Rules and Regulations
Rules, we all love them, right? Rules are the backbone to any sort of organization that exists. Rules keep places structured and regulate the activities therein. Not following the rules will get you penalized up to and including termination.
1.) Have fun! This is the most important part of our game. Having fun is essential in keeping this interesting for you, me, and everyone else here in the AWA.
2.) Don't complain. We want this to be a positive place with a positive atmosphere. You can help that cause by not being negative about anything that happens that you do not like. If there's something bothering you, feel free to contact anyone on the staff and they will be more than willing to help you out with any problem(s) you may have.
3.) Wait your turn. There is an order of events that always take place in any e-fed you will join. What we want is for you to be patient and wait until you are offered an opportunity to advance in the AWA. We don't just hand out title shots or main event programs, however if you show us that you are dependable and contribute to the AWA in various ways, your opportunity will come sooner rather than later. Your time will come so be patient and work hard. It worked for us and it can definitely work for you.
4.) There are RP Limits. We have roleplaying limits established here in the AWA to help out everyone on our roster by giving everyone a fair chance at being successful here. We have people that have difficulties roleplaying because of work and such. We understand that and we accomodate these individuals by invoking a roleplaying limit.
a.) TV Show Limits. The rp limits for the TV Shows (Shock and the House Show) are as follows. You can post only three (3) rps for any given show. Of those three (3), you can post up to two (2) on the day of the deadline. For example, if you post two (2) before the deadline day, then you can post only one (1) on the deadline day. If you post one (1) before the deadline day, then you can post only two (2) on the deadline day. If you don't post at all before the deadline day, then you can post only two (2) on the deadline day.
PPV Limits. We, in the AWA, don't like to restrict roleplaying for a PPV, but we also want to be fair to those who don't have time to roleplay or just can't keep up with people who are "on a roll". You can post as many roleplays you want for a PPV. However, when we pass midnight EST going into Saturday, the person with the most rps must STOP roleplaying. The person who is behind will have all day on saturday to catch up and once that person has, each person can post one (1) additional rp to finish off the series.
For example, if Wrestler A has posted 10 rps and Wrestler B has posted only 6, then Wrestler B can post 4 more rps on Saturday to catch up. Then each person can post one more.
c.) Roleplay Minimums. We have a minimum of one (1) per show for anyone that is booked on the show. If you fail to roleplay at least once, you will find yourself on the warned list. For any newcomers, you must roleplay AT LEAST two (2) times per match for a period of three (3) matches. After your third match, your minimum will drop to one (1) per match. Roleplaying once during that initial three (3) match period will be as if you didn't roleplay at all. This is in place so we know you are dedicated to us and our product.
d.) Tag Team Matches. For tag team matches, only the three "best" roleplays of that team will be counted as judging of their match. This is to make it fair for those people who roleplay, but their partner either doesn't roleplay or roleplays very little. I put best in quotes earlier because it's hard to pinpoint what "best" actually means, so this is at the judge's discretion and it is their duty to defend their point in their emails.
5.) We have roleplay deadlines. The deadline of all RPs is 6:00 PM Eastern Standard Time on Thursday for our House Shows and on Saturday for all Shock and PPV Events. NOTE: Check the OOC board for POSSIBLE changes if needed. Once 6:01 PM EST hits, your RPs are invalid and will NOT be counted. No excuse will get them in. You many times have five or six days to roleplay, so you have plenty of time to get your work done and submitted. Saying to me you were busy the last day or two is no valid excuse as you STILL could have worked on it three days ago.
We also have strat deadlines. All Strats are due every Saturday by 3:00 PM Eastern Standard Time for Shock and PPV Events. Our all-strat show,
Exposed and our Friday House Shows will have a Strat deadline of Thursday by 8:00 PM Eastern Standard Time. If you are working with someone on a strat, PLAN EARLY. We get a lot of strats sent in and sometimes these strats are match specific. Getting these well before the roleplay deadline allows us to sort these strats out quicker and more efficiently as well as us asking questions and getting a quicker and earlier response from you if needed.
Please click here to read about the proper way to format your strats.
6.) We have a penalty system. Our penalty system is called the New AWA Warning System (NAWS for short) and is broken down into four quarters, three months a piece. If, during one quarter, you fail to roleplay for one (1) week, you wind up on the warned list. You will be booked the following week and MUST roleplay at least one (1) time, however your character will automatically be jobbed because of your failure to roleplay the previous week. If you fail to roleplay again during the same quarter, you will be placed on the warned list and your character will be booked and automatically jobbed the second week, but are still expected to post at least one (1) roleplay. If it happens a third time, you are released from the AWA and your character is written out of any storylines they are currently in. If you do not roleplay for two (2) straight weeks, you will be released from the AWA.
Remember, you are still expected to roleplay at least one (1) time during any weeks where you are being penalized and your character is receiving an automatic job. The more you roleplay, the more of a fight your character will put up in that match.
a.) There is an extension of this. If you volunteer to judge and/or write a match and/or show and fail to get your stuff in by those designated deadlines, you will be warned and subject to the penalties under the NAWS system. We feel that if you volunteer or are assigned to do something, you should get it done and in on time.
If you cannot roleplay or do the work you volunteered to do, you can email me about that and you will NOT be warned as I know what's going on. Too many times people just "disappear" conveniently for a week and/or a weekend and come back with a weak excuse like "I had work". It doesn't take long to sit down on your computer and type up an email to explain to me that you cannot roleplay and/or do the work you were assigned. As long as I have some sort of a warning from you that there maybe or are some difficulties on your end, then we are in the clear and you won't be warned or penalized.
7.) Be wary of racial or ethnic jokes. As from rule 1, we want this place to stay a positive and fun environment. Keep the OOC board, RP board, and television shows free from any sort of sour racial or ethnic jokes. These days it's in a bit of a flux on how far is "too far" on some topics, but common sense around these boards should tell you what they are.
8.) This really isn't a "rule" or anything, but I would like you guys to keep this place a very "tight" group. Trade emails and screen names. Talk amongst each other on the OOC board and make this place fun. Doing so will get everyone "familiar" with everyone else and it'll make it much easier to approach or be approached by anyone with an idea for an angle. I am a huge proponent for cooperation between handlers on thinking up new stories and angles for yourselves. Furthermore, it makes the place look much more professional as people know that the majority of the heat seen is left on the Roleplay board. Also, the OOC board will show that we all get along like one big, happy (digital) family.
9.) Read the Roleplay Guide and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). We all got better in this game by learning from others. Our Roleplay Guide is filled with information that will help you be as successful as you can be in the AWA or any e-fed that you may go to in the future. It also wouldn't hurt to read other people's roleplays to learn a few things about how they might set a scene, talk about their match, and/or add character development. Also, any questions you may have about the AWA might have already been asked and answered in the FAQ. Reading that might help you answer your question more quickly. On the applications, there is a field where you click either "Yes" or "No" for if you read the Rules, Faqs, and Roleplay Guide. I would like to see our members be a man/woman of their word in this area as these rules and regulations are here for a reason.
10.) No in-ring roleplays. The AWA doesn't host many house shows, so it doesn't make sense to have any unless the house shows are announced. And even if we had house shows, there would still be no in-ring roleplays allowed. Losing the ability to perform in-ring roleplays to an arena filled with thousands of fans will force you to be a little more creative about what you do and where you go in a roleplay. It helps you to think things out a bit and breaks the sometimes monotonous feeling that happens when you read in-ring roleplays. Setting a roleplay in a restaraunt, radio talk show, game show, wherever makes the roleplay more interesting and invites the reader to read on as to what you can possibly do in that environment.
11.) If you want a specific match with someone, email us. If you want to request a match against someone, please, feel free to email me and we can get the ball rolling on making that match into a reality. Please, DO NOT request a title match. You can get a match with a title holder, but I will decide whether it should be for the title or not.
12.) A wrestler can only hold two singles titles AND the tag title at once per character. That means, you can hold any two of the World, US, NL, or CW titles as well as the tag titles, but nothing more. Also be aware that if you have more than one title, you may be double (albeit rarely) booked for a card. Also, all champions are defending champions and will be booked accordingly at all times.
13.) Speaking of titles, while we do know that there may be an occasion where you must leave for an amount of time, be aware that you may have to "lose" the title if it is too long. Generally, if you are unable to return (without a set date) by the next PPV (unless it's a week before the PPV), then your character WILL be put in a match for that title with two or more deserving candidates, and a new champion will be determined. That's because we don't want to tie titles down on characters whose handlers may not be around for a good deal of time.
14.) Any angles, strats and stipulations MUST be e-mailed and/or run through us. I hold all the keys to all the doors in the AWA. I want to make sure that what you have planned is thought through before you go out and implement them. Also, you may want to do something with another handler, but I'll know that they might be tied up in something else and can offer you a good replacement that will do your story justice. You have creative freedom in what you do here in the AWA, I just want to know about it and be in the loop.
Speaking of strats, please, please, PLEASE do the following things.
Make sure it makes sense angle wise. For instance, if the angle of one guy is poor, do NOT have him show up in a limo so you can attack him. I try to keep up with angles the best I can and if I see something contradicting itself, I will NOT use it.
- Write out your strat entirely. What happens, how it happens, etc. No descriptions. I am sorry, but we do not have the time to take your strat and make it happen. Especially since you have a MUCH better idea of what will happen than we will.
- Realistic strats please. Unless agreed upon the other's handler, you can NOT send in strats to break people's necks, or injure them in any way. A beat down is fine. Injury is NOT fine.
- Please follow these formatting guidelines to help make the process of the Show Production go smoothely:
- Use Correct English.
- Please use this method of using Quotes: "Hey hey", but do not use this " Hey, hey " (No space between quotation marks and words).
- Please use this method of using Parentheses: (Hey hey), but do not use this ( Hey, hey ) (No space between open and closed parentheses).
- Don't use any bold, <b>, or italics, <i>, or any HTML in your strats.
- The only allowed HTML code is the paragraph marker, <p>, before every paragraph, not between.
- If the announcers talk, write <p>FJ: "Blah, blah, blah!"; if a wrestler talks, write <p>CLINTON: "Blah, blah, blah!" (notice the caps of the wrestler's name).
- Don't use "..." all the time. "." will be enough (ONE full stop).
Click here to read the rest of the formatting manuscript.
Rules for Judges
1.) Have your results in within the time asked for by the showheads. If you have a work conflict or such, talk to us. We are flexible. You are taking time out to read the RPs just as we are.
2.) Unless you want yourself to lose (in other words, you voted against yourself), don't vote on your match. We won't count it.
3.) All judge's decisions are confidential. That means we won't say who said what.
4.) In the EXTREME INSTANCE where you simply cannot pick one wrestler over another when judging, a draw will be permitted. However, if you need to pick a match as a draw, you should have very detailed reasons why this is so and not just be an "easy out" of judging a match.
5.) For tag team matches, judges are to pick what they feel are the three best roleplays of each tag team and use those in their decision making. It is your responsibility as a judge to explain why you feel these three roleplays are the best and to use those explanations in explaining your result for that given tag match.
6.) The AWA Judging Criteria is located on the OOC Board. Click here to read.
Rules for Card Writers.
1.) Please send the match as soon as you can. Don't get this wrong, stuff happens and if it does, it's cool, but please, if you can, give us a warning. We don't like being unable to post a card because ONE match is missing.
2.) Put a <p> for each new paragraph. That's for HTML. It makes it so after I check your match out, I can just copy and paste it in.
3.) Make matches cohesive. What that means is, don't do something like this.
<p>(He has him in a figure four. Now he comes off the top with a moonsault.)
See what I mean? It looks like an entire part was cut out. So make them cohesive. They don't have to follow every movement, down to their fingers, but please make sure we can 'follow' the action. Also notice that I used the paragraph tag, <p> before the paragraph.
4.) Do NOT do anything not approved by the show-/fedhead. If you aren't told to use a screwjob finish, for example, DON'T do one.
In short, the DOs and DON'Ts of match writing:
DO send it to us as a .doc attachment (For you Works users, please change it to .doc), or a .txt attachment or a .html attachment.
DO use <p> before each paragraph.
DO use quotation marks for ALL spoken dialogue. (" ")
DO use this symbol ( to start action sequences and this ) to close it.
DO use HS (Herb Summers, 'straight' play-by-play man) and FJ (Frank Jackson, 'heel' color commentator) when speaking for Frank and Herb.
DO use a spell and grammar check!
DO add wrestler's names and certain moves, the proper spellings of them, to the dictionary of your spell checker.
DON'T send the whole thing in your e-mail, unless you have an attachment also.
DON'T use anything but the required html tags and symbols.
DON'T add controversial or 'shady' endings without being told or without permission.
DON'T make a character speak in a match without that character's permission.
In short, please view this post about the very specific formatting we want and need from each and every match writer and strat sender.
Also, consider that not EVERY match has to be a match of the year contender and has to be 10 pages long. Furthermore, the matches should reflect the RPing effort, so take a look at how many RPs have been posted and get an idea of what was said in them. All matches for Shows will be in a "summarized" format whereas for PPV Events, they will be fully written. The Summarized Format will lessen the words it takes to simply describe a simple action.
Example of "Fully Written" PPV Event Format:
<p>(Wrestler A has Wrestler B in the corner and he raises his right hand into the air and swings it down for a chop. Wrestler B leans forwards and clutches his chest as the crowd cheers on. Wrestler A pushes Wrestler B back into the corner and breathes onto his right hand. Wrestler A swings down and crushes Wrestler B with another staggering chop. Wrestler B leans forward, clutching his now pink chest.)
<p>FJ: "Good, I hope Wrestler B runs away crying!"
<p>HS: "Great execution of those chops by Wrestler A. And have some compassion Frank. Would you like it if someone chopped you like that?"
<p>FJ: "Uh, I wouldn't know the feeling as I would use you as a shield."
Example of "Summarized" TV Event Format:
<p>(Wrestler A gets Wrestler B into the corner and chops him twice. Wrestler B grabs his red chest after the strong chops.)
<p>FJ: "Good, I hope Wrestler B runs away crying!"
<p>HS: "Great execution of those chops by Wrestler A. And have some compassion Frank. Would you like it if someone chopped you like that?"
<p>FJ: "Uh, I wouldn't know the feeling as I would use you as a shield."
Notice the difference? One is more descriptive than the other. Also, notice how I have the <p> before each paragraph and I've used parantheses, both open ( and close ), at the beginning and end of each paragraph of in-ring action. Notice how I correctly used Herb and Frank and their individual formatting for their dialogue.
General Fed 'Outside' Rules
1.) Please consider being a card writer. We can never have enough. Also, it makes the matches look better. Seriously, you know how much it sucks to have to write five or six matches in one day? Big time. Furthermore, it makes the matches suffer, because either we or someone else doesn't have the time to do them, or get sick of doing them but want that card up so the next card will come up on time.
I would love to have about 8-10 card writers. You may say that's a lot and it is, but also, it would mean 1 match or so per person. That's not too much, more like an average RP or so. It would take less than an hour and if everyone chipped in, cards will be on time, with spectacular results.