After she enters the ring Sebastian Blood releases the rope standing behind his star, while she unbuckles her black leather trench coat handing it to her manager, Sebastian Blood, who leaves the ring standing in her corner. She then waits for her opponent with her arms to her hips.)

(The lights go out and "Thunderstruck" by AC/DC starts playing (guitar). Lights on the ceiling flash white and yellow. On the first “Thunder” 4 flame jets shoot up on each side of the front of the stage. The lights then come on and Terry comes in, stopping on the front of the stage before the ramp. He points to the fans on one said, then the other before walking down the ramp. Terry stops at the end of the ramp and gets onto his knees. He then points to the ceiling with his right and holds it for 3 seconds as jets (like HBK’s) shoot back and forward along the top of the ramp. Terry then gets up and runs to the ring, sliding in under the ropes. He stops in the middle of the ring and quickly jumps up. As he does a jet of flame shoots up from each ringpost.)

(Lady Ashe and Terry James circle each other in the ring and then Ashe stops and she walks up to Terry James and gets right into his face. Terry James and Lady Ashe lock up in the collar and elbow tie up. The stronger and bigger Terry James comes out the victor of the power struggle and connects with an arm drag on Lady Ashe. With Ashe on the ground, James has Ashe locked into a half Boston crab. Lady Ashe starts to scream with pain, but eventually makes it to the ropes with minimal leg damage. Terry James picks up Ashe off the mat. He jumps up for a hurricanrana, but she is able to reverse it into a piledriver. Terry James is holding his head while lying on his back on the mat. Lady Ashe covers Terry James. ONE...TWO.- Terry James kicks out. James rolls out of the ring and his manager, Jack Broloskov, is there to coach Terry to help him to get some edge on Lady Ashe. Terry pats Jack on the back and rolls back into the ring.)

(Terry James gets up, but is met with a knee in the stomach by Lady Ashe. Terry drops to one knee to regain his composure, but Lady Ashe steps behind Terry and digs her nails into his back. She drags them down his back, with Terry James screaming from the pain. She stops and steps back. Small trickles of blood run down Terry's back. Lady Ashe licks some of the blood off her own fingers as Terry staggers to his feet, holding his back. When Terry James is on his feet, Lady Ashe charges and chop blocks James' left leg. Terry James falls backwards on the mat. Lady Ashe bounces off the ropes and goes for a leg drop, but Terry rolls out of the way. Ashe and James are slow to get up, but Lady Ashe performs another chop block on James' leg and she gets it in a leg lock. Lady Ashe releases the leg and hops up on the top rope. She waits for Terry James to get to his feet and then she jumps off the top and connects with a cross body. She stays on Terry James for a pin. ONE...TWO.- Terry James kicks out with authority from the pin.)

(Lady Ashe whips Terry James off the ropes, but Terry James connects with a harsh clothesline. He limps over to the downed body of Lady Ashe. He waits for her to get up and he connects with a super kick to the beautiful face of Lady Ashe. WIth her on the ground, Terry James slowly ascends the tup turnbuckle and he jumps off and connects with the flying elbow drop from the top rope. He covers Lady Ashe. ONE...TWO.- But Lady Ashe kicks out after the two. Terry James hit the mat with frustration. He picks up Lady Ashe and he tosses her outside the ring in front of Frank and Herb. Sebastian Blood is stopped by Terry James as he's trying to check on Lady Ashe, who is on the other side of ringside. Suddenly X-Treme Jeff comes out of the crowd and jumps over the barricade with a steel chair in hand. He waits for Lady Ashe to get up. The referee is admonishing XTJ for being at ringside, but Jeff doesn't listen. Jeff swings the chair into the head of Lady Ashe, causing her to fall to the ground. The referee calls for the bell, announcing that Lady Ashe wins by disqualification. Sebastian Blood notices what just happened, but Terry James stops Blood. Sebastian gets smacked in the face by Terry James. Sebastian raises his cane for attack, but Jack Broloskov grabs it and yanks it out of the hands of Sebastian Blood. Terry James spins Sebastian around, kicks him in the stomach, and nails the Thunder Strike. He doesn't lock in the Sharpshooter, but he does run over to XTJ. The two Canucks raise their arms in the air and walk up the ramp.)

FJ: "This is just reprehensible! We need some EMTs for Lady Ashe. I think she has a concussion or something! GET SOME HELP!! I hope those Canucks pay!"

(The camera cuts to the backstage area to see Tragedy walking along with his AWA Cruiserweight Championship hanging over his shoulder. Then, out of nowhere, Cerberus, the Hell Hound, jumps Tragedy. Cerberus and Tragedy exchange rights and lefts going back and forth. Tragedy gets pushed by Cerberus through a door and he lands inside of a catering room. Once inside this room, Cerberus mounts the downed Tragedy and starts to hammer away on Tragedy. Tragedy knees Cerberus in the stomach and grabs a cold cut metal sheet and crashes it over Cerberus' head, causing the sheet to dent. Cerberus falls over one of the catering tables and Tragedy starts to hit Cerberus in the back. Tragedy hops on the table and picks up Cerberus on top of it. Cerberus and Tragedy toss back and forth some punches, but Tragedy kicks Cerberus in the groin. Tragedy sets up the Tragedy Befalling and connects it, sending Cerberus crashing through the table. Tragedy gets up and spits on the unconscious body of Cerberus and leaves the room to prepare for his match.)

HS: "Man, what an attack, but it seems that Cerberus' attack went awry."

FJ: "It looks like it did."


(The arena lights begin to flicker and dim as if the power is slowly going out of the building. Smoke creeps out from the entrance area, snaking its way down the rampway. The opening bits of Metallica's "Unforgiven" begin to play, followed by a sharp woman's scream that echoes through the arena. Pyros blast once at the top of the ramp, illuminating the arena for a brief moment as Tragedy enters from the back. Unforgiven plays on in the back as the lights start to gain back their power. Tragedy makes his way to the ring, his feet shrouded by the smoke with the Cruiserweight Championship on his shoulder.)

("Liberate" by Disturbed start playing in the P.A as Kyle Duke make is way to the ring.)

(The bell sounds as both men go face to face. Tragedy begins to talk some trash in Kyle Duke's face. Duke shoves him to the mat. Tragedy back up quickly but, Duke catches him in an arm drag and another. Tragedy keeps coming back up and gets nailed with a dropkick. Duke whips him to the ropes and goes for a clothesline but, Tragedy ducks underneath and comes back with a clothesline of his own. The two begin to slug it out as Tragedy grabs Duke in a headlock. Duke slings him to the ropes but, Tragedy lands a shoulder block, sending Duke to the mat. He runs to the ropes as a dazed Duke gets up. Tragedy picks up Duke and slams him hard to the mat before running to the ropes and landing a splash for the pin. 1…2… Kickout!)

HS: "That was a close one."

FJ: "They both certainly got a good pace in this early start."

(Tragedy drops an elbow and then picks up Duke with a scoop slam. He drops him hard to the mat and heads up top. He leaps off with a legdrop but, Duke rolls out of the way. He leaps up and grabs Tragedy by his head. From there he hammers away and plants him with a DDT. Duke picks him up once again and goes for a Suplex but Tragedy lock him. Tragedy reverses it and goes for a German Suplex. He picks up Duke and land quick DDT. Both men get to their feet as Tragedy takes a swing at Duke. Duke block and land a punch on Tragedy who back down from the impact. Tragedy charge toward Duke and hit a gut kick out of nowhere. Duke is crouched in pain. Tragedy hit the "Tragic Ending")

FJ: "This must be it!!"

(Tragedy covers Kyle Duke and the referee start counting. 1…2……3!)

HS: "Another win for our Cruiserweight Champion."

FJ: "Tragedy is showing how he is a dominant force in the Cruiserweight division."

(Suddenly all of the lights in the arena goes out…)

FJ: "What is going on?!"

(the lights are still out for about 4-5 seconds…)


(Pyros go off from the top of the AWATron and the ramp. The lights then come back on as Cerberus is standing only feets away from the ring. His arms are outstretched and level with his shoulders, taking in the hatred from the crowd.)

FJ: "What is that idiot doing here?!?"

HS: "Paying a visit to Tragedy probably…"

(Tragedy jumps off the ring and start brawling with Cerberus. After a couple of blows Tragedy drags Cerberus and throws him face first on the steel ramp. He continues to drag him outside of the ring area into the Gorilla Position. The AWA staff start yelling at the two unexpected wrestlers who are brawling in the backstage area. Cerberus hit a quick blow to the face of Tragedy and back down. Cerberus goes for a clothesline but is met with a kick to the gut. Cerberus is caught breath short. Tragedy slam him trough a door. They end up in the women’s locker room. The ladies are screaming as both men continue fighting. The AWA Security finally arrives. Cerberus is lying on top of a table. Tragedy jump on the table as the Security is screaming at him to get down. Cerberus is bleeding badly, seemingly having a nasty cut on his forehead. Tragedy picks up Cerberus and hit is "Tragedy Befalling")

FJ: "That’s enough now. Security should do something"

HS: "Nah.Nah… Leave them here with the ladies."

(The security guards grab Tragedy and bring him out the room as we see EMT’s arriving over Cerberus.)

(Smoke appears at the at the ring entrance as a hand in a red open finger glove starts to follow the countdown from the song “Vertigo” by U2 with lead singer, Bono’s opening countdown at the beginning of the song.)

Bono: “UNO!”

(One finger is raised in the air from his out stretched arm above the smoke.)

Bono: “DOS!”

(A second finger is raised in the air from his out stretched arm.)

Bono: “TRES!”

(A third finger is raised in the air from his out stretched arm.)

Bono: “CATORCE!”

(Finally the smoke falls away revealing the massive form of the Anthem. The crowd goes even more ballistic as Anthem makes his way down to the ring high fiving his fans on his way to the ring. After he enters the ring, he starts running to one of the corners of the ring climbing upon each corner pounds his chest and arms outstretched to his sides as he cheers along with the crowd causing even more cheerful frenzy. His demeanor changes when he finally looks towards the stage for his opponent from the happy cheerful wrestler to a man who is here for all business. He cocks his head pointing to the stage with a fist with his pointer and index fingers with his thumb underneath. This is his patented 3-Finger Point when he does this his friendly facade is replaced with a new cold all business side appears as he stares coldly, waiting for his opponent to appear.)

HS: “Here is a relatively new wrestler in the AWA. He came some weeks ago and is now looking to make an impression against The Hangman.”

FJ: “That rookie doesn’t stand a chance against The Hangman! He’s going to be torn apart and hanged for all to see!”

HS: “How can you even think of those actions Frank!?”

("Sleep Now in the Fire" by Rage Against the Machine blares over the PA system and a picture of a longhorn skull appears on the TitanTron with a rope hanging off of each horn, ending in a hangman's noose. Red pyros go off as The Hangman parts the curtains and methodically makes his way down the ramp, stopping every so often to sneer ominously into the masses. Once inside the ring, The Hangman takes off his hat and places the chain with the bible over one of the steel turnbuckle posts. After taking a moment, to regard his opponent, The Hangman then removes his black vest, clenching and releasing his hands anxiously.)

HS: “That man gives me the chills every time he comes down that ramp and into that ring!”

FJ: “Don’t piss your pants Herb! The match will be over soon enough.”

(The match starts off with Anthem running across the ring for a clothesline, but before he even gets to The Hangman he is being held by the neck by The Hangman’s right hand. The Hangman stares into Anthem’s eyes as he puts his arm over the back of his head and delivers a thunderous Chokeslam from Hell!)

HS: “What a high impact move right at the beginning of the match! This one could be over already!”

FJ: “I told you it would be over soon enough!”

(The Hangman, instead of pinning Anthem, picks him up and Irish Whips him into the ropes. On the rebound The Hangman delivers a big boot to the face of Anthem. Picking the big man up off the mat, he then engulfs his face with a clawhold and delivers the Southern Comfort Slam. As he keeps the hold on, he looks at the ref as the referee begins to count. The Hangman's head lolls to one side as he awkwardly regards the referee's actions. As the ref is about to slam his hand to the mat for the three count, The Hangman pulls Anthem back up into a standing position.)

HS: “What is The Hangman doing!? He has won the match already and Anthem is clearly done!”

FJ: “That’s not how The Hangman works Herb.”

HS: “Frank, you’re starting to freak me out a bit.”

(Once more he applies The Southern Comfort Slam to Anthem as the referee chastises The Hangman. This time, however, The Hangman doesn't wait for a three count. He picks him up again and applies The Southern Comfort Slam! Twice more The Hangman applies the move and finally the referee calls for the bell.)

HS: “Finally the ref has made the right decision! He should have called it after the second slam! Anthem is completely limp now because of The Hangman!”

FJ: “Calm down Herb, you’re always yelling. The Hangman can do what ever he wants.”

(Letting go of Anthem, The Hangman glares at the referee and takes a step towards him as the referee then heads for higher ground. Turning back towards Anthem, The Hangman reaches down and rips off the red glove before looking heavenward. The rope falls from the rafters and The Hangman puts it around his neck as the rope draws taut, pulling him upward as his body goes limp. As he ascends to the top his rope snaps and he falls to the ring crashing down hard. He just lays there with the loos rope draped over him as the arena hushes and EMT‘s make there way down to the ring.)


HS: "Well, we're back from commercial break and we saw the Hangman get up from the mat and leave, very perplexed as to why his rope was broken."

FJ: "The break seemed to be a clean break, almost as it if it was sheared by scissors or something." HS: "What an action packed night it's been so far, and we still have an amazing show in store. It only gets better from here folks." FJ: "That's right, and I can't wait for that hockey stick on a pole match with 7 time World Champion Low taking on current nobody, Atlas Johansson." HS: "Nobody? Atlas was robbed last week by Low of his tag title! He should still be champion!" FJ: "Well, he's not and that's all I kn... wait a minute, what in the...?" (Frank and Herb are distracted by the glowing AWATron atop the ramp. It suddenly flickered on. The screen is entirely black when, in glowing white letters, the words 'May 15th, 2005' pop up. They fade and immediatly the words 'HE RETURNS!' show. Then the screen is engulfed in flames as burning pyres simultaneously shoot up from the sides of the entranceway. A few moments later, they die down, the screen cuts off and the lights return to normal.) FJ: "What was that all about?" HS: "May 15th is the day announced for Revelations? Who could be returning at Revelations?" FJ: "Who cares?"

(“I'm Supposed to Die Tonight” by 50 Cent blares over the PA and Jeff Christianson walks out slowly, Tag Title belt draped over his shoulder. He has his usual arrogant smile, as the crowd begins to cheer him on his way to the ring. He slaps a few hands moving down the aisle, but his eyes never leave the ring. Jeff jumps up on the apron, and turns around and waves to the crowd before stepping through the middle rope.

The arena darkens slowly. An air siren begins to sound, with green spotlights shooting in all directions as an infamous slogan is revealed on the big screen:


"Welcome to the Jungle" suddenly thunders from the P.A. system. The Gambit steps out from behind the curtain, a traditional cigarette in his mouth as he stalks his way down to the ring, and he cracks a cheeky grin at the mixed reaction from the crowd. He circles the ring, rolls in and stands on the turnbuckle surveying the fans with a grin. He hops off and stops for a minute receiving the reaction of all the fans. He then walks slowly over to the top rope before perching himself on the top rope raising his right arm in the air as the crowd screams. Some chants for him, some for Dark Warrior are heard.)

HS: “Both men have entered the ring, and this match is about to start. Lasiewicz will have his work cut out for him going up against the Grand Slam champion! I don’t even think he is fully recovered from being burned alive by Hangman.”

FJ: “And still he is going to walk away with the win tonight.”

HS: “Why is that?”

FJ: “I don’t like Christianson.”

HS: ”…”

(DW opens strong with hard lefts, rights and forearms, driving Lasiewicz into the corner. There he proceeds with chops to the chest, much to the crowds delight. The referee tries to get the wrestlers out of the corner, but it is a low blow from Lasiewicz that eventually makes DW back up. It is followed up by a front face lock into a powerful DDT. Lasiewicz covers for a one count, but DW kicks out. Lasiewicz keeps the upper hand by getting down on one knee behind DW and locking in a sleeper hold. DW struggles to get out of it, but after some time his body goes limp. The referee raises DW’s arm 1… it falls, 2… it falls 3… it stays up! DW powers out of the hold and into upright position. He whips Lasiewicz into the ropes and catches him in a belly-to-belly suplex on the rebound. A series of pin attempts from both men follows, but neither is able to get more than a two count. Eventually, both wrestlers get to their feet and start circling. Hesitantly, measuring each other with their eyes, they lock hands in a classic test of strength. Given their similar overall size, it becomes a very even match up. After some time of huffing in a stalemate Lasiewicz is forced to put one knee to the canvas. DW then sends him all the way down by a stiff kick to the stomach. Lasiewicz is visibly short of breath, and stays down. DW gains momentum from the ropes and dives down with a double axe handle followed by an ankle lock. Lasiewicz is in terrible pain from it.)

HS: “Looks like Lasiewicz is ready to tap out any second now.”

FJ: “Oh no! Keep fighting Lasie!”

(After trying to squirm out of the hold for some time, Lasiewicz finally reaches the ropes, and DW lets go of the foot. Lasiewicz pulls himself up by the ropes, but is hit with a clothesline to the back before he is fully up. He sways and staggers, but stays up. He turns around to face DW, spits on the floor and gives him a disrespectful slap in the face. DW is furious and connects with two European Uppercuts in rapid succession. Lasiewicz answers by once again spitting blood on the canvas and slapping DW’s face. This brings a madman look into DW’s eyes, and he runs into the opposite side ropes to build up speed, and charges with a clothesline. Lasiewicz sees it coming a mile away though, and calmly ducks down, sending DW over the top rope with a back body drop. Lasiewicz slides under the bottom rope, pulls his opponent up by the hair, lifts him up and rams him back first into the ring post. And then again. He finishes the action by dropping DW back first onto his knee in a backbreaker. Lasiewicz then shoves DW back into the ring and follows.)

FJ: “Is it just me, or is Lasiewicz limping?”

HS: “For once you’re right, Frank. He was captured in that ankle lock for well over a minute. Added to not being at 100% from the fire incident, it must have made some damage.”

(Inside the ring, Lasiewicz has whipped DW into the turnbuckle and followed up with a jumping forearm to the head. He then puts DW in a wristlock and pulls him out of the corner. DW is Irish whipped into the ropes, and on the return, Lasiewicz catches him and hoists him up into a torture rack. DW is not going to stay there though, and when he is trying to wriggle out of it, Lasiewicz leg gives in and they both fall to the canvas. DW ends up on top, and the referee gets down to count. 1… 2… shoulder up! DW tries to lock in a single leg Boston, but Lasiewicz kicks him off. He doesn’t get up though, but instead DW pulls him up and locks his head between his (DW’s) knees. He lifts him up for a powerbomb, and delivers it! He doesn’t go for the cover though, but lifts his opponent up once again, and sends him crashing down for the second time. And for a third time, he lifts Lasiewicz up. This time though, Lasiewicz counters the move by punching DW’s head. He continues by a flurry of forearm shots, eventually causing DW to lose his balance, and Lasiewicz slides down his back for a Sunset Flip! 1… 2… almost 3, but DW gets the shoulder up just in time. Both men are immobilized, and the ref starts counting them out. 1… 2… 3… 4… 5… 6… 7… they both stir 8… 9… both men slowly get to their feet. Neither of them look very steady on their feet. DW seems to have difficulties focusing, and walks right into a super kick from Lasiewicz!)

FJ: “The Peace Maker! This is it, I knew it!”

HS: “But no, what is Lasiewicz doing? He is not going for the pin. He is climbing the turnbuckle!”

FJ: “No! You have him right where you want him Gambit!”

(Lasiewicz reaches the top rope, and then soars through the air before connecting with the flying elbow drop to DW’s knee. The move looked to have inflicted as much damage on Lasiewicz as it did on his opponent though, and once again both men are out cold. This time the referee only gets to three though, before Lasiewicz is up. He moves over to DW, who is showing some signs of life. Lasiewicz slowly but in a determined way starts arranging DW’s legs for the Four Card Trick. DW isn’t making much of an effort to break it. The pain inflicted by the Peace Maker and the elbow drop obviously incapacitating him. Lasiewicz finally has locked his finisher in and starts applying pressure. This wakes DW up, and he tries to fight the pain, but he quickly gives in to it and taps out!)

HS: “That’s it! Christianson has tapped out! The Gambit wins it!”

FJ: “Just like I said he would. When will you start listening to me Herb?”

HS: “The day you actually say something worth listening to Frank.”


(Open Your eyes hits and the arena erupts into a chorus of jeering and boos. Williams steps through the curtain and begins to make his way to the ring mocking fans on his way. He slides into the ring and sits in a far corner of the ring waiting for his opponent.)

HS: "Well John Williams,the US Champ, is out here ready for action against C-Rock."

FJ: "John Williams stands no chance against C-Rock."

("Made You Look" by Nas hits the speakers as C-Rock makes his way from the back.He walks down the rampway.He then slides into the ring and stares over at John Williams who is in his corner.)

HS: "Well these two are straying each other down."

FJ: "Just by them doing that you got to know it will be one hell of a match."

(JW and CR meet in the middle of the ring.They stand there shouting at one another to make the first move.CR pushes JW.Then JW pushes CR back.CR then throws a punch but JW blocks it and knocks CR down to the mat with a right of his own.CR gets up pissed but is tooken down quickly with a hip toss by JW.JW stays on him and mounts him and starts delivering punches to the head.CR counters by throwing JW over his head and quickly mounts JW and delivers rights and lefts of his own.)

HS: "These two are going back and forth at one another."

FJ: "Its getting out of control."

(JW throws CR off of him and gets to his feet as well as does CR.JW quickly grabs CR and nails him with a quick Russian Leg Sweep.JW goes for the cover but only gets a 2.JW lifts up and locks in a headlock.CR trys to struggle loose but JW just tightens the grip on his headlock.CR finally battles backs with elbows to the gut.JW lets go as CR comes off the ropes and clotheslines the stunned JW.CR picks up JW and whips him into the corner.CR charges at JW with a clothesline but JW jumps out of the way and CR rams his arm into the top of the post.)

HS: "C-Rock is hurt."

FJ: "Damn it C-Rock,I had $50 on you."

(JW grabs CR by the tights and rolls him up.But CR kicks out before 2.JW gets up fusterated as the ref checks on CR's arm.JW comes over and lifts up CR and and sets him up for All She Wrote but CR slips out of it.He kicks JW in the gut and sets him up for The Regulator but JW coutners out of that by back dropping CR.JW lifts up Cr to his feet and then over his head and hits All She Wrote.JW covers him and gets the 3.)

( The AWAtron flickers on as a woman with her back turned to us is standing there. She has dark hair and we are unsure of who it could be, then she turns around and we now know, she turns and greets us all with a smile. As the crowd erupts for her, just knowing what is to come.)

HS: “ It has been weeks!”

FJ: “ No! I though he was taken care of, I thought she was gone.”

(She now begins to talk.)

Amanda di’Vaio: It’s been short to some, but to long for many others especially me, and especially….BLACKJACK!”

(The crowd cheers loud.)

Amanda: Last time you saw him, well he wasn’t looking to good, and he lost the US title. But its not gonna bring him down, it wont hold him back, and the next time you see him will be oh so soon. He has somethings to take care of and fans to greet again. This Sunday on Shock he starts it, as he takes on the man that put him out of action, and cost him the chance to compete further in one great match…Poppa! Poppa on Shock you and BJ go one on one, a score will be settled, his neck will be 100% and you just may be welcomed to your very new reality!

(The crowd is cheering like crazy, the arena going nuts as we fade to black.)


HS: “We’re back from commercial break with a kind of second Main Event for you this evening. A NL title match between the champion NHL and Brian Stevens.”

FJ: “Can’t wait for this one to get started.”

HS: “ I don’t think you’re the only one, and here it goes with the challenger making his way down to the ring.”

( The lights dim in the arena and the spotlights focus on the entrance ramp as ‘The Color of Money’ by Bury Your Dead hits over the P.A. system. The fans immediately react to the opening riff as the greet the superstar with a chorus of heckling and profanity. Brian Stevens emerges atop the entrance ramp after the intro of the song plays itself out. Stevens simply stands on top of the ramp, looking down on the people who are screaming obscenities towards him. Stevens raises his arms and, from the backstage entrance, his manager and long time girlfriend Jessica Kassle emerges and wraps her arms around the waist of her talent. Seconds later, the best friend of ‘The Sensation’ emerges from the back with a smirk on his face…that man is the seven foot monster, Onslaught. They proceed to the ring, to the dismay of the fans. The lovers don’t acknowledge the hatred emitting from the audience while Onslaught makes smart ass comments to the jawing fans. Stevens slides into the ring as Kassle takes the steps onto the ring apron. Stevens holds the ropes open for her, and she enters between the top and middle rope. Onslaught grabs the top rope and pulls himself up to the ring apron and proceeds to step over the top tope. Stevens hits all sides of the ring, standing on the middle rope and balancing himself on the top rope with his legs. Stevens raises his arms and jaws with the fans a bit. Jessica is at the opposite side of the ring while this is happening, glancing into the crowd and resting her arms on the top rope, occasionally yelling at fans of the AWA. Onslaught simply rests in one of the corners of the ring nonchalantly. Stevens and Kassle eventually retreat to the corner of the ring Onslaught is in and await their competition while talking strategy.)

HS: “ Stevens looks ready for this as he await’s the long time reigning champion of NHL.”

FJ: “ Just get the match started, I like how this title has been going, it has everything in the matches.”

(White, Red, Gold, and Green lights flash as "No Remorse" by Metallica hits the arena. When the solo begins in the song, about 10 seconds from start, NHL emerges from the curtain area with his AWA No Limit Championship belt around his waist. Sarah follows NHL and stands behind him. He stands there for a moment, staring out around the crowd, getting psyched up for the upcoming match. A short while later, NHL explodes from his trance with rage and excitement. He walks down the ramp, throwing his arms in the air, pumping himself up and the crowd for the upcoming clash. NHL then pauses in front of the ring for a few seconds, as if he couldn't wait to get in. He then makes his way to the ring steps, taking his time climbing up each step. NHL takes his time getting into the ring through the top and middle ropes. Sarah follows her husband to the ring, entering from under the middle rope. He walks to the middle of the ring, takes his No Limit belt off, and slowly raises his arms in the air with is title in one hand. He makes his way to the nearest turnbuckle and does the same. )

HS: “ANd the title match his underway.”

FJ: “Long awaited this evening.”

(The match starts with a quick and fast lock-up, the men exchange holds on there feet, countering numerous times until NHL gets the advantage and takes it to the mat. On the mat the two have a bout of holds and counter holds and reversals with mat based wrestling and there skills being showed off. It becomes a technical match-up on the mat as the fans applaud throughout it and the men contiue. Theres only seconds of advantage for each man on the mat as soon after the other one somehow gets out. After just about two minutes Stevens starts to get an edge with a sleeper hold and hammerlock combination. But the edge slowly dwindles as NHL gets to his feet trying to get out of it and make a wide base but Stevens gets frustrated and throws him back into the corner and starts to kick and punch him. Turning this wrestling match to a hard hitting wrestling match now.)

HS: “Beautiful mat wrestling by the two. But Stevens got frustrated and changed it up into some hard hitting wrestling with strikes and moves now.”

FJ: “ Well it was bound to go that way eventually, theres just an edge now.”

( Stevens takes the advantage with his strikes and for a little while he is running the show with moves and strikes to NHL. But in the middle sending NHL to the corner NHL counters and sends stevens to the corner then hit’s a hard clothesline as the tables turn and now NHL is in control, he now for a little wile, with some fight from Stevens has the edge, delivering a small assort men of moves and keeping Stevens in check.)

HS: “ Both men have this thing, it can go either way, stevens had a few close calls there for victory and pinfall as has NHL with that last pinfall attempt just then.)

( NHL whips Stevens into the ropes but he counters and gets whipped himself as Onslaught grabs his legs and trips him up making him land hard on the mat. Stevens takes on NHL with pound and ground on the mat, and then a technical side for a little bit working his body right before NHL counters and backdrops Stevens to the outside. Onslaught is now stalking Sarah as it gets his attention and he charges outside but Onslaught stops and backs away as Sarah gets away from him and NHL now takes the fight with Stevens outside. This becomes an intense show of what a NO Limit title match can be as they fight and brawl on the outside. Back and forth intense action into the barricade, on the hard concrete floor. But Stevens turns it around and it’s a quick Snap Suplex on the outside floor and he jumps up onto the apron around the corner from this as he starts arguing with the referee, this leaves the perfect opportunity for Onslaught to grab a chair from under the ring and as NHL starts to get up CRACK, right over his head he nails him with it and then puts it over the barricade by a fan as he pushes him into the ring. After a couple of seconds Stevens gets into the ring and stomps him, the ref talks to him but Stevens just says he is in the ring now so make the cover, as he does the referee makes the count and…)

HS: “WHat a close call that was. My god. NHL kicked out.”

FJ: “ This match is really intense, there doing it all here and making it close.”

( NHL rolls around in the ring holding his head as Stevens kicks at him but doesn’t know just what to do, Stevens tries to take charge of things and make the attack but NHL blocks it and lays him out with a hard clothesline, NHL…Henry now, yells out and looks different, looks a little crazy as he starts to hit Stevens hard with power strikes and a onsalught of attack that is raw and powerful. Stevens is overwhelmed by this and NHL throws him over the top rope and to the outside, making the charge for him as he whips him into the steps, scoop slams him on the outside and then picks up a chair. Stevens is getting up and whack, he hits him across the head, then across the back, as he throws it away and shows no remorse. He picks up Stevens and tosses him into the ring as he picks up the chair and cracks Onslaught with it, and then beats him down with it in the back as The ref is distracted with Stevens. Stevens starts to stir as NHL stalks around the outside and then climbs back into the ring, cracking the chair over the REFS BACK.)

HS: “ NHL has simply gone mad.”

FJ: “ He is showing no remorse, he’s just making it attack and now there is no DQ in the ring.”

( NHL cracks Stevens in the jaw, they begin to fight in the ring, a total slugfest back and forth. As Stevens throws NHL’s head into the turnbuckle, NHL retaliates, then again, and again. He rips off the padding and throws his head into it again. Stevens tries to fight back, getting a thumb in the eye, and a hair pull as he punches NHL in the jaw then delivers a hard hitting DDT. NHL shakes his head as he gets up, this crazy side of him simply not getting affected as he elbows Stevens away as he gets up grabs the chair throws it on the mat, kicks him in the gut and delivers a slap show right on it. The referee now magically begins to stir as he makes the final pinfall for the ONE…TWO…THREE.)

HS: What an excellent contest by both men, but what chaos towards the end. These men gave it there all.

FJ: I sure enjoyed it.

(NHL rolls off of Stevens grabbing his head slowly making his way to his knees and feet shaking his head, grabbing his forehead. As though he has a massive headache. Brian Stevens his getting up slowly from the slapshot on the chair as he looks up at NHL he picks up the chair and whack him in the back with it NHL cringes and turns around and gets nailed in the head with it as Brian Stevens drops the chair and then picks up the No Limit Championship. He looks at it in his hands then puts it over his shoulder as he leaves the ring with a smile upon his face and we fade out.)


(Atlas' music hits the speakers. Blue and yellow spotlights sweep the crowd. After about 10-20 seconds, Atlas comes out on the ramp. He is dressed in yellow/blue striped wrestling tights and black boots, his usual wrestling attire. He runs down the ramp. On his way to the ring he slaps hands with a few fans. Once he makes the ring he slides under the bottom rope, jumps to his feet, pulls the top rope a couple of times, slaps his chest muscles and is ready to go!)

(After a few moments Atlas' music fades and the crowd sits silently. Finally the silence is broken as the World Champions Music starts. Low steps out and the crowd reacts as the always do, but Low basically ignores them. He makes his way to the ring and after sliding in he looks up at the hockey stick swinging above the ring post. Low then wihtout any emotion on his face backs into a corner and hands his belt to a ringside official. The referee checks with both men and the bell is rung.)

(Both men come to the middle of the ring anc lock up. Low with his slight size advantage backs Atlas into a cornerand holds him until the ref calls for a break. Low holds for a count of three and then backs up cleanly. But as Atlas is coming out of the corner low catches him with a right and backs him into the corner. Low then grabs Atlas' arm and goes for a whip to the far corner. Atlas however is able to reverse the whip and pull Low towards him, and he goes for a short clothesline, but just before the contact Low ducks and Atlas lets go, and as he turns back around he is caught with a belly to belly suplex, which knocks the wind out of Atlas and leaves him on his back. Low is quick to capitalize as he springs to his feet and drops an elbow which he quickly follows up with a rear chinlock, complete with a knee in the middle back of Atlas.)

(After about ten seconds being in the hold Atlas begins to fight and attempt to get loose. He is able to get over to his knees and as he does Low turns the chin lock into a side head lock. Low wrenches in on the hold, but Atlas is relentless and drives a couple of elbows into the midsection of Low, which in turn breaks the hold. Atlas quickly heads towards the ropes but Low is quick and grabs him by the head and pulls him to the ground in a sleeping neck breaker type move and then quickly goes for a cover but only gets a 2 count. Low does not let this close call phase him and he goes right back to work bringing Atlas back to his feet, and shooting him to the ropes. Low waits for his opponent and then as he comes off he catches him with a text book drop kick, Atlas hits the ground and Low covers but again only gets a count of 2.)

(This time Low looks up at the referee to question him, but only for a moment, before he climbs back to his feet and waits for his opponent to do the same. Once Atlas is back up Low moves in behind him and hooks him for a release German Suplex, but Atlas is able to flip all the way over and land right on his feet. and by the time Low turns around he is drill with a superkick right on the chin which puts him down.)

(Atlas takes control and works Low over witha series of wear down holds, and a number of low impact elbow drops and leg drops and other similar moevs. He hits a German Suplex with a bridge and gets a near fall. He stays at it and wears Low down a little more, but as he is going for a suplex Low manages to slip over the back and nail a low blow and takes back the advantage.)

(Low is slow on the offence at first, obviously still feeling the effects of the assault by Atlas. He keeps the pace slow, and the majority of the action on the mat. He uses typical Low style moves to attempt to gain a submission from his opponent, and even nearly gets on with a dragon Sleeper, But Atlas manages to get out. Surprisingly neither man has even gone for the stick that is hanging ominously in the corner. Low begins to quicken the pace and throw a number of higher impact moves at Atlas, and gets a couple of near falls)

(Finally Low goes for the Hockey Stick in the corner, and nearly gets it but Atlas manages to pull him down, and as Low falls, the stick falls to the mat with him. Both men lay trying to regain their footing. Low is up first, and goes to swing at Atlas, but Atlas blocks and swings back, and backs Low down into the corner again. Atlas then chops Low until he falls to one knee and Atlas drills him with a kick in the chest. Atlas then goes for the stick and as he picks it up and moves towards Low he lets his guard down just a bit and Low manages to catch the stick as it is coming towards him. The man fight over the stick until Low kicks Atlas in the midesction and takes possesion of the hockey stick.)

(Low brings the stick down onto the back of Atlas taking him to the ground. Low then uses the butt end of the stick driving it into the chest of Atlas knocking him to his stomach on the mat. Low drives the stick into the back of Atlas twice and then casts the stick aside and goes for a cover. But to the surprise of most Atlas is able to kick out. Low looks shocked and has a few words with the referee. But he goes back to work, however during his assault Atlas uncharacteristically nails Low with a low blow.)

(Low drops like a rock, and Atlas uses this time to recover. He then grabs the stick himself and waits for Low to regain his footing. ONce Low has made it back to a vertical base, Atlas drives the blade end of the stick into Lows Midsection and Low doubles over. Atlas then brings the stick down over the back of Low breaking it in half. Low falls to the mat, and Atlas tosses the two parts of the stick to the mat, and quickly goes for a cover, but only gets a long two. After working Low over for a while Atlas goes for another cover but is again unsuccesful.)

(Then during a series of Atlas right hands Low manages to duck and swing a shot of his own. Atlas however also ducks, and Low's momentum carries him all the way around, and Atlas catches him and rolls him up. Low while in the roll up position notices he is right near the broken butt end of the stick, which he picks up and creams Atlas with, which knocks Atlas cold. Low still exhausted, tosses the stick aside and throws an arm over the KOed Atlas, the ref counts and Low gets the three count.)

FJ: "Wait! Look what Low's doing!"

(Low turns Atlas onto his stomach and he grabs the hockey stick. He raises the stick into the air and swings it down where the end of the stick hits Atlas in the groin. Atlas starts to flop like a fish out of water in the ring, holding his groin from the attack. Low raises the hockey stick and breaks it over Atlas' head. Low tosses the broken pieces on the mat and he snatches his AWA Championship from the referee. He raises his title into the air and he leaves the ring.)

HS: "What an attack on Atlas!"

FJ: "Yeah, he'll be talking an octave higher for the next couple of days."

HS: "Well, this has been one hell of a crazy show. We will see you next Sunday for another edition of Super Shock. I'm Herb Summers and for Frank Jackson, we'll see you next week."

Copyright AWA 2005